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Group access to online research sites - possible? is also a useful resource for finding publications. |
2-5-2016 at 19:15 by: Zephyr |
Account Broken.. Anyone else? Sorry to hear you two are having issues, my account has been working well, except that I cannot get ... |
29-4-2016 at 19:59 by: Zephyr |
Does anyone have this paper? I think this is it:
[file]50209[/file] |
25-4-2016 at 15:45 by: Zephyr |
Is there a way to setup a rotovap so it condenses back into the main flask? An adapter of some kind? This thread seems to recommend against it, citing that rotovaps are quite delicate and refluxes are ... |
19-4-2016 at 19:32 by: Zephyr |
I Made Butyric Acid Last summer I collaborated with zts16 and attempted to produce butyric acid. We did this by fermetin ... |
27-3-2016 at 19:54 by: Zephyr |
Pretty Pictures (2) Here is the synthesis I attempted. As you can see moisture leads to issues, and I suspect it was the ... |
23-3-2016 at 20:11 by: Zephyr |
Pretty Pictures (2) Wonderful, thanks DraconicAcid. I look forward to more great projects from pieceofscience!
Here's ... |
22-3-2016 at 21:11 by: Zephyr |
Pretty Pictures (2) Those look like amazing crystals! I'm interested in viewing the prep but it seems your link doesn't ... |
22-3-2016 at 19:02 by: Zephyr |
The Short Questions Thread (4) I believe the main reason RBF's are preferred is because they are better suited to high temperatures ... |
15-3-2016 at 11:13 by: Zephyr |
Methanol and Nitric Acid? I really like the simplicity of vmelkon's idea, and it looks like a great alternative for those with ... |
8-3-2016 at 17:52 by: Zephyr |
CopperIISulfide [rquote=440657&tid=65486&author=blogfast25]A very low level site, with hardly any scientific ... |
2-3-2016 at 20:03 by: Zephyr |
CopperIISulfide These people seem to think so:
... |
2-3-2016 at 19:17 by: Zephyr |
Tour My Lab I appreciate all the responses!
Thanks for noticing the patches Zach, there are still a few left i ... |
22-2-2016 at 10:11 by: Zephyr |
Tour My Lab Thanks Magpie! It is indeed a 6' hood.
You're completely right about a sink, and I have a metal b ... |
21-2-2016 at 20:12 by: Zephyr |
Tour My Lab Today I am proud to present something which has been in the works for the last few months: My Lab Ve ... |
21-2-2016 at 19:30 by: Zephyr |
What's With the Giant Glas-Col Cord Plugs? Are they possibly meant for more amps? If so, you should be able to switch out the plugs for a compa ... |
11-2-2016 at 22:47 by: Zephyr |
Magnetic Stirrer suddenly stopped working, advice? Were you heating it strongly? Could the stir bar have reached it's curie temperature and demagnetize ... |
24-1-2016 at 00:40 by: Zephyr |
Buchi rotovap - slipping belt drive Very hard to diagnose without any photos, I have some experience with rotovaps, and if I could have ... |
23-1-2016 at 13:17 by: Zephyr |
For those of you who rent your house, does your landlord know of your chemistry interests? I don't have much experience with this directly, but I am sure you would be viewed less guiltily if ... |
23-1-2016 at 01:16 by: Zephyr |
Windows XP use Hooray! Does this mean no more security warnings? |
19-1-2016 at 20:09 by: Zephyr |
Tour My Lab [rquote=435082&tid=4777&author=The Volatile Chemist] lab cats...[/rquote]
Maybe if you ex ... |
13-1-2016 at 22:23 by: Zephyr |
Homemade and Repurposed Lab Gear Personally I don't mind using wood equipment, although I always try to varnish them to protect the w ... |
13-1-2016 at 14:44 by: Zephyr |
Mystery Glassware Identification Thread I personally have only used thermometer jackets with metal temperature probes, but they are designed ... |
12-1-2016 at 21:24 by: Zephyr |
Tour My Lab Cool lab j_sum1! I'm envious of that nice heating mantle. What is growing on the tree near your lab? |
12-1-2016 at 14:01 by: Zephyr |
Vacuum Distillation & other vacuum uses I have a similar question I am hoping someone can answer; could the vacuum be applied and then turne ... |
11-1-2016 at 18:00 by: Zephyr |
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