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Change in weight due to the moons gravity.
You guys are missing the fact that the moon's effect on the earth is *tidal*, that is, the moon pull ...
23-10-2019 at 08:32
by: annaandherdad
Change in weight due to the moons gravity.
Is this intended to be a question? If it is, then there is probably an answer (it depends on preci ...
22-10-2019 at 09:36
by: annaandherdad
Lithium salt red fire
I hope to add something of interest to this old thread. My daughter has been doing the flame test ...
19-10-2019 at 07:59
by: annaandherdad
Any other calcium salt from Calcium Sulfate?
This discussion is relevant to some fun I had with some kids, evaporating sea water.

CaSO4 has lo ...
5-9-2019 at 09:06
by: annaandherdad
HCl Preparation with no other strong acid

The Golden Book of Chemistry Experim ...
15-5-2018 at 20:51
by: annaandherdad
Creep/Crawl of salts - up dish wall - as liquid evaporates
I've heard it called "evaporative creep".

I was involved in a project to separate the salts in ...
31-3-2018 at 17:46
by: annaandherdad
Process to practically condense large amount of atmospheric water or dew
I have wondered if it would be practical to use the cool water of the deep ocean to condense moistur ...
19-2-2018 at 10:58
by: annaandherdad
atomic weight of iodine
diddi---good explanation. I would add this: The strong force between the protons and neutrons is ...
29-4-2016 at 19:29
by: annaandherdad
extraction of copper nitrate
Why don't you just evaporate the water (after filtering the strontium sulfate) to get copper nitrat ...
6-4-2016 at 09:35
by: annaandherdad
Beginner posts
We all started as beginners. There may be some with ulterior motives (beyond curiosity or interest ...
6-4-2016 at 09:29
by: annaandherdad
SO2 and Cl2 by decomposition, both at once?
woelen, in this reaction you describe, Cl2 + SO2 + 2H2O -> 2HCl + H2SO4, do you know if it's pos ...
30-3-2016 at 12:49
by: annaandherdad
Best way of converting salts to Ni(NO3)2and Co(NO3)2
I don't know if this will help, but once when trying to precipitate zinc carbonate I got a horrible ...
27-3-2016 at 16:01
by: annaandherdad
Would any solid element be invisible/transparent if you could stop electrons from absorbing, and emission light photons.?
You can't stop photons from interacting with electrons. Photons produce an electromagnetic field, ...
23-3-2016 at 12:36
by: annaandherdad
Crystallization of Iron(II) sulfate
Yes, that's true, and I certainly don't know if it does, but if you just evaporate some and find cry ...
23-3-2016 at 12:34
by: annaandherdad
Crystallization of Iron(II) sulfate
For fractional crystallization, you need to pay attention to the fraction of each substance present, ...
23-3-2016 at 06:43
by: annaandherdad
Looking over the border: EU-Regulations
Speaking of matches, I hate the kind they sell now. They are hard to light and don't stay lit once ...
17-3-2016 at 06:28
by: annaandherdad
Cleaning dishes with NaOH
About 10 years ago my mother had some dishwasher detergent whose active ingredient was NaOH. It wa ...
14-3-2016 at 09:08
by: annaandherdad
Dissolution of tungsten in H2O2
Stibnut---yes, you were more explicit in making the point I was trying to make. blogfast---yes, th ...
14-3-2016 at 08:59
by: annaandherdad
Dissolution of tungsten in H2O2
That was a thoughtless reply.

If the rods are reasonably old, ten years or so, then you'll have a ...
13-3-2016 at 15:47
by: annaandherdad
Dissolution of tungsten in H2O2
If you have a geiger counter it is a good way to find out when and how you are concentrating the tho ...
13-3-2016 at 15:41
by: annaandherdad
A puzzler: "Fun" with Averages
No, if Sue ("his" name) shined a light beam back toward his starting point, instead of driving back ...
12-3-2016 at 07:32
by: annaandherdad
A puzzler: "Fun" with Averages

The problem only deals with ratios, so the answer doesn't depend on the distance travel ...
11-3-2016 at 21:17
by: annaandherdad
Looking over the border: EU-Regulations
blogfast---yes, it looks like Chem 3000 is a real chemistry set, and it's available in the US, too. ...
11-3-2016 at 09:28
by: annaandherdad
Looking over the border: EU-Regulations
I watch these development in the EU from where I am (US) with the utmost dismay. Of course similar ...
10-3-2016 at 11:10
by: annaandherdad
Absorption of Light Mechanism
[rquote=440369&tid=65453&author=fluorescence]Hey there,
How does the Absorption of Light ac ...
1-3-2016 at 09:46
by: annaandherdad
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