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Oxidizing Naphthalene to Phthalic anhydride
permanganate would probably be the best option. you can buy the stuff at Sears (tm).

EDIT: Someo ...
2-11-2011 at 18:07
by: scrambles
Reduction of oximes to corresponding amines
Oh, nevermind that last post. Sorry, I got confused and was thinking formic acid was used rather th ...
23-10-2011 at 18:55
by: scrambles
Reduction of oximes to corresponding amines
The workup is very poorly described in the Zinc/Ammonium Formate reaction, and the author failed to ...
21-10-2011 at 17:35
by: scrambles
Reduction of oximes to corresponding amines
K. Abiraj and D. Channe Gowda
J ...
21-10-2011 at 08:50
by: scrambles

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