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Purifying/increasing % HCl in Hardware store Acid that being said, I really need to invest in building a Fume hood, and getting some More protective g ... |
17-1-2015 at 12:29 by: Actinium |
Purifying/increasing % HCl in Hardware store Acid thank you guys. that was really helpfull and learned alot and cant wait to give it a go. as far as s ... |
14-1-2015 at 23:21 by: Actinium |
Purifying/increasing % HCl in Hardware store Acid so since the pressure on HCl is low and will fume off, what would be the ideal and safe way to disti ... |
14-1-2015 at 11:36 by: Actinium |
Purifying/increasing % HCl in Hardware store Acid [rquote=387179&tid=61142&author=HgDinis25]It's a matter of price. Most hardware HCl is dirt ... |
12-1-2015 at 09:56 by: Actinium |
Purifying/increasing % HCl in Hardware store Acid I was just wondering if it was better to just gas the HCl to saturation to get the 37% or make it fr ... |
11-1-2015 at 11:43 by: Actinium |
wanting to prepare a small amount of Nitric acid never had this much trouble getting the msds, anyway. white prills and it says water and ammonium ni ... |
10-1-2015 at 20:09 by: Actinium |
wanting to prepare a small amount of Nitric acid the ammonium nitrate is white, no there is no mention on the package of the amount need to weigh it ... |
10-1-2015 at 18:11 by: Actinium |
wanting to prepare a small amount of Nitric acid I'm thinking of doing a small batch of Nitric acid and was going to use NH4NO3 from instant cold pac ... |
10-1-2015 at 15:15 by: Actinium |
Ammonium Acetate Q's what about treating it with GAA, will this at least slow down the rate at which it disassociates?
... |
6-1-2015 at 19:53 by: Actinium |
Ammonium Acetate Q's I have a bottle of ACS grade Ammonium Acetate, and know that it is very Hygroscopic and will degrade ... |
6-1-2015 at 12:15 by: Actinium |
Selling mercury? the problem in illegal shipping is it might and probably will make its way into the environment. I ... |
22-11-2014 at 09:54 by: Actinium |
Stocking a home lab Labglass is the shit. their glass is made from heavy walled tubes, so really thick and durrable. Com ... |
1-11-2014 at 22:39 by: Actinium |
questions about my chloroform [rquote=359803&tid=42024&author=No Tears Only Dreams Now][rquote=359777&tid=42024&au ... |
30-10-2014 at 21:37 by: Actinium |
questions about my chloroform wouldn't it be better to neutralize with saturated sodium Carbonat or Bicarbonat and use ethanol to ... |
30-10-2014 at 13:19 by: Actinium |
questions about my chloroform I had made some chloroform via Haloform reaction of Aceton (dry) with 1L of 8.25% Sodium Hypochlorit ... |
29-10-2014 at 14:00 by: Actinium |
Fractional steam distillation under reduced pressure I had a bottle of cloves on my spice rack and decided to distille it. stuff loves to linger in the g ... |
20-10-2014 at 23:47 by: Actinium |
Fractional steam distillation under reduced pressure thank you for clarifying these things.
Any good excercises you could suggest as to practice both th ... |
20-10-2014 at 00:06 by: Actinium |
Insulation on fractional distillation? DJF90- " The column should be equilibriated at full reflux for a period prior to collecting distilla ... |
17-10-2014 at 08:46 by: Actinium |
side chain question and group clarification? thank you for that clarification.
Now if -OH an Alcohol and a strong base and poor leaving group do ... |
17-10-2014 at 08:34 by: Actinium |
Fractional steam distillation under reduced pressure At magpie-
this is where I was having trouble understanding. Does the total sum of both compounds p ... |
17-10-2014 at 07:20 by: Actinium |
Fractional steam distillation under reduced pressure So I have been doing steam distillation for some time now and went back to vacuum distillation a few ... |
15-10-2014 at 22:42 by: Actinium |
Insulation on fractional distillation? Does your column have plates or are you planning on packing it?
It's safe to assume that a column y ... |
15-10-2014 at 22:32 by: Actinium |
2 questions about Sulfuric Acid I would always store your chemicals upright, especially Concentrated Sulfuric acid. I imagine that t ... |
15-10-2014 at 22:25 by: Actinium |
Help with my first distillation, ever. distill till you get the Azeotrope to where alcohol is at a max 96% then either use molecular Sieves ... |
15-10-2014 at 22:03 by: Actinium |
side chain question and group clarification? If a side chain has an OH on the end of it, is it considered an Enol? |
15-10-2014 at 21:29 by: Actinium |
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