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Your opinion about open chemistry forums?
I wonder whether it's a clever idea to show your knowledge in any open forum. If crazy people (like ...
3-2-2015 at 09:47
by: JAVA
Maybe we can make a closed section: only real chemists are permitted to post with a knowledge test?
3-2-2015 at 09:02
by: JAVA
Hartmut is the administrator, the problem was that the HD was crashed (according to Hartmut but can ...
18-1-2015 at 09:29
by: JAVA
It belong to business secrets: Hartmut work with the NSA (from the USA) to prevent that terrorism wo ...
17-1-2015 at 08:11
by: JAVA
Sodium ethoxide with NaOH and ethanol
What is the strongest base: sodium hydroxide or sodium ethoxide ?

Write the reaction mechanism: H ...
28-12-2014 at 05:01
by: JAVA
Tired of reporting spam
[rquote=371643&tid=16937&author=bismuthate]Why did they unleash this massive amount of spam ...
26-11-2014 at 09:17
by: JAVA
Tired of reporting spam
[rquote=369484&tid=16937&author=Bert][rquote=369465&tid=16937&author=JAVA]What if yo ...
25-11-2014 at 08:47
by: JAVA
Biochemical pathways needed to produce penicillin !

In industrial reactors the pathways a ...
24-11-2014 at 11:43
by: JAVA
Biochemical pathways needed to produce penicillin !
It's D-valine instead. ;)

But the parameters are now known for [i]P. chrysogenum[/i] because I ha ...
24-11-2014 at 11:26
by: JAVA
Tired of reporting spam
What if you follow the troubleshooting guides on [url=]XMB1.9.11[/url] ? ...
24-11-2014 at 10:00
by: JAVA
Biochemical pathways needed to produce penicillin !
ACVS is a D-valine transferase while the precursor is L-Valine. Don't understand that, anyone ?
23-11-2014 at 22:58
by: JAVA
Clean Ethanol from OTC Yeasts and chemicals
If distillation is not permitted, just buy ethyl acetate and add sodium hydroxide, heat it ...
23-11-2014 at 03:25
by: JAVA
Biochemical pathways needed to produce penicillin !
I'm confused about the large scale downstream process of Penicillin. AFAIK; it's made biochemical in ...
20-11-2014 at 13:10
by: JAVA
Wierd posts
javascript seems the problem. If one Moderator do a quick test: what happens then ?...
20-11-2014 at 00:15
by: JAVA
Perl is the concurrent of Java, not JAVA to avoid misunderstandings :)

I catch the ball back:
Ca ...
18-11-2014 at 02:39
by: JAVA
VBA isn't a interesting language for advanced applications like pressure measurements, reaction prog ...
17-11-2014 at 08:35
by: JAVA
call for participation: modernizing SM forum software
It does work for English (problem solved), really thank you. I did learn finally one thing that make ...
17-11-2014 at 07:41
by: JAVA
call for participation: modernizing SM forum software
[rquote=365856&tid=18651&author=Etaoin Shrdlu][rquote=365809&tid=18651&author=JAVA]J ...
16-11-2014 at 14:43
by: JAVA
call for participation: modernizing SM forum software
Just a question: is it so hard to implement a spelling corrector in the preview mode? With for examp ...
16-11-2014 at 07:53
by: JAVA
Vacuum pump recommendations/considerations
1) price/quality ratio
2) How much mBar is needed (only filtration?)
3) oil: low vacuum compared t ...
16-11-2014 at 07:38
by: JAVA
This exist but on a small scale in R&D. The progress of the reaction depends on parameters like ...
15-11-2014 at 19:18
by: JAVA
Procedure of tosylation of p-aminochlorobenzene
[rquote=358255&tid=40710&author=DJF90]It should partition nicely into the aqueous phase. At ...
15-11-2014 at 11:04
by: JAVA
UK plans stricter controls on poisons and explosives
[rquote=364067&tid=32375&author=DrMario]I think calcium nitrate is also made illegal (along ...
12-11-2014 at 09:52
by: JAVA
UK plans stricter controls on poisons and explosives
The EU regulation is very strict, the reason that this new regulation is made (unilateral by EU) is ...
11-11-2014 at 06:06
by: JAVA
Experimentation by proxy
B&F: but if you did perform a experiment and would like to see what the structures of these mole ...
10-11-2014 at 09:47
by: JAVA
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