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Chemistry Goals, 2016 I should dust off my chemistry gear (it's been unused for far too long) and get back to it.
I'd l ... |
6-1-2016 at 07:47 by: Arthur Dent |
Making copper salts (especially basic copper carbonate) One of my favorite ways of drying basic copper carbonate, after a thorough wash, the pale green slur ... |
4-1-2016 at 09:51 by: Arthur Dent |
Manganese Dioxide from Manganese Sulfate It is indeed pretty hard to purify and clean-up MnO2 from batteries, it's a mess from beginning to e ... |
11-5-2014 at 08:13 by: Arthur Dent |
Yellow stain on glassware THe idea of oxalic acid is interesting, although this chemical is pretty hard to find at reasonable ... |
1-1-2014 at 13:41 by: Arthur Dent |
Pretty Pictures (2) Quick follow-up to last week's experiment:
You can already see the formation of Copper Acetate crys ... |
1-1-2014 at 13:30 by: Arthur Dent |
Storage of Elemental Mercury My small stash of mercury is conveniently stored in the safest of containers... a handful of large i ... |
27-12-2013 at 17:02 by: Arthur Dent |
Chemist's Nightmare My modest extra-light nightmare was a moment of dumb inattention. Had been drying Copper Carbonate s ... |
27-12-2013 at 16:45 by: Arthur Dent |
How professional are your labs? My lab is quite cluttered, as I have only one room and it is shared with my electronics/computer lab ... |
27-12-2013 at 16:19 by: Arthur Dent |
Pretty Pictures (2) Copper Acetate synthesis:
Some coiled telephone wire in a test tube filled with glacial Acetic Acid ... |
27-12-2013 at 15:37 by: Arthur Dent |
Recovery of gold using HCl + H2O2 I don't believe it can, only Aqua Regia (25% Nitric Acid/75% Hydrochloric Acid) can dissolve Platinu ... |
24-11-2013 at 15:46 by: Arthur Dent |
Making Copper Acetate? I like the Copper Carbonate method, even if it's a bit labour intensive.
After dissolving pure c ... |
18-11-2013 at 05:46 by: Arthur Dent |
Recovery of gold using HCl + H2O2 Another source of Sodium Metabisulfite (or alternately, Potassium Metabisulfite, both work equally w ... |
18-11-2013 at 05:11 by: Arthur Dent |
Safety equipment Not as elaborate as the eye wash station, a plain "eye bath" kit is only a few bucks and always a go ... |
3-11-2013 at 09:02 by: Arthur Dent |
Epson printer heads question Thanks for the suggestions, guys!
So I decided to try a 3-punch approach. I've let sit the print ... |
20-5-2013 at 09:40 by: Arthur Dent |
Epson printer heads question Wasn't sure if it's the right subforum for this question but here goes...
I have a very expensive ... |
19-5-2013 at 07:27 by: Arthur Dent |
Looking for nitrates @ Erbium_Iodine_Carbon
Beware of the dollar store cold-packs. Many did indeed contain nearly pur ... |
11-2-2013 at 07:16 by: Arthur Dent |
possibly dumb question: Food safety of unknown glassware When I started doing basic chemistry, my main purposes were distillation of spirits and working with ... |
11-2-2013 at 06:41 by: Arthur Dent |
Sodium Chromate from stainless stell 18/10 Yup, as blogfast25 mentioned, dissolution and recrystallisation of those lovely crystals will probab ... |
20-10-2012 at 10:45 by: Arthur Dent |
Distillig ethanol from corn mash. Help? [rquote=262085&tid=21679&author=watson.fawkes]
Better yet, use a knit copper mesh (as can b ... |
13-10-2012 at 07:12 by: Arthur Dent |
Distillig ethanol from corn mash. Help? Interesting thing about the copper reacting with the Ethanol vapors... I also have an all-glass dist ... |
13-10-2012 at 05:09 by: Arthur Dent |
cheapest aluminium metal sources? I have literally a drawer-full of aluminium heat sinks from various defunct audio devices and comput ... |
4-10-2012 at 04:54 by: Arthur Dent |
Pipetting 100% nitric acid I second the pasteur pipette idea. If you don't have one, a medium glass capillary tube can be heate ... |
4-10-2012 at 04:30 by: Arthur Dent |
Fogging Glass with NaOH? Safety glasses and proper face shields are usually made of polycarbonate plastic, they will protect ... |
24-9-2012 at 04:28 by: Arthur Dent |
Detritus posts: A suggestion... Okay, fair point. But at no time did censorship cross my mind, it was more of a punitive gesture for ... |
12-9-2012 at 09:02 by: Arthur Dent |
How pure is denatured alcohol? [rquote=258443&tid=21070&author=mr.crow]
In Quebec you can get Alcool. Who would want to ... |
12-9-2012 at 04:31 by: Arthur Dent |
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