Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Laser-Diode based Raman Spectroscopy

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unome - 28-1-2010 at 19:18

Ok, we've all seen the number of articles popping up on the internet on the use of either green or violet laser diodes for Raman Spectroscopy, some of which are extremely interesting in that they use laser pointers (OTC & cheap as piss) and one interesting one where they have methodically replaced the dearest components of a working Raman Spectrometer with cheap, OTC components...

They used a laser pointer with a notch filter, coupled to optical fibre cable, which is then used to take the laser light to the sample, a second optical fibre cable, with a notch filter included, is then used to take the Stokes/Anti-Stokes radiation to the spectrometer, where it is analyzed and converted for graphing purposes.

Now, the spectrometer is the expensive bit in the equation - whereas it really shouldn't have to be, it should be possible to use a CCD, which converts images, by reference to their specific wavelength & intensity, into electronic signals which can then be decoded by a number of devices...

What I am suggesting is that if we could find out how to harness the ACTUAL raw data from a CCD chip, we wouldn't need much more than that (well, apart from a lens & grating), to get ALL the information we need for a Raman Spectrum. We then utilize a CCD chip directly at the vision port of the spectrometer.

The programming side of it should interest someone, after all, it would use the same numbers/letters as are assigned in jpeg/png type files, only this time instead of reconstructing the entire picture, we'd only want to count the precise number of pixels of each specific color, and assign a wavelength to that color. That way we can map wavelength v intensity, giving a Raman spectra

PS Here are two J.Chem.Ed articles (uploaded by Polverone in another thread):

Wakabayashi & Hamada, A DVD Spectroscope: A Simple, High-Resolution Classroom Spectroscope J.Chem.Ed 83(1) 2006 pp.56-58

Wakabayashi, Resolving Spectral Lines with a Periscope-Type DVD Spectroscope, J.Chem.Ed 85(6) 2008 pp.849-853

And here is the site the author's of the articles just cited, mentioned. Of particular note is their description of the spectral emission of laser diodes as being effectively monochromatic, that is another area where the big savings lie, both in time & money.

Although, looking at the second article again, they aren't just using it as a spectroscope, but as a veritable UV-Vis Absorption Spectrometer... Interesting.

So we could have UV & Raman capabilities with fuck all outlay, can anyone access the supporting information for both articles? I'd dearly love to see the pattern for the latter version of the spectroscope

Because what I am thinking of, is if the software to digitize the image from a digital camera is truly opensource, then it would digitize it regardless of whether it was from a UV-Vis adsorption spectrum or a Raman spectrum - so 1 camera, one DVD and one cuvette, with two light sources, could effectively be used to generate both the UV-Vis adsorption spectra and the Raman spectra of whatever is in the cuvette. That should eliminate a LOT of guesswork I'm betting:cool:

PS Anyone here with programming experience? There are actually open-source image manipulation tools online and one or more of these could be modified to fit with this concept, which would be an absolute boon to amateur scientists and underfunded educational institutions to boot.

PPS Here is a good step by step - they use a grating, but the idea is the same - extremely simple - just imagine a Y junction with the grating in the middle - with two light sources at the other ends (etc. one a laser, one a mercury vapor lamp), turn one light source on, record the spectrum, turn it off, turn the other on, record the spectrum and we're done...

Edit 30-odd IIRC:P

Now, I have sussed it out a little - what would probably be the easiest solution would be to convert the image to a greyscale image (it's a spectra still, so provided it is properly aligned, the greyscale will accurately represent the original spectra), then make a histogram - X=Shade & Y=Intensity (or the number of units of that shade).

Now Adobe Photoshop has this ability, but it shouldn't be the case that the image conversion software costs more than the fucking hardware. I will now go and scout around for some freeware/opensource applications that can translate a greyscale image to a histogram, once that is to hand, then building a spectrometer would be the next step.

[Edited on 29-1-2010 by unome]

The best option I can see from a quick perusal of the internet information, is the RAW Format - ie. allows for the receipt of unmodified RAW data from the CCD (nb open source) and collating that data so as to build a histogram directly therefrom. The RAW data format group have already got a shitload of information & more importantly code which should be able to be made to work with this concept, after all, we aren't doing any image modification, simply polling the data to build the histogram.

The only bit that really worries me is the calibration of the spectra - which wavelengths = what part of the histogram... Of course in a perfect world, the spectra would be in order - based upon the concept of planning for the worst & hoping for the best, it may be necessary to program in the various swaps/changes to positions in order that the histogram correlate to the required spectral analysis.

[Edited on 29-1-2010 by unome]

Polverone - 29-1-2010 at 13:04

The software is the easy part, IMO. There are already many free programs and toolkits that can be used for data interpretation. Building the hardware is the part that requires money and (at least metaphorically) getting your hands dirty. If you want to build the hardware I will be glad to figure out the software side.

I was a little late getting in my JCE renewal this year, but I will be able to get the supporting information from those articles once I've been renewed. Or you may be able to ask in References.

unome - 29-1-2010 at 13:44

From what I can see, the hardware, particularly for the UV-adsorption version, is pretty simple.... The hardware for the Raman variant is going to be a little harder, optical fibre isn't exactly given away and the bandwidth & notch filters are going to be sticking points. The diodes, blue diodes particularly, have improved out of sight since the blueray thing took off, the prices have also dropped too.

I'd really like to try and build something that could be attached to a USB port, take its power from the USB port, and send its information back through the same port.

Now, what would be nice is if anyone has the necessary know-how to design or explain the design of the bandpass filter and the notch filter - seems to me they are nothing but colored glass/plastic and not worth the $3-400 price tags, especially given we'd be using laser diodes, which by definition should be near enough to monochromatic anyway.


This article (attached) is very enlightening, it suggests (to me at least) that the only filters one would need would be a laser-line filter (lower cost than bandpass) and a cut-on filter that corresponds closely to the laser line filters wavelength. That would make for a narrow bandwidth laser, which lies just under the steep cut line for the cut-on filter, which would allow us to avoid using notch filters (which cost a fucking fortune) and just use relatively cheap cut-on filters.

Of course, with the sort of outlays that would be required, it would make sense to invest in a cheap holographic grating to match, but yeah, should be able to keep the prices reasonable

But, insofar as the UV-Vis absorption spectrometer, I cannot imagine that many people on this forum cannot access a DVD, some cardboard, some aluminium sheeting, a halogen light and a digital camera...

The graphics manipulation might be somewhat daunting (although there are freeware programs that should be able to handle it, not just photoshop), but if it were made easier, then it would be an EXCEPTIONAL development for amateur chemistry. Everyone who wanted one, could build one and have it to hand in their lab/garage/etc. Sure would beat the hell out of TLC for measuring the progress of a reaction.

Attachment: Erdogan.Mizrahi.Thin.Film.Filters.Raman.Spectroscopy.pdf (159kB)
This file has been downloaded 1693 times

I just found this image (screencapture) at this site

Looking at the screencapture, it would appear that they have simply taken a cross section of the ccd generated picture, aligned it with the known spectra and then worked out the brightness via the histogram/graph... Sounds simple when said quickly, anyone here any good at programming?

I think if it were possible to generate such graphs from the simple adsorption (UV-Vis) spectrometer (using the DVD as the grating), then and only then, would it be worthwhile spending the couple of hundred bucks needed to try for the Raman


I just found another article with some bearing on the problem, I haven't read it all yet, but maybe some here could make use of it

[Edited on 30-1-2010 by unome]

Attachment: Petrov.FilterBased.Program.Freeware.pdf (328kB)
This file has been downloaded 1628 times

Polverone - 1-2-2010 at 10:58

Relatively expensive digital cameras are more likely to have the CCD imagers and RAW mode data capture preferred for this application. However, they also deliver far more spatial resolution than is useful here and are expensive.

The good news is that amateur astrophotographers have been putting webcams on their telescopes for years. They also have done some good research on e.g. combining multiple exposures to reduce noise levels, finding the cameras with best low-light sensitivity, and modifying cameras to capture raw data. If you can use a web cam, it already has host-computer control and should be cheaper than any digital still camera that supports RAW mode.

unome - 1-2-2010 at 16:37

Yeah, I've been reading through a lot of the information, some take 100 odd images to remove noise/distortion by averaging it out. It is resolving the image to the histogram without extensive, manual manipulation that is the issue for me. I seem to recall seeing a PHP type backend program to which you send the image and it comes back with the spectra/histogram (wavelength v intensity).

Building something lightproof out of wood and actually investing in a diffraction grating, that is all possible (they aren't expensive), using a digicam to take the image is simple as too (fuck, I can even make it build-in to the structure of the spectroscope), and I am quite happy to do so and provide plans.* But I think it would be a lot easier if we could process our images without extensive "learning", ie. using software to do the step-by-step conversion of an image to a histogram/spectrum.

Once that is sorted, we can start looking at the various possibilities opened up by Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy and laser diodes - the picture will be different, but in greyscale it will still convert to a histogram/spectrum (I think). Have to have a look at the use of either Fe or Cu for surface-enhancement, fucked if I want to use colloidal silver.

* For starters, given the research using DVD's, I'd prefer to use them first to establish whether or not the idea has merit.

[Edited on 2-2-2010 by unome]

Polverone - 1-2-2010 at 17:08

I assume you mean "learning" as in training/calibrating the software on a set of images.
I see that there are already at least some spectral images on and other places. For at least experimentation I can see how hard it is to work with them.

One possible complication with the visible spectra that should be absent for laser-based Raman spectroscopy is different response of the imager to different wavelengths of light. I don't know if this is a notable problem with getting quantitative data from digicam images; it's probably putting the cart before the horse to worry of it now.

unome - 1-2-2010 at 20:24

Yeah, I just made a wooden version of the one from the first article - be aware you have to trim the bloody DVD to make it fit (there is NO way a full DVD will fit in the box specified - half a DVD fits well), but there is visible spetra - which are obviously & visibly different under normal lightbulb/halogen/sunlight.*

I think it might be time to look around for some cheap holographic gratings to try and get to grips with this...

PS I was thinking instead of using a mirror/periscope arrangement in the second article, what about carefully removing the shiny side from a dvd, the lines are still there...?

PPS No, I meant as in learning to do a repetitive set of manual tasks, using various different image processing tools (that various members may or may not have), each one requiring the steps to be (a) undertaken in a different order; or (b) done altogether differently.

* Pics to come - what is cool is that on top of the visible spectra through the viewing window - is the reflected spectra which is thrown onto the counter/benchtop in front of the unit.:D I suspect that that would be intercepted by the CCD and provide a nice picture - just have to play around with the angles.

[Edited on 2-2-2010 by unome]

unome - 2-2-2010 at 21:03

Here are a couple of sites, dealing with "Littrow Spectrographs" (originally they were done for astronomers), but they have been adapted to Raman Spectroscopy.

Now, 532nm, 10mW laser lights (like the one used in the attached article) aren't exactly expensive or even terribly hard to come across... The mirrors, lenses & the dichroic filter, that may be the bugger. The most expensive part of their unit is the spectrometer itself - the lightsource and CCD were the new-ish cheap bit.

I'm wondering if it wouldn't be better to narrow the laser wavelength (532nM (+/-)2nM laser line filters are $44 online), then use a longpass/shortpass filter to collect everything above (>550+)/below(<500) 532nM? It would certainly save fucking around with the dichroic mirror. They afe both available and not too expensive. here is a useful site on the nature of diode lasers and what they ARE being used for NOW.

PS If you check out the pdf's from that maryspectra site - she actually ended up getting a useful spectra from toluene with a 5mW 532nM laser pointer and a CCD camera (She also documented all the fuckups and half-ass fixes). This is starting to look like it might be a very interesting journey.

PPS In terms of getting a Raman Spectra, it is just me but wouldn't she have been better off placing mirrors so as to reflect as much as possible of the scattered light back into her collection lens?

Attachment: DeGraff.etal.Inexpensive.Laser.Raman.using.CCD.Detection.pdf (178kB)
This file has been downloaded 2096 times

Damn, I really, really hope these become useful to the optic fiber people (RT MID-IR photodiodes).

[Edited on 3-2-2010 by unome]

unome - 5-2-2010 at 03:17

As noted, the woman (I assume her name is Mary) from, had serious problems with the initial setup of the Raman Spectograph because of the off-wavelength excitation of the sample, due to the fact that she used a laser-pointer, which although monochromatic enough for most purposes, was a LONG way from monochromatic enough for this one (where the Rayleigh scattered light is the main thing that has to be excluded from the spectra). Thus, above where I suggested she would probably have been better off getting a laser-line filter - thereby narrowing the possible wavelength (with a (+/-)2nm filter, she would have had 530-534nM laser light) to an acceptable level, especially given that the off-the-shelf edge-filters are either going to cut-off/cut-off steeply @ 500/550nM respectively. Thus the Rayleigh scattered light from the narrowed laser would NOT get through to the spectroscope (which is probably why so many of the companies advertising 'cheap' (used relatively speaking) Raman Filter sets suggest using a laser-line filter and a longpass edge filter, such as here, here and here - although to be honest, the later only supports the use of the narrow laser-line bandpass filter, it suggests using the much more expensive notch filter).

Incidentally, using only "normal" mirrors, the set-up should be a hell of a lot easier... We aren't trying to direct light in two different directions at once using the one mirror.:P That makes alignment a shitload easier and the use of camera parts I'm yet to understand (thankfully for me). Personally I'd probably use lenses for a microscope to get the laser light into the sample and the scattered light out. I'd be inclined to try and bounce the laser light around the sample-area for as long as possible, the more it bounces around the more it will elicit responses and focusing those responses back to the collection point only makes sense.*

* Is it possible/feasible to put the cut-on/cut-off filter below the collection lens? Theoretically that would bounce the laser light back into the sample would it not?

PS I honestly think the amount of machining is overrepresented in the PDF's off - honestly, with a little less haste and a lot more forethought (including the ability to build on her mistakes), it should be possible to build this a whole lot more easily than she did. The first and foremost tip - don't go machining metal until you can get a plastic/wood one to work. Get prototyping & testing out of the way before trying to get things to "LOOK" or "FEEL" right. I cringed when I read that she had only aligned the laser in one axis (horizontal) and that it was misaligned in the vertical axis. Working out a way to hold the sample should have occurred to her WAY before it did.

She does get the kudos for doing the job and actually making the thing, I have GREAT respect for her in that regard. I just think it could possibly have been a little better thought out (this from the person typing with fingers covered with skin from his thighs due to a poorly thought out way of heating glassware:D). I honestly think some of the techies from this forum could contribute GREATLY to the idea and on the way, assist the astronomers to build BETTER spectroscopes for their purposes as well (that thought might well encourage them to be helpful with software design).

[Edited on 5-2-2010 by unome]

[Edited on 5-2-2010 by unome]

Polverone - 6-2-2010 at 15:30

It's mentioned on Mary's site that there are problems with photobleaching and fluorescence using the shorter-wavelength lasers, even though they also give stronger Raman signals. Using longer-wavelength lasers with more power than a laser pointer may be a better way to go. It looks like red diode lasers in the 10-100 mw power range aren't all that expensive.

The Raman signal may also be cleaner with a single-mode laser instead of the multimode found in cheap laser pointers and the like. But single-mode lasers can hop between frequencies depending on operating conditions (temperature, other conditions too maybe?). Single-mode diode lasers in the appropriate power/frequency range again aren't all that expensive, but when I see "frequency stabilized" laser modules the price goes WAY up, which makes me wonder how hard it is to achieve. I probably also need to read more about Raman spectroscopy to really understand where the limitations lie with frequency/power/stability choices in the light source.

I think what Mary accomplished is really impressive, no doubt. But the bulk of the work appears to be mechanical and optical. It seems wise to optimize the laser, as far as possible on a restricted budget, since picking a better laser should not make the instrument harder to assemble and may substantially improve the speed, ease, and accuracy of data collection.

unome - 7-2-2010 at 00:14

Yeah, but the apparent issue is that the signal:noise ratio is excessive at the higher wavelengths, that is why the el-cheapo systems are coming out now using violet/green (violet/Blue ~ 405-450 & green is mid @ 532nm). Prior to that there was too much power needed thus causing excessive heat/etc in the solutions.

Yeah, but minimal bucks in the pocket makes this a low-budget project for me. I have the camera and the pc/laptop, they are the big budget items. I am REALLY interested in using Fiber-Optics for this, it would save untold fucking around with mirrors, collimators, lenses, etc as well as determining intersecting lightpaths, it would also allow for hermetic seals around the CCD end of the project, no stray light can get into that part. Plus with fiber-optics, we could also have a halogen lamp for the UV-Vis region adsorption spectrometry, the output of which would also go to the same hermetically sealed spectrometer (or separate one, the line period/blazing would make trying to use only one hard).

unome - 7-2-2010 at 15:51

Here is what I think is necessary, a laser-line filter (as narrow as the budget allows) and a steep-edge filter (allows all wavelengths above the cut-on to pass through) as close as possible to the excitation wavelength. There is a couple of interesting filters, namely a 550nM (10CGA-550) (if using 532nM laser) or the 420nM (10CGA-420) (if using the 405nM laser) 1"/25mm colored glass filter from Newport for $25.00. That is hell cheap and would make exclusion of Rayleigh Scattering and stray laser light from being taken into the spectrometer. The best online explanation I could find of the various [url==]filters[/url] was good insofar as it explained notch filters - which simply block a portion of the wavelength, ie. that around the laser wavelength, but which transmit both Stokes & Anti-Stokes radiation, whereas Cut-off (aka Shortpass) filters, only transmit Anti-Stokes and Cut-on (aka Longpass) filters only transmit Stokes Radiation.

An interesting idea just came to me, if we used Fiber-Optics, with a miniature shortpass filter on one probe and a miniature longpass filter on the other, the light could be combined to effectively give the same performance as a notch filter, at a fraction of the cost (notch filters are high-tech, whereas edge filters are essentially colored glass).

In terms of narrowing the laser excitation, the laser-line filters from Thorlabs are probably going to be the best option, the 532nM is available in two variations, the [url=[/url] (for $44.00) and the (+/-)0.2nM (for $85.00). The latter would probably be the better option, although I am wondering, with the edgepass filter being 17nM above the laser output, do we need a laser line filter at all? I mean, surely, despite the known difficulties with laser diodes, they won't output energy at more than 1/20th of the determined wavelength?

Getting that idea sorted, whether or not the laser-line filter is needed, is going to be the source of significant savings if we can work it (especially as there is NO off-the-shelf filter I can find for the 405nM laser diode).

[Edited on 8-2-2010 by unome]

not_important - 8-2-2010 at 07:51

The green laser pointers are not simple laser diodes, but a VNIR pump diode generally at 808 nm, an NIR laser of Nd:YVO4 at 1046 nm, and a KTP doubler crystal to get 523 nm. There's a lot of the IR wavelengths coming through with the green so you need serious IR filtering to remove those as the CCD will sense them and can be overloaded if the IR is scattered in the equipment. Ordinary green glass or plastic may work for that purpose, if the IR density is 5 or so.

Sometimes there's other wavelengths at low intensities, including Raman light from the optics in the laser device. The intensity is low, and it's not detrimental for use as a pointer put will mess up use in Raman spectroscopy if not filtered out. Neodymium doped glass will clean the beam up a bit, but true line filter may be needed.

Remember that the Raman lines are roughly 7 orders of magnitude less intense than the pumping energy, anything you do to easy the removal of scatter laser light will improve the observation of the Raman spectrum.

With a 532 nm laser the Raman light will be in the range of 550 to 700 nm or so. For this range a neon light works well for generating calibration lines in the green through red. Small neon lights are cheap:

and can be switched on and off using low cost opti-triac ICs:

This gives you a reference line source controlled by a few volts at 2 or 3 ma, for less than a Euro. You may be able to design the system so that all the needs to be done to switch between calibrate and to a spectrum is switch either the lamp or laser on/off.

Because of the low intensity of the Raman light noise in the CCD becomes important. For this application there are three important types of noise
1) bad cells (pixels in 2-D detectors such as cameras)
2) impulse noise from electrical circuits or cosmic rays
3) flicker or thermal noise

The first is handled by taking a few scans of the spectrophotometer in the dark, and a few of a 'white' background; bad cells show up as wavelengths much brighter or darker than the neighboring wavelengths. The software picks these out and remembers them, either at power-up or before each scan; replacing them with averaging of neighboring cells during spectrum reading.

Impulse noise is handled by taking a number of consecutive scans and for each cell/pixel/wavelength looking for significantly outlying readings in the set of readings. Any outliers are replaced with values calculated from the remaining readings for that cell/pixels/wavelength.

Flicker noise is reduced by averaging the consecutive reading together, the more readings the better the noise suppression. It is also reduced by cooling the CCD; this is often done with multistage TEC assemblies which obviously add to the cost and complexity.

Note that using such a dispersive system + CCD as a UV-Vis spectroscope - the imaging devices generally don't go very far into the UV and in some cases run out of steam around 380-400 nm making the system a Vis-VNIR spectrometer for 400 to 900 nm.

unionised - 8-2-2010 at 12:12

Just a thought, would a simple prism and slit do a good job of removing leftover IR from the 523nM beam ?

un0me2 - 9-2-2010 at 04:34

Thanks not_important, was kinda wondering when I'd hear some sage advice from you...

So if the Raman light is going to be 550-up, then the edge filters would be the way to go (steep edge, cuts on @ 550nM)?

I'm hoarding funds now to purchase the line-filter and the edge filter, what about with the 405nM blue/violet lasers? How bad are they - I mean, how far off-wavelength can we expect the light to be? I ask because I cannot find a reasonably priced line-filter for that wavelength.

What size/line spacing grating would you recommend? There are shitloads of options and a wealth of contrary opinions available...:(

not_important - 10-2-2010 at 00:14

Just a thought, would a simple prism and slit do a good job of removing leftover IR from the 523nM beam ?

In theory, yes. However I've read reports that some cheap green DPSS laser pointers have about the same amount of light at 0,8 and 1 micron as green coming out the front. Typical simple homemade light absorbers don't do much better than absorbing 99% of the incident light, may get only 95-97 percent. This leaves unwanted light that is 4 to 5 orders of magnitude more intense than the Raman signal, so careful design is needed to keep that IR under control. Using a green glass or plastic filter, just conventional filters rather than specialised sharp edge ones, to reduce the IR right out of the laser is likely a good starting point so long as the cheap filter does block the IR; this means it might be better to build the simple spectroscope first and check the filters for doing what you want them to; a CCD will see 808 nm and might respond to 1 micron.

If you can get the laser collimated into a very marrow beam you can use a prism or grating plus slit to clean the beam up o a degree. Combined with a Nd glass filter this might do well in place of a line filter, at the cost of extra messing around with optic.

As for violet laser systems, I suspect that they need several more years for prices to drop on components; first for the diodes themselves and then time for those to be used in other applications and drive price drops in supporting optics such as filters. I've not seen much on the diode performance, what information I have is on the early ones which likely are different than those going into high density optical drives.

I'd go with green lasers for a number of reasons, including

A) they and the filters needed are easier to find and cheaper

B) fluorescence is a bit less of a problem at 532 than down around 400 nm

C) the CCD is several times more sensitive to the Raman frequences for 532 nm excitation than for 406 nm; this is in part because of the way the CCDs work and in part because the human eye is most sensitive to frequencies in the 532 system and much less so to light below 450 nm so there's little incentive to push the CCD response down there.

Damn, I really, really hope these become useful to the optic fiber people (RT MID-IR photodiodes).

Actually that range of 1-3 microns is near IR. Why do hope this is so? That range isn't too useful for general structure puzzling out, it's mostly O-H N-H S-H and some C-H lines, used for monitoring production quality when you know what compounds to expects or for looking at local environments in biological situations.

Polverone - 10-2-2010 at 10:23

The company I was thinking of that frequently advertises in JCE is DeltaNu. The Advantage Series of desktop instruments is what they direct academics to. I could have sworn that the company was at least once so indiscreet as to quote prices in the JCE, something like $9995 for their entry level model, but I can't seem to find that ad while flipping through my big unorganized stack of JCE back issues.

You'll see that they make instruments operating at 532, 633, 785, and 1064 nanometers. For reasons unknown to me the 1064 nm instrument is export-controlled under ITAR regulations. I am mentioning this company because I think their products might serve to set expectations about what a "low cost" commercial instrument can do, which may serve as a basis for comparison with homebrew efforts.

I have attached the instrument brochures and lab activities found on their web site, since normally you have to register to read them.

Attachment: lab_activities.pdf (316kB)
This file has been downloaded 4398 times

Attachment: instruments.pdf (304kB)
This file has been downloaded 3823 times

un0me2 - 10-2-2010 at 14:00

Yes, I've just found a 30mW laser module that is within my price range (532nM), now I just have to work out the circuit design/preparation. Now, what grating am I looking for? Some ideas on blaze & lines/mm would be nice. Also, what mirrors, etc. am I going to need?

PS I intend to purchase the laser-line filter, saves a LOT of fucking around, then use the el-cheapo >550nM longpass colored Schott glass filter to remove Rayleigh scatter/stray laser bands. I'm actually looking for a shortpass filter <550nM cutoff, that could be a potential low-cost way around it - the only light going into the sample would be <550nM and the only light accepted from it would be >550nM, so only the Stokes-Shifted radiation would make it to the CCD

PPS Could these be used for FT-NIR? I have seen some papers on the subject. From what I understand, changing the RF frequency and amplitude changes the wavelength that is passed through the crystal? I realise NIR is not "exactly" what we need, but if it is possible, it would be a great advance on what we have now.

[Edited on 10-2-2010 by un0me2]

Attachment: Zhang.Wang.Soos.Design.of.a.Miniature.Solid.State.NIR.Spectrometer.pdf (559kB)
This file has been downloaded 2103 times

Vogelzang - 11-2-2010 at 15:17

Here's a good article about monochromators.

Attachment: JCE1992p0077-monochromators.pdf (1.5MB)
This file has been downloaded 1880 times

un0me2 - 11-2-2010 at 23:00

Nice stuff coming in:D But let's take a step back, look at the difference in performance this person got when using a CD-RW with the reflective coating removed, as a transmission grating, which is also used by this to make an even better spectrometer (this design is actually the design that is being sold on the internet as being complete with a scale, I'm unsure if any benefit accrues to the designer).

Now, given that with a transmission grating we can avoid having multiple lenses and mirrors, also given that we can determine the actual spectral alignment with mathematics, I propose starting first with a Vis-type spectroscope using a CD-RW, then once I get that working, I'll try with a denuded DVD-R (although that will entail working out the formulae for where to put the various components, especially the scale.

I also have a sneaky suspicion, given that spectrometers can be used as a modular component, that I could use the same transmission grating with the Raman signal...

[Edited on 12-2-2010 by un0me2]

not_important - 12-2-2010 at 00:11

A DVD-R will give much better performance than a CD.

Transmission grating do not eliminate all lens and mirrors, especially for the higher performance required for Raman work. The higher losses in a CD/DVD derived transmission grating may needed to be considered when designing a Raman spectroscope; with a 25 mw excitation laser the total Raman energy is less than 10 nanowatts.

It's hard to beat using a reference source's lines for establishing a scale, or calibrating a CCD. I mentioned neon lamps, several of the documents regarding Raman spectroscopy used neon lamps for calibration. Neon has lines throughout most of the visible spectrum, easing calibration. For Raman work a secondary calibration using Raman references is needed; polystyrene, naphthalene, and sulphur are easy to obtain primary standards.

PPS Could these be used for FT-NIR?

I don't see how. Those are an electronically controlled version of an adjustable defraction grating. Fournier Transform spectroscopy does not use dispersive elements, instead collecting all the light without dispersion onto a single sensor and using DSP (AKA Kenneth) to resolve the differing frequencies in the light stricking the sensor.


Note that a 10 mw or higher laser is Class IIIb/Class 3B, and requires protective eyewear. If you do not know the level of diode pump light (typically 808 nm) and 1064 nm light in the output beam, you really should get eyewear rated for protection against all three frequencies. You can avoid that if you mount a IR filter on the front of the laser so that no light can avoid passing through the filter and the filter rating is at least O.D. 2 for the IR bands; with that just protection against 532 nm should be OK.

unome - 12-2-2010 at 14:23

(Just quickly, is anyone else having a bitch of a time with acrobat & firefox? It's taken me a dozen attempts to try and get this reply together and posted).

not_important, I was actually considering purchasing a 'real' transmission grating (or a reflective grating) from either Thorlabs or Edmund Optics for the Raman instrument. I have not been able to glean enough information from the materials I have read to date to determine what exactly I should purchase.

As to the other, I have attached a number of papers, one - Instrumentation for FIR Spectroscopy, is a wonderful read... It appears to be suggesting that the decisions made with regard to instrumentation were based upon limited computing power and that we are now stuck with the resulting compromise.

I have been reading a LOT of articles (all that I can access in fact, be that by fair means or foul), on these AOTF's, and they are being used extensively in NIR/MWIR scanning spectroscopy. The following quote is lifted directly from F. Kowol et al., Mid infrared acousto-optical tunable filter-spectrometer for rapid identification of black plastics from automobile construction, J. Near Infrared Spectrosc. 6, A149–A151 (1998) (attached):

...With black plastics the problem exists that NIR light (0.7–2.5 mm) is strongly absorbed by electronic resonances of the colorant (carbon black). The application of mid infrared spectroscopy (MIR) in the spectral fingerprint region (2.5–20 mm) suffers from noise generated by the thermal background. However, it can be demonstrated that the restriction to the wavelength region between 2.5 and 4 mm, where the fundamentals of the CH– and NH–stretching vibrations are observed, is sufficient for a reliable distinction of the major types of (blackened) technical plastics. To provide a rugged and cost-effective alternative to the FT-technique often applied to this task, an MIR spectrometer with an Acousto-Optical Tunable Filter (AOTF) as a wavelength selecting device and a new type of peltier cooled Mercurium Cadmium Telluride (MCT) detector has been developed. In Figure 1 spectra of (blackened) plastics used in automobile construction are shown, which were obtained with the new spectrometer.

Of course, the spectrometer is not restricted to black plastics only; it is also applicable for the identification
of different types of polymers used for electronic devices. Since spectra can be taken within less than one second, the system can manage high throughputs of, for example, electronic waste. The basic set-up of the system is shown in Figure 2.

Yes, I was wrong insofar as I was suggesting this might be of utility in FT-IR spectroscopy, but I am seeing an awful lot of papers where this technology is being used in 'Scanning NIR/MWIR Spectrscopy', which with the peltier cooled detector and no moving parts (and limited difficulty in building by the looks of it), it might be a better option than FT-IR for home use. The caveat being, that the components, unless they become cheap because of Fiber Optics or somesuch technological innovation, they are likely to remain fucking hard to find and too expensive to contemplate purchasing.


For some reason this board is not uploading the first paper I upload, but only the ones after that (ie. like here, numbers 2,3 & 4).

Here is the link to Griffiths & Holmes, Instrumentation for Far-Infrared Spectroscopy.

And Gata, Imaging Spectroscopy Using Tunable Filters: A Review is an invited paper to some techexpo on the subject.

Here too, is a mini-review on the subject, Tran, Principles, Instrumentation, and Applications of Infrared Multispectral Imaging, An Overview, Analytical Letters, 38: 735–752, 2005

Attachment: Kotidis.etal.Optical.Tunable.Filter.Based.Micro.Instrumentation.for.Industrial.Applications.pdf (605kB)
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Attachment: Kowol.etal.MIR.AOTF.Spectrometer.pdf (53kB)
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Attachment: Varasi.Verona.Integrated.Acousto.Optical.Tunable.Filters.AOTF.Development.Technology.and.Applications.pdf (229kB)
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[Edited on 12-2-2010 by unome]

[Edited on 12-2-2010 by unome]

unome - 12-2-2010 at 16:57

I'll have to double post this, as I have to mention that I have been trying my fucking damndest to remove the aluminium backing off some CD-R's and have had no real success, I also checked the protector disc in the spindle (the blank one) and couldn't see any discernable spectra, thus leading me to conclude that it did not in fact, have the requisite lines/mm. That left me with trying out the idea in this (thanks to Jokull) paper, which does in fact work. I will next try it out from the word go, first I have to clean up a shitload of mess from trying to scrape the fucking aluminium off (with the attendant scratches, etc. that that would leave on the non-grating side of the transmission grating, which presumably would have serious consequences for any spectra done with the artifacts in place).

I will try to carefully, with a scalpel-type blade, work my way around the extreme edges of the coating, then try and lift it in one go with reinforced tape. I'll then attempt to use a toilet roll tube/paper towel tube to set up one of these as proof of concept. That done, we'll proceed:P

PS Although, thinking about it, if one were to cut the circles into an intact CD

Then attach the tape to the shiny side, presumably the edges of the circle that is cut would be sufficient to remove the need to carefully dislodge the hold of that layer from the inside and outside extremities of the CD-R (presumptively, if the cut on the inner diameter and outer diameter, allow the entire thing to come off, then it is only really adhering on the inner and outer diameters, not through the middle). Kinda hard to explain, does anyone follow my logic?

PPS I was thinking, based upon the article above where the proper camera angle, relative to the grating is 19.2', that if the grating were inset in the middle part of the tube, such as to allow the camera to be placed directly over/inside the lower end of the tube (upper end is the slit), then that should give the best results for our purposes, no?

I am also seriously wondering if I could cut round 'transmission gratings' from a DVD-R, would it be easier to separate the two layers (actually there are apparently 3 sandwiched into it), allowing me to utilize the much higher line/mm resolution for this project:D

[Edited on 13-2-2010 by unome]

Cutting the circle out, THEN removing the aluminium layer works like a fucking dream. Now, I am in the process (sans protractor, there is NOT one in the fucking house:mad:) of determining the notch I have to take out of a second tube in order to put the camera at the most advantageous angle of 19.2'.

I also have to work out the most advantageous angle for DVD-R's as the same technique works a charm with them too*

*Personally, I find it easier to draw the circle, then cut the piece out of the DVD-R/CD-R then trim it, it avoids a lot of stray scratches and possible damage to the flatness of the transmission grating.

PS Given I have no protractor, I have to work it out - I'm guessing here (well, not quite, but it has been a LONG time), but tan 19.2 = O/4, so tan 19.2 being 0.365531827, then that x 4 = O, ie. O=1.46cm, as I am using a decent ruler, 14.5mm should be easily doable.

PPS I am currently reinstalling the drivers for a Microsoft LifeCam VX-1000. It is about the cheapest digicam I can think of, with absolutely crap resolution, etc. But it should suffice for this part of the project. We'll cross the other bridges when we come to them;)


Anyone got a fix for those fucking cameras? I have two sitting here, neither of which I can get to work:mad:

BTW I have just attached the threaded upper neck section of cordial bottles (that are the right diameter) to both ends of a toilet roll tube with tape, then spray painted the whole lot, inside & out, black. I cut out the center of on of the lids and mounted a circular 'transmission' grating in it with araldite. In the morning, both the Araldite and the spraypaint should be dry and I can start putting the whole thing together (I'm going to cut a small rectangle out of the other lid then use two pieces of metal (straight edges) to form the slit over the same.

I just thought that threading everything would be a worthwhile idea, given the purpose of the plan, to make a modular spectroscope.:cool:

[Edited on 13-2-2010 by unome]

unome - 13-2-2010 at 23:04

Finally managed to get the bloody camera(s) (found another one, a VX3000 - which has much better resolution and gives better results) working and the pics are attached (from my wooden version of the JChemEd article (the first one). Next, I'll grab that online image tool (that is mentioned in one of the articles) and try and convert them to recognisable spectra.

Spectra3.jpg - 54kB Spectra4.jpg - 67kB Spectra1.jpg - 62kB Spectra2.jpg - 53kB

[Edited on 14-2-2010 by unome]

SPECTRA7.jpg - 100kBSPECTRA8.jpg - 81kBSPECTRA6.jpg - 66kBSPECTRA5.jpg - 95kB

un0me2 - 14-2-2010 at 19:30

Has anyone else got anything to add to this:

Gigavision - Cheap naked chips snap a perfect picture
"Cheap naked chips snap a perfect picture"
* 07 October 2009 by Paul Marks
* New Scientist Magazine issue 2729.

HOW can image sensors - the most complicated and expensive part of a digital camera - be made cheaper and less complex? Easy: take the lid off a memory chip and use that instead.

As simple as it sounds, that pretty much sums up a device being developed by a team led by Edoardo Charbon, of the Technical University of Delft, in the Netherlands. In a paper presented at an imaging conference in Kyoto, Japan, this week, the team say that their so-called "gigavision" sensor will pave the way for cellphones and other inexpensive gadgets that take richer, more pleasing pictures than today's devices. Crucially, Charbon says the device performs better in both very bright light and dim light - conditions which regular digital cameras struggle to cope with.

While Charbon's idea is new and has a patent pending, the principle behind it is not. It has long been known that memory chips are extremely sensitive to light: remove their black plastic packages to let in light, and the onrush of photons energises electrons, creating a current in each memory cell that overwhelms the tiny stored charge that might have represented digital information. "Light simply destroys the information," says Martin Vetterli, a member of the EPFL team.

A similar effect occurs aboard spacecraft: when energetic cosmic rays hit a cell in an unprotected memory chip they can "flip" the state of the cell, corrupting the data stored in the chip.

What Charbon and his team have found is that when they carefully focus light arriving on an exposed memory chip, the charge stored in every cell corresponds to whether that cell is in a light or dark area. The chip is in effect storing a digital image.

All very clever, you might say, but why would anyone want to do that? The answer is that the two types of sensor chips used in today's digital cameras store the brightness of each pixel as an analogue signal. To translate this into a form that can be stored digitally, they need complex, bulky, noise-inducing circuitry.

The charge-coupled device (CCD) sensors used on early cameras and camcorders, and the cheaper and more modern complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) type both operate on a similar principle. On each, the area that forms an individual pixel can be thought of as a small charge-containing "bucket". The size of the charge contained in one of these buckets depends only on the amount of light falling on it.

In a CCD, the contents of each bucket of charge are "poured" into the bucket next door, and then the next until the signal reaches the edge of the chip. There, an analogue-to-digital converter (ADC) typically assigns it an 8-bit greyscale value, ranging from 0 to 255. In a CMOS sensor, the charge is converted to a voltage local to each pixel before being shunted off to an ADC at the edge of the chip - where it too is assigned a greyscale value between 0 and 255 (see diagram).

A memory chip needs none of this conversion circuitry, as it creates digital data directly. As a result, says Vetterli, the memory cell will always be 100 times smaller than CMOS sensor cells; it is bound to be that way because of the sheer number of signal-conditioning transistors the CMOS sensor needs around each pixel. "Our technology will always be two orders of magnitude smaller," he says.

So for every pixel on one of today's sensors, the memory-based sensor could have 100 pixels. A chip the size of a 10-megapixel camera sensor will have 100 times as many sensing cells if implemented in memory technology - hence the choice of the gigavision name.

But don't expect a gigapixel camera any time soon. Unlike the pixels in a conventional sensor, which record a greyscale, the cells in Charbon's memory-chip sensor are simple on-off devices: they can only store a digital 0 or 1, for which read either light or dark. To build a sensor that can record shades of grey, EPFL engineer Feng Yang, who presented the Kyoto paper, is developing a software algorithm that looks across an array of 100 pixels to estimate their overall greyscale value.

It's a technique called spatial oversampling - and while it's early days, he's getting somewhere. "It's turning out to be a lot more accurate than the greyscale values you get from regular CMOS sensors," says Vetterli. "Analogue to digital conversion gives only poor estimates of the actual analogue light value."

They'll have their work cut out, observers say. A major problem they will have to overcome is that of the poor sensitivity of their pint-sized pixels. Their size means the number of photons that can be scooped up by each of them will be small - and that can make for a very noisy signal.

The prospect of producing image sensors as cheaply and easily as memory chips is bound to attract attention, says Alexis Gerard, an analyst and chief executive of the consultancy Future Image in San Mateo, California. "It will be pretty interesting if they can make these sensors using regular memory-chip-making technology."


That may be the answer to our prayers, work out what they mean and how to access that digital image, given that there would be no UV filter, the image may be able to go from true UV-NIR

The alternative would be working out how to coat the CCD detector array with "Lumogen" (a BASF product), a phosphor that enables the standard CCD to be utilized well into the UV region from what I'm reading.

[Edited on 15-2-2010 by un0me2]

unome - 15-2-2010 at 20:42

Nother double post, but I thought I'd post this - it is the primary spectrum from a new, tungsten filament halogen bulb resolved over a reflective DVD grating (the wooden one I built earlier).

I cleaned the pic up (ie. took a short section out of it that contained the cleanest spectrum, removed noise, adjusted the brightness, etc.).

Now I just have to work out how to get that program so I can get a histogram of it:P

Primary.Spectrum.Halogen.Lamp.jpeg - 9kB

Sedit - 16-2-2010 at 06:34

Just a couple thoughts unome, first off as far as removing the coating from a CD this can be done with sticky tape. Just press it on firmly on the silver and peal off the coating.

Also as N_I noted DVD-R will produce a better quality then CD. An old Blue-ray disk should produce a finer quality then both of these by far.

For a diffraction grating look into childrens "X-ray" vision glasses that produce the rainbow like effects around ones hand. These are straight lined diffraction gratings and I think sooner or later the curve of the CD lines may interfere with data decoding producing a lower quality signal unless your retrieving pinpoint accuracy.

un0me2 - 16-2-2010 at 13:01

Yeah those kids gratings look alright - for the moment I'm looking into RGB ==> Wavelength conversion (ie.nm), the DVD diffraction grating seems to be working quite well enough for the present, when I start getting the spectra from the spectrometer popping itself up (without additional interaction from the user) then I'll start looking into the use of proper diffraction gratings - I'm thinking of the gel-type on a aluminium background (pretty much what I'm using with the CD/DVD's now, but straight lines).

I'm interested to see that the instructables model has the same (or essentially the same) spectra from a halogen desk lamp, which means the RGB section is working, now to convert that to wavelengths programatically (not so trivial - see the attached jpeg - shamelessly stolen from

There are ways to do it, it is just deciding which is going to work best with logic chips and the drivers involved. In terms of what is necessary, we know the steps that have to be taken and in what order. One of the issues is that fortran is the program of choice (and I have no knowledge of it).:o

[Edited on 16-2-2010 by un0me2]

rgb.wavelength.conversion.jpeg - 15kB

Vogelzang - 16-2-2010 at 15:00

Kewl spectroscopics might be interested in this.

Sedit - 16-2-2010 at 16:37

The program of choice is Fortran but they also include the BASIC code and the C code as well which would be my first choice. I would honestly work with BASIC as long as you have access to the ports needed to work out kinks and be able to build a quick program to test any theorys I had in mind and altering it to suit my needs. Then I would code the finish product in C++.

Unome would you care to PM me and explain more clearly what you need done.

unome - 17-2-2010 at 04:18

I'm working on a new & better model (crossed fingers), which will allow me to mount a 7-LED torch (un-fucking-believably bright) on the stage, then a cuvette, then the spectrometer.

As to the lines, I took it somewhere else today (just the spectrometer, not the camera) and found some varied light sources, with DISTINCT narrow lines. I'll try and install the cam on my laptop and see if I can do better once I get the new version up and running.


a_bab - 17-2-2010 at 04:39

I didn't read all the thread but here is what I know. I may repeat what others have said so excuses :)

Since I'm doing some holography I know what a good laser means.

For a regular green laser as a pointer or a module, not only you may have lots of residual IR from the pumping diode, but there are lots of mode hoppings too (changes in the frequency of the laser) and power levels. That means your laser is not purely 532 but there are residual lines as 532.01 and so; they come directly from the IR pumping diode and will generate "parasitic" Raman lines too. So we have to get rid of these.

There are a few lasers on the market for 532 nm that are "single mode". Such a laser is required by Raman spectroscopy, confocal microscopy, citology (devices for cells counting), DNA sequencing etc. Such a laser used to cost a fortune (at least 15-20 k$ new) and they still cost about that much. The reason is that they replace the gas lasers; at 3000-5000 hours an Ar ion laser needs a tube refill, which is very costly (thousands of bucks) while these lasers are supposed to last at least 7-10000 hours with the same power levels. The power supply requirements are also very different; an Ar ion laser would suck some 4-10 kW/h, while a solid state laser less than 0.1 Kw (depending on the type).

The good news is that these expensive solid state lasers started to pop as a surplus since 2005 or so, and they are not very difficult to find. Moreover, the price is way lower than what they used to cost.

I don't know anything about the power requirements for a homemade Raman spectroscope, but I feel like 5-10 mW would do it (the first ever documented Raman spectroscope was made by a (very smart) girl and she used a 5 mW green laserpoiter only to see that the lines she got were "multiple" due to the multimode low quality laser - the link may have been already posted).

Nowadays (year 2010) a 100-150 mW green stabilized laser would be like 1000-2000 bucks, while a 50 mW can go down to 400$. There are even 10 mW versions for much cheaper as here:

These lasers require very precise alignment of the optics, an extremely high quality TEC (thermoelectric controller) that stabilises the laser head within 0.001 degrees C, special components, ring resonator design etc. To give you an idea, the warmp time for these lasers is about two minutes; after that single line operating mode is achieved.

As about the 405 nm blueray diodes - they are far worse than a measly red laser pointer in terms of spectral stability; they barely have a coherence of 1-2 mm so they mod hopp like a bunny shot in the balls. I really doubt they can be used for Raman spectroscopy in an efficient mode.

Polverone - 17-2-2010 at 10:50

Quote: Originally posted by a_bab  

Since I'm doing some holography I know what a good laser means.

For a regular green laser as a pointer or a module, not only you may have lots of residual IR from the pumping diode, but there are lots of mode hoppings too (changes in the frequency of the laser) and power levels. That means your laser is not purely 532 but there are residual lines as 532.01 and so; they come directly from the IR pumping diode and will generate "parasitic" Raman lines too. So we have to get rid of these.

There are a few lasers on the market for 532 nm that are "single mode". Such a laser is required by Raman spectroscopy, confocal microscopy, citology (devices for cells counting), DNA sequencing etc. Such a laser used to cost a fortune (at least 15-20 k$ new) and they still cost about that much. The reason is that they replace the gas lasers; at 3000-5000 hours an Ar ion laser needs a tube refill, which is very costly (thousands of bucks) while these lasers are supposed to last at least 7-10000 hours with the same power levels. The power supply requirements are also very different; an Ar ion laser would suck some 4-10 kW/h, while a solid state laser less than 0.1 Kw (depending on the type).

I am really interested in this. I found some red diode lasers that claimed to be "single mode" for under $100 new. But the only "frequency stabilized" red diode lasers I found cost more than $1000 new. I had come to think that a multi-mode laser emits at multiple frequencies simultaneously, a single mode laser emits at only one frequency at a time, and a frequency stabilized laser emits at one frequency for an extended period of time. Are these really equivalent items, with vastly different market segment targets, or is a frequency stabilized laser more involved than a single-mode laser?

un0me2 - 17-2-2010 at 12:28

The mode-hopping, etc. should have minimal effect given that we are using a laser-line filter (a proper one) to keep the wavelength within reasonable bounds, then a steep-cut-on filter (comes on @ 550nm all the way to the NIR) which comes on, cutting off all stray light that made it through the line filter and several nm above that as well.

I'm actually beginning to wonder how Dr Raman did it, He sure didn't use a laser, so that means he merely used a strong source of monochromatic light.... What about using a blue/green (they are relatively narrow wavelengths) LED torch and focusing the light through optical fiber? Put the laser-line/narrow bandpass filters between the light source and the collimator and we'd be dealing with a strong-source of a narrow-wavelength light, which we can then block using an edge filter, thus enabling the collection of ONLY the Stokes-shifted wavelengths.

As such an approach would have a wider beam, still collimated & coherent, therefore more molecules should be excited and give off Stokes/Anti-Stokes responses, while the light source would be several magnitudes cheaper to run, a lot easier to design, lack the massive power draw of lasers and not have the need for a massive heat sink.

It is possible to use 10 LEDs and get light on par with what is expected from a 100W beam. Put that through a lens and then into Fiber and it will be extremely strong light. Matter of fact, anyone got a cheap and dirty way of doing this?

[Edited on 17-2-2010 by un0me2]

a_bab - 17-2-2010 at 12:34

This will answer all of your questions:
Just browse that site, the guy really knows it's stuff. He tested lots of red and blue diodes and the measurements are very cool.

"frequency stabilized" may not be "single mode". It may have all kinds of stabilizers, but "single-mode" is in theory only a line on the spectrum.
The problem comes when getting a chinese laser claimed to be single mode, and you eventually find out that it has another line of "less than 5% of the total power, very difficult to remove". That would make it unsuitable for many things, including holography.

A good single mode laser shouldn't have more than 1% extra lines (they should be very very weak). This is for diodes; for gas lasers there are no such problems. There are power fluctuations issues there.

un0me2 - 17-2-2010 at 18:25

Yeah, I grant your point on the lasers, it is factual.

What I am saying is that Sir C.V. Raman managed to win the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1930 WITHOUT using lasers at all. He merely narrowed down the light source to a single wavelength and using massive amounts of it, managed to obtain the Stokes-Shifted Light arising therefrom (also by blocking the wavelength he irradiated it with).

[Edited on 18-2-2010 by un0me2]

Attachment: Raman.A.New.Radiation.pdf (447kB)
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[Edited on 18-2-2010 by un0me2]

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a_bab - 17-2-2010 at 22:23

The same applies to holography. It was discovered before the laser, and Gabor used the light from a mercury lamp as being the most coherent (whatever coherence such a light source can have). He also said that a very coherent lightsource was needed for the best result. When the ruby laser came, the team jumped on it.

The distance measuring using monocromatic light (based on interference phenomena) including first speed of light within 1.5 meters or so accuracy measurement was also done before the laser. With the laser a 1.5 mm accuracy was possible.

The laser really was something long awated, many already discovered applications needing it.

As about Raman, it is trully a remarcable discovery for the time and they had to readjust the cuantic theory to cover the phenomena: even the molecules can store energy levels ready to be relesed, same as the electrons with their orbitals.

un0me2 - 18-2-2010 at 03:14

But Sir CV Raman did NOT have access to photodiode/LEDs and laser-line filters which could narrow the wavelength of the incident, collimated light to just over 1nm (1.4nm, eg. 532nm (+/-)0.2nm).... If he had have access to these, I strongly suspect he'd have tried it.;);) Fucking sight easier than generating enough light through a monochromator.

bquirky - 18-2-2010 at 06:14

I suspect (but dont KNOW) that it whould have been done with a gas discharge lamp. and one or two pin holes isolating a single mode. the then week single beam of light whould have been split appart on a grating and another pinhole used to isolate the required wavelength the very week light whould have been then passed through the sample and off another grating. onto..... a photographic plate and exposed for quite posibly a very very long time where the relly relly relly relly week signal might have appeared.

getting any modest amount of power at any wavelength into a single mode is hard.

getting white light into a single mode with enough power to do anything ? thats borderline inposible :(

comercialy packaged laser diodes are oftern fiber coupled by simply gluing (or soldering) a cleaved fiber directly onto the diode substrate and hoping for the best :) you will notice that many manufacturers will start getting a bit fuzzy when it comes to specifying the power output of a single mode fiber coupled laser diode becuse it varies from one device to another.

comercialy when people want any serious amount of light down a single fiber they will get a bunch of bigarsed IR laserdiodes and "pump" the multimode light down a Double clad fiber the fiber itself has two cores a outer multimode core that the pump light bounces around in. and a inner single mode core that has been doped with some rare earth ions that are able to lase.

so basicly you pump multimode light in one end and it causes the fiber itself to lase and 'new' single mode light comes out the other end.

and it is quite important for analitical spectroscipy becuse multiple modes (light traveling sightly non paralell or not 'Spacialy coherant' ) will cause the spectrum to 'blur' like an image being out of focus.

as for LEDs.. im sorry its reeealy not worth the effort. you just cant couple more than a nano or microwatt down a single mode fiber and evan then the spectrum of the led whould be so broad that you whould have to throw away most of that if you wanted monocromatic light.

on another note if you are looking for optical components i whould recommend <- holographic gratings under $80

and if they dont have what your after try

unome - 18-2-2010 at 12:21

Yeah I know what their gratings are worth - I also know what their laser-line/bandpass filters are worth too. The availability of those are what this is based upon.

Yes, for analytical spectroscopy where the actual spatially coherent, collimated light goes into the device, certainly, lasers are the way, for Raman - where the light you shine on it is the first thing removed by the filter prior to allowing it to enter the spectroscope? Why would it matter? I'm not just being a smartarse here, I really do want to know, that is why I am reading the papers on the subject by Raman himself, he did get it to work. If what you suggest is true, then I see NO reason why filtering the light to a single bandwidth, and passing that light into the solution, would not have the same effect that we seek, after all it is the photons that we are after and I'm not at all certain that they'll discriminate about the source of their excitation.


In the attached paper, the Author states the following:

Attachment: Koga.Simulation.of.Visible.Spectra.from.Digital.Color.Images.pdf (53kB)
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Koga.Theory.JPG - 47kB

I added some files I found online - but seriously, looking at the problem we have a spectral range of what - 400 (say 420) to 900 at best? So with a shitty 300K resolution (640x480px) camera, we have 1px per wavelength in the visible spectrum?

So, without allowing for metamers* (other RGB values that give the same perceived color), it would not take a genius to simply sit down and feed a logarithm to the computer that each specific RGB value for that one pixel is either 000000 or whatever it is supposed to be, up to FFFFFF. That frees up that part of the system and would allow for rather simple calibration (even with higher resolution cameras, just multiply the number of pixels by the resolution along the baseline/480).

* With metamers, if they exist, they either equal the DB color for that pixel or they are noise and left out (or they = 000000/black). By averaging the entire 640 height along that line, we either get a colored pixel, or a black pixel @ that wavelength.

Intensity is another issue altogether, it can be best obtained by the looks of things by using greyscale and histograms. Or by adding the number of colors = the DB color for that pixel (including metamers that either do or they don't), and use that as a measure of intensity... That does away with a whole lot of fucking around, and if one were to pull the IR filter off the front of the CCD sensor, then use the long axis to go from 400-1040, or below 360-1000nm whichever fits better, it still will be only one value per pixel regardless.

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[Edited on 19-2-2010 by unome]

unome - 19-2-2010 at 20:35

The procedure from Sir C.V. Raman himself, was to point a telescope at the sun, then use a monochromator (fucking wild one) which means he used a colored glass filter to narrow light sufficiently - now a colored glass filter WILL narrow the wavengths of the incident light source, but not anywhere near as much as the new (and extremely inexpensive) filters, which can narrow it to just over 1nm (about 1/20th of what Raman was working with). That enables us to better determine the Raman shift - the distance in nm the Stokes-shifted light has moved from the incident wavelength (which we will know to 1nm). Personally, I feel that pouring several hundred watts of narrow-wavelength LED lights through a 1nm filter then through a microscope backwards (ie. essentially a telescope), then we will have a very special machine, effectively recreating Sir C.V. Raman's endeavors, using material that was unthinkable in his day.

Doing the same thing with white leds (which cover the visual spectrum quite well - avoiding the UV and IR ranges), will give a very good VIS-NIR adsorption spectrometer with lower power costs than current instrumentation. Adding an NIR emitting LED and removing the IR filter off the front of the CCD/CMOS chip, will allow for even better results.

Working out the spectrometer so that the image fills the viewport/camera lens, thus allowing us to correlate pixels to wavelengths, that is the issue I am working on at the moment. Having seen several amateur spectroscopes using meters/gauges/rulers to demonstrate the wavelength of the recorded spectrum, I do believe this is possible and small PCB mounted CCD/CMOS chips, up to 2mp in resolution cost fuck all (mobile phone components - out of date ones at that).

That will give us the sensor for both the VIS-NIR and the Raman Spectrometer all in one package, CMOS would be preferred (low-power draw).

unome - 21-2-2010 at 00:54

Righto, I just hacked fuck out of a poor defenceless little VX1000, I prised off the little rubber grommets holding on the mounting & then unscrewed that, then removed the single philips head screw from the rear of the camera, then had to remove the inner grommets from where the mounting attached... I then unscrewed the lens and removed the small clear-ish piece of glass which is the IR filter. I have now reattached the front fact (and the lens - although I took the opportunity to remove the fucking annoying call button from on top - it slides out forwards with the front of the camera off).

I'm going to build a smaller spectroscope this time, with the digicam built in, after the ever elusive VIS-NIR spectra:D

EDIT - FUCK this goes a LOOOOOONG way into the red

I am using it on the old spectroscope and getting several distinct red bands, fuck all blue....

Now, bar the putting together stage - I've built a wee spectroscope that will fit quite snugly over the front part of both the modified VX-1000 and the unmodified VX-3000 and once the glue finishes setting, should be able to get some decent spectra and start sorting out some issues:D I'll be able to get exactly the same resolution with both (640x480 is the max resolution of the VX-1000 and the minimum resolution of the VX-3000), so it will be interesting to compare the spectra.

[Edited on 21-2-2010 by unome]

[Edited on 21-2-2010 by unome]

2010-02-22 01-39-47.156.jpg - 88kB2010-02-22 01-35-55.828.jpg - 105kB2010-02-22 01-37-55.921.jpg - 72kB2010-02-22 01-38-36.890.jpg - 70kB2010-02-22 01-36-17.984.jpg - 80kB

unome - 21-2-2010 at 06:52

I need to play with this a little more, but that is the SAME lamp as the previous spectra - the red has resolved into at least 3 distinct bands - a hell of a lot wider than before (dwarfing the blue-green) and that pinkish area at the end of the red spectra I'm assuming is the NIR range?

Righto, I've started to get the slit narrowed down and am getting useable spectra:D

The latest file is a 640x480 shot from the modified VX-1000. What is intriguing is that it shows the full spectrum - and the spectra I got earlier with a 1.3mp shot only makes up about 1/2 of that - on the lower resolution shot, we've lost some detail in the bottom part of the spectrum, the yellow line and some detail from the green, but we have several interesting areas in the newly revealed red, pink and violet half of the spectrum and I'm seriously wondering how wide this spectrum now is in nm, because it is fully twice the width it was before, or at least appears to be.

I'm going to have to pull the filter out of the VX-3000 just to find out if, with the higher resolution, the detail of the lower end of the spectrum will still be intact.

2010-02-22 02-10-45.906.jpg - 98kB 2010-02-22 02-10-26.968.jpg - 95kB

spectra.NIR.2.jpeg - 6kB

2010-02-22 04-38-21.062.jpg - 70kB

PS The spectroscope I used was my own design - it has a wedge of a DVD inset into a hollowed out section of Foam-board (Black foam filled cardboard sheet). This is set at a 60' angle to the camera. It is attached at the top and bottom to the front and back of the setup - both of which are also made of foam-board - the front one has a 3cm hole in it to admit the lens of the VX- series cameras. The top, sides and base are all thick black cardboard and the whole thing is 5.5cm wide, 5cm high & 4cm wide. The slit is 4cm wide (it really ought to be 3cm) and the exposed portion of the DVD-R (with no bubbles from the cutting - they are covered by the mask) is 4cmx3cm (3cm being the width of the lens and 4cm being the approximate height of the lens offset at 60').

This latest image is a cropped image - I have spectra going vertically the entire height of the picture, but cannot get it to extend the full width of the picture... Anyway, I reduced the exposure time significantly and the number of bands appearing now are amazing.

[Edited on 22-2-2010 by unome]

cleaned.spectra.1.JPG - 12kB

unome - 22-2-2010 at 14:36

I just worked it out - the black segment, taking up about 1/3 of the horizontal segment of the spectrum (ie. before the start of the Visible Radiation) is the invisible UV radiation which neither I nor the camera can pick up...

I attached the uncleaned spectra (compare to the one above), if I increase the size of the DVD segment and shift the UV spectra out of the view field, then I'll be able to see all the NIR spectra (which you can only see a part of in those shots).

I also attached a quick design of the spectrometer I am using at the moment (if anyone wants to make it - it is pretty much to scale).

2010-02-22 20-27-44.671.jpg - 95kB

Attachment: spectroscope013.pdf (1.6MB)
This file has been downloaded 952 times

Since we can now measure that which we cannot see, and assign to it the wavelengths we know it corresponds to, then we can also assign the wavelengths of what we can see, based upon the measurement of what we can't, can't we?:P Based solely upon which, using the wavelengths of 0-400 as the invisible half of the spectrum above, then the other half should correspond to 400-800 (or thereabouts), with the additional 700-800, the NIR range, adding on to the visible spectrum.

[Edited on 22-2-2010 by unome]

JohnWW - 22-2-2010 at 19:09

That reminds me: yesterday, in the thread , which started off about a medical laser, someone said that he found that he can see into the near infrared down to 804 nm. Is this usual? Also, has anyone here been able to see into the near ultraviolet at shorter wavelengths than 400 nm? If so, the usual quoted 400-700 nm limit of the visible light spectrum band needs to be redefined.

bquirky - 22-2-2010 at 20:47

yes it is often possible to see 800nm I can see down to about 840nm it appears just as faint red.

never tried UV :)

un0me2 - 24-2-2010 at 01:10

I am currently getting the drivers on this laptop to work and then I'll finally be able to get the spectra from the streetlights and whatever else I can find of interest...

I'd dearly love to be able to call it a spectrometer, but until it can be used as a means of measuring the wavelengths, its a spectroscope and that is all:(

PS Check out the ACTUAL size in these pics

spectroscope1.jpg - 33kB spectroscope2.jpg - 36kB

Here is the spectra of the laptop screen

[Edited on 24-2-2010 by un0me2]

spectra.laptop.jpg - 10kB

and here is the best shot I could get of the streetlamp (I could SEE far better spectral lines by eye, but fucked if I could get them sharp and thin like I could see myself).:mad::mad:

[Edited on 24-2-2010 by un0me2]

spectra.streetlamp.jpg - 14kB

bquirky - 24-2-2010 at 01:40

bquirky - 24-2-2010 at 01:59

are you pointing the camera at a screen or do you have the light bounce straight off the grating onto the ccd ?

depending on your grating and your desired bandwidth. you may find you can get a higher resolution and sensitivity buy illuminating the ccd directly.

allso for each pixle of the image you are only interested in the absolute intensity not the colour value (spectrometer ccd's are monocrome and some spectrometers use a physicly rotating mirror grating to scan the spectrum past a single photodetector and detect the spectrum as a function of time )

This means that you will have to add the red green and blue channels of the camera together to try to compensate for the varying sensitivity of each channel to various wavelengths. a photoedditing program may do this when you convert from 24bit colour to 8 big grey scale.

another thing that may help is saving the data from the camera as a RAW file or a BMP to try to avoid any compression of the image. most compression will throw away some data not visible to the eye. and some of this information may be what you want !

an interesting thing that you should be able to do with your setup that dosnt require any fancy light sources or optics is oximetry.

basicly pass regular incandescent light through your finger and you will get a spectrum that looks like this spectrum of my finger.

the little sholder labled a is the absorbsion by the hemoglobin in your blood and the area marked b is another absorbsion point for hemogobin by looking at the ratio between these two points and comparing it to a empirical table you can tell the oxygen content in the blood.

but more amusingly if you can see the spectrum in real time. the lobe marked A will bob up and down in time with your pulse ! :)

myfinger.jpg - 40kB

un0me2 - 24-2-2010 at 02:52

I've tried using DVD/CD's as transmission gratings and had less than impressive results... I'm out in the street with the laptop and the camera trying to hold onto the Camera/spectroscope and orientate it to where I'm getting the best spectral response through the slit (including trying to modify the slit width etc.) while also trying to fuck aroudn with the control panel for the camera, playing with exposure, gamma, etc.

When I remove the camera (or more appropriately, when the camera removed itself) and look through the viewport I'm seeing extremely narrow, very well resolved lines (such as I've come to expect), but capturing them on the CCD is rather more difficult than I had expected. I'll try again:P

I've got to get a couple of small bulbs, wonder if those little 12V lamps (breakdown ones) they sell at supacheap would work?

watson.fawkes - 24-2-2010 at 07:25

Quote: Originally posted by un0me2  
[...] while also trying to fuck aroudn with the control panel for the camera, playing with exposure, gamma, etc.

When I remove the camera (or more appropriately, when the camera removed itself) and look through the viewport I'm seeing extremely narrow, very well resolved lines (such as I've come to expect), but capturing them on the CCD is rather more difficult than I had expected.
What's your focus setting? You'll almost certainly need to use a manual setting.

As for calibration, the cheapest molecular source I know of is a sodium vapor lamp. It has a doublet line that's particularly amenable to software recognition. For automatic re-calibration (say, in the field), some LED's would suffice, but you'd need to characterize them first.

unome - 27-2-2010 at 01:29

Here's one using the other camera with a long-life, smart-bulb

thinspectra.jpeg - 5kB

For the Raman, I am seriously considering taking one of those super-bright Luxeon diodes (Royal Blue, 700mW) and then buying one of the diode to fiber couplers, then using the bought one as the basis for making a cobalt-blue one in acrylic.

That will (1) colimate the light and (2) remove everything but a small bandwidth from getting through. One filter on the other side and boom, we'll know whether or not it has any functionality at all.

[Edited on 27-2-2010 by unome]

unome - 28-2-2010 at 20:25

Same bulb, but using a transmission grating - ~70' front to back (ie. front is closer & @ the bottom), slit is about 40mm long, about 1mm thick. - 3kB

Another one, starting to get the resolution I'm after FINALLY

latest.jpeg - 7kB

That last one actually splits the two reds and then splits the blue into about 3-4 parts, so the resolution would have to be up there wouldn't it?

[Edited on 1-3-2010 by unome]

unome - 5-3-2010 at 06:01

Right, I took this narrow slice out of a transmission grating shot - notice the resolution? There are some very narrow, VERY finely resolved lines, even the green is resolved into two in the 8-bit version (greyscale).

spectral.slice.jpeg - 1kB

spectral.slice.8bit.jpeg - 936B

And here is the 3D image of it from ImageJ

Check out that doublet in the green:D

spectal.slice.3D.image.JPG - 19kB


Now, if I lay that slice horizontally and increase it's width to match the graph (just stretch the image), plus swap it around so that the 400nm region is on the left (instead of the right), then we have something recognisable as a graph of wavelength v intensity:cool:. Now all I need to do is get some decent, fairly low power LED's (high powered white LED's are too fucking bright for this little baby, they wash out the spectra) and play around a little so I can start getting absorption spectra from colored solutions, then we can play...

After that, try and get a laser to excite the fuck out of organics and get the Stokes/Anti-Stokes (fairly high-powered NIR diode lasers are easier to get than blue/green and a whole lot cheaper - plus the IR-filter on the CCD should really block the fucking laser line:D if one chose wisely).

[Edited on 5-3-2010 by unome]

not_important - 5-3-2010 at 08:14

As for calibration, the cheapest molecular source I know of is a sodium vapor lamp.

As I've said before, neon lamps will give you a reference for less than a Euro - including the control chip to let you switch it on and off using a printer port pin. Several of the papers on making a laser diode based Raman spectroscope used neon lamps for their references. For about twice the cost you can get a similar argon lamp. giving several strong lines in the violet end of the spectrum.

For the Raman, I am seriously considering taking one of those super-bright Luxeon diodes (Royal Blue, 700mW) and then buying one of the diode to fiber couplers, then using the bought one as the basis for making a cobalt-blue one in acrylic

Way too broad emission, it'll be quite weak by the time you've filtered it down to a narrow enough band.

After that, try and get a laser to excite the fuck out of organics and get the Stokes/Anti-Stokes (fairly high-powered NIR diode lasers are easier to get than blue/green and a whole lot cheaper - plus the IR-filter on the CCD should really block the fucking laser line:D if one chose wisely).

Similar problem, the VNIR laser diodes are fairly broad band emitters for a laser, multimode as anything, and drift badly. For almost purpose they are used to drive some solid to lase to get a useful light source, not directly as lasers.

The IR filter on cameras generally doesn't have that sharp of an edge, nor are they dense enough to significantly attenuate the laser frequency. On top of that they'd absorb in the region of the Stokes emissions. Also the camera's CCD will not be sensitive to part to much of the Stokes lines - they'll be too far to the IR side. And the anti-Stokes emission is much weaker than the Stokes.

Remember that white LEDs have a strong output in the blue, plus a broad yellowish peak; it's no where near black body (like a quartz-halogen) much less flat (like a good xenon arc). You'll need to calibrate the base spectrum intensity and use that to tweak the absorption spectrum, or build a rig that illuminates the CCD with 2 bands - raw white LED output and that transmitted through the sample, then let the software 'difference' the two. Add a third band for light from a neon bulb and you've got calibration at the same time.

unome - 5-3-2010 at 09:23

Nice to hear from you not_important...

Yeah, I've been looking at the little neon bulbs that can be slotted into circuits (some even come on boards, just connect 'em), for calibration purposes, they draw fuck all current and aren't going to wash out the spectrum in the minispectrometer...

You say that the Luxeon LED's are too wide a wavelength, but the datasheets seem to suggest that at most there is a half-width of about 10nm and that at full-power, the dominant emission is fairly narrow. Given the massive (compared to 5mW laser pointers) amount of light emitted from the 0.7W Blue LED's (dominant wavelength ~440-460nm @ 700mA), I still suspect it is worth a try... Put that through the relevant filter and if the specs are telling the truth then I'd be expecting at least half of the total emission to fall within the necessary waveband, if it doesn't work - nothing ventured = nothing gained:)

If I can narrow the output band from the LED's down with filters, I will, but I'm working backwards from what Sir C.V. Raman did, a blue filter to get only blue light (obviously He concentrated a shitload more light than I'm going to, but if 5mW lasers can do it, I cannot see why this cannot). The main purpose behind trying to utilize LED's rather than laser diodes, is the reported problems with them for this application and the costs involved in trying to source 'proper' lasers... For proof of concept, ANY Stokes excitation that can be measured will suffice, if it is recognisable that is a bonus. If that point can be reached using low-budget, low-tech gadgetry and some workarounds, then that gives me hope:) (in much the same way that being able to produce a half-decent graph of the wavelength v intensity, using freeware and way out of date, cheap as shit digital cameras did above).

I am sorry to hear that about the NIR lasers, I was hoping that I could utilize the insensibility of the CCD sensor to the NIR emissions to remove the laser line and the Stokes-excitation (which is increased wavelength from the laser line if I have it right, ie. NIR too), leaving only the Anti-Stokes (lower wavelength than the laser line - ie. visible), which given sufficient power in the excitation laser, I presumed would be able to be utilized (pretty much using the weaknesses/nature of the accessible OTC equipment to improve the capability of an OTC sensor). Is there any way to improve the utility of the 200mW NIR (<800) Laser's?

I was thinking if the Stokes radiation from a 5mW laser is measurable, there has to be some hope that the Anti-Stokes radiation, from a much more powerful excitation laser would be at least measurable (and thus useable). The IR filters on the cameras don't have that sharp an edge, but if the laser is above it, then it wouldn't register would it? Neither would the Rayleigh Scattered or Stokes Excitation? Leaving only the Anti-Stokes to contend with? Thus capitalizing on the inherent weakness of the chosen sensor?:)

unome - 6-3-2010 at 14:29

Righto, I've worked out what I want to do to try and prototype this and see if it works - I can (by the looks of a local site), get a small kit to run one/two of those high-powered blue-LED's off a standard 9V battery, the same place sells neon bulbs and "white" LEDs (apparently, by the data sheet not yellow phosphor on blue), which I intend to wire up to run off battery power too.

That saves me fucking around trying to set up breadboards/PCB's while prototyping.

I have some ideas for the filter(s), a dark blue filter will restrict the wavelength going into the solution and a yellow filter will allow everything but blue out of the solution, perfect for my needs.

I'm experimenting here, it is far from a foregone conclusion it will work:) I'm basing the concept upon what I've read (standing high and dry on the shoulders of some MAJOR giants:D). When I finally get all this shit together I'll post the details and probably some pictures of the setup and the results (good or bad).

not_important - 8-3-2010 at 09:42

Quote: Originally posted by unome  
You say that the Luxeon LED's are too wide a wavelength, but the datasheets seem to suggest that at most there is a half-width of about 10nm and that at full-power, the dominant emission is fairly narrow. Given the massive (compared to 5mW laser pointers) amount of light emitted from the 0.7W Blue LED's (dominant wavelength ~440-460nm @ 700mA), I still suspect it is worth a try... Put that through the relevant filter and if the specs are telling the truth then I'd be expecting at least half of the total emission to fall within the necessary waveband, if it doesn't work - nothing ventured = nothing gained:)

By the datasheet you referenced, the typical half-width for the royal-blue is 24 nm, a 2nm wide filter might get 1/5 the power output. The distribution for the peal over a range of 20 nm, meaning there's a good chance that the peak is several nm off the typical; if the filter weere centered on the value of the typical peak it would not be unlikely to find the actual LED's peak does not fall within the filter passband.

The light is emitted over a wide cone of 160 degrees, a bit of trickyness is needed to collect most of it. BTW, do be careful not to push on the plastic dome covering the LED chip, some of these are fairly sensitive to mechanical stress applied there.

Raman's original work used near mono-chromatic line derived from sunlight, but most of what he did used a line in the mercury spectrum, thus a quite narrow source.

Are you just trying to demonstrate the Raman effect, in which as simple and cheap gear can work, or actually use it as an analytical device?

You're tossing about filter choices, but do you know the expected shifts? I think that for a 500 nm excitation you're looking at shifts in the range of 20 to 100 nm, so 520 to 600 nm would be the range to isolate detect.

a_bab - 8-3-2010 at 12:28 - this site has lots of spectra measured for all kinds of LED's, lasers and such. You may pick up something interesting there.

unome - 8-3-2010 at 13:14

So sorry, been busy (got work being done on the house & sundry other productions)...

First and foremost, I want to show that it can be done... Following that, I intend to work something out as an analytical tool, but first I would like to demonstrate (mainly to myself more than anything) that it can in fact be done and from there, we'll take it as it comes.:D

What about the cheaper bandpass filters (half-width of 5nm, ie. full width of 10nm), that would take in the majority of the light from the diodes cited wouldn't it? At a price of losing resolution, but yeah... I want to get something working, it can be be remade/remodeled later, I need a prototype:)

There are LED optics (fucking cheap too) that are designed to work specifically with the Luxeon and/or Cree LEDs, they take the gaussian emission and narrow it down to a 10' arc or even collimate it for fiber optics. I intend trying both, a 10' arc, through a microscope objective and then fiber optics.

I was just thinking, given that slit width maketh the width of the spectrum, I could mount spectrometer so it is divided into three compartments with only one grating, but three slits. All three spectra would show on the CCD image (sideways - so the long axis would pick up the spectra of all 3). Build a neon bulb into the middle and each and every picture would be automatically able to be alligned (alignment with every use - that removes all the mirrors, fancy tricks and everything - plus no moving parts), based upon the known peaks of the neon bulb.

Anyway, with the filters available now (or even just including a simple monochromator) I could utilize a 12V automotive spotlight bulb (tungsten halide IIRC) and just take the wavelengths I want from that - given that they are 100-250W, that would give several watts of light in a given wavelength, but I'm trying to be gentle:P The monochromator would be nothing more nor less than a blue filter, which would then be narrowed further by filtration.

As it has been demonstrated that miniscule amounts of light are capable of causing measurable Stokes-shifted excitation, then that too would work (probably cheaper than what I have outlined into the bargain). As the light source would not be operating continually for any real length of time, heat would be manageable.

But not_important, I am merely trying to do what I think is possible, I appreciate your assistance and am not trying to argue with you, your knowledge on this point surpasses mine by so great a margin as to be disturbing. All I am doing is showing that (a) lasers aren't NEEDED; and (b) that this will be possible at home, sooner rather than later.

My reason for aiming at the bottom end of the visible scale is simple, that gives me the greatest chance of capturing the Stokes-shifted radiation within the known limitations of the CCD/CMOS sensors. My reason for trying to avoid laser-diodes, is that they eat too much power and according to you (and others) are of doubtful utility for this application.

[Edited on 8-3-2010 by unome]

not_important - 9-3-2010 at 02:02

There' a big difference between demonstrating the Raman effect, and making a useful piece of equipment. A demonstration can get away with an excitation source of 10 or 20 nm bandwidth, taking an actual spectrum needs to be an order of magnitude narrower.

You need to understand the wavelength and intensity differences involved. Filter pass/block differences of a thousand are marginal, you need blocking of optical density 5 or 6 for passable performance with better gear getting OD7 and above. At the wavelength of that blue LED, 4-acetamindo-phenol has 7 peaks within a 10 nm range; excitation light of more than a nm or so width will smear or merge those bands.

Laser diodes can work, but the data analysis needs to deal with their instabilities. There are Raman systems that use NIR laser diodes, 785 nm being common, but those are special diodes rather than the low cost ones. The cheap ones are multimode, especially when operated much below maximum current; even when operated in the single mode range they mode hop, meaning the output shifts several nm in wavelength. Special diodes are used, they include methods that stabilise a single mode.

The roll-off from CCD limitations and its IR filter are not quick enough to block out the laser frequencies and lower Raman shift ranges. The roll-off is enough to lose most of the C-H bond information, though.

Shorter wavelengths give higher Raman scattering values because of the wavenumber^4 proportionality. But they also give increased problems with fluorescence, which can completely drowned out the Raman bands. Shorter wavelength also means narrower spectra, as the Raman shifts are fixed wavenumber values regardless of the exciting light's wavelength. The Raman spectrum for 400 nm light is half the wavelength spread as that at 800 nm, this means increased resolution is needed at the shorter wavelengths.

The attached spreadsheet lets you pick a wavelength and presents the resulting wavelengths of the Raman shift for a number of useful molecular fragments.

And if you really want to learn more, someone seems to have uploaded Raman Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis as a zip at

Attachment: Raman bands.ods (19kB)
This file has been downloaded 914 times

Polverone - 9-3-2010 at 09:02

not_important, thanks for your contributions to this thread! Although the topic is obviously unome's baby I have a strong interest in his experiment too, since I think bringing the cost of analytical instruments down could be a great boon for home chemistry.

Based on the holography pages a_bab linked to earlier, I get the impression that unstabilized single mode lasers may hop modes relatively slowly (i.e. 100 ms+ between hops). This is no good for holography but might be tolerable for spectroscopy: with fine enough temporal resolution during image capture, you get fine spectral structure, frequency shifted when the mode hops, and could perform alignment and stacking on a spectral image collection in software (cheap) to avoid the hardware expense and complexity of keeping the laser in a single mode during the full data acquisition period.

So far I haven't been able to find clearer information than a_bab's holography links about the typical time to hop modes in diode lasers. I will do some more searching but I wondered if you knew the information I seek or likely search terms and locations to try.

un0me2 - 9-3-2010 at 15:24

Ok, couple of quick questions

All green (532nm) laser pointers are pumped (excited) with infra-red type laser diodes?

They all contain the Vanadate Crystal & the KTP crystal?

So what is stopping an individual purchasing one of these, taking it apart and multi-pumping the bejesus out of it with several 1064nm laser diodes through standard fiber?

I've been reading up (this page is good, here is a decent picture of what the insides can/do look like and Sam's provides a shitload of information...).

What I find interesting, is it appears that solid, near-single mode lasers can be made using multiple laser diodes, given the Vanadate crystal and the KTP (plus an IR filter), this should be around about the line we want?

If not, I'd really like some input into how to make a single-mode, 532nm laser using components that (a) won't break the budget; (b) will do the job without mode-skipping and (c) are sufficiently powerful to provide us with Raman spectra

Any and all advice and every suggestion will be looked into

Attachment: Ch.3.Laser.Source.pdf (26kB)
This file has been downloaded 3499 times

Attachment: Williamson.Holehouse.Demystifying.Fiber.Laser.Construction.pdf (347kB)
This file has been downloaded 7068 times

not_important - 9-3-2010 at 19:56

Yes, the mode hopping tends to be fairly slow. Some NIR Raman spectroscopes, particularly those from before the modifications that gave more stable performance, did just as you suggest - watch the captures and adjust them if a mode hop occurred. If the laser line is several times greater than any Raman line it's fairly easy to track it, and a bit more complicated to tweak the rest of the spectrum (dispersive systems tend to be linear based on wavelength while Raman shifts are fixed wavenumber offsets)

The idea of effectively having several spectroscopes in one and recording several spectra at the same time can be useful for such an application, as well as simplifying the calibration of the instrument. You duplicate the sample area and permanently place a reference sample in the 2nd. The software locates the laser line, then the known peaks in the reference, and assigns wavenumber values to the subject based on those; as they are taken with the same excitation source at the same time the correlation is meaningful. Using a neon lamp as a 3rd reference allows assigning absolute wavelengths as well.

This assumes that the diode laser is running single mode, even if frequency hopping. For many diodes this means running them at higher currents to kick them out of multimode operation; multimode gives multiple overlapping Raman spectra that have little use outside of demonstrating the principle. Temperature control for the diode may be needed to maintain stability.

Note that this is more difficult when using a CCD camera to record the spectra than when using a standalone CCD under your control. The camera is designed to take pictures under a certain range of conditions that do not closely resemble those inside a Raman spect machine. You can get results that let you see strong Raman bands, but weaker ones may be inaccessible.

So what is stopping an individual purchasing one of these, taking it apart and multi-pumping the bejesus out of it with several 1064nm laser diodes through standard fiber?

First off the Nd:YVO4 generates 1064 nm when pumped with 808 nm diode lasers. Among other things it allows the combining of the output of a number of diodes to give a single beam; you can't combine the diodes into such an intense beam using passive (filber, lenses, &ct) means. The loses aren't too bad in doing so. You want to do this because laser diodes are temperature dependent, broad linewidth, difficult to impossible to get really tightly focused beams, - all of which makes for a poor match to the doubler NLO KTP. You would get some green output, but conversion efficiencies will run well under 1%.

The cheap DPSSFD lasers such as pointers end pump the Nd:YVO4, for higher power you need to do side pumping and I doubt the vanadate crystal has been ground for side pumping. After that putting too much power into it will damage or destroy the crystal; the same is true for the KTP.

You'll need to focus the diodes output into spots a few microns in diameter; fiber just makes it easier to stack beams from multiple diodes closely side by side.

As you increase the power going into the laser and NLO crystals the power dissipation in them increases, and they will need more cooling. At higher power levels better control of the crystal's temperature is needed, not just simple cooling but maintaining it within a narrow range. This means TEC temperature controllers, and understanding the paramters of the optical crystals.

On top of that you really don't want too high of power, especially if you're not willing to invest a lot of effort in enclosures and reflection control. The IR lasers, both diode and vanadate, in a 5 mw green laser pointer are strong enough to damage your eye in a moment. Power levels above a few hundred milliwatts start fires; catching such a beam in your eye results in your hearng a 'pop' or 'crack' sound and then noticing you seem to be having trouble seeing out of one eye.

Keeping down stray reflects gets real difficult. Black paint isn't really that black, it reflects several percent of the light hitting it. With high power lasers you're faced with both the problem of the absorbed energy and dealing with the few percent now bouncing around. Filters may not handle the power levels, instead you use reflective grating and beam dumps to dispose of unwanted light.

Laser pointer levels of intensity will generate Raman spectra, the ratio between exciting and shifted intensities is a major difficultly. Boosting the intensity of the exciting light may make detection easier, but introduces problems with sample heating and human safety.

un0me2 - 9-3-2010 at 22:42

Ok - so what if I use a basic laser diode (like the one out of a DVD-RW, as extracted here and pump that straight into the back of the Nd:YVO4/KTP crystals?

I am awaiting a price on these crystals, they appear to be fairly cheap and can even be purchased in sets

not_important - 10-3-2010 at 09:47

Very little, to maybe something.

DVD diodes are ~650 nm, CD drives use ~780 nm. The absorption spectrum for the 0.5% doping level is attached. The weak bands become stronger at higher doping levels, so in part the answer depends on the doping level, and in part on the size of the Nd:YVO4. You can pump big slabs off the peaks, that way the pump energy can penetrate deep enough into the slab. But with a bit a few mm in cross section much of the pump energy will just go through it.

The optical drive lasers are a few mw for the read laser, and around 100 mw for the write laser. I beleave the pump laser in a 5 mw green pointers is around a quarter watt, certainly at least 100 mw ( ~80% up conversion efficiency, maybe 10% doubling)

[Edited on 10-3-2010 by not_important]

Absorption_Curve_of_0_5_doping_YVO4.png - 33kB

un0me2 - 10-3-2010 at 14:04

So I'm going to need to find a decent source of the 1W Sony 808nm diodes?* OK, trouble is our nanny state has banned anything serious laser wise here (goons were pointing them at pilots on approach at the main airports), so I'd (1) have to find a supplier and (2) get one who would write on the package - electronic parts assorted.

It is illegal to purchase anything over 1mW without licensing and a whole lot of paperwork in terms of finished pointers, diodes are something else again, they are electro-optics and appear to be exempt (at present). I'm still awaiting replies from various suppliers of the Vanadate:KTP coupled-crystals, although given that the epoxy(??) that is used to join them doesn't like high pump power, I may have to go with separate crystals in-line.

Now, what, in your opinion, would be the 'BEST' strength of 532nm light for amateur Raman Spectroscopy?

... I don't mean the lowest possible and I don't need beast-design, I mean something that is going to give reasonable results, time and time again, with the least issues (from crystal heating, diode breakdown, etc.). Remember this is amateur, I'd like to resolve as many of the spectral characteristics as possible, doesn't mean I'll be able to, but that is the goal.

Now, the other question would be, how will building these solid-state mitigate the mode-hopping behavior?

* If anyone has a decent source of these things please share, I'm getting overwhelmed with the sheer volume of so-called honest salesmen that I'm dealing with at present, many of whom seem to speak a bizarre blend of pigin english and pseudo-tech geek:o

not_important - 10-3-2010 at 20:40

Pulling a functional system together out of components isn't going to be real easy. You're going to need _good_ 3 wavelength safety goggles, the 808 and 1064 will be on the order of 100 to 1000 milliwatts and quite capable of damaging your eye in no time at all. The upper end of that range and above is getting a bit tricky to work with, not to be lightly undertaken.

Putting one together yourself might allow you to pick a diode that you know can be brought into single mode operation. Any diode that doesn't have the potential for mode hopping is quite likely to be rather expensive, it's better to design a system that lets you detect a mode hop and deal with it in software. Using a CCD camera is going to limit performance anyway, so there's little incentive for really good lasers anyway. Good optics is as important as the laser itself, filtering to clean up the beam, suppressing it in the collected Raman emissions, tight control of stray light inside the dispersive optics; all that helps the performance.

20mW 532nm Green Laser Module (3V : 250mA 11.9mm)

Pick up a 20-pack of UV LEDs, a couple of 10-packs of the 14000 mcd whites, something else out of the DIY category, something computer related, maybe a digital scale (I'll accept the 3 Kg/0.1g one), whatever else is useful and fills out your order.

unome - 13-3-2010 at 03:08

Ok, I have ordered the suggested diode-laser modules - any suggestions on where to get the safety goggles?

I mean, given the numbers, you are saying that we would be dealing with Class IV (>500mW) levels of the 808/1064 and IIIb (5-500mW) levels of the 532nm? Surely the better idea would be to prevent the escape of the 808/1064nm light altogether? Presumptively there are filters that WILL remove them from the scene (the 1064 is a real hazard, given it is non-visible).

On that subject, if something like this were built (from the attached paper) - using straight out CD/DVD type reflective gratings, we could (provided we could work out a way to absorb the stray wavelengths) narrow the beam considerably, perhaps even more than with the laser-line filters?

From what I can make of the design, the reflective grating acts as a monochromator - effectively only transmitting (provided the stray wavelengths are absorbed) the line that it is calculated to reflect on that angle (dependent upon grating and the size of the mirror/hole...).. While this looks somewhat advanced for what I am trying to do, a modified version, with a moveable reflective grating, totally enclosed with the ONLY vision being via CCD camera (I have no real wish for cataracts or permanent blindness), should allow for fairly accurate analysis (especially when put through a transmission grating).

Given the reflective indices for CD/DVD's are known (or can be worked out), then it should be possible to narrow the wavelength down dramatically. Worth a shot anyway, unless you have objections to the scheme?

PS EXACTLY the same schematic is used to describe the narrowing of a diode beam in the second PDF.

laser.narrowing.jpeg - 594kB

Attachment: Turner.etal.Frequency.Noise.Characterisation.of.Narrow.Wavelength.Diode.Lasers.pdf (219kB)
This file has been downloaded 1627 times

[Edited on 13-3-2010 by unome]

Attachment: Hawthorn.Weber.Scholten.Littrow.Configuration.Tuneable.External.Cavity.Diode.Laser.with.Fixed.Direction.Output.Beam.pdf (111kB)
This file has been downloaded 1410 times

watson.fawkes - 13-3-2010 at 07:41

Quote: Originally posted by unome  
Ok, I have ordered the suggested diode-laser modules - any suggestions on where to get the safety goggles?
Phillips Safety carries them.

unome - 13-3-2010 at 18:01

Well fuck me... If I haven't stumbled onto something, this is apparently PRECISELY what the big boys do... Diode onto a holographic grating, then the required wavelength is diffracted onto a mirror, they call it line-locking / laser-locking / wavelength-stabilization

Presumably the other, stray and/or unwanted wavelengths are absorbed into some material, but that is the basic system - ie. no need for precision narrow-bandpass filters, ONLY the required wavelength can escape, thus even if it mode-skips, only the intensity will change, not the wavelength.

Attachment: Shine.Day.Focus.Tunable.Diode.Lasers.pdf (62kB)
This file has been downloaded 1307 times

Attachment: (882kB)
This file has been downloaded 1055 times

The latest paper compares Volume Holographic Gratings and Volume Bragg Gratings (way too expensive) with heatsinks and achieves wavelength widths of .3nm which is fucking spectacular and way beyond our requirements...

Attachment: Kohler.etal.Wavelength.Stabilized.High.Power.Diode.Laser.Modules.pdf (497kB)
This file has been downloaded 1521 times

Let's go back to Mr Koppen's site, and look at the mathematics:( (which I kinda suck at, but anyhow)... The numbers of interest here are already semi-established, 550nm comes off a CD @ ~20' & off a DVD @ ~48', whereas the equivalent numbers for 500nm are 18.5' & 42.5', so right away we see that for this to work with 532nm the angle of the DVD grating is going to have to be around about 45', which works wonderfully (I'll work on my maths & get an absolute angle).

The actual angle is going to be worked out according to His equation "sin(a) = l/D", with D=0.74um, l=532nm, which allows us to solve for sin(a) = 0.74/532 or some such.... If the number it spits out is between 44 & 46.5 it should be about right...:o

Trouble is, when I solve for sin(45)=0.850903525 and 0.74/532=0.00139097744, thus there is not going to be a sleep-filled night ahead of me:(

Alternatively, we could use an indexed screw to perform fine adjustment (when we get the thinnest green line possible, that is probably it) starting from the point given by the 'virtually' linear progression of the wavelengths we can see that by dividing the difference between 500 and 550 (5.5') /50 and then multiplying that by 32 = 3.52 (then adding that to the angle for 500nm) - ie. 42.5 + 3.52 = 46.02' we should be able to get close)

What would we use to absorb the stray light-radiation? Any ideas?

The other good thing is, the fact that this is Raman Spectroscopy and we want the laser to go in from the side of the sample, while we collect the filtered light from right-angles thereto (IIRC), so we can forgo the mirror and just put the light straight into the sample through a slit/lens, which simplifies fabrication somewhat.:P

[Edited on 14-3-2010 by unome]

not_important - 14-3-2010 at 07:11

Not much time right now, so just quick notes.

Yeah, you can do it this way.

Remember to see if equations are using degrees or radians.

It's tough to get good light absorption. Black paint runs 95-97%, NiP 98-99%; all slightly less than 2 orders of magnitude. Raman Stokes is 5 to 7 orders of magnitude down, anti-Stoke 1 to 2 below that. You need careful design to get multiply reflections for dumped unwanted light, sometimes filters are still needed, or multiple dispersion designs, to really clean up the light.

Part of what determines how well this works is grating quality. Surface defects give simple scattering, meaning off frequency stray light shows up at the wavelength you want. That's why multiple dispersion gets used, and _may_ be needed with low grade gratings like CD/DVD surfaces. A reflective pre-recorded DVD may give the best result, reflective Al coating on the lines.

watson.fawkes - 14-3-2010 at 07:36

The traditional cheap beam dump is a stack of single edge razor blades, new, untouched (clean), and bolted together, with sharp edges facing the beam. It's the combination of all the sharp, diffractive edges and a conductive-but-lossy material and a geometry that leads to lots of reflections that do the trick.

unome - 15-3-2010 at 04:46

Nice to hear, I intend to be super-careful in choosing the reflective grating - generally, especially with DVD's (because they have effectively 3 layers, not 2) the reflective coating is lifted/warped along the edge of the cut - so I'll cut a much larger bit than is needed and mask the unnecessary portion with black card, ensuring only clean, non-damaged reflective surfaces are exposed to the beam.

That said, this is an amateur forum and this is aimed (no pun intended) at the amateur scientist and what CAN be done with minimal outlay and some ingenuity, so if I can avoid major expenses like line-filters I intend to do so (not being a clown - just working to a plan, or trying to). I'm tempted to make a deep slit - several mm's thereby narrowing the beam further - the further the beam has to travel in between parallel edges, reduces the chance of stray light, plus the further the slit is from the grating, the more surface area is available to ensure good diffractive outcomes... I wonder, what about straight carbon/silicon? What, given their color, are they like at absorbing light? (heat would be a minor issue - it would be far enough away from the module that it shouldn't effect the mode)... What about black cardboard? It is just if the entirety of that end of the monochromator is non-reflective (or as non-reflective as possible), the distance between the grating and the narrow, deep slit is as far as is practicable, we give ourselves the best possible chance of making it work...

not_important - 15-3-2010 at 06:54

Beam dumps are generally used when you want to absorb a beam (duh). The fundamental frequency beam emerges from the NLO at a difference angle than the generated overtone, so you position a beam dump to suck up that unwanted energy (part of the reason experimental setups are large, to give space for the beams to separate).

In this case for safety reasons, and considering the relatively low power in terms of heating stuff, it's likely better to use simple filters to drop the IR beam levels to to safer levels, then a grating to fan out everything followed by the slit to isolate, and lots of absorbers to keep stray light down. It would be a lot of work to make enough beam dump stacks, and the power level just isn't there.

There's the 808 amd 1064 nm beams, the LED-like radiation of the diode laser than can extend down into the green, and Raman shifted light from all three laser frequencies generated in any material they pass through including filters, optical fibers, and so on. Light is Rayleigh scattered, as well as by inhomogeneous areas of the optics, surface imperfections in the grating and other optics, and dust. It doesn't appear as a neat spot offset from the desired light after dispersion, but from the entire optical path at all angles plus reflections.

I don't think a deep slit really helps, else you would see it used a lot. Instead double or triple monochromators are used, each stage giving roughly a reduction in unwanted light to roughly 1/1000 the incoming level. That's with good replica gratings and other optics and using collimating mirrors rather than lenses, I'd not expect quite so good results with DVD gratings.

Also remember that the CD/DVD grating is not truly parallel lines, but rather a portion of a spiral and thus an array of curved lines.

Bulk silicon is not a good absorber of visible light. It appears grey, semimetallic if the finish is smooth. Bulk carbon is difficult to work with, the cheap forms dust off badly, the hard forms have some transparency. Carbon black in a carrier is OK. Micro-rough surfaces are better than smooth ones, thus dyes and thin paints that don't fill the spaces between fibers in paper products give better results than thick paint.

Optics Communications
Volume 270, Issue 2, 15 February 2007, Pages 262-272
Common black coatings – reflectance and ageing characteristics in the 0.32–14.3 μm wavelength range

black fabric is pretty good, running about 96-98 percent.

[Edited on 15-3-2010 by not_important]

NextelBlackVelvet.png - 3kB

unome - 17-3-2010 at 17:52

Sorry, I've been unable to reply for a couple of days, and I'm still awaiting delivery of my laser modules...:(

That said, has anyone got any ideas on how to attach (adhesive obviously, but what type?) the grating film from Edmund Optics (they sell it through Anchor Optics too) onto an acrylic/glass substrate and maybe even onto an aluminium adhesive tape/ aluminium sheet (for the mirrored reflective gratings)...

I was just wondering, it would seem to allow for much more reproduceable results, with a much better 'feel' (almost like it was being done properly:P)... The holographic grating sheet is so cheap it is scandalous, if we can utilise a fairly common adhesive (maybe methacrylate?) to bond it to a clear/reflective backing and then a clear front, it would be bloody useful and very difficult to damage too easily...

It would also allow for the gratings to be made, not just improvised, which would allow us to design Littrow-configuration setups with 1, 2, 3 or even more stages of monochromation in order to get what we want. Personally, I'd prefer a filter that just cut off everything over 800nm (the two main sources of stray light), then try and narrow the actual beam-width and stabilize the wavelength of our module.

The blaze-angle, plus the choice of 500-1000l/mm would allow for some interesting designs (from a physics perspective - almost echelle grating like) of that "decent" film, which should allow us to narrow the beam dramatically with some thought, and a little ingenuity.

watson.fawkes - 17-3-2010 at 21:39

Quote: Originally posted by unome  
That said, has anyone got any ideas on how to attach (adhesive obviously, but what type?) the grating film from Edmund Optics (they sell it through Anchor Optics too) onto an acrylic/glass substrate and maybe even onto an aluminium adhesive tape/ aluminium sheet (for the mirrored reflective gratings)...
Epotek sells a number of optical-quality epoxies. Their basic optical 301 would likely do what you want. The only problem is that if you buy from them directly, you're talking half-liter quantities (as I recall) and hazmat shipping fees, all of which means a might expensive joint cost, assuming you only need a few of them. I saw some reference that it was available from a repackager in 4 g packets, just right for occasional use, but I haven't been able to track it down.

unome - 17-3-2010 at 23:26

I'm posting again because I found a truly interesting article on the subject under discussion from the site (stranger things have happened:o)

I'm in the midst of reading it at present, I'll have to look into the epoxies, is there any specific reason why I'd need them rather than the methyl methacrylate polymer that is used in joining the component parts of DVD's (multiple parts methyacrylate polymeric base, a colored dye (to allow for writing to it), a grooved substrate, a grooved top then a false layer IIRC, I was looking at a diagram of one just last night).

If they can perform the job, but we are only dodging them due to the curved grating, I suspect we could also use the same adhesive...

Attachment: Eckenrode.etal.Portable.Raman.Spectroscopy.Systems.for.Field.Analysis.pdf (236kB)
This file has been downloaded 1181 times

PS Looked for optical adhesives and got this which is used for right through the VIS-NIR range and is even available in Oz for a decent price:D

PPS I was just thinking, if I got a decent optical density piece of glass in yellow (transmits >500nm) and some mid-orange (transmits<550), then that would remove most of the stray light wouldn't it? Prior to the dual monochromator - really, just two reflective gratings on the opposite side of a slit that can be tuned to be on a certain angle (both on the same angle, but opposite)


I am sorry to put this here (but I felt strongly that it had to somewhere), but I am truly humbled by the amount of time and effort some VERY intelligent people, some of whom are very senior members of this forum, have expended in helping me to comprehend the difficulties of this project and the multifarious challenges involved therein. That said, I would like to thank everybody who has taken the time and effort to help, not just me, but everyone who stands to benefit from this if it can only be made to work. I'm not in the habit of 'pissing in pockets' and I suck badly at brown-nosing, which makes it hard for me to express my thanks. Please, if you are one of the people involved, take it as it meant, wholeheartedly and with absolute honesty.

[Edited on 19-3-2010 by unome]

not_important - 18-3-2010 at 23:49

Reflective gratings should be reflective on the front, especially for resolving spectra. Consider what light must

pass through in your proposal:

* the front of the grating
* the bulk of the grating
* the back of the grating
* the adhesive
* the reflector's surface
* the adhesive
* the back of the grating
* the body of the grating
* the front surface of the grating

each of those at least potentially scatters light. For cleaning up the laser beam, especially if filters are used as well, the intensity of the scattered light is likely to be low enough to let you slip by. But on the post-sample dispersive section that scattered light could be important, remember the intensity ratios involved.

If you fill the groves of a transmissive grating, it may stop being a grating if the filling material has a refractive index close to that that of the grating base.

Also the blaze wavelength is more important when separating the Raman light. Gratings work best for wavelengths from 2/3 to 3/2 of their blaze wavelength, so you want to make sure the Raman wavelengths don't get too close to the 3/2 edge.

Filters - standard IR absorbing glass will do a decent job. It's better at the 1064 than the 808, but generally such glass will be OD2 or 3 for both bands. Specs on the glass are needed because some types have moderate absorption in the green, no sense wasting the 532 beam as the gratings will do plenty of that. In a handwaving fashion, glass doped with Fe and/or Ni will work at the IR end, as will light cobalt glass - the dark blue kind will absorb too much of the 532 nm but the lighter blue type might work well. Solutions of CuCl2 and NiCl2 in water just might do the job as well. CuCl2 starts absorbing around 580 and goes at least into the 600s, NiCl2 starts around 620 and I believe goes further into the NIR.

The laser diode puts out several percent of its total light emission from activities similar to those of LEDs, and so dribbles light out from the far red down into the yellow and even green. A friend had a 5 watt 808 diode that put out 100 mw of blue in the 450-490 range as well. Quickly filtering out the 808 and 1064 nm laser light is as much as of a safety thing as just general light cleanup.

It might be useful to build a simple "visible light" spectrometer using bits of a DVD to examine both the output of the laser and pass/block bands of prospective filters. The CCD camera, if the IR filter can be pulled, will detect at least up to 900 nm and down to somewhere around the edge of the UV-Vis. Use fiber optics to feed light from a neon bulb to the outer edges of the slit, bracketing the same light. This will give you a system that processing software can be developed for:

* Merge the colour channels into a combined data channel, which is more than simple grey scale conversion as the CCD colour changes respond to light wavelengths outside of their assumed colour range - red sees some violet-UV for example.

* recognize several lines of the neon spectrum, knowing approximately where to find them.

* use those Ne lines to determine how to rotate the spectrum image to compensate for small rotational misalignment between the slit and the camera/CCD, net result is that columns of pixels represent wavelengths to the resolving power of the system.

* Adjust the column values for the sensitivity of the CCD channels for each wavelength. This can be done by taking the spectrum of a known temperature black body, a tungsten lamp is commonly used, and comparing reads at each wavelength against the expected value for a blackbody.

* Present the polished data as an intensity vs frequency graph, or as an absorbency vs frequency graph.

It'll give you experience with building using gratings and other optical stuff, and working with CCD data. Plus it gives you a useful lab instrument, lets you check the purity of the filtered laser output, and might be able to see some Raman lines.

unome - 20-3-2010 at 14:32

I'm in the process of building the software and then cobbling it together with a TWAIN interface so that I can acquire the image.

I'm still awaiting arrival of the lasers, hopefully I'm not going to have to argue them through customs, although I am fully prepared to so do.

I've previously pulled the IR filter out of a CCD camera, there really is nothing to it, just undo the optics, to expose the CCD itself, look inside the optics and there is a tiny square of colored glass (very light blue). Remove it, reattach the optics (lens assembly and focus etc.).

Insofar as the color - if I use a neon lamp (they are cheap and the drive-electronics are simple), the spectra I want is going to have to be accessed via iterating through the pixels (as an array) and converting each pixel from an RGB color to 8-bit greyscale which is done using an algorithm, which can be modified to give the lumen at each pixel position. As each picture is several hundred pixels high, getting the average luminosity/intensity for the column (@ each pixel position, ie. x, y[1:200]) should enable me to draw a line, pixel position v average intensity (which will be fucking useful for noise reduction).

With Raman & a >550nm cutoff, if we use the long-side for the spectra (assuming we'll only want the visual) we have 500 pixels (out of 640), therefore we can move it back or forwards to line up with the known spectra of the neon bulb, plus have 2 pixels/nm, so 0.5nm resolution is possible (although not without some serious work).


PS Why not use transmission gratings to clean up the laser light? I've seen several dozen articles on using such designs (the holographic grating in most of them 'is' (sic - how many years of schooling & I write that:o) formed by laser interference with a photoreactive substrate wedged between two layers of non-reactive clear outer layers, volume phase holographic gratings IIRC), and was thinking if the filters were utilized as the outer layers of the wedge (glass/grating/glass), then that potentially kills many birds with one stone, while protecting the rather fragile grating film from damage by effectively making it into a slide-type arrangement, which would protect the gratings from fingerprints, dust, etc. and also remove the need for adhesive, plus, quite probably allowing us to use less monochromatic stages...

NB I've actually got some articles on how it is done, they use lasers to react with 1,2-naphthoquininone/methacrylate between two sheets of methacrylate. The naphthaquinone is photoreactive and forms an opaque line where the laser hits it. It is actually quite interesting and may be an answer in itself later on.

[Edited on 20-3-2010 by unome]

unome - 21-3-2010 at 16:36

Sorry for the double-post, but for anyone who is interested, the supplier linked to by not_important has in fact supplied the 20mW Laser Diode Modules and a single 2MP (1600pxx1200px) CMOS iPhone camera module (they now also have an alternative, cheaper version of the same thing) which they wrapped EXTREMELY well and labeled as "Electronic Components" (without any suggestion to do so from me) so as to ensure minimal issues with Customs.

As a result, I happily endorse that supplier (which I know is somewhat frowned upon on this & other boards, but there is nothing remotely suspicious about this, or not_important wouldn't have linked to them either).

Now, I am searching high and low for any reported experiments of using a NIR filter (to remove both the 808nm & 1064nm stray light from the actual laser module - nb. both wavelengths are generated, so unless they are removed, expect them to be present) as a backing for a slide (sandwich the grating film between two sheets of thin glass - as is done elsewhere, in order to protect the grating from scratches, fingerprints, dust, etc., which to me would appear to turn the surface-relief grating into a variant of the volume-phase holographic grating anyway, but utilize an NIR filter instead of one of the glass sheets (ie. preventing the entry of NIR wavelengths into the sandwiched grating) and maybe even utilize a narrow-bandpass filter on the other side of the slide,* allowing the exit of ONLY those wavelengths falling within a predetermined range - those outside it would presumably be absorbed or reflected back through the grating sandwich and absorbed in the first module of the laser-setup).

That would enable us to avoid multiple, loss producing (eg if all the components have 90% transmission, the more components, the lower the overall transmission) if components can be combined, then that will improve transmission. On top of which, if we can dramatically restrict the wavelengths exiting the transmission grating sandwich, that will improve our chances of isolating only the target wavelength by use of simple mathematics/physics (they intertwine in this, as well as other areas), with fewer monochromatic stages than are used by other designs.

* This is not a known variable, it is completely unclear whether this would actually work, it is a hypothesis... If it does not work as advertised, I'd advise inserting an NIR filter prior to the transmission grating-sandwich, with the colored-glass, narrow-bandpass filter used as the entry side of the sandwich - thereby preventing wavelengths outside the bandpass region entering the grating-sandwich, plus the use of the NIR filter + the colored glass bandpass filter complement one another, as the relevant colored glass which corresponds to the required bandpass range, is a double-bandpass filter, transmitting 90% of incident light in the targeted bandwidth and in a large section of the NIR region - by removing the NIR prior to it, it becomes a single-bandpass filter).

In this instance, the Hoya G-533 green glass filter transmits the band we want, plus with a basic NIR filter, would not transmit the NIR that it DOES transmit normally, as the NIR light would not reach it. I'm wondering, how would green acrylic (transparent - tinted) filters go? Acrylic is a lot easier to fuck around with (ie. cut, shape) than glass and is normally a LOT cheaper to purchase.

Does anyone have any knowledge of how to make optical filters/components out of acrylic/methacrylic monomers? Also, ideas on how to tint them so as to better control their behaviour, transmission bands (eg. could we combine the NIR blocking filter with the green transmission filter?)...

not_important - 22-3-2010 at 05:15

IR filter - look at Schott BG39 Glass which is at least OD 4 for both wavelengths.

Trying to make your own filters would be interesting but likely with a long learning curve. Getting the needed dyes may be difficult, casting thin uniform sheets is problematic, and then there's the time getting the nice smooth finish on the filter. There's a reason DIY filters are often solutions, microscope slides make decent cell windows.

I'd want to put the IR filter right at the laser, and dink around with further filtration and dispersion a bit of the ways off it. That way you only need eyewear for 532 nm, and have room to mess about with the isolation of that line.

Simply gluing a standard relief grating to a sheet of glass does not create a volume phase grating, it might make a poorer performing grating than the starting point. Sandwiching works, as it still has the grating-air interface.

As I already suggested, building a simple spectroscope using a bit of a DVD is a good way to check out filter materials for at least the visible to 900 nm range (depends on the CCD used) Neon has some good reference lines in the 800-1000 nm range, including one at 813.64 and a medium one at 808.25; it also has some sets that are useful for determining resolution of your devices.

unome - 22-3-2010 at 07:32


I am just working on accessing the image using DTwain - then (given that the image will contain 3 sub-images), in RGB, working out the central area of each (about half width) and then establishing the pixel postion (x,y) for the bottom left corner of each slice...

Then iterate through by averaging the lumen value (established by the rather simple equation cited above) of the array, x(n), y(200:500), then outputing an integer for the average lumen of the array at that pixel position, then iterating through, let n=n+1... until we get an average lumen integer for each pixel position of all 3 pictures (and the central slice ONLY of each). From that, given we can assign absolute wavenumbers to the peaks in the neon light, we can mathematically assign absolute wavenumbers to each pixel.

As the sensor involved (now) is a 2MP CMOS sensor, and the neon light draws fuck all power, it may just be possible to power the whole thing from the USB 2.0 port (the laser is 3V - inbuilt regulator, 250mA) and the USB 2.0 specification allows for almost double this...

I am actually seriously considering saying fuck it and buying the cheap 10nm bandpass filter (or the more expensive 1.2nm one) - passing that through a grating and only taking the target wavelength is obviously going to be the easiest option.

I'll also need a 550nm colored glass longpass filter (to remove the reflected light, etc. from the source wavelength).

Given the 2MP sensor, that should allow us to go into Angstrom-units, and by averaging out the intensity of the light from the central slice of each sub-picture, we would reduce noise significantly (although, if necessary, we could always factor in noise - just work out a signal-noise ratio and utilize that in determining the average intensity per x-pixel).

The integers returned for lumen/intensity, would, given absolute wavenumbers could be attached directly to the peaks in the neon spectrum (and the angles involved in the increasing spectral orders are mathematical, thus solvable using the PC) assign wavelengths and parts thereof, to EVERY x-pixel, thus allowing us to graph the x-axis (pixel position) v y-axis (avg lumen/intensity at that x-position).

[Edited on 22-3-2010 by unome]

Polverone - 22-3-2010 at 11:08

I just spied this article from last month's JCE:

Inexpensive Raman Spectrometer for Undergraduate and Graduate Experiments and Research. They're using a commercial visible spectrometer for data acquisition, but the illumination is with a green laser pointer.

Supplementary information

[Edited on 3-22-2010 by Polverone]

unome - 22-3-2010 at 17:08

Hell, notice they used EXACTLY the same OG550 Schott-glass bandpass filter I was talking about earlier? They also got a useable Raman spectra from a 4mW 532nm Laser, which means if I use a beamsplitter (to split the 532nm beam into two beams - reference (solvent) and analyte+reference (solvent+whatever) raman spectra are within reach).

Can anyone tell me why they bothered with the super-expensive notch filter when they already had a >550nm filter that would exclude the Rayleigh peaks anyway?


Also notice, they did not use any filter on the 532nm laser source whatsoever (from what they've written themselves).

The microscope objective would be an interesting idea - use one for each of the laser inputs and outputs - although to save fucking around, I'd suggest putting the laser in @90' to the output, that way you can place a mirror on the other side to the orange OG550 Schott glass filter >550nm (everything under that is cutoff).

Of course, given the diode laser modules I have are KNOWN to have no IR filter, we'd need to use that at least (I've included a PDF file, which is essentially just a cleaned up webpage describing the module laser's under discussion - I also added the schematic it cited (and linked to)).

[Edited on 23-3-2010 by unome]

Attachment: Section5.20mW.532nm.sku26887.Green.Laser.Module.Surgery.pdf (106kB)
This file has been downloaded 982 times

JohnWW - 22-3-2010 at 17:48

Quote: Originally posted by Polverone  
I just spied this article from last month's JCE:
Inexpensive Raman Spectrometer for Undergraduate and Graduate Experiments and Research. They're using a commercial visible spectrometer for data acquisition, but the illumination is with a green laser pointer.
Supplementary information

Those two files cannot be downloaded from the scipics folder, because does not have a valid security certificate. Please attach or upload them by some other means.

Polverone - 22-3-2010 at 18:11

Accept the security certificate. It is a self-signed cert designed to protect your traffic from snooping by third parties, not to prepare and validate this site for commerce.

not_important - 22-3-2010 at 22:42

Quote: Originally posted by unome  
Hell, notice they used EXACTLY the same OG550 Schott-glass bandpass filter I was talking about earlier? ...Can anyone tell me why they bothered with the super-expensive notch filter when they already had a >550nm filter that would exclude the Rayleigh peaks anyway?

Also notice, they did not use any filter on the 532nm laser source whatsoever (from what they've written themselves).

But some laser pointers have IR blocking and good 2nd harmonic (532) optics. Unless you know the full specs on their pointer it's tough to compair.

The answer to your question is in the article you're referring too, and the spreadsheet I uploaded

An inexpensive orange-color glass filter can be
used that absorbs light with shorter wavelengths than ca. 560 nm, thus, blocking the 532 nm excitation light and being transparent to red-shifted Stokes scattered light with wavelengths longer than ca. 560 nm. The transmittance cutoff, however, is not very sharp, and Raman light near the cutoff of ca. 560 nm is lost, which prevents the observation of Raman shifts below ca. 1000 cm-1.

Below 1000 cm<sup>-1</sup> includes most of C-C ring breathing range as well as the C-halogen, C-S, S-S, C-O-C bands among others. See the table below and the attached image for common compounds that have bands below 1000 cm<sup>-1</sup>.

shift calc. wavelength
213.3 538.1
329.2 541.5
390.9 543.3
465.1 545.5
504 546.7
651.6 551.1
710.8 552.9
797.2 555.6
834.5 556.7
857.9 557.4
968.7 560.9
1105.5 565.2
1168.5 567.3
1236.8 569.5
1278.5 570.8
1323.9 572.3
1371.5 573.9
1515.1 578.6
1561.5 580.2
1648.4 583.1
2931.1 630.3
3064.6 635.6
3102.4 637.2
3326.6 646.4

Raman_ASA.png - 23kB

JohnWW - 23-3-2010 at 03:10

Quote: Originally posted by Polverone  
Accept the security certificate. It is a self-signed cert designed to protect your traffic from snooping by third parties, not to prepare and validate this site for commerce.

Unfortunately, that security certificate is not capable of being "accepted" by a downloader, and I cannot see anything about it being "self-signed".

Polverone - 23-3-2010 at 08:17

Quote: Originally posted by JohnWW  
Quote: Originally posted by Polverone  
Accept the security certificate. It is a self-signed cert designed to protect your traffic from snooping by third parties, not to prepare and validate this site for commerce.

Unfortunately, that security certificate is not capable of being "accepted" by a downloader, and I cannot see anything about it being "self-signed".

Unless you're using some obscure browser I have never heard of it is certainly possible to add an exception for the certificate. Or just manually edit the URL to change https to http so everything is transmitted in the clear.

unome - 23-3-2010 at 23:12

Schott OG-550 Glass Filters do NOT fall into that range the transmittance at 550nm is down around 0.5% admittedly, but at 560nm it is up to 78%.

As to the secondary harmonics, I suspect (Strongly) that the article using the 4nm pointer wasn't really interested in mode-hopping and all the rest. That said, with a single transmission filter I can line lock it and remove the extraneous 808 & 1064 nm bands with a filter.

Apart from that, it should be only too easy to adjust the program to take into account the percent transmission and adjust it so that the relevant spectral image is corrected. In terms of noise reduction, on top of averaging the column luma, I was also thinking of finding the median and those numbers lying outside an 80% range of the median/mean (can't think which would be better to use) could then be transposed with the mode integer, then the mean is taken.

I was also thinking - we wouldn't have to iterate through the entire pixel range for each sub-picture - we could convert EVERY pixel in the sub-picture to a luma value, then simply work with the column array, average that and get a string of x, y(integer). Which we can correct for both the known transmission curve of the filter and for noise. Use of the trigonometric classes within C++ (for example) would allow us to assign absolute wavelenths from the grating, once we can compare known wavelengths with pixel position.

For example, the grayscale image is purely intensity - nothing more, so if we average out the columns in the grayscale image, we get an average intensity for that column/pixel position. The more rows, the better the average. If we identify the most repeated value (the mode), then identify the median, we can determine the central point of our column's intensity values, if we then replace anything falling outside a predetermined range of the central point (ie. the median) with the mode value, that will, in conjunction with the high number of rows averaged, give us some very useful information (ie the mean), with noise and dud pixels pretty well removed from the equation(s).

This will give a single value for each column, which we could adjust for the variable transmission of each wavelength through the OG-550 filter, in order to give a true representation of the Raman spectra if the filter gave 100% transmission purely mathematically. In order to do so however, we would have to find the peaks of the neon spectra (from the central image), it looks like this:

400px.neon.spectrum.from.wikipedia.jpeg - 1kB

(NB Taken from Wikipedia)

Now, we can assign the peaks from that spectra (which is our central sub-picture), from that, we can backtrack (whether we are using a transmission or a reflective grating, to determine the angle of each spectral peak from the incident light source. That gives us the coefficient for the grating & our sensor, we then utilise that to determine and assign wavelengths to EVERY pixel.

If needed we can then modify the column value for various pixels, by the known transmission of that wavelength through the OG-550 filter, in order to model all spectral data as if transmission at EVERY wavelength were even.:D

No small task, not at all... In fact it is every bit as challenging as building the bloody spectrometer. Not only do I have to work out what bits to buy, what angles they are needed at, where the fuck I am going to get a decent, cheap, beamsplitter, as well as everything else, I also have to work within my USB 2.0 Power budget.

The neon bulbs are a doddle to buy, they are super cheap and require fuck all power, the laser takes 250mA/3V (which is more than I have available without pretending to be a mobile phone battery:().

I need some help here... Anyone want to help work out the circuit diagram(s)? I have contacted the OEM Company that supplied the original iPhone 2MP CMOS Unit and have asked for the specs (but had to sign a confidentiality agreement to even request them). I badly need to work out what connector I need to access the data therefrom.

[Edited on 24-3-2010 by unome]

peach - 5-7-2010 at 19:01

You could have the the higher power components run from an on board power supply, powered by the USB port.

I mean, you could stick a big capacitor (maybe a super capacitor) in there, then have the USB charge it between readings, on the normal limit, as you don't need a continuous supply.

Another option, which may be cheaper, is to actually use an on-board rechargeable cell and simply have the port top it up between readings. Lithium is good for high density, NiMH is better for charge cycles I think (500 versus 1k to 80% capacity). Bypass it with a cap if you need to draw pulses for the laser that are close to the cells limit, or parallel them up.

[Edited on 6-7-2010 by peach]

aliced25 - 25-10-2010 at 04:51

Ok, back on this because I've been thinking about it, there are two real options that I can see

Either purchase the 808nm 1W Diodes (not too bad pricewise) and some NdYAG / KTP Crystals and make a properly designed and properly aligned 532nm laser (with reflective mirrors on the first and second stages - reflecting the feedback back into the lasing medium the diode in stage 1 and the KTP/NdYAG crystal in stage 2), with luck that will phase/line lock it. Then use a 70-90 l/mm laser beam splitter to remove the stray wavelengths and get the whole down to at most a 1nm line. Making those gratings should be a cinch, get some UV curable polymer sheet (the PCB one would do), or a UV cure epoxy resin (preferred option) and use a cad program to draw 70-90 lines /mm then print it out on a high quality printer directly onto a transparency sheet. Etch the non-cured epoxy off the glass/acrylic sheet and bam, one low resolution grating.

The same could be done, with much more ease, using one of the 200mW 650nm Diodes (but I can find fuck all on them for Raman). What would the relevant shifts be for that? Has anyone got any resource (or link thereto) that will enable schmucks like me to work out the extent/percentage shift? Is it that easy? Or is there some other trick?

Personally I like the idea of locking the 650nm Diode (as the designs evolved, they have basically returned to where they started, the interior of the external cavity is separated from the diode cavity by a filter and a small aperture. As the filter is reflective to every bit of light that doesn't get there on the right angle, if we built a pseudo etalon inside the first external cavity with the entirety of the returned/reflected light being directed DIRECTLY at the diode, then the feedback should be solved (so the device will lock). A mirrored surface behind the diode would then direct the remainder of the light back at the diode too (from behind - ie. a mirrored surface each end = an etalon - Here is the thesis I got it from.

The phase/line locked diode could then be line-narrowed by running it through one of the laser line splitting transmission gratings (mentioned above).

But we come back to precisely where the *)(&;))&()* raman shifted chemical groups will be, is there some formula? I really HATE not knowing this shit & I can't even find it anywhere I've looked.:mad:

[Edited on 25-10-2010 by aliced25]

Etalon.Feedback.Chip.Design.jpeg - 135kB

aliced25 - 31-10-2010 at 02:28

I found some of them (in the attached paper), but in order for the "Raman Shifts" to make sense, one has to get the concept of "wavenumber" and "wavelengths" straight. It took me a little while;). I'll attach an image from, which shows the problem:

Notice how few wavenumbers there (comparatively) between 800nm-1000nm? Only 2,500cm<sup>-1</sup>? But there are 30,000cm<sup>-1</sup> between 200nm-500nm?

This shows why Raman Spectroscopy is usually done anywhere but the lower half of the spectrum (UV-NIR). The wavenumbers are so numerous that the shifts would be impossible to measure/discern. Whereas at the upper half of the spectrum, the closer we get to the 800-1,000nm section the better (although it needs a stronger laser & a camera without an IR Filter, because imaging with a CMOS/CCD Image Sensor between 800-1,000nm (invisible) requires a fairly big spike to be noticeable.

I'm actually busily transcribing the shifts in the paper I've attached, when I'm done transcribing the shifts, what I'll do is work out the shifts in nm for each group listed from a 405nm, 532nm, 650nm and an 808nm laser diode, where we would expect to see the Raman Spectral result for those groups using each laser.

PS The relevant tables are on pages 4-7.

Attachment: Tables.Wavenumber.Shift.Frequencies.pdf (738kB)
This file has been downloaded 1709 times

not_important - 31-10-2010 at 09:14

Quote: Originally posted by aliced25  
But we come back to precisely where the *)(&;))&()* raman shifted chemical groups will be, is there some formula? I really HATE not knowing this shit & I can't even find it anywhere I've looked.:mad:

Seems to me I uploaded a little spreadsheet that lets you plug in the exciting wavelength and gives a list of Raman shifts back a page, shift values for common groups over the range of 300 to 3000 wavelengths - pumps out the nm value based on the given excitation freq.

And once again a word or two of warning - while it may look simple to mess about with laser optics, the damned things don't always work the way you want them to, or even work at all. I worked at a company that did nothing but lasers, research jobs developing laser assemblies for OEM use. Lots of guys with years uni research and more years in the industry. And there were times they spent many days coxing a solid state laser chain to function, using a lot better grade of equipment than you're likely to have.

The other thing is that you absolutely needs eye protect for all wavelengths used once you get above a class 2 or 3A laser. It's amassing how often assemblies that are intended to lock up light and just can't physically fail do fail and bounce watts of laser light about - the holes in the safety drapes were evidence of this.

[Edited on 31-10-2010 by not_important]

watson.fawkes - 31-10-2010 at 09:19

Quote: Originally posted by aliced25  
Notice how few wavenumbers there (comparatively) between 800nm-1000nm? Only 2,500cm<sup>-1</sup>? But there are 30,000cm<sup>-1</sup> between 200nm-500nm?
If you multiply the wavelength times the wave number, you get a constant.

aliced25 - 31-10-2010 at 13:08


Thanks for that spreadsheet - I have looked at it several times, but until I could work out the shift for each group and the wavenumbers themselves, it didn't make sense. I dislike not knowing HOW something works, for that I needed 2 pieces of the puzzle, the shift in wavenumbers, and the calculation of the shift in nm based upon the excitation laser is a whole lot easier if the reasons why it works are known.

I didn't see the calculation in that spreadsheet sorry, dumb of me, but hey...:D Ah hang on, I'm not getting it to work - the numbers are just sitting there, no calculation. I'll try downloading it again, but even if there is an issue with the download, if the calculation was there, surely it would show up regardless? I mean, even if the calculation wasn't carried out, the formula would still be there?

Here, I did a pdf with the solutions for 405, 532, 650 & 808nm & I also attached the Workbook (Open Office Version). Just type the Excitation Laser wavelength into the box at the top of the first page.

[Edited on 1-11-2010 by aliced25]

Attachment: RAMAN.TABLE.405.532.650.808.pdf (325kB)
This file has been downloaded 5749 times

Attachment: Raman.Solver.Chart.ods (16kB)
This file has been downloaded 656 times

aliced25 - 1-11-2010 at 23:06

Anyone got any papers on the use of Lumogen on the CMOS/CCD Chips? For mine I'm wondering how well they perform in the wavelength(s) that they upshift the UV light from. Is it possible to just coat a window and place that in front of the Image Sensor (or part thereof), so that only the UV light can be incident upon it? Then the rest of the window show the visible-NIR spectra?

The other alternative is to have one coated chip and one uncoated, put a UV filter in the way and record the VIS-NIR Spectra, then a VIS-NIR Filter in the way and record the UV. This would be a fall-back position though.

PS Anyone seen the all-fiber Michelson interferometers WITHOUT mirror/beamsplitter? They just use a Fiber beamsplitter (multiplexer), etc.

not_important - 2-11-2010 at 12:14

The further the phosphor is from the face of the CCD, the more cells see a given spot, the lower the resolution. Work out the trig - size of a sensor cell, distance to it; ordinary phosphor films are spherical emission sources (you can do better with microchannel arrays).

You'd be using this in a dispersive system you'll need at least two gratings to cover the full range, and a deuterium lamp to go very far into the UV. It would likely be less useful for Raman stuff than a system designed for that purpose, lower sensitivity and more noise+scattered light. OTOH there's no need for the filter swap, just place the two chips to get the proper range of the spectrum. Use a prism+grating, dispersing at right angles to each other, this keeps the grating's high order stuff from landing where it will confuse the results.

The all-fiber Michelson interferometer - did you actually read the article. Looks to be for narrow wavelength use, as a wavelength measuring device, as a part of a sensor where some environmental variable causes changes in the light.

aliced25 - 3-11-2010 at 00:43

I was actually just thinking about that, the phosphor merely sensitizes the CCD/CMOS Pixel, the light incident upon that pixel is controlled by the grating. So even if the UV-phosphor fluoresces at a higher wavelength, the position it fluoresces will be determinative of the spectral region.

The only problem is if the phosphor emits at the same color as the incident wavelength (is that even possible? Fluorescence is the conversion of a wavelength to another wavelength, surely a wave cannot be converted to itself?)...

I'm looking up <sup>2</sup>D lamps now, there is one in which there is no arc, the <sup>2</sup>D is excited by RF. Has anyone got any idea how this works?

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