Sciencemadness Discussion Board

What happened to rhodium and Hive

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HRH_Prince_Charles - 1-1-2005 at 14:51

He looks like a troll to me. Same on The Hive.

REf: Hive update......

solo - 2-1-2005 at 08:54

The current status of the Hive as posted at WD......solo




Posted - Jan 01 2005 :  11:29:14 PM    

- the Hive progress -

As the year of 2004 has now ended, I have composed a summary of the events having taken place since the Hive/Rhodium server went offline and where we stand in the current situation. Along with this I will also attempt to kill some of the myths created by restless minds and straighten out the confusion ensuing from the earlier lack of information that naturally has been replaced by certain assumptions (illustrating varying degrees of sanity).
This is the first in a series of official briefings to take place regarding the progress of our future Hive.

Considering what has been written here (at WetDreams) and other sites by users who also visit the Hive, and how fast information flow between these sites has led us to draw certain conclusions... We asked for permission to post Hive related updates on WetDreams because of its large amount of Hive members, but also because we need an effective way to reach as many bees as possible - a task that we believe the members of WetDreams are highly qualified to perform. ;-)

The first confusion I wish to clear out concerns a particular widely spread mail that originally was posted by Antoncho at the Russian This was a mail written by myself and sent to the Hive Staff members whose email addresses I had in my possession. All addresses were CC'ed and made visible in order to disseminate these among the staff to facilitate further communication, WITHIN our group.
For some reason Antoncho later copied the mail and posted it in its entirety without my knowing. At the time being, nothing in the mail was intended to be public matter, and so it was posted without permission. I would rather see that Antoncho explained this himself, but he has not responded to my mail and have not been heard of as far as I know. I am, however, sure of that Antoncho had the best of intentions and that he probably has gone away to celebrate the holidays.
On a side-note: Even though it's unethical and therefore wrong to publicly display any email address on the net without permission from its owner, it might be worth to mention that the staff of the Hive communicate through addresses unrelated to our real-life personas.

ATTENTION all RUSSIAN members/bees:
Until Antoncho is reachable again, it would be greatly appreciated if anyone who knows how could contact somebody with moderator privileges on in order to delete the addresses in Antoncho's post.

Moving on: The reason for the server going down was simply a change of management due to internal restructuring within our former web host company leading to a change of management, and nothing else. Continued hosting of our server was not compatible with the visions of the new management, and thus we needed to find another host and move the server.
As you know, the Hive is run entirely by volunteers, and on a tight budget funded by the staff as well as occasional donations from kind members. It is a fact that our former host have been extremely generous, and we should all feel lucky to have been offered such high level of service and security at minimal costs.

To all of those with paranoid tendencies who have grown confident in the belief that the Hive has disappeared for good: you couldn't have been more wrong. What has been going on during the last two months is the thought process and development of a carefully and thoroughly staked out plan for a solid and permanent solution, being assisted by people who are considered being among Europe's elite in their specific area of expertise.
A Hive is a home and not just any home, we have taken this opportunity to develop an even better solution where the server is powerful enough to maintain a high load of traffic, but still safe enough to protect our members from being traced or identified.

We want to show our appreciation to those of you who have made different kinds of offers to host the site(s), if only temporarily, however we will continue to decline such offers. The reason for this is that putting up a fully secured server is no small task and involves the coordination of the time and effort of several different people, and it simply wouldn't be worth the effort to have these people work their asses off twice in such a relatively short period.

We are happy to announce that the last piece of the hosting puzzle has finally been found!
The next step is to somehow find the means to buy the hardware meeting our standards. This simply isn't possible without the help of our fellow bees. Yet again we are in the process of constructing a donation engine. Details on this will be provided shortly.

However, it is an awkward feeling to ask for donations at a time like this. The estimated 150,000 people who were forced to move on due to the tsunami disaster in Asia may not need anything more, but the surviving friends and family to those affected desperately need aid on so very many accounts. More than a million (1,000,000!) people are completely homeless - for real, not just virtually, like in 'our' case. Our hearts go out to the ripped apart or otherwise crippled families.

To those of you who can afford a donation for the Hive: I speak for both Rhodium and myself personally when saying that we cannot sit here and beg for money without also asking you to take the survivors, who in many cases have lost everything, under consideration.

Reverend Necroticus Rex - 2-1-2005 at 11:08

If-6-Was-9, I think you should delete your post showing a picture of Vitus Verdegast, unless it was posted with his permission:mad:

And that post also links to his personal page at the hive, which would endanger the security of his PMs:mad:

[Edited on 2-1-2005 by Reverend Necroticus Rex]

Donation for The Hive

Sergei_Eisenstein - 2-1-2005 at 12:51

As long as the Stimulants forum is around, I don't even start considering to give a financial donation.

Organikum - 2-1-2005 at 13:44


As long as the Stimulants forum is around, I don't even start considering to give a financial donation
An rather obvious cheap excuse of somebody who wouldnt donate anything anyways. When the Crystal Meth forum would be jettisoned you would probably dislike the color or the logo or the name or the Couch or whatever.
Niggler! Freeloader!


vulture - 2-1-2005 at 14:44

If you ask for donations, nobody is obliged to give money.
If that was the intention, make logins paying and don't whine if donations don't yield anything.
This obliged political correctness about donations pisses me off.

Hmm, maybe we should report Sam to his provider for flooding boards and spreading offensive content? :D

[Edited on 2-1-2005 by vulture]

HRH_Prince_Charles - 2-1-2005 at 15:17

I've just had a quick look for Sam. He's a bit of a nutter.

If that picture is Vitus, then I'm the pope.

Organikum - 2-1-2005 at 19:06

And I am princess Anne then......:D

Sergei_Eisenstein - 3-1-2005 at 00:19

An rather obvious cheap excuse of somebody who wouldnt donate anything anyways. When the Crystal Meth forum would be jettisoned you would probably dislike the color or the logo or the name or the Couch or whatever.
Niggler! Freeloader!


No, it's not a cheap excuse. For me, it's a fundamental issue. Though there indeed are other things I don't like about that forum, none of them would be truly inhibiting (with the exception of the recent TSIII idea) :P


Turel - 3-1-2005 at 01:17

You retain the right to not go there if you have such fundamental issues inhibiting you. Exercise it.


Sergei_Eisenstein - 3-1-2005 at 01:45

Originally posted by Turel
You retain the right to not go there if you have such fundamental issues inhibiting you. Exercise it.


If men would only fuck perfect women, everybody would still be a virgin. Aside that, you misinterpreted my statement. The fundamental issue is the Stimulants forum, not The Hive in toto.


Vitus_Verdegast - 4-1-2005 at 03:12


You're back! Please stay! I love you!!!!!

I love it when you get All American on me!! :) :) :D

Your Holiness and Your Highness: I don't mind my picture being posted on an internet forum as I'm not breaking the law. ;)

edit: Please only refer to if6was9 or others posting the same claptrap either as Sam or 'PolytheneSam' as from what I heard he hates the name. Probably reminds him of the days when his mind was still unpropagandized.

[Edited on 4-1-2005 by Vitus_Verdegast]

Sergei_Eisenstein - 4-1-2005 at 03:28

edit: Please only refer to if6was9 or others posting the same claptrap either as Sam or 'PolytheneSam' as from what I heard he hates the name. Probably reminds him of the days when his mind was still unpropagandized.

Most hillbillies read Sam and Saddam as Sa'm.

vulture - 4-1-2005 at 12:51

Why Polythenesam? I mean, it's incomplete...Polyethylene? Polytherephtalate? Poly....

Aren't there any nice songs about Sam?

HRH_Prince_Charles - 4-1-2005 at 14:45

Although, quite rightly, British children are thrashed for speaking and writing American, I was read Dr Seuss as a child.

I am Sam
I am Sam
Sam I am
That Sam-I-am!
That Sam-I-am!
I do not like
that Sam-I-am!

I'm going to set Harry on Sam if he is naughty again.

[Edited on 4-1-2005 by HRH_Prince_Charles]

harry_brawl.jpg - 25kB

Organikum - 4-1-2005 at 15:51


Why Polythenesam?



psychokitty - 4-1-2005 at 16:28


Why do you object to a new volume of Total Synthesis (TSIII)? Don't like the idea of keeping information current? Or maybe you have something against Strike.

Shame on you.

Sergei_Eisenstein - 5-1-2005 at 12:47

Originally posted by psychokitty

Why do you object to a new volume of Total Synthesis (TSIII)? Don't like the idea of keeping information current? Or maybe you have something against Strike.

Shame on you.

I don't have anything against Strike as a person for the simple reason that I don't know him personally. The only thing I think about Strike is that it was far from a wise decission to allow himself being interviewed for a TV program about his clandestine business.

I don't see the benefit of creating a new TS3 in the way it was discussed shortly before the Hive went offline. Amphetamine and MDMA synthesis has been written about ad nauseam, which makes that another (useless) publication will only attrackt (more) unnecessary attention from the wrong people. Also, I never had the idea that this book was intended for serious people with scientific interests who wanted to do some chemistry in their back garden to study the working mechanism of their own mind. And aside that, I wonder who will be the real benefiters of this project. The real issue is not to keep information current. Even you know that your little book will already be antique by the moment it has been published due to information every 5-year old can find on the internet.

And I certainly don't see why I should be ashamed. I don't betray my own beliefs, and my beliefs won't hurt a fly.

Organikum - 5-1-2005 at 15:05


to do some chemistry in their back garden to study the working mechanism of their own mind
Diagnosis by Dr. Orgy:
Your mind is mechanic.
Advice: Not chemistry what you have to doto see your three toothwheel working, its an oldfashioned drill and the process is called "trepanation".
Tip: Hvae some grease handy.

You make everything much to complicated.

no need to help the tsunami victims

skippy - 5-1-2005 at 18:40

Please no one donate any more money to the Tsunami victims! If they get any more money they'll be driving mercedes what with all the Hollywood types falling over themselves to prove their love for strange dark foreigners! What the world really needs, indeed, what the Tsunami victims really need, is for the hive to come back. Without the freedom and self indulgence that the hive symbolizes, the Tsunami victims will become dissillusioned. People need more than food to live, for surely they can die of lack of hope! The hope that only the hive can bring. So please, for the sake of the poor Tsunami victims, donate generously to the hive. God Bless.

Ref: a bad post for me.....

solo - 5-1-2005 at 18:44

Ref: If_6_was_9 comments.....Ref:

If_6_was_9......and if you were a man , then you would see how much of a fool you are. Do you believe in the bull the gov dishes out and as a good boy scout you are doing your are nothing but a poor blind sheep.....solo

I'm sorry for this post as I promise myself not to get involved or give my opinion on other member's behaviour..... live and let live......what is off the scale for one is perfectly home for others , so other's comments are all relative ......what is considered normal in Berkeley its out of the norm for somone in arizona....and so on so without sticking my foot in my mouth I'll back out of this ....again sorry if I over indulged in my non solicited opinion......solo/aka. java at the HIVE

Sergei_Eisenstein - 6-1-2005 at 03:15

Diagnosis by Dr. Orgy:
Your mind is mechanic.
Advice: Not chemistry what you have to doto see your three toothwheel working, its an oldfashioned drill and the process is called "trepanation".
Tip: Hvae some grease handy.

You make everything much to complicated.

Thanks for your concern Dr Orky, but considering that most people have no mind at all ("zombie" is the correct English word, I think), I'm pretty happy with my simple mechanical mind.

You seem to have a special relationship with grease though :p

Originally posted by solo
Ref: If_6_was_9 comments.....Ref:

If_6_was_9......and if you were a man , then you would see how much of a fool you are. Do you believe in the bull the gov dishes out and as a good boy scout you are doing your are nothing but a poor blind sheep.....solo

That comparison is quite an insult for the real sheep ;)

[Edited on 6-1-2005 by Sergei_Eisenstein]

Organikum - 6-1-2005 at 08:58

No, I dont have a special relationship with grease, spit is almost always satisfying, I advised grease in this special case as you will have a hard time to spit into your own head, ya know?

"Zombie" is wrong, the right word is "normal", I covered this in another thread already.


Sergei_Eisenstein - 6-1-2005 at 11:14

"Zombie" is wrong, the right word is "normal", I covered this in another thread already.

Well Dr Ork, I must admit that this statement really comforted me. Thanks to you and Huxley, I can continue the road I was already following. :cool: Maybe you don't understand, but don't worry. It's normal.

Organikum - 6-1-2005 at 12:15

Oh, I understand you very well.... :D

Just the famous:
"I am better than the avarage bear" (Yogi Bear)

Mild superiority complex. Not serious, a long way to go on your road before you reach true Bonapartism.. :o

/Dr. Ork
(I like the pun more than the original, you dont mind me keeping it, yes? Merci!)

Sergei_Eisenstein - 6-1-2005 at 13:20

Not necessarily true. It's not because I call so many people fools that I also feel superior towards them. Everybody is equal and entitled to his/her opinion. There are certain issues followed by the majority of the people I have to deal with, e.g. capitalism. I do not agree with ideas of the capitalist concept, and I call the people who follow this religion fools, idiots and morons. However, I will never because of this difference in opinion consider myself superior (nor inferior).

I also don't see how you can become a Bonaparte from a Yogi the Bear type. Was Yogi the Bear a patridiot too?

You can keep the Ork title if you wish. Does it honor your appearance that much? Or is it a sexual thing?

hey I want in!

Vitus_Verdegast - 9-1-2005 at 04:40

It seems like I'm missing a pie fight here.. ;)

I agree with comrade Eisenstein on the total synthesis III issue. To me it has nothing at all to do with the freedom of information issue, but already everything has been pretty much covered on MDMA synth it seems to me, nor did any "new breakthroughs" happen. A book like that will only help out the wrong people imho, and helping the drug mafia get richer is not exactly why I have this hobby, quite on the contrary in fact.

After all, you've got to admit that TSII isn't that much better in quality than Fester's works (just a typical error-infested "underground" book) and it is incriminating to possess it in conjunction with chemicals/glassware.

About the zombie or normal issue: well, they are in the majority... It has really nothing to do with a superiority feeling, remember that many people feel they are better off living like zombies. Most off the times living amongst them gives me feelings of depression rather than superiority.

Forget grease & spit btw, try silicon oil ! (beware it is very sticky :D)

Sandmeyer - 10-1-2005 at 01:48

[sarcasm]Vitus, where is your pride, where are your balls? Total Synthesis III will be published with or without your help.[/sarcasm]

However, it is an awkward feeling to ask for donations at a time like this. The estimated 150,000 people who were forced to move on due to the tsunami disaster in Asia may not need anything more, but the surviving friends and family to those affected desperately need aid on so very many accounts. More than a million (1,000,000!) people are completely homeless - for real, not just virtually, like in 'our' case. Our hearts go out to the ripped apart or otherwise crippled families.

Oh, but please, should we shed some tears now? In a world of exponential over-population and over-organization I can only feel sad for this happening at the wrong place where ppl consume 40 times less than an averadge american humanoid. God indeed blessed America this time...

Population = (0.008079266) * (1.013731)^t

Ref: the recent Rhodium released zip archives

solo - 10-1-2005 at 18:14

The bonified rhodium zip archives released by rhodium.......solo

[Edited on 11-1-2005 by solo]

HRH_Prince_Charles - 11-1-2005 at 07:20

It may be bona fide, but the zip is missing over 300 files that are in the August zip. However, the bona fide zip does have more than 400 additional files (but many of these are images). I'll see what I can do to merge the two. Many of the files with matching names have different sizes.

Incidentally, does anyone have a copy of this paper:

"Psychotropic Phenylisopropylamines Derived from Apiole and Dillapiol"
A Shulgin, Nature, 215, 1494 (1967)

sasquotch - 11-1-2005 at 13:24

Due to inbreeding, the Windsors have always been a bit slow off the mark. Sasquotch faster.

You can get the most complete version of Rhodium from http://sasquotch.i2p/archives.html on the i2p network.

If anyone has any additions to make, pm/email me and I'll update the sasquotch archive.

JohnWW - 15-1-2005 at 16:43

That URL/website has no DNS entry!

enima - 15-1-2005 at 17:07

its a encrypted anonymous network which works by using painfully slow java proxies.
(not as painful as freenet however)

java should go back to the deep dark hole it came from.

but install the client,
if you're using *nix install it via
java -jar

if your using windows look at their documentation.

[Edited on 16-1-2005 by enima]

for HRH_Prince_Charles

Organikum - 16-1-2005 at 03:58

retrieved by lugh

Attachment: shulgin.djvu (43kB)
This file has been downloaded 1044 times

HRH_Prince_Charles - 16-1-2005 at 04:27

i2p is slow for other reasons than java: correctly coded java can be as fast as C++. i2p is in fact, well coded.

The i2p network works by creating encrypted tunnels between the source and destination. These tunnels are short lived and hop across several randomly chosen nodes in between. In effect, the source and desination don't know who each other are. There is lots of clever stuff going including several layers of encryption and delays to defeat timing analysis. This is why i2p has a significant latency. The latency is nowhere near as bad as freenet's. You setup an i2p node, wait a few minutes for it to find the other nodes and start downloading or hosting files.

Freenet runs like a dog because the code is crap. It is going to be rewritten from the ground up. down now?

cavgdad - 17-1-2005 at 14:27

wtf... now i can't connect to

REF: Wet Dreams

solo - 17-1-2005 at 19:44

It''s on now , I too have problems logging on now and then but then it works......solo

enima - 18-1-2005 at 18:56

Hive ever comming bacK? At this point it seems highly doubtful, maybe its time to create a drug type forum which isn't filled with moron meth heads.

Organikum - 19-1-2005 at 00:33

You cannot create a "drug-type forum" and believe you can keep out kids and morons, whereby moron are by no way limited to methamphetamine users. MDMA and MDA actually debilizes much more than meth.

But one can talk chemistry instead of drugs - and this solves the problem nicely.


Sergei_Eisenstein - 19-1-2005 at 09:31

Originally posted by Organikum
You cannot create a "drug-type forum" and believe you can keep out kids and morons, whereby moron are by no way limited to methamphetamine users. MDMA and MDA actually debilizes much more than meth.

I think he means American meth heads :D

es true senor..

Vitus_Verdegast - 19-1-2005 at 11:06

as Paracelsus once said...

"All things are poison and nothing is without poison. It is the dose that makes
a thing poisonous"

(he was wrong about mercury though ;) )

Americamphetamine psychosis: :D

enima - 19-1-2005 at 11:08


I think he means American meth heads :D

ESPECIALLY american methheads...

maybe just a straight up organic chemistry forum.


UpNatom - 19-1-2005 at 12:20


maybe just a straight up organic chemistry forum

Damnit I can't bring myself to do's just too friggin' obvious.......


Organikum - 19-1-2005 at 12:53

This "" forum seems to be the hit, I guess I will join there.
High time to have some fun again, drugs & terrorism and a DEA link from SAM oh my, oh my. So Great Satan was a great contributor to terrorism at the-hive, the terrorists master researcher so to say? lo!

And to some other highlights here:
"my drug is better than your drug" sounds always like "my daddy has a bigger car than your daddy" ya know?
Before bitching about others one should make some qualified remarks - astonishing is just that those who make qualifies remarks seldom bitch. Odd, isnt it?

Now everybody take his Valium and thats it.

Die Frau Meier, die Frau Meier, die ist ja sooo nachtragend!
Das vergess ich ihr nie!
(Gerhardt Polt)

Dr.Orc says:
We Orcs are just people too!
Dont get racist just because I ate your father.

enima - 19-1-2005 at 13:47


Damnit I can't bring myself to do's just too friggin' obvious.......

haha, yeah, i know.

schizy righty

Vitus_Verdegast - 19-1-2005 at 13:52


This "" forum seems to be the hit, I guess I will join there.
High time to have some fun again, drugs & terrorism and a DEA link from SAM oh my, oh my. So Great Satan was a great contributor to terrorism at the-hive, the terrorists master researcher so to say? lo!

I was thinking the same thing. Hey, maybe there is a positive thing here, spouting ultraright bullshit seems to work well for treating Sam's (self-acknowledged just before his transformation) amphetamine psychosis.
Mm, on second thought, maybe large doses of haloperidol would still be preferred.

Great Satan - 30-1-2005 at 14:12

I'm happy to see that Osmium, hypo, abolt and Vitus now has permanent bad karma at the hive since they can no longer post there. An added bonus is seeing how much you people are in pain here. I will continue my right wing activism for the rest of my life and help the USA achieve even greater world dominance. Iraqis are dancing in the streets because they were so happy to have the opportunity to vote thanks to our great leader George Bush. The CIA has provided me with your names and addresses, so as soon as I get around to it I'll be over there to kill all of you.

He who laughs last laughs last.

Great Satan - 30-1-2005 at 14:14

I was informed by my contact in Washington that yes indeed it was my complaint to the Swedish embassy and Homeland Security that got the hive shut down.

Pictures removed.

[Edited on 31-1-2005 by chemoleo]

vulture - 30-1-2005 at 14:41


The CIA has provided me with your names and addresses, so as soon as I get around to it I'll be over there to kill all of you.

This is a clear threat mister. I'm seriously considering reporting you to the FBI for this as this is not a game anymore.

Let's see who get's busted first, shall we?

Organikum - 30-1-2005 at 16:55

Just report him to his ISP.
When he used an anon-proxy - its not hard, he uses no proxy on the rightwing boards and they are usually completely unprotected, just going in as admin and looking it up there and thats that.


And guess who laughs now? :P

chemoleo - 30-1-2005 at 17:12

Well, I trust your new alias won't last much longer, If_6_was_9 aka Great Satan. Felt you had to disguise your bald head with another alias? Oh I see... the mightyrighty forum.

Anyway, what's wrong with you?

PS Pictures removed as they are blatantly off-topic, and outside Whimsy, and only there to incite people.

[Edited on 31-1-2005 by chemoleo]

vulture - 31-1-2005 at 13:43

Seems like I was right. This guy is obsessed with intelligence operations and playing spy dude. Contact in washington...roflmao...

trilobite - 1-2-2005 at 02:41

His name is not the Great Satan or If_6_was_9, it is PolytheneSam or just Sam.

Sam: Iraqis were dancing in the streets because the elections are a step ahead in getting the foreign troops out of their country. And speaking of great leaders, maybe revoking the elections and all that democrat bullshit would be a good idea, after all, Bush is such a great leader.

[Edited on 1-2-2005 by trilobite]

Organikum - 1-2-2005 at 04:59

Oh, PolytheneSam has probably really friends in the CIA, but they will either think he is nuts (whats true) or are to busy organizong the worldwide heroin trade anyways. Thats what the CIA is for, isnt it?


Our friend PolytheneSam/Great_Satan/Major_Armstrong/if6was9

Vitus_Verdegast - 1-2-2005 at 04:59

The Birth of a Nutcake:


I got a BS in chemistry in the early 80's. I work in the patent business now. I'm a registered patent agent. I first saw the smoke coming from the Pentagon when I went outside the door of one of the Patent Office buildings on 9/11.

It doesn't take too much detective work eh? :D


I'm happy to see that Osmium, hypo, abolt and Vitus now has permanent bad karma at the hive since they can no longer post there. An added bonus is seeing how much you people are in pain here. I will continue my right wing activism for the rest of my life and help the USA achieve even greater world dominance

Oh my, my life is broken now. Permanent bad karma, I guess I can as well kill myself, especially now when I can expect you at my door any minute..

I've never felt anything else but pity about you Sam. Poor guy, you live a sorry excuse for a life.

[Edited on 1-2-2005 by Vitus_Verdegast]

trilobite - 1-2-2005 at 11:09

Figures... PolytheneSam the master searcher and his good patent searches.

By the way, this is from from too:
Einstein was a patent examiner. Its probably best if we don't post too much personal information. We might get a fatwah issued against us because of our criticism of Islam.

And Vulture, you said that
This is a clear threat mister. I'm seriously considering reporting you to the FBI for this as this is not a game anymore.
Let's see who get's busted first, shall we?

FBI? No... JIHAD! ;)

I can already see the suicide bombers in my eyes... Sam. Remeber to look who is it before you open the door. And be careful, they might be caucasian too.

vulture - 1-2-2005 at 11:44

Lol that reminds me of right wing nutcases bashing do you call what they do with 9/11 victims then?

"They died for our country. They died for our freedom..blah..blah...blah..yada"

Martyrism anyone? :P

Icarus - 1-2-2005 at 18:52

"................I got a BS in chemistry in the early 80's. I work in the patent business now. I'm a registered patent agent. .........I got a gold watch, a big cock and a partridge in a pear tree........................I first saw the smoke coming from the Pentagon when I went outside the door of one of the Patent Office buildings on 9/11...."


james8212-19-2004, 04:42 PM
Wasn't Einstein a Swiss patent agent? You must be really really really smart DOOD!? :D Where's you go to school?


"Great Satan12-19-2004, 07:51 PM
Einstein was a patent examiner. Its probably best if we don't post too much personal information. We might get a fatwah issued against us because of our criticism of Islam."

......and this beauty:

"Islam is supposedly a religion, not a race. "

Fucking Hilarious, coming from a jew.

mick - 8-2-2005 at 15:31

I like chemistry.
I would be worrried if online Oganic Synthesis was closed down.
They are stilll in the library and I have few hard copies myself.



aldol - 7-3-2005 at 20:20

hi pshycokitty its chemman from the old hive long time no here i have posted 2 times to this site both got wiped out must of been to good a method they didnt want anyone else seeing it they got rid off it quick

hi there

Polverone - 7-3-2005 at 22:15

I don't think that any of your posts have been deleted, but two have been moved to Detritus. One was a long, unpuctuated run-on sentence about reducing p2np and the other one was complaining about the first post being moved. You're perfectly welcome to discuss chemistry here but you will have to get used to using the shift key and punctuation marks. Also, you should greet members that you want to talk to by sending them a U2U message rather than posting in public threads.

The Return of the last!

solo - 14-5-2005 at 15:49

This message was posted both at Wd and synthetikal......solo


Joined: 01 May 2005
Posts: 1


[#4845] Latest Word on Hive's Return
Sat May 14, 2005 4:53 pm

I received word yesterday that the Hive server has now been acquired and will probably be online for configuration next week. The main network connection will then be established in about two weeks.

So...with a little luck, we should be back up and running in about a month.

Yee Haw,

[Edited on 14-5-2005 by solo]

hdcwr0x2 - 24-5-2005 at 19:14

Erowid maintains a nice Rhodium mirror. I don't know how complete it is compared to the one on synthetikal, but it should be pretty good.

The Hive

MadHatter - 24-5-2005 at 20:05

This will truly be a welcome return ! The Hive posted many useful organic syntheses.

Blind Angel - 24-5-2005 at 20:40

if i'm lucky it will be up on my birthday :D

wa gwan - 26-5-2005 at 11:51

Something is stirring at the hive, if you point your browser at the url you'll find an Apache software testpage.

demorol - 29-5-2005 at 11:10

Originally posted by wa gwan
Something is stirring at the hive, if you point your browser at the url you'll find an Apache software testpage.

That's strange, because I get the usual message "Site not found".

wa gwan - 30-5-2005 at 10:23

Hello demerol :)
I've attached a screenshot so you can see what was there.

Edit: Just checked again and there is a different software screen. H-Sphere.

[Edited on 30-5-2005 by wa gwan]

hivepage.jpg - 85kB

neutrino - 30-5-2005 at 12:08

Demorol: if your browser uses a cache, you may have to clear it.

speaking of...

goldustwoman - 30-5-2005 at 12:24

speaking of the Hive, I have been unable to log onto wetdreams today...
Anyone else having troubles logging on over there?



goldustwoman - 30-5-2005 at 14:32

seems to be up and running fine...wetdreams, that is.

demorol - 10-6-2005 at 00:13

There's new message again at It reads: "Under Construction
The domain (WWW.THE-HIVE.WS) is currently under construction.

That is a good sign isn't it?

solo - 13-7-2005 at 08:59

this appeared at synthetikal recently.......solo


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re: Latest Word on Hive's Return

Mon Jul 11, 2005 5:03 pm
Got an update regarding the actual situation with the-hive.

They have purchased a server and an ISP is also arranged. The software is currently being investigated and updated.

The "only" thing missing is Rhodiums keen sense of über perfection, which must be satisfied before anything is seen online...

So, it's only a matter of time.

Never hit a guy with glasses - use a bat!

KidCurry - 13-7-2005 at 12:42

This is very good news. :)
I wonder if there has been any upgrades/maintenance done on the forum.

So, where is the "new hive"???

zooligan - 12-1-2006 at 08:53

Originally posted by solo
The current status of the Hive as posted at WD......solo




Posted - Jan 01 2005 :  11:29:14 PM    

- the Hive progress -

As the year of 2004 has now ended, I have composed a summary of the events having taken place since the Hive/Rhodium server went offline and where we stand in the current situation. Along with this I will also attempt to kill some of the myths created by restless minds and straighten out the confusion ensuing from the earlier lack of information that naturally has been replaced by certain assumptions (illustrating varying degrees of sanity).
This is the first in a series of official briefings to take place regarding the progress of our future Hive.

Considering what has been written here (at WetDreams) and other sites by users who also visit the Hive, and how fast information flow between these sites has led us to draw certain conclusions... We asked for permission to post Hive related updates on WetDreams because of its large amount of Hive members, but also because we need an effective way to reach as many bees as possible - a task that we believe the members of WetDreams are highly qualified to perform. ;-)

The first confusion I wish to clear out concerns a particular widely spread mail that originally was posted by Antoncho at the Russian This was a mail written by myself and sent to the Hive Staff members whose email addresses I had in my possession. All addresses were CC'ed and made visible in order to disseminate these among the staff to facilitate further communication, WITHIN our group.
For some reason Antoncho later copied the mail and posted it in its entirety without my knowing. At the time being, nothing in the mail was intended to be public matter, and so it was posted without permission. I would rather see that Antoncho explained this himself, but he has not responded to my mail and have not been heard of as far as I know. I am, however, sure of that Antoncho had the best of intentions and that he probably has gone away to celebrate the holidays.
On a side-note: Even though it's unethical and therefore wrong to publicly display any email address on the net without permission from its owner, it might be worth to mention that the staff of the Hive communicate through addresses unrelated to our real-life personas.

ATTENTION all RUSSIAN members/bees:
Until Antoncho is reachable again, it would be greatly appreciated if anyone who knows how could contact somebody with moderator privileges on in order to delete the addresses in Antoncho's post.

Moving on: The reason for the server going down was simply a change of management due to internal restructuring within our former web host company leading to a change of management, and nothing else. Continued hosting of our server was not compatible with the visions of the new management, and thus we needed to find another host and move the server.
As you know, the Hive is run entirely by volunteers, and on a tight budget funded by the staff as well as occasional donations from kind members. It is a fact that our former host have been extremely generous, and we should all feel lucky to have been offered such high level of service and security at minimal costs.

To all of those with paranoid tendencies who have grown confident in the belief that the Hive has disappeared for good: you couldn't have been more wrong. What has been going on during the last two months is the thought process and development of a carefully and thoroughly staked out plan for a solid and permanent solution, being assisted by people who are considered being among Europe's elite in their specific area of expertise.
A Hive is a home and not just any home, we have taken this opportunity to develop an even better solution where the server is powerful enough to maintain a high load of traffic, but still safe enough to protect our members from being traced or identified.

We want to show our appreciation to those of you who have made different kinds of offers to host the site(s), if only temporarily, however we will continue to decline such offers. The reason for this is that putting up a fully secured server is no small task and involves the coordination of the time and effort of several different people, and it simply wouldn't be worth the effort to have these people work their asses off twice in such a relatively short period.

We are happy to announce that the last piece of the hosting puzzle has finally been found!
The next step is to somehow find the means to buy the hardware meeting our standards. This simply isn't possible without the help of our fellow bees. Yet again we are in the process of constructing a donation engine. Details on this will be provided shortly.

However, it is an awkward feeling to ask for donations at a time like this. The estimated 150,000 people who were forced to move on due to the tsunami disaster in Asia may not need anything more, but the surviving friends and family to those affected desperately need aid on so very many accounts. More than a million (1,000,000!) people are completely homeless - for real, not just virtually, like in 'our' case. Our hearts go out to the ripped apart or otherwise crippled families.

To those of you who can afford a donation for the Hive: I speak for both Rhodium and myself personally when saying that we cannot sit here and beg for money without also asking you to take the survivors, who in many cases have lost everything, under consideration.

It's been over a year since this was written. Where is this new wonder?

solo - 12-1-2006 at 11:36

I hear the swarm at a distance........hold on to your patience, it will come for all to enjoy the honey of the groups work....................solo


Flip - 4-3-2006 at 14:47

I think that the better question is where is Rhodium himself... as in the man, the myth, the legend who put out the archive. There has been talk, of integrating Rhodium into a new and larger archive. To me this sounds like heresy. Surely he's still around, and has the means to put out an update of the archive... even without the machinery of the Hive to stand on. I believe that the Rhodium archive, the original, should continue to expand, if that's possible. You see a guy post for a few years, throw around some PM's, you almost feel as if you know the guy. I'd hate to see the fruits of his monumental effort fall out of his hands.

And what hope do we have of ever making additions to the archive if we can't get in touch with him?

Where is Rhodium?

Bill - 7-3-2006 at 14:32

Originally posted by Flip
I think that the better question is where is Rhodium himself... as in the man, the myth, the legend who put out the archive. There has been talk, of integrating Rhodium into a new and larger archive. To me this sounds like heresy. Surely he's still around, and has the means to put out an update of the archive... even without the machinery of the Hive to stand on. I believe that the Rhodium archive, the original, should continue to expand, if that's possible. You see a guy post for a few years, throw around some PM's, you almost feel as if you know the guy. I'd hate to see the fruits of his monumental effort fall out of his hands.

And what hope do we have of ever making additions to the archive if we can't get in touch with him?

Where is Rhodium?

We have him at Gitmo with the rest of the terrorists. Osmium and LabTop are dead. They decided to martyr themselves when the police broke into their mother's basement to arrest them. This was a fun thread. I enjoyed all the suffering. The terrorists suffered worse than at totse.

[Edited on 7-3-2006 by Bill]

solo - 7-3-2006 at 18:14

"No student left behind"...........and no bee left behind so off to "college for knowledge"?
there was a time when time was available for all, but now time has been encroached by duties and responsibilities like everyone in the real doesn't Rhodium deserve the right to make choices without being scorned by the simbionic crowd......we all stand alone in this world, guidence is as close as our own motivation and will power to get the deed done..........and so, there is an army of bee's ready to get it done all we need is our Hive.................... and Rhodium you'll always bee the king bee, have the confidence in us to get the job done, so delegate some authority and lets make a covalent bond and take some action so we can have a reaction ...........solo/java

leu - 7-3-2006 at 19:11

We have him at Gitmo with the rest of the terrorists. Osmium and LabTop are dead.

You don't know what you're talking about, these people are all alive, free and well. Posting such morbid fantasies are clearly a sign of unresolved anger, therapy is advised :D

scifly - 22-3-2006 at 21:10

Originally posted by leu
We have him at Gitmo with the rest of the terrorists. Osmium and LabTop are dead.

Like the entire U.S. military complex could ever take down LT & Os?


Hemroid - 29-3-2006 at 05:51

Didn't LaBTop and Osmium admit that they were members of Al Qaeda?

leu - 2-4-2006 at 04:15

Didn't LaBTop and Osmium admit that they were members of Al Qaeda?

No they didn't, most Europeans aren't even sympathizers of such groups; that's how those cartoons lampooning the prophet were published :P

Nerro - 2-4-2006 at 04:41

I'm Dutch and I had to laugh when I saw those cartoons.

nightflight - 23-5-2006 at 06:07

Originally posted by Nerro
I'm Dutch and I had to laugh when I saw those cartoons.
Being dutch, you´re forced by law to do so, for the success of multicultural matters, aren´t you?;)

[Edited on 23-5-2006 by nightflight]

[Edited on 23-5-2006 by nightflight]

Sauron - 2-1-2007 at 10:36

I was considering manufacturing Mohammed cartoon T-shirts using the best of the cartoons (some of which are really funny) and selling them on the Internet.

As I am probably too busy to actualize this scheme I hereby place it up for grabs.

I was going to call the company NotForProphet Inc.

Maybe have ads on the back for Spam and Hormel and Campbell's pork & beans, Jimmy Dean Pork Sausage etc.

In all seriousness the Moslems are far too touchy abour real or imagined insults to their religion. I cannot think of any other significant religion that is so prickly.

When the KGB via their Bulgarian lackeys shot the Pope (a Pole) the hundreds of millions of Catholics in the world did not start killing Russians, or even Bulgars.

And that was an attempted assassinatyion not a cartoon. One could lampoon the Pope, Jesus Christ and the Saints massively and no one would mount an act of violence, burn embassies and consulates, issue fatwahs and so on.

Dan Brown took potshots at the Church in The DaVinci Code but the Vatican laughed at it, they didn't do what some Modlem clerics did to Salman Rushdie when he wrote The Satanic Verses, allegedly insulting to Shi'ia.

I bet one could ridicule and caracuturize Joseph Smith and Brigham Yound and the Mormons would be unlikely to retaliate.

Maybe the Scientologists would whack you if you made fun of L.Ron Hubbard,...

But the Moslems, well, they are easily infuriated.

They take things far too seriously.

[Edited on 2-1-2007 by Sauron]

Organikum - 3-1-2007 at 03:38

You might of course take into account the age of the religions and remember how the christian church treated "heretics" in the 13th and 14th century what resembles the age of islam today.

It is not that I like any religion and for sure not any repression coming out of organized religion, but for fairness all of you who argue with "my religion is better then yours" (or more tolerant, or whatever) should get your frame adjusted, your way of argumentation is flawed. And we should not forget that christian fundamentalists would even nowadays love to erect some stakes to burn the infidels and heretics (me, for example) and that it is just a matter of luck that they are at the moment not in the position to do so.

Another thing I want to say: People, Rhodium was no Chem-God, never and he never was the true queen of the Hive. Strike was and he and he only. Rhodium started as archivist of important Hive topics and thats it. His chemistry was never more then mediocre, his style at least questionable (bashing Eleusis who had no chance to fight back for being in prison for example) and in the end he stole the Hive from the bees.
The Hive is somewhere out there, access restricted to few choosen ones. Somebody should set it free please - its about time.


Sauron - 3-1-2007 at 05:43

Islam is 1400 years old, it is not that much "younger" than christianity, although both of them look pretty young to people in some other faiths. Buddhism is about 2600 years old, all three same order of magnitude.

If we grant arguendo, the immaturity argument, is it any excuse for homicide?

Incidentally the foundation of the complaint, that Islam forbids any image of the Prophet, is a crock. The Islamic world abounds in images of the Prophet of all kinds and produced in all centuries of the Islamic era. There's a website that documents this and shows many such images.

So all that rage was for a lie, manufactured by leaders for their own ends. What nonsense.

Sauron - 3-1-2007 at 05:58

I lurked for years on Rhodium but never posted there. At the time I was starved for online chemistry resources and despite the focus of that site being something I cannot abide, there was some interesting stuff on there, regarding reagents.

Once Org.Syn. went online for free Rhodium became much less valuable to me. I was just about to invest in a hardcopy set of the collective volumes when that happened. I already had bought about 12 years of the annual volumes on LabX or maybe it was eBay before I got sick of eBay. I am still on LabX.

Rhodium made no pretense of not being a drug chemistry site. It was organized by drug target. The only non-abuse drug I recall being on there was sildefanil. (Viagra).

There were some glaring errors. A procedure to prepare Ac20 from sulfur, Br2 and anhydrous sodium acetate, said to fuse the acetate in a drying oven at 325 C. Try it, you will destroy sodium acetate at that temp, it loses water at 125 C and after that starts to decompose. A typo to be sure but never corrected.

MargaretThatcher - 3-1-2007 at 06:59

Originally posted by SauronThe only non-abuse drug I recall being on there was sildefanil. (Viagra).

I think you'll find that sildenafil is a rather popular recreational drug.

For me, the best attribute of The Hive was the characters who congregated there. A blend of intelligent freethinkers and psychotic malcontents. Very few conservatives and moralists. What more could you want?

Sauron - 3-1-2007 at 07:19

I'm no moralist. I may not like "drugs" for my own reasons but, to each his own. I am a conservative but what I call conservatism may not be what you call it. I can't abide the religious right, for example. I'm more of a small-government fan, but my focus has always been on foreign policy issues rather than on any domestic agenda.

You'd probably call me a libertarian.

As to sild I was talking about controlled substances which sild definitely is not. And sild is useless to anyone by a male with ED, and even then useless if his ED is not tractible to the particular mode of action (cyclic-GMP vasodilation.) For anyone else sild produces no desired effects. Even for those men whose ED is responsive, they must have external stimulation, because sild acts only on the blood supply not on the libido.

For libido effects you have to turn to PT-141 not yet on the market.

The first true human aphrodisiac. BREMELANOTIDE.


Effective on both sexes.

Do I sound like a moralist?

Organikum - 3-1-2007 at 08:14

Of course the age of a religion is no excuse for anything but if comparing two religions for reasons of fairness you have to take age into account. You HAVE to compare nowadays Islam with Christianity of around 1400 and then it doesnt look so good at all anymore for Christianity.

I doubt a bit that you have been around at the days of the Hive as if, then you would know that you could not post at Rhodiums page at all, for this being an archive page. The board one could post was called the-hive.

For a working libido enhancer you dont have to turn to exotic new compounds which give you a tan but you might just go for GHB/GBL. Works damned well an both sexes.

And Sauron: Some quality-content posts would be more appreciated then political statements, you know?

Sauron - 3-1-2007 at 08:58

All GHB/GBL do is tweak the GABA system around. Increased electrical activity in the brain. Zero specific libido enhancement.

PT-141, which is a synthetic analog of a-MSH, alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone, a posterior pituitary hormone, is in Phase III FDA trials as a treatment for female sexual dysfunction. Whereas GHB is a Schedule 1 controlled substance. Yeah I know, it probably shouldn't be, but there it is. And GBL by all rights still ought to be a solvent and not a nasty precursor.

I've made a lot of quality posts here. Go read them.

Doubt all you like. I did lurk on Rhodium. For years. As I said I never posted there, so why should I recall that posting there wasn't possible? I never tried to. It was just a welcome source of chemical information at a time when all I had was a Merck Index and a Aldrich catalog and a few pieces of software.

I remember flames raging about the preparation of hydroiodic acid; preparation of methylamine hcl; preparation of chloroform from acetone and hypochlorite. Some of those I saved on HDD at the time and some I printed out and still have around here, somewhere.

I first encountered cyanuric chloride on Rhodium maybe 4-5 yerars ago, now have quite a bit on hand here. I have posted about it on this forum and I gave proper credit to Rhodium about it,

Same with an old Russian prep for acetic anhydride, which I also mentioned here, and credited Rhodium about, maybe 7-10 days ago.

Saw that one first also about 3-4 uears ago. Since then have arrived at better routes to Ac2O which do not require bromine. I have made a number of "quality posts" about them in the appropriate threads.

[Edited on 3-1-2007 by Sauron]

S.C. Wack - 3-1-2007 at 15:41

You malign Rhodium without cause. The melting point of sodium acetate pretty much is 325C and heating it to that point with gentle heat does not cause problems. Vacuum is necessary for dehydration at the temperature you mention. If someone tried your method as you said, without mention of vacuum, their reaction would fail.

Your definition of what a quality post is is at odds with what some of us think it is. I prefer the higher standard for the good health of the site and not burying the good posts under crap.

MargaretThatcher - 3-1-2007 at 16:44

Originally posted by Organikum
The Hive is somewhere out there, access restricted to few choosen ones. Somebody should set it free please - its about time.

Then it isn't The Hive.

Besides, the current political climate has taken a very sinister and unpleasant turn for the worse. To run such a public website is risky. The state has become very authoritarian and disrespectful of individual liberties. Who knows, maybe a forum admin could end up getting rendered to the US for decades of maltreatment.

I think an invitation-only site is a wise move even if the rest of us feel excluded. Which leads me to think...

Polverone - 3-1-2007 at 17:21

Originally posted by MargaretThatcher
Originally posted by Organikum
The Hive is somewhere out there, access restricted to few choosen ones. Somebody should set it free please - its about time.

Then it isn't The Hive.

Besides, the current political climate has taken a very sinister and unpleasant turn for the worse. To run such a public website is risky. The state has become very authoritarian and disrespectful of individual liberties. Who knows, maybe a forum admin could end up getting rendered to the US for decades of maltreatment.

I think an invitation-only site is a wise move even if the rest of us feel excluded. Which leads me to think...

I think he means that some people who ran the Hive have full backups of it and could share a static message archive if they cared to do so (like the partial archive that has been seen, but completed). The Hive is dead as a living entity, but there's still a lot of good meat on those bones. There's no political/legal excuse for not providing such an archive, just selfishness and/or laziness.

MargaretThatcher - 3-1-2007 at 18:05

Originally posted by Polverone
I think he means that some people who ran the Hive have full backups of it and could share a static message archive if they cared to do so (like the partial archive that has been seen, but completed). The Hive is dead as a living entity, but there's still a lot of good meat on those bones. There's no political/legal excuse for not providing such an archive, just selfishness and/or laziness.

Ah, I see. New studentship notwithstanding, I imagine the eponymous archivist still maintains control. Hence, Org's frustration with him. I suspect some kind of control freakery as the motivation. Surely, we can do something better.

Sauron - 3-1-2007 at 19:24

MargeterThatcher is a wee bit paranoid. Gitmo isn't big enough to include the admins of politically incorrect discussion boards. The US renders terrorists, and only high value ones at that, the rest they merely kill.

No one here qualifies as even a pimple on the left buttock of a terrorist, much less a high value one.

Arguendo, were that not the case, why on earth would you believe that having a forum be invitation-only would present the slightest difficulty to the NSA or GCHQ or any other COMINT organization from accessing the content, the message traffic, etc? You think PGP even slows them down? The notion is amusing. Maybe you should spend time on a crypto forum. You can't hide from them, most certainly not on the internet which ARPA created in the first place.

The anti-terrorist guys and gals play by one set of rules, and mostly there aren't any. The DEA play by conventional rules of law enforcement. That is not likely to change. They might indict someone, but they don't render anyone.

Polverone - 3-1-2007 at 21:31

Originally posted by Sauron
Arguendo, were that not the case, why on earth would you believe that having a forum be invitation-only would present the slightest difficulty to the NSA or GCHQ or any other COMINT organization from accessing the content, the message traffic, etc? You think PGP even slows them down?

Hell yes PGP slows them down. I'd bet every cent I have in the bank that PGP can generate messages that the NSA can't decrypt. Of course security is only as strong as the weakest link in the chain, so if the FBI has broken into your house and hidden a keystroke recorder in your keyboard, that doesn't help much. It's also possible to analyze traffic patterns even if you can't read the contents of messages. But breaking even modest levels of encryption, or bypassing encryption security through hardware-level bugging, exploit-delivered keylogger installation, or serving ISPs with warrants to tap their customers' servers, is billions of times more resource-intensive than scanning unencrypted traffic at backbone providers' data centers, as the NSA is accused of currently doing. If governments do devote any resources to attempting to break encrypted messages found traversing backbones, increasing use of encryption for even mundane tasks has the salutory effect of making it that much harder for governments to distinguish wheat from chaff before they expend resources on decryption.

The notion is amusing. Maybe you should spend time on a crypto forum.

Have you spent any time on crypto forums? It appears that 3DES is as rock-solid as ever, just a little slow, if you think that newer algorithms haven't been scrutinized thoroughly enough. For the asymmetric part, RSA or Diffie-Hellman with large keys should survive attack even if we make the conservative assumptions that
1) the NSA has designed and built special-purpose keybreaking hardware for integer factorization and/or the discrete logarithm problem
2) their hardware is an order of magnitude better (faster per dollar spent) than theoretical designs published in the open literature and
3) the NSA spends fully half of their estimated $3.6 billion budget on such hardware.

Estimated costs for breaking RSA1024 in one year with special-purpose hardware are as low as $10 million. Let's say the NSA is 10 times better and can do it for one million dollars, and that their hardware works on discrete logarithm problems as well as integer factorization. That's still only 1800 relatively weak keys breakable per year on their $1.8 billion keybreaking budget. IIRC the computational complexity to break RSA increases by something like 30 times for doubling the key size, and the memory requirements of a crucial step go WAY up. Even with "weak" 1024 bit keys and the other generous assumptions I've made, how many people do you think are so dangerous that a government would spend $1 million just to read their email?

You can always handwave and say "I think the NSA has discovered vulnerabilities in all commonly used crypto schemes that renders their compromise computationally trivial," but I consider that little more credible than "NASA has antigravity drives and a secret Martian base."

[Edited on 1-4-2007 by Polverone]

Sauron - 3-1-2007 at 22:00

I say nothing of the sort. I say NSA does not let any cryptographic technology go public unless and until they have a way into it. They watch the academic cryptographic community like a hawk, and use a combination of carrot and stick to maintain their hegemony. A similar situation prevails in Europe.

A generation ago one of my friends bought a Swiss company called Crypto AG. They were going to auction a piece of that company's technology at Sotheby's. The day before the auction a very polite gentleman from British Intelligence showed up accompanied by two Americans I used to know well, James Jesus Angleton and Max Hugel. Angleton, legendary former counterintelligence chief of CIA. Hugel, a close aide to William Casey, Reagan's Director of Central Intelligence, and Max was for a time Deputy Director for Operations. The auction did not go forward, by order of HM's Government.

It was maybe a decade later that my friend told me about this and I had to break the news to him that Jim's family are significant shareholders in Lucent and Max Hugel was owner of Brother Typewriters. Both of them veterans of the OSS by the way.

Cryptography available to the public is fine for keeping your wife from reading your emails to your GF but don't kid yourself that you are hiding anything from THOSE guys. NSA has a much larger budget than CIA, and answers to the SecDef. All you are doing when you use crypto on the Internet is red flagging yourself which is why I never use it. As I have nothing to hide (not even from my wife) it is not a problem.

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