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Almost getting caught
I feel like I should say i'm not an agent or whatever! I swear i've never shot a dog in my life!
22-6-2020 at 12:31
by: NonEthicalPyrotechnics
Almost getting caught
By explosives I mean high explosives. Sorry should have clarified...
17-6-2020 at 00:44
by: NonEthicalPyrotechnics
Almost getting caught
I'm sorta new to energetic chemistry. (been into it about 6 months) About 4 months ago I had an inci ...
16-6-2020 at 20:53
by: NonEthicalPyrotechnics
fairly new to energetic chemistry
I've been doing amateur chem for a few years now but i'm wondering what I should know if I wanted to ...
15-6-2020 at 10:31
by: NonEthicalPyrotechnics
100% Nitric acid?
So the original method I used to produce nitric acid was the sulfuric acid and nitrate salt method b ...
11-5-2020 at 11:00
by: NonEthicalPyrotechnics
Sodium fluoride synthesis? [safety issues concerning HF]
[rquote=635599&tid=155350&author=j_sum1][rquote=635597&tid=155350&author=NonEthicalP ...
8-5-2020 at 18:43
by: NonEthicalPyrotechnics
Sodium fluoride synthesis? [safety issues concerning HF]
So i'm taking this as it's not cost effective at all and I should just buy sodium fluoride. I'm stil ...
8-5-2020 at 18:17
by: NonEthicalPyrotechnics
Sodium fluoride synthesis? [safety issues concerning HF]
I understand this... I would just like to know if this method would produce sodium fluoride in a cos ...
8-5-2020 at 17:58
by: NonEthicalPyrotechnics
Sodium fluoride synthesis? [safety issues concerning HF]
Hello everyone! Would I be able to prepare NaF just by neutralizing a solution of HF with sodium car ...
8-5-2020 at 17:30
by: NonEthicalPyrotechnics
Trinitrotoluene help
Would I be able to get oleum just by adding a stronger dehydrating agent to H2SO4?
1-5-2020 at 09:59
by: NonEthicalPyrotechnics
Trinitrotoluene help
Hi everyone! so I've been having trouble with the third nitration of DNT and I was wondering if oleu ...
1-5-2020 at 08:40
by: NonEthicalPyrotechnics
Could nitration of cellulose proceed more quickly in acetone?
Maybe you could try using powdered cellulose in the nitration. Lightly stir it during the entirety o ...
4-4-2020 at 17:05
by: NonEthicalPyrotechnics

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