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How does activated charcoal selectively decolorize oils without just adsorbing the desired oils?
[rquote=505599&tid=80187&author=PirateDocBrown]Activated carbon is often used in chromatogra ...
1-2-2018 at 22:36
by: Electra
How does activated charcoal selectively decolorize oils without just adsorbing the desired oils?
I had come across a page that said adsorption onto virgin carbon is non-reversible, whereas adsorpti ...
1-2-2018 at 12:34
by: Electra
How does activated charcoal selectively decolorize oils without just adsorbing the desired oils?
Activated Charcoal is frequently used to decolorize water or oil solutions. I understand how, in tha ...
31-1-2018 at 19:44
by: Electra
Proper tubing for vacuum - what works best?
The cheapest solution I can recommend is black rubber hose from your local automotive store. I usual ...
14-1-2018 at 15:36
by: Electra
Does anyone have temporary space to store chemicals, between Hartford, CT and New York City?
I know this isn't free, but have you considered storage units? Either outdoor or climate controlled ...
11-1-2018 at 22:58
by: Electra
Anyone interested in shared lab space somewhere near NYC?
I'm somewhat ignorant on the topic, but is there a history of lab spaces shared by amateur chemists? ...
11-1-2018 at 22:51
by: Electra
How do I best conduct a recrystallization when the impurities are similar solubilities as the product?
They stay in solution in a 1:1 ratio only bec ...
11-1-2018 at 22:14
by: Electra
How do I best conduct a recrystallization when the impurities are similar solubilities as the product?
[rquote=503365&tid=79655&author=DraconicAcid]You don't need to alkylate, acetylate or do any ...
11-1-2018 at 19:55
by: Electra
How do I best conduct a recrystallization when the impurities are similar solubilities as the product?
[rquote=503339&tid=79655&author=phlogiston]You mention acylating a secondary amine. Perhaps ...
10-1-2018 at 17:36
by: Electra
How do I best conduct a recrystallization when the impurities are similar solubilities as the product?

I was debating on taking the route of acylating the remaining secondary amine, or rea ...
10-1-2018 at 13:32
by: Electra
How do I best conduct a recrystallization when the impurities are similar solubilities as the product?
Thank you SWIM, for the info, specifically your first sentence gives me a lot of insight. I have rea ...
10-1-2018 at 10:58
by: Electra
How do I best conduct a recrystallization when the impurities are similar solubilities as the product?
I don't mind if I lose some of the unreacted material and the product, as long as I can isolate the ...
10-1-2018 at 06:37
by: Electra
How do I best conduct a recrystallization when the impurities are similar solubilities as the product?
It's been a while since I've done any recrystallizations so I'm fuzzy on the theory.

For instanc ...
10-1-2018 at 05:18
by: Electra
How bad does Indole smell?
I'm not sure why the wikipedia lists it as smelling fecal like. Having smelled it today, the smell i ...
10-5-2016 at 13:13
by: Electra
How bad does Indole smell?
In small amounts it has a flowery smell but in high concentrations I've read it smells like feces. I ...
5-5-2016 at 11:36
by: Electra
Simple CCl4 preparation?
To add to macckone's method above. Instead of working directly with chlorine gas/liquid, you should ...
19-4-2016 at 21:38
by: Electra
Is there a way to setup a rotovap so it condenses back into the main flask? An adapter of some kind?
The issue I have is that I have a large heterogeneous mass inside of a homogenous solution. I can't ...
19-4-2016 at 21:23
by: Electra
Is there a way to setup a rotovap so it condenses back into the main flask? An adapter of some kind?
I've been wanting to invest in a rotovap for a while, and lately I've been needing to deal with some ...
19-4-2016 at 18:30
by: Electra
Are all formamids unstable in the prescense of water?
I am guessing the hydrolysis would occur by nucleophilic attack of the water, so maybe if the molecu ...
13-4-2016 at 11:39
by: Electra
Are all formamids unstable in the prescense of water?
I've read that normal formamide is unstable in water and hydrolyzes (or am I mistaken?), but does th ...
12-4-2016 at 21:33
by: Electra
Ductless fumehoods - what are their limitations?
I've seen these advertised a lot for use in industry. I believe they use a combination of HEPA and a ...
1-4-2016 at 12:02
by: Electra
Does caffeine form chelates?
I know caffeine acts somewhat as a weak base. Does anyone know if it has the tendency to complex wit ...
7-2-2016 at 20:25
by: Electra
For those of you who rent your house, does your landlord know of your chemistry interests?
One potential issue is that I have noticed some leases forbid the storage/handling of flammable prod ...
23-1-2016 at 03:36
by: Electra
For those of you who rent your house, does your landlord know of your chemistry interests?
Perhaps I could tell them a month or two after moving in when I happen to run into them, after the l ...
23-1-2016 at 02:15
by: Electra
For those of you who rent your house, does your landlord know of your chemistry interests?
That incident happened a long time ago, not recently. I am moving for work/school related reasons.
23-1-2016 at 02:07
by: Electra
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