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Interesting and colorful coordination chemistry with ethylene diamine
[rquote=309779&tid=26095&author=DraconicAcid][rquote=309778&tid=26095&author=Chemstu ...
2-12-2013 at 20:13
by: Chemstudent
Interesting and colorful coordination chemistry with ethylene diamine
I tried this reaction today- that was interes ...
2-12-2013 at 19:49
by: Chemstudent
Interesting and colorful coordination chemistry with ethylene diamine
[rquote=308073&tid=26095&author=DraconicAcid]Looks cool, Chemstudent. For the precursor, h ...
22-11-2013 at 14:21
by: Chemstudent
Interesting and colorful coordination chemistry with ethylene diamine
[rquote=305964&tid=26095&author=woelen]Your complexes, are they nitrito complexes or nitro c ...
22-11-2013 at 08:14
by: Chemstudent
Interesting and colorful coordination chemistry with ethylene diamine
I've been working on Nickel complexes in my Inorganic lab this semester. It really has been a fun ex ...
3-11-2013 at 07:34
by: Chemstudent
How do you mine for minerals?
[rquote=304321&tid=26865&author=Cou]Sometimes I look at all these crystals on the internet l ...
1-11-2013 at 14:15
by: Chemstudent
Inorganic Chemistry
I have been doing some more research into this reaction and indeed there are hydride eliminations fr ...
22-9-2013 at 12:51
by: Chemstudent
Inorganic Chemistry
So, I am taking Inorganic Chemistry this semester. And well,... it is quite a challenge to say the l ...
21-9-2013 at 11:48
by: Chemstudent
how safe to consume synthesized product?
Why ingest it if in you know that in fact there will be no neurological effect? There is in fact a l ...
30-6-2013 at 17:19
by: Chemstudent
Trouble solving an SN reaction from a problem set in class. (Glucose/Acetone/H+ rxn)
Okay, so Ring Oxygen (1) deprotonates Carbon 2 by pulling the sigma C-H electrons. A pi bond forms b ...
30-6-2013 at 15:49
by: Chemstudent
Trouble solving an SN reaction from a problem set in class. (Glucose/Acetone/H+ rxn)
Okay, so this is indeed an acid-catalyzed Aldol reaction. The acetone forms an enolate ion because o ...
30-6-2013 at 13:14
by: Chemstudent
Trouble solving an SN reaction from a problem set in class. (Glucose/Acetone/H+ rxn)
I have not even begun to learn any named reactions in class. Our professor has just barely gotten do ...
29-6-2013 at 09:26
by: Chemstudent
Trouble solving an SN reaction from a problem set in class. (Glucose/Acetone/H+ rxn)
I have run into an exercise problem while working on some homework for my O-Chem I class. I am compl ...
28-6-2013 at 20:42
by: Chemstudent
Just a post to let everyone know of a great ebay closeout
[rquote=247654&tid=19917&author=sargent1015]Hey guys, if you are looking for sep/addition fu ...
6-5-2012 at 11:42
by: Chemstudent
Just a post to let everyone know of a great ebay closeout
I wanted to share, that is all. I was only going to buy a few pieces here and there, and wanted othe ...
4-5-2012 at 20:47
by: Chemstudent
Just a post to let everyone know of a great ebay closeout
So far I have bought the following:
Once I have everything in my possession I'll see about parting ...
2-5-2012 at 13:39
by: Chemstudent
Just a post to let everyone know of a great ebay closeout
[rquote=247316&tid=19917&author=barley81]@Chemstudent I lost the auction. I was in school wh ...
1-5-2012 at 20:07
by: Chemstudent
Just a post to let everyone know of a great ebay closeout
[rquote=247032&tid=19917&author=barley81]I bid on the lot of glass buchners with no stems. W ...
1-5-2012 at 19:28
by: Chemstudent
Just a post to let everyone know of a great ebay closeout
[rquote=246858&tid=19917&author=Dr.Bob]Those are some nice prices, and most even have reason ...
28-4-2012 at 14:46
by: Chemstudent
Just a post to let everyone know of a great ebay closeout

There is an ebay s ...
28-4-2012 at 11:31
by: Chemstudent
The short questions thread (3)
I'm taking Organic Chemistry I this summer at my University. I have a good 3 weeks - 1 month before ...
28-4-2012 at 11:00
by: Chemstudent
Setting up my first home lab
I too am going to add some considerable glassware to my lab setup. I am very likely going to purchas ...
22-4-2012 at 15:24
by: Chemstudent
hydrogen peroxide
Hey, cut me some slack here o and 0 are right next to each other on the key board!! ;)
21-4-2012 at 14:16
by: Chemstudent
hydrogen peroxide
[rquote=245999&tid=2832&author=plastics][rquote=245946&tid=2832&author=Chemstudent]. ...
20-4-2012 at 22:31
by: Chemstudent
Water/Ethanol - Recrystalization - A reccuring problem I'm having
[rquote=245949&tid=19797&author=gutter_ca]"Well, I [i]was[/i] trying to make juice, but now ...
20-4-2012 at 13:16
by: Chemstudent
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