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Nickel II Nitrate 3Ni + 8HNO[sub]3[/sub] → 3Ni(NO[sub]3[/sub])[sub]2[/sub] + 2NO + 4H[sub]2[/sub]O
I looked this ... |
5-9-2018 at 07:45 by: JScott |
Can't edit some of my posts Ah, that all makes sense. I hadn't thought about those things.
Thank you for helping me out. |
4-9-2018 at 15:25 by: JScott |
Can't edit some of my posts I can't edit one of my posts. I notice there are some I can edit, and some I can't. What's up? I don ... |
4-9-2018 at 12:32 by: JScott |
Interesting, and a partial success! 3 grams of the Nickel compound I have been assuming was Nickel II Nitrate, dissolved it in 5ml of ac ... |
4-9-2018 at 05:18 by: JScott |
Purdue This is a fabulous resource.
[url=]Purdue, main Chem page[/url]
... |
3-9-2018 at 10:56 by: JScott |
Nickel II Nitrate Today I dissolved the nickel product I had made in the three aforementioned solvents. I was in the l ... |
3-9-2018 at 09:22 by: JScott |
Preparation of elemental phosphorus [rquote=532674&tid=65&author=Hunterman2244][rquote=532653&tid=65&author=JScott]@Hunt ... |
1-9-2018 at 11:40 by: JScott |
Thermolyne You and I spoke briefly regarding my Scilogex. When it works you'll love it... when it doesn't you'l ... |
1-9-2018 at 07:39 by: JScott |
Preparation of elemental phosphorus @Hunterman2244,
Thanks, when I scale up, it is my intention to work in a metal apparatus. However ... |
1-9-2018 at 07:21 by: JScott |
Nickel II Nitrate I had a few minutes this morning to run a small scale experiment to check out some of the suggestion ... |
1-9-2018 at 06:45 by: JScott |
Getting ready You may have seen that subject line, how the heck do you remove accidental postings?
Anyhow, afte ... |
31-8-2018 at 05:33 by: JScott |
Great Online Chemistry Texts for the Beginner and the Curious! [url=,%20200 ... |
31-8-2018 at 04:46 by: JScott |
Nickel II Nitrate @S.C. Wack,
Using Duck Duck Go (yes, I'm one of those nuts), I found this pdf. Given the book sel ... |
31-8-2018 at 04:42 by: JScott |
Nickel II Nitrate @S.C. Wack,
Duh, I did a search on everything but the subject. Thank you, and for the digest of w ... |
31-8-2018 at 04:30 by: JScott |
Thoughts On Anodes I promise, better pictures next time. I didn't think anyone would see them when I took em ;-)
I f ... |
30-8-2018 at 14:01 by: JScott |
Melting sulfur in mineral oil Here's a crystallization from Xylenes.
I will never tire of watching these form.
[file]70258[ ... |
30-8-2018 at 13:37 by: JScott |
Nickel II Nitrate @Sulaiman,
Another great suggestion! This is a richer exploration given all of these new areas to ... |
30-8-2018 at 09:14 by: JScott |
Nickel II Nitrate @DraconicAcid,
very descriptive. I will read up, too cool a name to not be curious
@S.C. Wack, ... |
30-8-2018 at 04:47 by: JScott |
Any place to get granular purified silicone dioxide for chemistry applications? [url= ... |
29-8-2018 at 14:27 by: JScott |
Partial Success I followed the video Neon Pulse put on YouTube. Thank you for that inspiration!
I was somewhat co ... |
29-8-2018 at 11:55 by: JScott |
Nickel II Nitrate @FloridaChemist,
Just to get you caught up, I can 'dry' what I've produced just fine. The problem ... |
29-8-2018 at 11:47 by: JScott |
Very Happy! I was worried at first, seemed like my discussion wasn't interesting anyone. I am so glad to see all ... |
29-8-2018 at 06:31 by: JScott |
Nickel II Nitrate @ fusso,
Deliquescent, it may be (normally), but not in the form I have now. Though it is highly ... |
23-8-2018 at 16:17 by: JScott |
Nickel II Nitrate @ Deathhunter88
I'd love to.
I started with a Nickel and it took 30 ml of 60% nitric acid (con ... |
23-8-2018 at 11:22 by: JScott |
Nickel II Nitrate Hi to all of my new Chemistry friends, a quick introduction:
My favorite Christmas Present? 1969 ... |
23-8-2018 at 10:28 by: JScott |
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