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thermogenerator experiment I should also mention, though it may not affect your line of reasoning, that the reactor has no meta ... |
22-1-2015 at 02:38 by: nickec |
thermogenerator experiment [url= ... |
22-1-2015 at 00:51 by: nickec |
thermogenerator experiment [rquote=388101&tid=59063&author=deltaH]
... While the hydrogen is travelling through meta ... |
22-1-2015 at 00:38 by: nickec |
thermogenerator experiment No attack felt here. I appreciate your input. The experiment you outlined needs doing. I find it ... |
21-1-2015 at 22:54 by: nickec |
thermogenerator experiment I have found a source for 50g of LiAlH4 for $62.45 USD; shipped. This suffices for 500 - 1,000 tria ... |
12-1-2015 at 13:57 by: nickec |
thermogenerator experiment A translation from the original Russian paper, of the experiment I am imitating - not replicating as ... |
30-12-2014 at 02:33 by: nickec |
thermogenerator experiment
Recently I ... |
29-12-2014 at 22:43 by: nickec |
LAH from LiH and AlCl3 [rquote=383249&tid=58654&author=Bert]... a collated & edited post of all your informatio ... |
28-12-2014 at 14:19 by: nickec |
LAH from LiH and AlCl3 In a nutshell I will place "pure" nickel powder and lithal inside a sealed reactor, just a hard bron ... |
28-12-2014 at 13:55 by: nickec |
LAH from LiH and AlCl3 [rquote=383231&tid=58654&author=dermolotov]...
Lithium Aluminium Hydrate is also ridiculous ... |
28-12-2014 at 13:48 by: nickec |
LAH from LiH and AlCl3 [rquote=383222&tid=58654&author=bismuthate]You could do that reaction without too much troub ... |
28-12-2014 at 13:46 by: nickec |
LAH from LiH and AlCl3 [rquote=383234&tid=58654&author=Bert]Perhaps detailing your "other experiment" would lead to ... |
28-12-2014 at 13:44 by: nickec |
LAH from LiH and AlCl3 "LAH was first prepared from the reaction between lithium hydride (LiH) and aluminium chloride:[2][3 ... |
28-12-2014 at 10:16 by: nickec |