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Turkish Journal of Chemistry
22-1-2010 at 08:19
by: emrebjk
turnover number (TON) and turnover frequency(TOF)
catalyst = 6x10 -3
[substrat]/[cat] = 2900
%conv = %60
They said TON = 1745, I could't calculate ...
19-8-2009 at 14:16
by: emrebjk
turnover number (TON) and turnover frequency(TOF)
Hi all

TON = (%conv) x (mol(substrat)) / mol (catalyst)

TOF = TON / time(h)

[Edited on 19-8-2 ...
19-8-2009 at 12:01
by: emrebjk
Hi all,
Why magnetite (Fe2O3) shows "ferrimagnetic" property??
22-10-2007 at 21:44
by: emrebjk
color of elementel cupper
we have to find a review about the color of copper. I2m still searching.
26-9-2007 at 03:25
by: emrebjk
color of elementel cupper
12AX7 can you explain your answer.
25-9-2007 at 00:06
by: emrebjk
color of elementel cupper
why cupper is red? how can u explain that?
24-9-2007 at 06:49
by: emrebjk
searching water mixable chlorine solvent
radical forms only with transition metal. 1f in reaction there is no metal complex, polymerization i ...
26-3-2007 at 07:37
by: emrebjk
searching water mixable chlorine solvent
In the catalytic reaction metal oxidised by the Cl of CHCl3 or like that. At this point CHCl2. radic ...
26-3-2007 at 07:11
by: emrebjk
searching water mixable chlorine solvent
for a catalytic reaction I need a chlorine solvent like (CH2CL2, CCL4). But that solvent should be m ...
24-3-2007 at 10:49
by: emrebjk
jahn teller effect fo d5 and d2 ion
Hi all.
I can not calculate jahn teller distortion for d2 and d 5 ion. in book the type of distorti ...
23-3-2007 at 03:09
by: emrebjk
paper request
Hi all. I need that paper. Can you help me?

W. A. Herrmann, C. W. Kohlpaintner, Angew. Chem. Int. ...
17-1-2007 at 00:52
by: emrebjk
H-NMR of benzoyl pyridine
I think ACD labs H-NMR prediction software is better than chem office.
15-1-2007 at 23:10
by: emrebjk
H-NMR of benzoyl pyridine
thank you too much
15-1-2007 at 05:56
by: emrebjk
H-NMR of benzoyl pyridine
Hi all. I bought benzoylpyridine from merck. But I need it's H-NMR spectrum. if you have a NMR atlas ...
15-1-2007 at 03:35
by: emrebjk
specfit program
yes. "unionised" is true. the name of the program is specfit which allow us to correct uv spectrums. ...
12-12-2006 at 11:08
by: emrebjk
specfit program
Hi all.
I'm trying to find specfit program. If u have one would you share wtih us.
12-12-2006 at 08:30
by: emrebjk
Cyclopentanone-2-carboxymethylester synthesis
How can I synthesise Cyclopentanone-2-carboxymethylester
. how should I start.
7-12-2006 at 10:48
by: emrebjk
understanding gaussian
how can we calculate binding constans with using gaussian or hyperchem or spartan v.s.
23-11-2006 at 07:45
by: emrebjk
understanding gaussian
Hi all
I'm trying to learn gaussian. Is there anyone who has a manual of gaussian or some examples ...
23-11-2006 at 03:00
by: emrebjk
color of gold
why gold is yellow. if you know the answer please share it with me
4-11-2006 at 05:44
by: emrebjk
why gold is yellow?
why gold is yellow.Do you know why?
8-5-2006 at 01:02
by: emrebjk
spectra manager
hi all. I'm using jasco ftir 300e for analysis. now I need any version of spectra manager. &#304 ...
2-5-2006 at 23:48
by: emrebjk
mcmurry cd wanted
no cd :( what a pity. thanx all.
22-2-2006 at 21:59
by: emrebjk
mcmurry cd wanted
thanx you lot lot lot :). I'm waiting.
21-2-2006 at 02:44
by: emrebjk
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