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Agricultural Sulphur
The main difference in agricultural sulfur is that it contains calcium hydroxide or calcium carbonat ...
16-12-2004 at 18:31
by: true_alchemy
Yes Mg does react with water. It requires a "dangerous when wet" label. I agree with vultu ...
16-12-2004 at 17:59
by: true_alchemy
Interesting Reactions
I got a couple of neat ones. The deep yellow lead iodide precipitate is quite awesome. (PbNO3 in wat ...
4-10-2004 at 17:56
by: true_alchemy
Rearrangement in sec-Alkyl halide preps
Thanks Marvin for responding. When it comes to generic terms for mechanisms I am at my knowledge lim ...
1-10-2004 at 18:16
by: true_alchemy
What are we going to do?
Oh great guys, I remember when I thought the term alchemy or bench chemist was degrading until I fou ...
1-10-2004 at 12:12
by: true_alchemy
Patriot Act
Regarding the patriot act, I think that any American who cares about America should about puke if th ...
1-10-2004 at 09:08
by: true_alchemy
What are we going to do?
Ok, I,m not talking about "official government banning."
Let me be more specific. The ...
1-10-2004 at 06:33
by: true_alchemy
What are we going to do?
Yes magpie, but they also typically take business computers, all legal paperwork, correpondance with ...
30-9-2004 at 21:15
by: true_alchemy
use of Na in PhMgBr synthesis
I have never had Mg that didn't work except Mg recovered from previous grignard reactions. I t ...
30-9-2004 at 20:38
by: true_alchemy
What are we going to do?
What can I say? I do not know the specific person you talked to etc. but I have never seen the acts ...
30-9-2004 at 19:57
by: true_alchemy
THF ( tetrahydrofuran)
THF is available in drums from about half of the general industrial chemical supply houses. Liondell ...
30-9-2004 at 10:22
by: true_alchemy
preparation of CH3AlCl2
Yes there is literature on the reactions of alkyl aluminum reagents. Ethyl Corp. has not only advert ...
30-9-2004 at 09:49
by: true_alchemy
atmospheric combustion of Al (foil)
Your mention that NaNO3 worked and KNO3 didnt makes me wonder if the water from the NaNO3 had an aff ...
29-9-2004 at 20:04
by: true_alchemy
What are we going to do?
yeh neutrino, I think you are right on and I also agree that this probably isn't the right cate ...
29-9-2004 at 19:28
by: true_alchemy
What are we going to do?
I don't know quite how to put this but many long time legitimate and well known chemical organi ...
29-9-2004 at 19:21
by: true_alchemy
preparation of CH3AlCl2
If you can't readily obtain literature why don' t you just try it? I think I once accident ...
29-9-2004 at 18:54
by: true_alchemy
What are we going to do?
yes, when I heard that they are actually regulating ammonia (among many other common materials) the ...
29-9-2004 at 18:31
by: true_alchemy
use of Na in PhMgBr synthesis
I have prepared PhMgCl many times in THF with complete and responsive reaction. I'm sure the br ...
29-9-2004 at 17:52
by: true_alchemy
Acetaldehyde synthesis
NaOCl (5%-bleach) in acetic acid, I believe, is a nice clean reaction for ketones from sec-alcohols. ...
29-9-2004 at 17:04
by: true_alchemy
Rearrangement in sec-Alkyl halide preps
Anyone familiar with typical rearrangements when preparing halides from sec-alcohols? For example, I ...
29-9-2004 at 16:46
by: true_alchemy
What are we going to do?
Hi all, this looks like a very interesting forum but from what I see so far, why the term "amat ...
29-9-2004 at 16:12
by: true_alchemy

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