Sciencemadness Discussion Board

turnover number (TON) and turnover frequency(TOF)

emrebjk - 19-8-2009 at 12:01

Hi all

TON = (%conv) x (mol(substrat)) / mol (catalyst)

TOF = TON / time(h)

[Edited on 19-8-2009 by emrebjk]

behemoth - 19-8-2009 at 14:13

TON = turn over number = molar ratio of converted substrate to catalyst

TOF = turn over frequency = TON per hour

example: 10 mmols of substrate are converted to product using a catalyst loading of 0.2 mmols in 2 hours .

TON = 10/0.2 = 50

TOF = 50/2 h = 25 h(-1)

[Edited on 19-8-2009 by behemoth]

[Edited on 20-8-2009 by behemoth]

[Edited on 20-8-2009 by behemoth]

emrebjk - 19-8-2009 at 14:16

catalyst = 6x10 -3
[substrat]/[cat] = 2900
%conv = %60
They said TON = 1745, I could't calculate it.

[Edited on 19-8-2009 by emrebjk]

behemoth - 20-8-2009 at 02:13

Ok. Its the molar ratio of converted substrate to catalyst, to correct myself. In your example: 2900 is the ratio of substrate to catalyst. Only 60% of the substrate are converted to product, i.e. TON is only 60% of the 2900.

2900 * 0.6 = 1740

[Edited on 20-8-2009 by behemoth]