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yet another reason to be chemophobic I've rarely had the benefit of working in any homelab that had even the most dismal of ventilation. ... |
20-9-2013 at 13:45 by: MichiganMadScientist |
Seriously, Where To Buy Nitric Acid? I've searched the crap out of these boards and came up with only dead ends and out of date info. Eve ... |
17-9-2013 at 15:59 by: MichiganMadScientist |
Question Regarding Pipette Pump [quote]They're a cheap gimmick item that's sold to public schools at near-criminal markup.[/quote]
... |
6-9-2013 at 11:47 by: MichiganMadScientist |
Question Regarding Pipette Pump [rquote=298986&tid=26049&author=Pyro]we use these at school, we only used one type though. I ... |
6-9-2013 at 11:21 by: MichiganMadScientist |
Question Regarding Pipette Pump Before you say UTFSE, I already did. Found only [url= ... |
6-9-2013 at 10:24 by: MichiganMadScientist |
Bad days in the lab or with glassware? [rquote=298803&tid=24908&author=Plutonium239]Yesterday I mixed some sodium hypochlorite and ... |
4-9-2013 at 15:59 by: MichiganMadScientist |
4 ways to make nitrous oxide [rquote=297442&tid=25886&author=Cou]It's just that the internet has a bad name to people who ... |
1-9-2013 at 08:17 by: MichiganMadScientist |
HNO3 and HDPE issue [rquote=297394&tid=25944&author=chemliner]I have aquired 10l of 60% HNO3. Acid came packed i ... |
31-8-2013 at 16:25 by: MichiganMadScientist |
Sibata Glassware: Good or Bad? Hi There:
[b]Anyone know anything about Sibata brand glassware?[/b] I'm about to pull the trigger ... |
30-8-2013 at 11:36 by: MichiganMadScientist |
4 ways to make nitrous oxide [rquote=297238&tid=25886&author=blogfast25][rquote=297197&tid=25886&author=MichiganM ... |
30-8-2013 at 09:05 by: MichiganMadScientist |
4 ways to make nitrous oxide He's 14 year's old. I seriously hope we are not helping him with substance abuse. I think he is just ... |
29-8-2013 at 16:48 by: MichiganMadScientist |
4 ways to make nitrous oxide [rquote=297206&tid=25886&author=Cou]Oh shoot, I didn't realize erowid was about making drugs ... |
29-8-2013 at 16:15 by: MichiganMadScientist |
4 ways to make nitrous oxide Its just that people tend to visit Erowid for........erm...."less-than-legitimate" reasons.....and w ... |
29-8-2013 at 14:22 by: MichiganMadScientist |
4 ways to make nitrous oxide Erowid? Heh..........Carefull little eyes what you see. Just saying..
I think the sulfamic ac ... |
29-8-2013 at 14:07 by: MichiganMadScientist |
Trisodium Phosphate as a Glassware Cleaner I actually interned at cleaning chemicals company, and trisodium phosphate was a common ingredient i ... |
28-8-2013 at 20:22 by: MichiganMadScientist |
Which is your year of birth? [quote]you'll burn the boat down one day!''[/quote]
Does your family live on a [i]bo ... |
26-8-2013 at 14:18 by: MichiganMadScientist |
Which is your year of birth? [quote=296857&tid=16170&author=plante1999]I'm also reputed to be a [i]bit[/i] mad. I never f ... |
26-8-2013 at 11:04 by: MichiganMadScientist |
Which is your year of birth? [rquote=288911&tid=16170&author=bfesser]More young'uns than I had expected. I don't know if ... |
26-8-2013 at 09:12 by: MichiganMadScientist |
Storage of H2sSO4, and HCI [rquote=296674&tid=25764&author=Awesomeness]MMS, I agree with you that storing acids and bas ... |
24-8-2013 at 14:14 by: MichiganMadScientist |
Storage of H2sSO4, and HCI I'm not a big fan of storing any liquids in anything but glass. The stuff is just so inert. The prob ... |
23-8-2013 at 05:43 by: MichiganMadScientist |
DIY Glassware Repair Hello There:
I'm trying to develop a side-hobby of DIY glassware repair. I have a baseline knowle ... |
20-8-2013 at 11:34 by: MichiganMadScientist |
Poll: What is YOUR level of education?? I'm currently an chemistry undergrad (Senior) at a local university. I hate America's out of control ... |
19-8-2013 at 14:37 by: MichiganMadScientist |
Michigan Banned Chemicals List? Thanks for the help... |
13-8-2013 at 10:57 by: MichiganMadScientist |
Michigan Banned Chemicals List? [b]What does list II chemicals mean? Am I not allowed to possess any quanitity of any list 2 chemica ... |
13-8-2013 at 10:36 by: MichiganMadScientist |
Mantle or hotplace & stirrer for first heating device? I see that you have already made your purchase, and I too, have a high opinion of Thermolyne stirrer ... |
13-8-2013 at 10:20 by: MichiganMadScientist |
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