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Canadian Supplies Thanks guys! For examine, I'm looking for a good vacuum unit. I think prolab wants something in t ... |
20-3-2014 at 14:54 by: binaryclock |
Canadian Supplies What other choices do Canadians have other than prolab scientific? They are good, but extremely ove ... |
20-3-2014 at 13:48 by: binaryclock |
Potassium Chlorate cells [rquote=323361&tid=29481&author=BobD1001][rquote=323277&tid=29481&author=binaryclock ... |
20-3-2014 at 12:36 by: binaryclock |
Potassium Chlorate cells [rquote=323274&tid=29481&author=MrHomeScientist]There's always lots of talk about producing ... |
19-3-2014 at 11:17 by: binaryclock |
Potassium Chlorate cells Thanks for all your replies!
Here is one of the youtube videos I remember: ... |
19-3-2014 at 10:26 by: binaryclock |
Potassium Chlorate cells [rquote=322645&tid=29481&author=Mailinmypocket]MMO electrodes are relatively cheap on eBay, ... |
14-3-2014 at 07:00 by: binaryclock |
Potassium Chlorate cells Hi guys it's been a year since I've been active on this forum, but getting back in to chemistry agai ... |
14-3-2014 at 05:53 by: binaryclock |
Stories of extremely chemophobic parents and yours :p [rquote=287129&tid=24531&author=Antiswat]
i would say you should introduce her to a hydroge ... |
7-6-2013 at 21:36 by: binaryclock |
Chart of Plastic Resistances to Chemicals [rquote=287121&tid=24521&author=Mailinmypocket][url= ... |
7-6-2013 at 04:36 by: binaryclock |
Chlorine-induced degrading of sense of smell Cou, most of us are engineers, chemists, hobby level chemists, etc. Only your general practitioner ... |
6-6-2013 at 22:16 by: binaryclock |
Stories of extremely chemophobic parents and yours :p Did you ever get your glassware back? They just took stuff without even finding anything illegal? ... |
6-6-2013 at 16:01 by: binaryclock |
Stories of extremely chemophobic parents and yours :p I love Cou's excitement.. More teenagers need that these days instead of just burying themselves in ... |
6-6-2013 at 11:56 by: binaryclock |
Stories of extremely chemophobic parents and yours :p [rquote=286987&tid=24531&author=papaya]Didn't expect the half of this forum members are pupi ... |
6-6-2013 at 09:10 by: binaryclock |
Stories of extremely chemophobic parents and yours :p Cou, you need to listen to your parents. It is their house not yours.
[ removed pointless rant ... |
5-6-2013 at 21:33 by: binaryclock |
How can I make niric acid? [rquote=286494&tid=24286&author=The_Davster]
You have not encountered too much then
[ ... |
5-6-2013 at 09:05 by: binaryclock |
Chart of Plastic Resistances to Chemicals Found this great chart for a quick reference on how resistant certain plastics are vs common chemica ... |
5-6-2013 at 05:41 by: binaryclock |
Get your red phosphorus while its hot! Well in Canada, we can get KNO3 cheaply from hydroponics stores so we're good there. The two main n ... |
4-6-2013 at 21:36 by: binaryclock |
Get your red phosphorus while its hot! [rquote=286777&tid=14286&author=The_Davster]USA: yes. Canada to a lesser degree.
Depend ... |
4-6-2013 at 21:18 by: binaryclock |
Get your red phosphorus while its hot! [rquote=286760&tid=14286&author=The_Davster]
Nobody uses paypal for scams, as paypal heav ... |
4-6-2013 at 19:59 by: binaryclock |
Get your red phosphorus while its hot! [rquote=286753&tid=14286&author=elementcollector1]
@Lanafan10: The likely answer is 'hell y ... |
4-6-2013 at 15:50 by: binaryclock |
Methanol Testing [rquote=286717&tid=24503&author=phlogiston]
I hope you are not intending to purify methanol ... |
4-6-2013 at 08:42 by: binaryclock |
Methanol Testing Well the way the moonshiners seem to do it is by using multiple 150ml jars. They label the jars, 1, ... |
4-6-2013 at 07:48 by: binaryclock |
Methanol Testing [rquote=286701&tid=24503&author=adamsium]Of course ethanol forms an azeotrope with methanol. ... |
4-6-2013 at 06:23 by: binaryclock |
Methanol Testing Thanks for your replies. Both methods sound interesting. Isn't dichromate like impossible to find ... |
4-6-2013 at 05:43 by: binaryclock |
Methanol Testing Hello. Say one had a mixture of methanol and ethanol and wanted to test for the presence and/or con ... |
3-6-2013 at 14:53 by: binaryclock |
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