Sciencemadness Discussion Board

HELP!--Searching in Discoverygate(Beilstain)?

gogo - 11-2-2009 at 05:40

Hello, everyone!

I am now trying to find a structure in literature, in which two units are linked together, regardless of what the link is. however, I could not be able to draw that structure in Discovery gate or Beilstain crossfire, that is, you cannot just simply put two units in that search window. Does any one know how to solve it? Thank you so much for your regards!

sparkgap - 11-2-2009 at 06:40

Your description is rather unclear. Do you mean to say that you want your two units to be connected by a variable-length chain? I believe there should be such a tool for drawing that in there.

Otherwise, just do a substructure search for each of the two units.

sparky (~_~)

P.S. Shouldn't this be in "References" or "Miscellaneous"?

gogo - 11-2-2009 at 23:50

thank you so much for your reply. yes, u r right. i do want to search such kind of molecules: R-----------------R.

btw, i was too hurry to express comprehensively. :)

however, i do receive the reply letter from beilstein and have found the answer.

finally, thank u all the same.