Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Sodium perchlorate

12AX7 - 30-5-2008 at 04:06

Hey, I happen to have a bunch (pounds) of sodium perchlorate, the hydrate. Rhombic platelike crystals, the hydrate more or less, off-yellow from dichromate. Considering KClO4 is so low solubility, and certain other advantages to the Na salt, would anyone be interested in some? Aside from such droll uses as making KClO4 and NH4ClO4, I wonder if someone adventurous here might need it for making perchloric acid, for example?

I'm open to alternative uses, myself, but I'm sure as hell not going to make perchloric acid with it (even if I had the hardware, Fleaker :P ).


[Edited on 5-30-2008 by 12AX7]

garage chemist - 30-5-2008 at 04:20

The 72% HClO4 is about as dangerous as conc. H2SO4. There is no danger of explosion or undue toxicity besides the corrosive action whatsoever.
I've done its preparation myself.
Just as a side comment...

Alchemist - 30-5-2008 at 04:48

Hello 12AX7,

I would be interested in getting some. How do we go about it?

I do NOT have ANY perchlorates, so this would be nice.

Thanks, the Alchemist.....

12AX7 - 30-5-2008 at 10:01

Oh, um I'll send you a U2U. Anyone else, U2U me :)
