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What happened to rhodium and Hive
The original Hive is finally now available in read only format:

https://the-hive.archive.erowid.o ...
23-9-2015 at 04:55
by: leu
The best way to physically destroy an hard disk
There's an instructable:

about m ...
12-7-2014 at 09:16
by: leu
Hydrogen gas as a reducing agent?
[color=Navy]The Preparation of Amines by Reductive Alkylation William S. Emerson DOI: 10.1002/0471 ...
25-6-2014 at 13:18
by: leu
propiophenone from calcium propionate and calcium benzoate
The reaction mechanism is discussed in:

[color=Navy]The Mechanism of the Ketonic Pyrolysis of Cal ...
24-6-2014 at 05:52
by: leu
propiophenone from calcium propionate and calcium benzoate

should have found:

http://www.s ...
23-6-2014 at 10:30
by: leu
Strong Reducers on HMS Beagle!!!
Nitrogen is generally employed :) Carbon dioxide has caused explosions as mentioned in:

[color=R ...
23-6-2014 at 08:38
by: leu
Best way to clean tar (chemically)

would have found:

http://www.sci ...
21-6-2014 at 09:59
by: leu
Nitroaldol reaction
[quote]A non-sparking blower is no option, they are far above my price range (> 1000$).[/quote]
14-6-2014 at 06:08
by: leu
Nitroaldol reaction
The article can be found on the internet: ...
12-6-2014 at 18:31
by: leu
molecular sieve capacity
Some documents related to the safe handling of solvents prone to peroxide formation are in the attac ...
9-6-2014 at 10:19
by: leu
Steam distillation
That copper tube is used since slots can be cut into it for the steam to vent which allows more stea ...
6-6-2014 at 12:14
by: leu
Steam distillation

6-6-2014 at 10:12
by: leu
Steam distillation
Page 175 of Volume I of Guenther's The Essential Oils is attached :cool:
6-6-2014 at 06:09
by: leu
Steam distillation
More articles are in the attached archive :cool:
5-6-2014 at 10:07
by: leu
Steam distillation
There was a question on the subject posted recently by another member who failed to use the search e ...
5-6-2014 at 09:46
by: leu
How do the reductive properties of Zinc and Zinc Amalgam differ?
The attached document explains simplified metallic valency physics rather well :) As always, the en ...
30-5-2014 at 08:48
by: leu
Distillation and steam distillation apparatus
[quote] Sorry, this is not a UTFSE situation. I guess you don't understand that we are talking about ...
27-5-2014 at 12:34
by: leu
Distillation and steam distillation apparatus
If you would have used:

you should have fo ...
26-5-2014 at 18:36
by: leu
Methanol synthesis
The documents in the attached archive discuss many aspects of the pyrolysis of wood :cool:
22-5-2014 at 17:46
by: leu
What is it about aromatic rings that induce non-polar properties on polar chains?
Please read:

which should answer your query
17-5-2014 at 12:56
by: leu
The Electrolytic Chlorination of Ethanol
Two German patents on the chlorination of ethanol to produce chloral are in the attached archive :P ...
5-5-2014 at 14:53
by: leu
Aluminium amalgam
The time taken for the reaction to run to completion depends on what substrate is being reduced :P ...
4-5-2014 at 10:49
by: leu
Aluminium amalgam
Mercuric Nitrate is less soluble so it takes longer to get an amalgamation going than with mercuric ...
30-4-2014 at 11:10
by: leu
Some more articles related to butyllithium are attached :cool:
29-4-2014 at 08:25
by: leu
Some articles on preparing lithium reagents are attached :cool:
29-4-2014 at 07:56
by: leu
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