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Number of atoms
[rquote=280862&tid=23975&author=Mailinmypocket]And how many other atoms does each molecule h ...
11-4-2013 at 15:03
by: blink182
Number of atoms
My question is:

How come

100 grams of tcca have less chlorine than
100 grams ...
11-4-2013 at 14:27
by: blink182
Distillation kit, help!
so is pyrex a type of class or a company, and is bomex a type of class or a company? are they both m ...
17-3-2012 at 17:55
by: blink182
Distillation kit, help!
well what is good quality but cheap glass, is it borosilicate glass that we want to keep an eye out ...
17-3-2012 at 17:25
by: blink182
Distillation kit, help!
Hey everybody, this is my first post here, anyways I just wanted to introduce myself. I am blink182, ...
17-3-2012 at 15:10
by: blink182

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