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Member Websites - A Compiled List !! [quote][i]Originally posted by chemoleo[/i]
Mephisto, this is a truly fantastic site.
I really ... |
23-10-2005 at 03:13 by: Mephisto |
Member Websites - A Compiled List !! LambdaSyn becomes a .com-site now. It was exactly the right time, as the overdid it w ... |
22-10-2005 at 12:31 by: Mephisto |
FTP Server Try [url=]web2ftp[/url]. This way you can use your http-port for ftp-transfers.
... |
4-10-2005 at 14:59 by: Mephisto |
ethylene glycol and sulfuric acid? BTW: In the past I wanted to write down a nice text how to synthesize and purify 1,4-dioxane, but I ... |
29-9-2005 at 05:18 by: Mephisto |
ethylene glycol and sulfuric acid? The mechanism is shown in the German Wikipedia. Just ignore the first line in the picture. The conde ... |
29-9-2005 at 00:24 by: Mephisto |
ethylene glycol and sulfuric acid? Sounds like the formation of dioxane. But for toxic fumes the components had to be hotter than room ... |
28-9-2005 at 14:50 by: Mephisto |
nickel/gold separation [quote][i]Originally posted by praseodym[/i]
But by using electrolysis wouldnt it mean that we have ... |
13-8-2005 at 06:00 by: Mephisto |
Switching rcving flask in vacuum distillation That's how I imagine a low cost distilling receiver for interruptless vacuum distilling.
[im ... |
9-8-2005 at 10:52 by: Mephisto |
Switching rcving flask in vacuum distillation Crashing to 1 atm can cause explosions, if distilling flammable liquids. You will find a spider unde ... |
9-8-2005 at 09:59 by: Mephisto |
alpha-chloropropionic acid ethyl ester <b>Organikum:</b> What do you think about Alanine as starting-material? You can substitu ... |
1-8-2005 at 14:55 by: Mephisto |
FTP Server #2 In these folders the owners have full editing rights to delete outdated or broken uploads, etc. But ... |
27-7-2005 at 10:56 by: Mephisto |
Book-Scanner Funny how every demand for new products even by minorities like book-scanners is satisfied by indust ... |
21-7-2005 at 00:58 by: Mephisto |
New chemistry forum for Hive Bees Daeron: As it was clear, that the forum will be closed, the remaining bandwidth was used to give eve ... |
21-7-2005 at 00:15 by: Mephisto |
New FTP [quote][i]Originally posted by Lambda[/i]The Kirk Othmer seems a bit small ~450 mb, if it is incompl ... |
9-7-2005 at 09:22 by: Mephisto |
benzotrichloride---> benzoylchloride In this context, I think it's appropriate to name the SOMMELET reaction, which is good for the ... |
27-5-2005 at 11:31 by: Mephisto |
Member Websites - A Compiled List !! You've forgotten [b][url=][/url][/b], although I advertise i ... |
16-5-2005 at 03:12 by: Mephisto |
Requested article from European Journal of Organic Chemistry [quote][i]Originally posted by Organikum[/i]
Can somebody retrieve this article or link to it so it ... |
8-5-2005 at 13:36 by: Mephisto |
FTP Server #2 Thank you for fixing this bug, axehandle! Now it works again.
BTW: I tested it by uploading the B ... |
1-5-2005 at 13:10 by: Mephisto |
temperature about 6N HCl under reflux Your ester changes the boiling point of the mixture too. If you only have to reflux your mix, let it ... |
27-4-2005 at 08:25 by: Mephisto |
temperature about 6N HCl under reflux whupharm_xu: Your 6 N HCl has a concentration of 22%. That's almost the concentration of the we ... |
26-4-2005 at 12:05 by: Mephisto |
Filesize problem If it's possible to convert the scans to black/white without a loss of information, the filesiz ... |
24-4-2005 at 02:55 by: Mephisto |
The board hasn't been hacked... The forgot-password feature can be abused to reset your password, if you have an email-adress, which ... |
10-4-2005 at 03:45 by: Mephisto |
The Encyclopedia of Bioprocess Technology In my opinion Emule is the better ed2k-program. However, both of them - Emule and Edonkey - have a s ... |
28-3-2005 at 08:55 by: Mephisto |
The Encyclopedia of Bioprocess Technology There is a file in the ed2k-network called <a href="ed2k://|file|(John%20Wiley%20&%20Son ... |
26-3-2005 at 17:45 by: Mephisto |
FTP Server #2 Since this power outage I can download files but not upload anything anymore. |
23-3-2005 at 02:25 by: Mephisto |
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