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Processing a bar of impure bar of gold
Also Will I be able to melt the ingot in the furnace even if the temperature is not hot enough for N ...
8-3-2016 at 19:56
by: toothpick93
Processing a bar of impure bar of gold
Thank you so much for all of your feed back :)
8-3-2016 at 19:47
by: toothpick93
Processing a bar of impure bar of gold
G'day SM

I'm looking at investing in a couple things to refine and sell, I have everything I need ...
8-3-2016 at 01:27
by: toothpick93
Making Bismuth(III) Oxide
I'm certain it is Bismuth Trioxide, what else could it be. I cant make the composition yet as i'm wo ...
20-11-2015 at 05:42
by: toothpick93
Making Bismuth(III) Oxide
I decided to use Potassium Hydroxide over Sodium Hydroxide for the reaction. This is the white preci ...
20-11-2015 at 03:29
by: toothpick93
Making Bismuth(III) Oxide
I understand boiling it down to decompose it is the most easiest way but I do not have access to a h ...
2-11-2015 at 15:28
by: toothpick93
Making Bismuth(III) Oxide
i've been filming a few videos lately to do with pyrotechnics and fire and came accross dragon eggs ...
2-11-2015 at 05:06
by: toothpick93
Removal of Tin from Tinned Copper
I received quite a lot of COMMS cable (I think) from my work that's getting a make over pretty much ...
1-9-2015 at 06:09
by: toothpick93
Elemental Sodium from slag
I done the reaction between Magnesium and Sodium today and when I broke up the slag that had formed ...
23-8-2015 at 00:44
by: toothpick93
Taking Pepto Bismol into Australia
Does anyone know If you can just buy it OTC? or do you need a prescription?
27-7-2014 at 11:44
by: toothpick93
Taking Pepto Bismol into Australia
In Australia there isnt really a door for declaring and non declaring while in other country's if yo ...
24-7-2014 at 06:01
by: toothpick93
Taking Pepto Bismol into Australia
I get so paranoid when it comes to Australian customs but I've been through customs in so many other ...
24-7-2014 at 01:37
by: toothpick93
Taking Pepto Bismol into Australia
I see, I was thinking of buying one or 2 of the bigger bottles and just have it in my toiletry bag a ...
23-7-2014 at 01:20
by: toothpick93
Taking Pepto Bismol into Australia
Has anyone ever/known of someone who has brought Pepto Bismol overseas and took it back in their sui ...
22-7-2014 at 04:08
by: toothpick93
Manganese Dioxide from Manganese Sulfate
Yeah, too much hassle, you dont always get a good yield so you end up waisting a lot of product and ...
10-5-2014 at 09:49
by: toothpick93
Manganese Dioxide from Manganese Sulfate
Yeah I've never came across potassium nitrate as a fertilizer but i know in USA they have it. Only n ...
10-5-2014 at 09:36
by: toothpick93
Manganese Dioxide from Manganese Sulfate
Here in australia its hard to get your hands on useful chemicals, Looking for the is the key factor ...
10-5-2014 at 08:05
by: toothpick93
Manganese Dioxide from Manganese Sulfate
I picked up 500 grams of manganese sulfate as a water soluble fertilizer ...
10-5-2014 at 07:12
by: toothpick93
Manganese Dioxide from Manganese Sulfate
But Manganese(II) Dioxide is black. Would the colour change when it gets filtered and dried?
10-5-2014 at 05:00
by: toothpick93
Manganese Dioxide from Manganese Sulfate
Last night I watched NurdRage's video on making MnO[sub]2 [/sub] via MnSO[sub]4[/sub] and KHSO[sub]5 ...
10-5-2014 at 00:33
by: toothpick93
separation of Ni/Cd from batteries
I dont know if it help but when I burnt the grey stuff off, the smoke was blueish to green in colour
15-1-2014 at 01:42
by: toothpick93
separation of Ni/Cd from batteries
It more oxidized off. I was wearing a respiratory apparatus while heating it with a blowtorch as i d ...
13-1-2014 at 22:07
by: toothpick93
separation of Ni/Cd from batteries
When i opened up my Ni-Cd Battery i was left with 2 metal mesh's, but im not too sure which one is w ...
12-1-2014 at 23:36
by: toothpick93
Cleaning Zinc Cells
I new that the manganese dioxide is very crude, so much iron its not funny. Would oxalic acid only d ...
20-6-2013 at 08:12
by: toothpick93
Cleaning Zinc Cells
I just dismantled a Lantern battery to get the zinc. I've removed the Manganese Dioxide out of it so ...
19-6-2013 at 22:23
by: toothpick93
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