Sciencemadness Discussion Board

WANTED: Barium and Strontium metal

YT2095 - 12-3-2008 at 06:04

I don`t really like doing this here, but I could do with a good reliable source of these metals and hopefully as cheap as possible, to complete a series of experiments I have planned.

it has to be a place that will sell to individuals and also to the UK.

I`m looking about 100g of each, ideally in granule form, but an ingot is fine too, as is Technical grade.

if it`s a source you don`t mind sharing, please post it in here, Otherwise send me a PM with the details instead, I understand the need to keep some sources quiet.

Thanks, :)

Fleaker - 12-3-2008 at 09:35

I could order a kilogram of each from Alfa, but there would have to be enough interest from others on the board to justify me spending like that.

I'd be glad to sell it at cost, I'm not out to profit.


kilowatt - 12-3-2008 at 10:17

Have you thought about electrowinning them from a mixed anhydrous chloride melt? Maybe you could use a eutectic melt with potassium chloride and collect barium or strontium as a solid, making this much simpler than other molten salt cells. Barium and strontium oxides can also be reduced with molten aluminum according to webelements (which surpsises me a lot), but the reaction described only yields 50%, with the rest going to metal aluminate.

I suspect you have little chance of obtaining either of these metals in pure form from a manufacturer. The pure metals have few applications and low demand (so they are scarsely made and paid little attention to), on top of being subject to all the difficulties and/or regulations of alkali metals.

YT2095 - 12-3-2008 at 10:40

now according to the electrochemical series I would have to disagree, you can`t even get them with a reaction using Calcium metal (much higher up in the series than Alu), as for electro-winning, yes I did try, and it wasn`t pretty! `nuff said.

Fleaker, That would be Fantastic! although I have no idea what 1Kg would cost, I think I can get you some orders if the price is right, sadly I really need to do these experiments and prove it`s viability before I can get these orders (catch 22).
send me a U2U with the total cost, and I`ll have a think about it and see what I can do, if the absolute Worst comes to worst I can generate the cash and buy the whole lot off you (I`m hoping it doesn`t come to that though).

kilowatt - 12-3-2008 at 11:16

Like I said, it surprised me, because yes, barium is even higher on the series than sodium. I'm just relaying what I have read, though.