Sciencemadness Discussion Board

do-it-yourself nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy

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crazyboy - 23-8-2010 at 23:13

In his thread "Synthesis of Arecoline - 3 Steps from Nicotinic Acid" Arrhenius mentioned that he had an NMR at his house. Now whether I misinterpreted his statement or not it got me thinking about the viability of an NMR at home. Now of course the standard NMR is way out of an amateurs reach. Aside from the 500k price tag and sheer size of the machine, it requires that it be constantly filled with an inner jacket of liquid helium and an outer jacket of liquid nitrogen. The cost of the cryogenic liquids alone would be astronomical.

However there is a device known as an "earth's field NMR" I won't pretend I fully understand how it works so here is the Wikipedia entry: Sufficed to say it uses frequencies around 2 kHz (give or take depending on geographic location) and requires no cryogenic liquids.

These earth's field NMRs or EFNMRs as they are called are sold to educators and to small universities. I saw one quoted at about $3400, while this is quite expensive it is nowhere near as much as a cryogenic NMR. The website that supply these devices list experiments that can be done with them; I don't know how useful these are as analytical tools maybe someone else could shed some light?

Information on Nuclear Magnetic Resonance:

Information and vendors for Earth's Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance:

The last link I posted is of a company called extrom, they no longer sell a EFNMR however they have a book called "Signals from the Subatomic World: How to Build a Proton Precession Magnetometer" Which apparently has detailed instructions on building a proton precession magnetometer with computer integrated data sampling and analysis. Below is the link with information on the book.

[Edited on 8-30-2010 by Polverone]

densest - 25-8-2010 at 12:44

Looks like an interesting DIY project. Is the software available? Does it run on Linux? Winding the coils is tedious but doable.

not_important - 25-8-2010 at 13:49

The native field NMR systems must work with a __very__ low signal level and fairly high background noise, both manmade and natural. They also are fairly low resolution, making their use for general structural determination difficult. Those mean that long acquisition times are often needed. Also remember that the Earth's magnetic field fluctuates by several parts per ten thousand in the range of seconds on up to a ppt over a day; instruments using the native field likely track the field strength and dynamically adjust their decoding of the spectra.

You don't superconducting magnets, with modern permanent magnets you can build a NMR thaty operates in the 50-100 MHz range.

Miniature permanent magnet for table-top NMR

A permanent magnet for NMR

Development of Halbach magnet for portable NMR device

Permanent Magnet Arrangements for Low-Field NMR

Open H-Shape Ferrite Permanent Magnet Structure for NMR Imaging

A low-field, low-cost Halbach magnet array for open-access NMR

12AX7 - 26-8-2010 at 09:43

I was going to make a $100 NMR some day. MOT for magnet, probably an RF downconverter to recieve the signal, and a soundcard to record the FID. Spectrum analyzer turns FIDs into ppms.

The hard part is machining and shimming the magnet to get a sufficiently constant field.


watson.fawkes - 26-8-2010 at 10:56

Quote: Originally posted by not_important  
The native field NMR systems must work with a __very__ low signal level and fairly high background noise, both manmade and natural.
To be slightly more specific, the field strength within the innards of an NMR device is 5-6 orders of magnitude large than the magnetic field of the earth. The symmetry-breaking polarization of a target nucleus is proportional to the field. So very roughly speaking, you're talking about a signal that starts off with 50 dB of noise more than in an NMR device. This is partially surmountable by extending sampling times, etc., but it makes things so much more difficult that using even the most basic of technological sources of magnetic field.

disk drive magnet NMR

densest - 29-8-2010 at 22:27

There are 20 disk drive magnets on my kitchen table. Pretty strong NIB... 0.2T maybe? So the proton frequency would be in the range of 6MHz. That's well within the range of direct conversion at 14 bits. Heterodyning to baseband gives 6Hz per ppm which can be converted at 24 bits/sample with very good signal-to-noise ratio.

Obviously the field has to be uniform in the volume of the sample to better than 0.1 ppm. There -might- be some way to apply a magnetic field calculator program to cut field plates appropriately.

Real NMRs have shim coils. How do you measure the nonuniformity? By the width of a key peak (Li7 in one article I read)?

I'm pretty confident in my ability to fish out a microvolt signal, maybe nanovolt signals... the nV/rootHz is a killer down there - keep impedances very very low.

So maybe a very very small volume centered between the pole pieces?

Or should I just go away and have some good wine instead?

Nicodem - 30-8-2010 at 02:32

I think there is not much of a chance to obtain anything else but a general resonance signal (zero resolution) for whichever proton type in a sample if the resolution would have to be 6Hz per ppm. Yet, if you can build an instrument that can measure any NMR signal at all by using a disk drive magnet, I would consider that some very good science madness already. Also, by doing this you would not need a very homogeneous magnetic field at all and you can use a sample with high concentration of protons (H2O for example) to give a more intense resonance signal. If you are that skilled in electronics, then by all means go for it and try building something basic like this, yet highly fascinating.
Then, with some more experience, you can perhaps build an instrument with some improvised shim coils and able to get some minimal resolution on some nuclei like 19F which has a much wider chemical shift vs. frequency spectra (~1300 ppm compared to ~15 ppm for 1H), thus giving much better resolution at low magnetic fields. But without the classical shimming method based on a deuterium lock (or some other nuclei) I truly have no idea how can you homogenize the field by shim coils (except perhaps by plain incredibly tedious try-and-see for each sample?). But surely this has been done before and there must be some articles describing the building of a basic NMR experiment for students of physics. You should check the literature to get some ideas on how to do this. I think we have some physicists and chemical physicists here, so perhaps someone else will be able to guide you.

watson.fawkes - 30-8-2010 at 05:19

Quote: Originally posted by densest  
Real NMRs have shim coils. How do you measure the nonuniformity?
If you actually want to measure it, use a micrometer-based microscope stage, a piezoelectric bar, a tiny dot of ferromagnetic material, and an amplifier with good stability and low bias current. Then scan. Honestly, I don't think this seems worth it, given that you can get big fat permanent magnets of uniform size for quite low prices. Amazon (what came up first in Google) has a 1" x 1" cylinder for $30, and I think that's likely overkill. What does make some sense is to use disk drive magnets for prototyping, as a temporary field source while getting the electronics built. I do think you'd spend more on metrology gear getting a uniform field out of a non-uniform magnet.

Another option for those of the no-budget persuasion is to process the magnetic material for a different field configuration. The Curie point of these magnets is fairly low, so they could be magnetically annealed, put on a grinder to make rectangles, stacked up into a bar, and then re-magnetized in an electromagnet.

arsphenamine - 30-8-2010 at 07:30

Quote: Originally posted by densest  
There are 20 disk drive magnets on my kitchen table. Pretty strong NIB... 0.2T maybe?
Or should I just go away and have some good wine instead?

If you are determined to scavenge magnets from HDD's,
consider the samarium cobalt ones from old style 5.25" full height drives.

To discover suitable OTC magnet shapes and sources,
peruse the list of permanent magnet sources listed at the guitar pickup site,

By all means, have some good wine but
remember that it's better when you share it.

12AX7 - 30-8-2010 at 10:49

Anyone suggesting strong magnets as a brute-force solution is disturbingly misguided. The size of the magnet has no relevance when you still need pole pieces to get that magnetic field into the test area.

The field from a NdFeB magnet may be ~1.5T internally, but this drops to maybe 1T at the surface and <0.1T in a very short distance (a fraction of the magnet's width). The field is very inhomogeneous.

BTW, even ferrites reach 0.4T. Maybe natural magnetite is 0.2T, but that's hardly of interest.

Placed between pole pieces, permanent magnets would be an excellent source of static bias. Electromagnets and additional permanent magnets can be used to shim the final volume.

The best way to calibrate the field is water, perhaps excited by a perpendicular coil from a relatively noisy oscillator (~10ppm of frequency noise might be typical of a resonator), monitoring the result with a spectrum analyzer (using whatever methods are necessary to observe the <1ppm peak). Peak width is infinnitessimal, so you can correctly assume that your line width is due to coupling from the oscillator (which can be nulled beforehand) and inhomogeneity in the field (which is the new variable).

The nice thing about using two coils is you get to do FID and such, and with perpendicular coils, your reciever design is greatly simplified, not having to blank the excitation pulse.


watson.fawkes - 30-8-2010 at 11:58

Quote: Originally posted by 12AX7  
Anyone suggesting strong magnets as a brute-force solution is disturbingly misguided.
I was comparing a geometrically inhomogenous field from disk drive magnets to the rather more homogeneous field from a regularly shaped one&mdash;no more than this, and certainly nothing like a complete solution.

densest - 30-8-2010 at 21:02

Experimental pulse NMR: a nuts and bolts approach By Eiichi Fukushima, Stephen B. W. Roeder Westview Press 1981 has a lot of information. The Google Books excerpt is pretty helpful.

Using some course materials from various universities found on the net, a dropped-calculator no-envelope estimate of the signal from a 1 cm^3 sample of water using a 0.2T magnet is in the vicinity of 1 microvolt. The frequency is about 6 MHz, pretty easy to deal with. The power necessary for the stimulus pulse is painful - over 500W if I understood the very vague language in the one paper that defined it at all. At that frequency, a 10-turn (5 & 5) or fewer turns and a matching network would be needed. Electronics to quench the pulse quickly aren't -too- bad.

Modern chips & transistors would make things -relatively- easy. Given a 60Hz maximum for 10ppm allows the use of 24 bit A/D converters at baseband for $10 or so... getting 1 nV or less noise is harder. Significantly twisty signal processing might be necessary - then don't downconvert all the way to baseband, but instead maybe get 1000 - 1060 Hz out (where noise is less of a problem) and DSP the heck out of the data. Modern frequency synthesizer chips allow generating multiple very stable sources, so phase coherence shouldn't be a big problem. The current state of the art is would be to digitize directly at 6MHz and do everything subsequent to that in software. 12-14 bit converters run $25-30 or so. That might not be the least expensive way, though. Unless there is a reason I don't see, the traditional approach of frequency synthesis from two oscillators and double frequency conversion for the signal is probably a lot more trouble for no better results.

Machining pole pieces correctly would be a pain.

Mapping the field with an X/Y controlled force probe like an atomic force microscope would be amusing. Use a tiny search coil w/pizeoelectric vibrator giving either a force null when the search current matches pizeoelectric force or a signal generated in the coil at a voltage proportional to the field in the direction perpendicular to the search coil using a constant AC drive to the pizeoelectric actuator.

Anyway, I'm interested in this because NMR was my favorite way of identifying unknown organic compounds :D A desktop unit would be pretty amazing. It would probably be a 6-month to 1-year project, though. The less money, the longer time.

----- is a portable NMR with specs very similar to the above... anyone in NZ have any idea what it costs?

[Edited on 1-9-2010 by densest]

densest - 1-9-2010 at 12:37

Anyone in Australia (or maybe New Zealand) want an NMR? has no bids & an opening price of $1000...

Polverone - 1-9-2010 at 13:04

Quote: Originally posted by densest is a portable NMR with specs very similar to the above... anyone in NZ have any idea what it costs?

I couldn't find pricing data but the product appears to be based on work described in this thesis. The whole document is fascinating reading in relation to this thread.

spong - 3-9-2010 at 04:33

Quote: Originally posted by densest  
Anyone in Australia (or maybe New Zealand) want an NMR? has no bids & an opening price of $1000...

I'll chip in if we find more Aussies wanting one. We could share it :P

aliced25 - 5-9-2010 at 06:45

There is a LOT of work going into the field, with some massive improvements - to the extent that I'm seriously considering trying a smaller version of the 1T device (using 6mm x 120mm, diametrically magnetized Neodymium magnets ~$5ea instead of the magnets they used).

If so, the magnets will cost under $20, the copper wire will cost basically nothing, the working out of the theory is going to be the killer - exactly what receives the signal from the copper wire? How is it processed? This thread will need help from people who know what the hell they are talking about.

Attachment: VI.Nuclear.Physics.3.A.Simple.Magnetic.Resonance.Spectrometer.pdf (443kB)
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Attachment: Zhang.etal.Design.Construction.and.NMR.Testing.of.a.1Tesla.Permanent.Magnet.for.Magentic.Resonance.pdf (390kB)
This file has been downloaded 3970 times

Attachment: (800kB)
This file has been downloaded 4335 times

Attachment: Chen.Zhang.Xiao.Design.Analysis.Novel.Test.Tube.Portable.NMR.pdf (580kB)
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Attachment: Hills.Wright.Gillies.Low.Field.Low.Cost.Halbach.Magnet.for.Easy.NMR.pdf (312kB)
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Attachment: (457kB)
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Attachment: Stephenson.Furse.Table.Top.MicroFluidic.NMR.pdf (181kB)
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Attachment: Sevcovic.An.Improved.CW.NMR.Broad.Line.Spectrometer.for.Weak.Signal.Detection.pdf (298kB)
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Attachment: Job.Pearson.Brown.A.Personal.Computer.Based.NMR.Spectrometer.pdf (1.2MB)
This file has been downloaded 1812 times

Attachment: Halbach.Permanent.Magnets.for.Production.and.Use.of.High.Energy.Particle.Beams.pdf (296kB)
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un0me2 - 6-9-2010 at 15:41

There are a few more references including one (Chang, et al) which uses small magnets in a polymeric material and can be calibrated with water, as can several others in this collection. Shimming is needed to improve the field, but the design of a portable Halbach array for NMR will be complicated by the fact that magnets that are magnetized through the middle aren't precisely easy or cheap to acquire. Some are available but nothing on the size some of these systems use.

Attachment: Chang.Chen.Hwang.1Sided.Mobile.NMR.with.Halbach.Magnet.pdf (657kB)
This file has been downloaded 1723 times

Attachment: Danieli.etal.Small.Magnets.for.Portable.NMR.Spectrometers.pdf (104kB)
This file has been downloaded 1287 times

Attachment: Raich.Blumler.Design.and.Construction.of.a.Dipolar.Halbach.Array.with.a.Homogenous.Field.from.Identical.Bar.Magnets.NMR. (616kB)
This file has been downloaded 1675 times

Attachment: Horch.Schlayer.Stallmarch.Permanent.Magnet.Arrangements.for.Low.Field.NMR.pdf (323kB)
This file has been downloaded 1919 times

Attachment: Anferova.etal.A.Mobile.NMR.Device.for.Measurements.of.Porosity.and.Pore.Size.Distributions.of.Drilled.Core.Samples.pdf (193kB)
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Attachment: Soltner.Blumler.Dipolar.Halbach.Magnet.Stacks.Made.From.Identically.Shaped.Permanent.Magnets.for.Magnetic.Resonance.pdf (976kB)
This file has been downloaded 3233 times

[Edited on 6-9-2010 by un0me2]

un0me2 - 8-9-2010 at 19:15

Ok, now we've got the article where the Author's have a "Coffee Cup" size device with shimming to alter the internal field (Danielli, et al). They used multiple truncated-equilateral triangle prisms for the main magnets in a Halbach Array.

I was wondering, what about if we used non-truncated equilateral triangular prisms to try and get a similar result, the N40, 10mm Equilateral triangle shaped prisms (follow the link) are about the right size to replicate the device in the paper, but being Neodymium, they could actually form a stronger-field.

Any ideas on shimming? What sort of magnets should be used? Any ideas on how to arrange the magnets (the pole runs from the base on one side to the opposite vertex, so arrangement is going to be needed)? I'm thinking small Ferrite/Neodymium flats between the triangular magnets would be effective as shims (attaching a small nut to the center of the shims so that we can move them with a screw would be necessary).

Coil design is also up for discussion...

Attachment: Danieli.etal.Small.Magnets.for.Portable.NMR.Spectrometers.pdf (104kB)
This file has been downloaded 2254 times

aliced25 - 8-9-2010 at 21:34

I just drew up a rough sketch of what I'm talking about - instead of having the truncated-prism as the major component - ie. North-South traveling through them, why not use 6 10x10mm x 3.175(?)mm equilateral triangle-prisms and between them have 6 10x5mm x 3.175(?)mm long bars, which are magnetized through the 5mm edge, two of which would, in a Halbach array, form the North and South poles.

The design I've come up with would leave an approximately 10mm center (a hexagon with 5mm sides) for the coil and we could use grub-screws (provided they can be attached easily) to shim the magnetic bars inward/outward, thereby altering the field. The benefit is that the magnets I'm talking about are all Off-The-Counter designs, so there is no massive machining/purchasing overhead, it should cost under $30US for the lot.

The coil would have to fit in the center - but there are numerous coil designs (birdcage, etc.) and I'm thinking a capped centrifuge tube for the sample holder...

LnB003.jpg - 47kB

All up size, considering it would probably be best if the whole were encased in plastic, would be around 4cm (diameter) x 4cm (height). Anyone got some design ideas for the coil?

[Edited on 9-9-2010 by aliced25]

aonomus - 10-9-2010 at 03:50

Have you considered modelling the field in FEMM at all? This would be a little better than guessing for dimensions and orientations. Eats up CPU power though... :D

watson.fawkes - 10-9-2010 at 08:52

Quote: Originally posted by aonomus  
Have you considered modelling the field in FEMM at all? This would be a little better than guessing for dimensions and orientations. Eats up CPU power though... :D
On the other hand, eating up CPU time is far preferable to eating up shop time and material cost going through multiple prototypes.

un0me2 - 10-9-2010 at 22:44


How to model the Gauss of a 10mm Equilateral triangle prism? It is N40 Neodymium, as is the 1/4" square prism... By the way, thank you very much for the program suggestion.

Can I import from GoogleSketchUp?

No, apparently - I have to work out how to draw it in the finite materials program:(

EDIT - sussed it out - from what the model is telling me there would be a solid 0.5-0.6T field right through the middle of the model.:D

halbach.array.model.jpeg - 13kB

Actually, that is pretty fucking spectacular - my design gives about the same results as the one in the paper by Danielli, et al (above), using off the shelf, cheap as fuck Neo magnets instead of specially machined/shaped Samarium Cobalt magnets and it is much smaller (while retaining the moving parts so as to allow for "tuning" of the magnetic field).:D

Who says amateurs have to be "amateurish"?:P

Check out what happens when the two top triangular magnets are turned inward... An actual peak of 0.6T in the center, with an average through the central area of ~0.58T

[Edited on 12-9-2010 by un0me2]

Halbach.array.model2.jpeg - 56kB

un0me2 - 13-9-2010 at 06:21

Amateurs may not be amateurish, but they can fuck up - when I went through the diagram of what I'd drawn I realised that despite setting the preferences in mm it had retained them in inches, so the diagram attached to the previous post is innacurate.

The one attached to this is an accurate (or roughly so) rendition of what FEMM makes of the model. Note that the section graphed is through the "middle of the model" where the coil would go and actually peaks in the center at just under 0.7T:) That pretty much matches what the pro's can do with much larger devices, this is approximately 4cm wide, by just over 3cm high, with a clear bore of about 6mm with a useable area in the center of about 2.5-3mm diameter (where the field is pretty well homogeneous & appears to average 0.68-0.69T, in fact I'd be prepared to state that it is so, the defects on the model are more likely from my drawing than from the "model" magnets).

It is rather higher nearer the poles so I may have to try out a couple of additional design ideas in order to increase it further. I also intend to contact the local school and get them to see if they can measure the flux once I build the same. The central part is so cramped due to the design incorporating aluminium framing (0.1", ie. 2.5mm - aluminium was one of the only choices offered, does anyone know enough about the plastics in this area? How well they conduct magnetic fields, etc.?)

Halbach.Array.Section.small.jpeg - 8kB Halbach.Array1.Flux.small.jpeg - 17kB

[Edited on 13-9-2010 by un0me2]

watson.fawkes - 13-9-2010 at 09:29

Quote: Originally posted by un0me2  
Note that the section graphed is through the "middle of the model" where the coil would go and actually peaks in the center at just under 0.7T:) That pretty much matches what the pro's can do with much larger devices [...] the field is pretty well homogeneous & appears to average 0.68-0.69T, in fact I'd be prepared to state that it is so, the defects on the model are more likely from my drawing than from the "model" magnets).
The real achievement of the pros is to get high homogeneity of the field. You've got about 1% deviation now, 1 - 1E-2, but getting decently sharp peaks requires more orders of magnitude, say going from 2 to 5.

12AX7 - 13-9-2010 at 11:45

Plastics are unsuitable as they contain nuclei. Carbon obviously for one, and almost all contain hydrogen. Teflon might be suitable if you aren't using fluorine resonance, but it suffers from cold flow, a non-starter for ppm accuracy over time.

Don't forget to note that aluminum is slightly diamagnetic. If you can turn up your calculator to ppm accuracy (heck, might as well calculate the shim coils while you're at it, eh?), you must take this into account.


Twospoons - 13-9-2010 at 15:21

Instead of using such nasty shapes, you can build a halbach array using a ring of diametrically magnetized cylindrical magnets (available off the shelf). I ran a quick sim on FEMM, and got a much flatter field than in you sim above. Shimming is achieved simply by rotating the magnets. Size in sim is kind of random. magnets are N52.
More elements usually = flatter field.

Attachment: halbach.EMF (5kB)
This file has been downloaded 1293 times

halbach.jpg - 130kB

[Edited on 13-9-2010 by Twospoons]

un0me2 - 14-9-2010 at 13:15

Be nice if that were so wouldn't it? But as your picture demonstrates, the magnetic field in the circular magnet designs is affected by there lack of density (both magnetic and otherwise). Your design pulls a nice field, there is no escaping that, but with heavier duty magnets, but the maximum field in the center is >0.5T (closer to 0.4 in fact). My "nasty shape" is pulling an homogeneous field with close to 0.7T (and I've designed others pulling over 1T, but without the homogeneity). I've tried nearly every design I can think of with circular magnets and without resorting to sizes & shapes that are outside what is easily available, I cannot break 0.5T (although with 8 Neo52 Discs, 1/2" dia, I can reach it with a "fairly" homogeneous field through the center with a 4mm useable region averaging from ~0.47-0.5T).

With an even nastier shape, which I will share directly, I can get a homogeneous field around 0.95-1T. I want to install some software so I can draw it in CAD & import it to FEMM first.

Here is one design - 10mm squares (1" high) & 10mm diameter discs (1" high), with the 4 circular magnets being used to tune the magnetic field. Across the 1cm center the field fluctuates from 0.82125T to 0.82110T which is pretty bloody homogeneous (0.82T right across) with further tuning available from turning the 4 circular magnets (all magnets are N40 - N52 would improve the field further).

[Edited on 14-9-2010 by un0me2]

Halbach.Circular.Tuning.jpeg - 26kB

[Edited on 14-9-2010 by un0me2]

Twospoons - 14-9-2010 at 14:10

I'm thinking of the tradeoff between the 'perfect' answer, and one that is easily obtainable (its what I do all day, as an engineer). I'm just wondering where you will obtain odd shaped magnets with exactly the right magnetisation direction. If thats no problem for you then go for it!

watson.fawkes - 14-9-2010 at 15:06

Quote: Originally posted by un0me2  
I've tried nearly every design I can think of with circular magnets and without resorting to sizes & shapes that are outside what is easily available, I cannot break 0.5T (although with 8 Neo52 Discs, 1/2" dia, I can reach it with a "fairly" homogeneous field through the center with a 4mm useable region averaging from ~0.47-0.5T).
Broadly speaking, you've got two kinds of noise to worry about. I'm over-simplifying at this first pass to make a point about optimization. Feel free to expand as needed.

You've got underlying thermal and Doppler noise (and others). Increasing the strength of magnetic polarization increases the splitting of degenerate energy states. The higher the energy difference, the more easily it's distinguishable from unavoidable noise in the sample itself. On an NMR graph, this causes peaks to become shorter with respect to background.

The other kind of noise is noise in the magnetic polarization itself. This is both from the magnet of the device as well as from the Earth's shifting field (also and others). This noise is observed as a frequency shifts in a resonance line. Mathematically, this kind of noise causes a convolution in frequency space. On an NMR graph, this causes peaks to widen.

You need to deal adequately with both kinds of noise in order to get meaningful results. Sharp peaks that aren't visible much above the noise floor don't give you much. Neither do tall peaks that are so washed out that you can't see features adequately. Magnet optimization requires work in both areas. It also requires a better understanding of the S/N ratio of the sensing electronics and a better model of error budget. The good engineering design goal is a reasonable impedance match between marginal benefits along any axis of improvement. In other words, each element should be equally difficult to improve upon.

densest - 14-9-2010 at 15:24

A note to the various good people doing field computations: the papers and commercial disclosures I've read use both magnets and ferromagnetic unmagnetized pieces to achieve their best results. Some of them use only rectangular magnets, leaving all the exotic shapes to be machined from soft iron or other high saturation material. Adding those pole pieces tailored to fit odd-shaped crevices might make it easier to achieve high strength homogeneous fields.

un0me2 - 14-9-2010 at 15:24

@ Watson.Fawkes

There is no doubt about the fact that greater resolution, does at present, require 2-5T fields (or higher), that is one of the issues that is being faced. That being accepted, there is also a major effort at present to make miniature and even micro (on chip) NMR suitable for portable sensors, such as would be of benefit to schools, Universities, the Armed Forces and Homeland Security amongst many others. The remarkable progress in the miniaturization of the electronic components makes this feasible if only small enough, useable magnetic fields (from 0.5-1T can be made using permanent magnets). Consequently the massive number of papers on the subject.


Thanks for the input, I was hoping to utilize plastics simply because they are easier to manipulate/fabricate. That said aluminium is not all that difficult to deal with (unless it has to be welded). Would you have any suggestions of easily available metals, or oxides, that could be utilized instead?

As to the shim circuits, yes, they are going to be necessary, although I would hope to be able to build small servos (off 1 Integrated Chip) which could automatically manipulate the tuning magnets so as to get the field as homogeneous field as possible, thereby reducing the need for shim coils dramatically.


I realise what you are saying, let me set your mind at rest in that regard, every magnet I have used, or attempted to demonstrate the use of, is available online for very little cost. That is one of the major requirements of this project, commercial availability of each and every component part.

@ Those & the rest, I am also trying to design the simplest possible electronic circuit to (a) convert Digital-to-Analog; (b) synthesize the signals using a programmable synthesizer (IC) which can sweep from several KHz to several MHz (the IC containing all of the components necessary to do (a-b are on one IC) so with minimal noise); (c) delivery of the synthesized signal to the radiating side of the double saddle coil; (d) collection of the signal at the receiving side of the double saddle-coil; conversion of that signal to (i) isolate the peaks from the transmission frequency while (ii) assigning the same to that frequency (all on one IC with the feedback loops, etc. all built in); (e) convert that information to from analog to digital (part of the same IC) and a USB 2.0 connection to drive the whole device.

PS 12AX7, the homogeneity now would be what down to the 0.01% mark?

not_important - 14-9-2010 at 17:10

Quote: Originally posted by un0me2  

As to the shim circuits, yes, they are going to be necessary, although I would hope to be able to build small servos (off 1 Integrated Chip) which could automatically manipulate the tuning magnets so as to get the field as homogeneous field as possible, thereby reducing the need for shim coils dramatically.

If those are PWM servo dirvers or similar, you'll need _really_ good filtering on their outputs.

Quote: Originally posted by un0me2  
@ Those & the rest, I am also trying to design the simplest possible electronic circuit to (a) convert Digital-to-Analog; (b) synthesize the signals using a programmable synthesizer (IC) which can sweep from several KHz to several MHz (the IC containing all of the components necessary to do (a-b are on one IC) so with minimal noise); (c) delivery of the synthesized signal to the radiating side of the double saddle coil; (d) collection of the signal at the receiving side of the double saddle-coil; conversion of that signal to (i) isolate the peaks from the transmission frequency while (ii) assigning the same to that frequency (all on one IC with the feedback loops, etc. all built in); (e) convert that information to from analog to digital (part of the same IC) and a USB 2.0 connection to drive the whole device.

That's a fairly wide sweep range for good performance - precision, accuracy, and stability.

Also, if I'm understanding what you're saying, you intend to use a pair of coils facing each other with the sample between them. If so, that will likely result in the driving signal swamping the sample signal; there's a reason that most NMR systems place the pick-up coils at right angles to the driving coils.

Not only that, but the power levels needed for the drive side likely will induce excess noise in the receiver; it's better to pt power circuits on separate PCBs with good isolation - local regulators for the receiver one and all that. You can do it on one, but good board layout is needed.

Note that FT NMR uses a short pulse to excite the sample, and it is possible to share the same coil for drive and pickup although you generally need protection for the receiver. The frequency range needed is fairly small, a ordinary DDS chip will do the job - the frequency base is independent of the sweep and generally covers a much wider range.

Twospoons - 14-9-2010 at 18:43

The electronics you describe sounds remarkably like an RF spectrum analyser with an attached tracking generator - a fairly standard piece of radio test kit (though not exactly cheap). I have a TEK492 analyser that operates from 50kHz to 22GHz, no tracking generator though. Cost me $2k on Ebay.
Maybe this will help you build your own : , or at least give you some ideas.

un0me2 - 14-9-2010 at 22:31

Yes Not_Important, that is precisely what I am saying, I was looking at using another integrated chip on the receiver side of the double-saddle coil, to filter out anything on the transmission frequency. By careful timing of the sweep I should be able to do so, taking any remainder as resonance at a particular frequency (ie. the necessity of the timing of the sweep, allows one to know what frequency the resonance belongs to). I'm busily looking for the partner IC to the transmission IC, I'm betting there is one.

Anyway, that has to wait for an answer in the reference request thread, here is the latest go - 1/2" Square & 1/2" Diameter x 1" high magnets with a 1/2" central area to give a 0.812 (+/-0.01)T field right across the 1/2" central area...

111.model.jpeg - 61kB 111.fillet.jpeg - 9kB

With further playing around with the tuning, I can get a dead flat line @0.84T, and I suspect I can get up to 0.85T with a +/-0.01 cross-section, now that is a permanent magnet:D

[Edited on 15-9-2010 by un0me2]

12AX7 - 15-9-2010 at 15:24

Yes, pole pieces.




Anything else is pure retardery!

Looking for fairly intense fields requires a lot of magnet, so there isn't really much room for pole pieces in this particular application. So maybe pole pieces aren't as important here as they are for motive applications (motors, transformers..).

Still, you could fill in the crecent-shaped gaps between the round and square magnets with hunks of steel. You could also use larger magnets focused into smaller cross sections through the use of pole pieces, so you get a smaller volume but a higher field strength. Just lining the chamber with steel on the right sides may help.


arsphenamine - 16-9-2010 at 16:37

Historical notes:
The first production NMR for chemists was the swept scan Varian A-60.
My university was so cheap, the profs were still using it when other schools had moved to 100MHz FT-NMR technology.

For NMR, 60MHz <-->1.4T field. In 1960's technology terms, that was near the limiting remanence of two 9"thick by~24" diameter Alnico II discs in close proximity. Smaller magnets could produce the necessary field strength but nothing beats a big fucking magnet for field homogeneity. The assembly weighed roughly 1500lbs, and was planted above the intersection of two walls.

Isotropic Alnico5-7 might have cut the necessary mass by half.

Using NdBFe magnets, you could probably achieve the same effect using between 1/7 and 1/3 that magnet mass, depending upon the desired gap.

1000 or so A-60's were made over a 15 year period. Most were retired for salvage but some were refurbished with modern process control hardware for proton FT-NMR. NIST currently has an A-60 on display as a museum piece since it was such a game changer.

.81T puts the proton precessional frequency around 34.5 MHz, which is in the middle of a US Gov. exclusive radio band allocation. Remember that when you go blasting 100 watts into the excitation coil.

un0me2 - 16-9-2010 at 21:39

That shouldn't make "too" much difference if the whole thing is carefully shielded should it? I mean, shielding will be absolutely essential given the proximity of the magnetic field to the electronics, so running a shield around the whole shouldn't be too hard - on top of which, the range of the rf excitation coil will be severely limited.

arsphenamine - 16-9-2010 at 23:47

The magnetic field can induce eddy currents in adjacent shielding.

It may be more useful to shield the room instead of the magnet assembly.
Luckily, conductive screening (or simply heavy aluminum foil) is inexpensive.

12AX7 - 17-9-2010 at 07:14

Shielding 35MHz is no big deal, the skin depth (and therefore penetration into shielding) is quite small. It's a frequency which tends to stay in wires if you're careful, so it's not freaky RF, easy enough to manage. A few well placed shields, bypass caps and ferrite beads is fine.


arsphenamine - 17-9-2010 at 08:06

My point was that an incautiously designed EM shield distorts
the magnet field homogeneity because of eddy currents.

A coil connected to a power amplifier output is necessarily an EM transmitter
of some stripe. In the RF world, such a coil is often called an inductively loaded

I would love to hear about homebrewers succeeding to produce a useful NMR device
but, much more than that, I would hate to hear of that same group facing legal action
because they'd encroached on a government perquisite.

not_important - 17-9-2010 at 13:36

Quote: Originally posted by un0me2  
...I was looking at using another integrated chip on the receiver side of the double-saddle coil, to filter out anything on the transmission frequency. By careful timing of the sweep I should be able to do so, taking any remainder as resonance at a particular frequency (ie. the necessity of the timing of the sweep, allows one to know what frequency the resonance belongs to)....

Note that receivers have a certain range of signals they will handle, both in absolute terms and in the amplitude difference between two simultaneous signals. Nonlinearities in the amplifier can result in intermodulation between the signals, causing sidebands and ghosts. Keeping unwanted signals as low as possible is better than just trying to filter them out after amplifying.

Why are you choosing to do a sweep NMR as opposed to a Ft one, given how cheap fast digital processing is these days?

un0me2 - 18-9-2010 at 07:27

Could you explain the difference? I'm quite happy to do so, I just require some information - presumably you mean transmitting a noise that encompasses all the relevant frequencies, collecting the entire signal, filtering out the transmitted noise (like a digital notch filter?), then perform a Fourier-Transform on the signal remnant left after removing the transmitted noise?

I'm just guessing, but I would prefer not to have to fabricate the "sweep" function, if a recorded sound (encompassing the frequencies) could be simply pulsed into the sample, that would simplify (and reduce the size of) the instrument dramatically. I'm trying to work out how to get the digital signal from the ADC to the laptop/pc where it can be dealt with using software ( is an example). I'd love it if anyone had dealings with this idea, the "firmware" doesn't appeal...

However, I would be extremely interested in the FT-NMR, how exactly is the excitation waveform determined? Presumably it is a function of the magnetic field strength, but as a signal - surely it could be stored on the PC/Laptop and sent DIRECTLY to the rf coil from the USB port, as a nsec pulsed signal, the response would be collected, converted to digital and then read by the software. That would greatly simplify the production of a "working solution" for this project.

[Edited on 18-9-2010 by un0me2]

12AX7 - 18-9-2010 at 08:25

Traditionally a simple pulse is applied (rectangular, or maybe rectangular windowed RF), during which time the reciever is blocked out (to prevent overload), or watching from a precisely balanced coil (orthogonal to the excitation, so it doesn't pick up any of the transmitter's signal). The FID (free induction decay) induces RF in the reciever coil, which can be sampled by the reciever. I suggest a traditional RF amplifier and converter, pulling ~39-41MHz (center 40) down to an IF of 5MHz, then converting it again to 500kHz, and one or two more times, to low audio frequencies (~1kHz). This can then be fed into a computer sound card and processed with standard audio techniques.

The purpose of downconversion is to increase the frequency spread in relative terms, making it easier to observe the differences. 1ppm at 40MHz is 4Hz, which is a whopping 0.4% at 1kHz.

Multiple samples can even be recorded and mixed together, averaging the signal and increasing SNR.


aonomus - 18-9-2010 at 10:51

I'm not sure if any of you guys have the equipment to do so, but if you have any semi-mainstream DSOs, you can always get labview to work with your DSO as the data capture device, and use a labview controlled signal generator to provide the IF for the mixer and RF amplifier for the excitation coils.

Considering that DSOs are cheap now, no reason to try to reinvent the wheel if you have labview...

Just my $0.02 adjusted for inflation.

un0me2 - 18-9-2010 at 15:22

Ok, let's move on from the mid 30MHz range, let's imagine that the magnet design is capable of pulling a field of 1.215 (+/- 0.015) Tesla, what would be the excitation range on the waveform? Also, if one were pulling 1.4-1.5T, what would be the dynamic range of interest?

Put simply, excitation at a single wavelength is far easier than trying to scan it, if I can be sure that it is going to work, then I'm more than happy to build a programmable pulse generator and simply ignore any signal received while transmitting (saves fucking around). There is a paired-set of programmable transceiver-receiver @ sparkfun. That would make life a great deal fucking simpler - the integrated chips are a lot easier than trying to build the other.

[Edited on 18-9-2010 by un0me2]

not_important - 18-9-2010 at 16:11

FT-NMR often has more complex receivers than old fashion sweep single frequency systems, with the intent of increasing performance of the unit. Quadrature detection driving a pair of ADCs is typical, 12 to 18 bits of digitalisation is typical for units not aimed at monitoring fast processes. The DDS chips I referenced generate quad output

The excitation signal depends on a number of factors, pulse shapes other than rectangular are often used.

A Web search for FT NMR will yield a lot of information, and you could read the attached doc.

Attachment: chem843-2.pdf (284kB)
This file has been downloaded 1347 times

un0me2 - 18-9-2010 at 16:52

Yes, a google search for FT NMR yields a SHITLOAD of results, trouble is the signal to noise ratio in terms of determining the resonance signal is fairly low, which may explain why I asked. I am currently sitting on a design that is modeled as producing a 1.255 (+/- 0.002) Tesla (the field is measured around the 5mm diameter circle that the sample would sit in. The graph resembles a sine wave, with the dip, 1.251 Tesla, from the Peaks, 1.259 Tesla, occurring twice, both times in the center of the design (halfway through the sample, East-West), whereas the peaks are at North & South.

But from what I am reading, including the attachment you posted, a heavy duty irradiation of the sample at the Larmor Frequency, will do? That followed by detection of the decay signal?

[Edited on 19-9-2010 by un0me2]

12AX7 - 19-9-2010 at 10:36

Quote: Originally posted by aonomus  
I'm not sure if any of you guys have the equipment to do so, but if you have any semi-mainstream DSOs, you can always get labview to work with your DSO as the data capture device, and use a labview controlled signal generator to provide the IF for the mixer and RF amplifier for the excitation coils.

Considering that DSOs are cheap now, no reason to try to reinvent the wheel if you have labview...

Just my $0.02 adjusted for inflation.

You need megs of RAM and a full width FFT window to observe ppm shifts. This is pretty well a DAQ thing (data aquisition) requiring a PC, unless you have one of the incredibly massive mainframes that costs $50k and offers spectrum analysis this refined.


$9k USD

arsphenamine - 19-9-2010 at 12:07

I wondered what acquiring a "cheep" NMR system would involve, before
and after purchase. In summary, it is expensive to keep one active.
Read on for details. is auctioning a functional Anasazi-modified Varian EM-360,
a permanent magnet 60MHz FT-NMR.

On the full size images, note that it is connected to a water faucet; the
30 shim coils run hot. For nominal flow, the predecessor A-60 model
heated 60F water to 100F as I recall.

$9000 - auction price
$1500 - UPS shipping for 1/2 ton from Iowa to DC + fork lift at both ends

The original vendor blurb is at:

<s>Given its water+electricity consumption and the temperature controlled
environment requirements, the $20k/yr figure I've heard for the older
Varian A-60 seems rational, if disagreeable, but still cheaper than a
superconducting NMR.</s>

Anasazi Instruments support states that the eFT-360 continuous power
requirements are 110VAC at 6 amps and no water required, more in line
with those of a middling refrigerator without an icemaker.

[Edited on 19-9-2010 by arsphenamine]

un0me2 - 19-9-2010 at 15:12

Yeah, that would be the point of what is under discussion wouldn't it? The fact that unless a way around the problems mentioned is found, there is little hope for the use of NMR at home. There are units that are smaller, like the NMR-Mouse, which generates a non-homogeneous field above the magnets, but which are a lot cheaper to run (not to buy unfortunately). Most of which was discussed in quite some detail by the late Dr Dykstra in his PhD Thesis.

It may have escaped your attention, but there is a major change to the magnet configuration in this discussion, the generation of a virtually homogeneous field above 1T (+/-1%) perpendicular to (East-West) to the poles (North-South), inside the magnet. As the NMR-Mouse doesn't use a homogeneous field at all, I'm wondering how much shimming will be needed and whether that can be dealt with mechanically (additional magnets to shim 90' to the main magnetic field).

12AX7, the use of a quadrupole amplifier/detector, to comparator/DC converter, then a low-noise, high-speed DAC (to convert the teensy changes in the DC output into columns of binary output), is the far end. It shouldn't be that hard, switching the receptor-coil off while it is ringing (here & here is a discussion) may be. That said, it has been dealt with before and should be susceptible to adaptation given the size of the dedicated integrated circuits are minute compared to those used in the past.

For mine, the AD9850 would seem like a good choice for the 1T range (this article) suggests that it wouldn't take a whole lot more than that to allow one side of the system to be set in stone with one chip. In fact, replacing the chip on this board really ought to give the range we want (up to 50MHz), with programmable interface.

[Edited on 20-9-2010 by un0me2]

aonomus - 19-9-2010 at 20:51

Quote: Originally posted by 12AX7  
Quote: Originally posted by aonomus  
I'm not sure if any of you guys have the equipment to do so, but if you have any semi-mainstream DSOs, you can always get labview to work with your DSO as the data capture device, and use a labview controlled signal generator to provide the IF for the mixer and RF amplifier for the excitation coils.

Considering that DSOs are cheap now, no reason to try to reinvent the wheel if you have labview...

Just my $0.02 adjusted for inflation.

You need megs of RAM and a full width FFT window to observe ppm shifts. This is pretty well a DAQ thing (data aquisition) requiring a PC, unless you have one of the incredibly massive mainframes that costs $50k and offers spectrum analysis this refined.


Ah, my mistake. I didn't know that detecting the small shifts in signals for NMR had such a large processing and DAQ requirement. I'm not a NMR guy, so I'm watching and learning from this thread....

I guess this explains why the Bruker NMR at work has a DAQ unit the size of a fridge.

Eclectic - 19-9-2010 at 21:26

The late Dr. Robin Dykstra?

un0me2 - 20-9-2010 at 03:42

Another thesis on the site said he passed away, but my bad (Glad he's ok):D I do recall feeling bad reading his thesis after reading the other one:( Now I feel all good again, YAY:D

Now, there is a link to a calculator in this article, the DS1085L (the 3.3V version) can be programmed to the range needed.

As to the size of the DAC/ADC's needed, I suspect they are getting smaller as we speak. The DS1085L (above) has a DAC built into the IC (all silicon and TINY). The evaluation kit (DS1070K) appears to have everything needed to "evaluate" (ie. read, write, program and generate output = everything needed for one side of the spectrometer):cool:

That has the outputs OUT0 and OUT1 which can be programmed to be the same (kind of a good idea) frequency and one could presumably be wired directly to the pulse generator (old school & programmable)

That and the synthesizer means you have the pulse pattern set, the frequency set and precisely what needs to be fed to the transmitter coil?

Does that mean we only have to work on the other half?

PS As to the DAC's being the primary concern, according to what I can glean from FGPA circuits can handle the signal processing.

[Edited on 20-9-2010 by un0me2]

12AX7 - 20-9-2010 at 07:58

Why the hell do you need a whole frickin DDS to generate exactly one frequency? Use an LC oscillator and be done with it. Besides cheaper and simpler, it's also smaller, being a coil, transistor, a few capacitors, resistors...

Also, easy to build in through-hole, if you are so inclined. But SMD is easy enough, at least the wide pitch stuff.

The NMR signal is about 100 Hz wide (for reaaaally shifted signals). This is not high bandwidth stuff. You don't need, and you don't want, a 50MHz ADC chopping up the whole thing, all it sees is the same damn sine wave. Instead of 10k datapoints in the audio range, you need 500M datapoints with ~100MB/s bandwidth. That's ludicrous!

What is needed is precision frequency sources. An ovenized quartz oscillator should be good enough. IF frequencies can be generated with multiplier-divider-PLL blocks, which are tedious, but not difficult.

Hmm, the ATmega series does 10kSa/s pretty easily. That's plenty for a 100Hz signal. It's no DSP chip, but with external SRAM to hold the data, and a few extra seconds between pulses to process it, you could easily run the works on a dinky little microprocessor. You could even pipe the output to a graphical LCD. Push a button, click click, wait a few seconds, there's your spectrum!

Too bad the ADCs are only 10 bits. Lots of samples could be taken, using subtractive dithering to reduce error, to improve this. It would take a lot of sampling to get it up to 16 bit quality though (~4k passes!).

An ARM something would be better suited to the math, and external ADC/DAC would improve performance (something for 16 bit audio would be fine). Or you can just use a PC's soundcard, which already has all this, plus oodles of RAM and HDD storage, plus gobs of processing power, plus familiar interfaces (if you're a Windows programmer anyway).


arsphenamine - 20-9-2010 at 10:31

Texas A&M magnetic resonance lab made a DIY MRI for 1 samples
in a 0.22T field == ~9.3MHz Larmor freq. where a 15ppm shift is ~150 Hz.
Control was by a PIII desktop computer.

The paper dates to ~2000, features schematics for some of it, mentions
the AD607 as an RF downconverter of choice, plus assorted other RF
amps available from RadioShack (or were in 2000).

This is a free "teaser" article.
The full report is available by payment, DOI: 10.1007/BF02678594

Vogelzang - 20-9-2010 at 13:43

Fourier Transform Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Experiment for Undergraduate and Graduate Students

Matthew A. Doscotch , John F. Evans and Eric J. Munson
Department of Chemistry, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455
J. Chem. Educ., 1998, 75 (8), p 1008
DOI: 10.1021/ed075p1008
Publication Date (Web): August 1, 1998

un0me2 - 20-9-2010 at 13:43

Quote: Originally posted by 12AX7  
Why the hell do you need a whole frickin DDS to generate exactly one frequency? Use an LC oscillator and be done with it. Besides cheaper and simpler, it's also smaller, being a coil, transistor, a few capacitors, resistors...

Also, easy to build in through-hole, if you are so inclined. But SMD is easy enough, at least the wide pitch stuff.

The NMR signal is about 100 Hz wide (for reaaaally shifted signals). This is not high bandwidth stuff. You don't need, and you don't want, a 50MHz ADC chopping up the whole thing, all it sees is the same damn sine wave. Instead of 10k datapoints in the audio range, you need 500M datapoints with ~100MB/s bandwidth. That's ludicrous!

What is needed is precision frequency sources. An ovenized quartz oscillator should be good enough. IF frequencies can be generated with multiplier-divider-PLL blocks, which are tedious, but not difficult.

Hmm, the ATmega series does 10kSa/s pretty easily. That's plenty for a 100Hz signal. It's no DSP chip, but with external SRAM to hold the data, and a few extra seconds between pulses to process it, you could easily run the works on a dinky little microprocessor. You could even pipe the output to a graphical LCD. Push a button, click click, wait a few seconds, there's your spectrum!

Too bad the ADCs are only 10 bits. Lots of samples could be taken, using subtractive dithering to reduce error, to improve this. It would take a lot of sampling to get it up to 16 bit quality though (~4k passes!).

An ARM something would be better suited to the math, and external ADC/DAC would improve performance (something for 16 bit audio would be fine). Or you can just use a PC's soundcard, which already has all this, plus oodles of RAM and HDD storage, plus gobs of processing power, plus familiar interfaces (if you're a Windows programmer anyway).


Yes, but I want to be able to hook this up to other magnets as and when they are available, as the magnets change, so will the frequency. I've seen the reference to the sound card before, but getting the CPU to transfer the signal from the USB to the Soundcard in a timely manner, instead of concentrating on Windows programs first (for performance) is the reason why people are trying to keep the signal processing external to the Laptop/CPU (see especially Dykstra's work and also Takedo). Windows is known for it too, whenever it is short of RAM for XP/Vista, everything else slows down and Vista especially is a memory hog.

The programmable on-chip-solutions are physically smaller and less complex than building a solution, they also require less board space, while the USB port is more than capable of being configured for the necessary programming. It is using brute force to crack a rather small nut, yes - but the brute force solution is more accessible (in terms of time, space and money) then the less complex, less configurable solution. It isn't elegant and uses less than half the bells and whistles that are available. That said, it will be more than capable of providing the solution.

Yet More NMR history

arsphenamine - 20-9-2010 at 18:34

The history of NMR is also the history of Varian Associates.
This draws from Stan's NMR blog at

The two most important advances in early NMR spectroscopy were sample spinning and field homogeneity coils.

In 1954, Bloch at Varian suggested sample spinning ~10Hz to mitigate effects of field inhomogeneity. Two of his students quickly implemented a hack proof of concept; the commercial implementation followed shortly after.

The concept and experiment were quickly published in Physical Review 1954, a patent applied for the same year.

Patent 2,960,649 for "Line-Narrowing Gyromagnetic Apparatus" was issued in 1960 (one year after Russ Varian died).

In 1957, Perkin-Elmer mathematician Marcel Golay published early ideas and results of using coils to improve NMR field homogeneity. Varian made an early implementation in an attempt to get a device on the market first, in this case called the A-60.

Field homogeneity improvement using shim coils was Marcel Golay's brainchild, so valuable that they are still reverentially called Golay Plates.

Latter implementations are very complex looking to judge from Golay's patent 3,622,869 "Homogenizing Coils For NMR Apparatus"

Varian Inc has a short but informative 2.2Meg pdf on NMR history at:

12AX7 - 20-9-2010 at 20:10

Quote: Originally posted by un0me2  
Yes, but I want to be able to hook this up to other magnets as and when they are available, as the magnets change, so will the frequency.

So? Change the local oscillator. A very stable and very controllable oscillator can be built from a OCXO, a pair of programmable dividers and a PLL. The dividers can be hard wired for a specific frequency, or programmable for any reasonable rational ratio to the OCXO.

I've seen the reference to the sound card before, but getting the CPU to transfer the signal from the USB to the Soundcard in a timely manner,

Wait, USB what?

RF is converted to audio is converted to wave. Wave goes into buffer into memory. No data lost anywhere. In fact, no Microsoft anywhere. It's all done in hardware through DMA. And you don't have to write a line of code to do any of it.

The only reason you might want USB is, for instance, to program and trigger the pulse generator for another go. You can have the sound card recording before the pulse is sent, so even if you're watching ten porn movies at once, the starting transient will still be recorded.

And under much more reasonable circumstances, like a dedicated machine having no other programs open, minimal services (e.g., no background antivirus pain) and no bothersome internet connection, the USB connection will respond in what, miliseconds worst case? Microseconds or better is probably typical, though I would be interested to see the actual time spread before putting much trust in that short a range.

Windows is known for it too, whenever it is short of RAM for XP/Vista, everything else slows down and Vista especially is a memory hog.

Your fault in OS choice / watching too much porn. I have a copy of MS-DOS 6.2 if you're interested. ;) Don't worry, you can find MS-DOS, protected mode, SVGA movie viewers so you won't even have to go without porn (though you may have to go without multitasking). :D

The programmable on-chip-solutions are physically smaller and less complex than building a solution, they also require less board space

Hmm, if I had the money and time (and probably the same problem for yourself), I might actually challenge you to a proper wager on that. We'd each build our own unit and compare board areas and total cost. That includes power supplies and anything else in the chain (computer, display, etc.)!

the brute force solution is more accessible (in terms of time, space and money)

Sorry, micro ITX boards are cheaper. :D


un0me2 - 20-9-2010 at 23:35

Quote: Originally posted by 12AX7  
Quote: Originally posted by un0me2  
Yes, but I want to be able to hook this up to other magnets as and when they are available, as the magnets change, so will the frequency.

So? Change the local oscillator. A very stable and very controllable oscillator can be built from a OCXO, a pair of programmable dividers and a PLL. The dividers can be hard wired for a specific frequency, or programmable for any reasonable rational ratio to the OCXO.

And a programmable oscillator is what? A few bucks? A board with it all pre-populated isn't that hard to ask for I'd imagine.:cool:

I've seen the reference to the sound card before, but getting the CPU to transfer the signal from the USB to the Soundcard in a timely manner,

Wait, USB what?

RF is converted to audio is converted to wave. Wave goes into buffer into memory. No data lost anywhere. In fact, no Microsoft anywhere. It's all done in hardware through DMA. And you don't have to write a line of code to do any of it.

The only reason you might want USB is, for instance, to program and trigger the pulse generator for another go. You can have the sound card recording before the pulse is sent, so even if you're watching ten porn movies at once, the starting transient will still be recorded.

And under much more reasonable circumstances, like a dedicated machine having no other programs open, minimal services (e.g., no background antivirus pain) and no bothersome internet connection, the USB connection will respond in what, miliseconds worst case? Microseconds or better is probably typical, though I would be interested to see the actual time spread before putting much trust in that short a range.

There is that much extraneous crud on this system (sans porn, although I only like to see other midget wrestlers, that's all, I promise) gmail breaks it sometimes.

Windows is known for it too, whenever it is short of RAM for XP/Vista, everything else slows down and Vista especially is a memory hog.

Your fault in OS choice / watching too much porn. I have a copy of MS-DOS 6.2 if you're interested. ;) Don't worry, you can find MS-DOS, protected mode, SVGA movie viewers so you won't even have to go without porn (though you may have to go without multitasking). :D

Can't say it is a "Choice" in OS choice, more pure laziness and unwillingness to work out how to get office programs which I need for study to work properly on Linux (please don't suggest open office, it shits me to tears), whereas the full, unlocked version of Office 2003 cost me zip.

The programmable on-chip-solutions are physically smaller and less complex than building a solution, they also require less board space

Hmm, if I had the money and time (and probably the same problem for yourself), I might actually challenge you to a proper wager on that. We'd each build our own unit and compare board areas and total cost. That includes power supplies and anything else in the chain (computer, display, etc.)!

the brute force solution is more accessible (in terms of time, space and money)

Sorry, micro ITX boards are cheaper. :D


Micro boards are cheap, but that is a personal choice. Integrated solutions do it for me, if you ask nicely people who know what they are doing will do a lot of the work for lazy fuckers like me, chip choice, board design, etc.

Anyway, I mean I've got the old Amstrad 64 green screen out the back somewhere (the 512 Orange Screen too) if I want a dedicated system to do it:P

Damn, remember when you didn't need "VISUAL" fucking anything? They've even fucked up Fortran (no more punch cards, WTF?)...

Yes, there are classes in it now, same as basic, but I remember writing in basic when you had to physically type in the numbers at the start of the line, GOTO, GOSUB, LET n=0, LET n=n+1, NEXT n ring any bells? Who needed stinking classes when you had routines & subroutines? I don't like writing shit into code "because that is what you do" I like to know "why"...

That said, I suck at soldering projects together, I'd rather buy minimal numbers of parts (I can understand electronics when it has a datasheet & tells me what it is & does) and pay some poor sod to do it for me.


What does suprise me is that if we are going to use the sound-card, NVIDIA seems to be fairly ubiquitous, to receive and interpret the data, why can't it be used to synthesize (or alternatively simply play) a prerecorded pulsed signal? I mean, that is pretty much what it does - it sends pulsed signals to audio output and can receive the same/similar from audio inputs. No real hacks needed, that is its reason for being.

That would put the entirety of the spectrometer on the PC, except for the output & input wires & coils, and given the degree of amplification one can get out of a speaker, it really shouldn't need additional power sources. That would make for one trippy small fucking FT-H-NMR Spectrometer - with what? Two audio wires running to the spectrometer?

That would be smaller and more compact than any external spectrometer, and I know it could work, there is more fucking RAM on most machines than there was ROM on the fucking mainframe my mother used to program (and that sucker took up a building and used punchcards)

Hang on, DSD looks promising, it can transmit/record at the appropriate frequencies and samples fast enough. How to control it? Or better, build a control for both the input & output streams? A digital sound file could be synthesized with the pulse built in, and a digital sound file could be programmatically dealt with in next to real time...

There are some fucking wild ideas coming out of this thread:cool: Here's a wilder one, a sine/square/triangle/etc. wave generator and oscilope based on the sound card (here).

[Edited on 21-9-2010 by un0me2]

arsphenamine - 21-9-2010 at 07:37

Quote: Originally posted by 12AX7  

And under much more reasonable circumstances, like a dedicated machine having no other programs open, minimal services (e.g., no background antivirus pain) and no bothersome internet connection, the USB connection will respond in what, miliseconds worst case? Microseconds or better is probably typical, though I would be interested to see the actual time spread before putting much trust in that short a range.
The excitation coil takes time to quench after its pulse ends.
Capturing the demodulated FID wave can easily wait a small few milliseconds.

A single power diode (p-i-n, maybe?) or an H-bridge will quench the excitation coil in a timely manner.

Similarly, you don't want to overload the RF receiver during the excitation pulse.
The sample coil is trivially clamped with an anti-parallel diode pair.

Stelter Magnet array

arsphenamine - 21-9-2010 at 16:15

Stelter arrays are a simplified derivative of Hallbach arrays, and are
described in US patent 5,635,889.

See figure 6 for something trivially input to FEMM.

Attachment: Design_and_Tech_US05635889.pdf (1.1MB)
This file has been downloaded 1127 times

12AX7 - 21-9-2010 at 17:39

Hmm, that diagram shows a lot of leakage. Looks like it would work even better locked inside a few inches of solid steel. Making adjustments for the change in internal field, of course.


not_important - 21-9-2010 at 17:45

Quote: Originally posted by 12AX7  
Why the hell do you need a whole frickin DDS to generate exactly one frequency? Use an LC oscillator and be done with it. Besides cheaper and simpler, it's also smaller, being a coil, transistor, a few capacitors, resistors...


r. A very stable and very controllable oscillator can be built from a OCXO, a pair of programmable dividers and a PLL. The dividers can be hard wired for a specific frequency, or programmable for any reasonable rational ratio to the OCXO.


Which is as much trouble as using the DDS chip, if not more. The DDS gives quadrature signals out, and very fine resolution on the frequency. DDS gives the possibility of H<sup>1</sup> and F<sup>19</sup> with the same system save for the probe, and H<sup>2</sup> and C<sup>13</sup> might be doable.

Quote: Originally posted by un0me2  

And a programmable oscillator is what? A few bucks?
What does suprise me is that if we are going to use the sound-card, NVIDIA seems to be fairly ubiquitous, to receive and interpret the data, why can't it be used to synthesize (or alternatively simply play) a prerecorded pulsed signal? I mean, that is pretty much what it does - it sends pulsed signals to audio output and can receive the same/similar from audio inputs. No real hacks needed, that is its reason for being.

Simple programmable oscillators, even at the level of the DS1085, likely don't provide the needed level of stability (without the OCXO or at least TCO), tunablility and resolution.

The excitation is RF, above where most sounds cards work. And you still need power amp - remember the level of the excitation pulse, front end amplification and down-mixing, plus buffering to drive the lines back to the PC. Isolation & noise are critical, the front end will take a bit of care.

It comes down to what you want the NMR for. If you know more of less what the sample is and just are after impurity detection or level of some structure, it's much easier than if you are out for a research grade unit for structure determination of unknowns. Ditto for IR and mass spec.

un0me2 - 21-9-2010 at 19:18

That is a problem not_important, I prefer the 1085L (in terms of price and available support). Analog Devices seem to be too precious with their tech, whereas Maxim has been helpful.

I'd prefer to build something for determination of unknowns, that is why we are here.

But I'm interested in how the SoundCard (and DirectSound) are going to deal with the output from the device, when the filters and inherent limitations of the SoundCard/DirectSound stop so much of the signal (I'm tossing up in my mind whether that is good or bad, killing a big bunch of the signal dead and just looking at the small cross-section of the decay signal that would actually be taken in has some merit, but it seems like a brutal way to do it, with the inherent lack of sensitivity). The signal to the PC SoundCard would have to be heavily filtered first or a lot of it is just going to be discarded.

DDS has the range, but that depends directly upon which magnet I use, if I go for the 1.25T field the <50MHz DDS chip won't work (~53-55MHz IIRC) whereas the stabilized 1T magnet would be within the range (-44MHz). Maxim has a paper on the need to stabilize the output of the Oscillator, but I am seriously considering if the pulse generation couldn't come down from the PC/Laptop.

12AX7 - 21-9-2010 at 20:29

Uh, did you notice my scheme? Downconvert the signal to a ~1kHz carrier. Tons of bandwidth. 44kHz sample rate is good for what, 22,000,000 ppm of shift? :D

Easy enough to add a few latches, and a DAC or counter, to generate a programmable pulse. Obviously, generating the timing from a PC is stupid.


12AX7 - 21-9-2010 at 20:41

Quote: Originally posted by not_important  

Simple programmable oscillators, even at the level of the DS1085, likely don't provide the needed level of stability (without the OCXO or at least TCO), tunablility and resolution.

Hence the PLL and OCXO.

The excitation is RF, above where most sounds cards work. And you still need power amp -

God, did I forget to mention "use hardware"? It must be me, because now two people are reading past it.

I did not suggest using the sound card for pulse generation. Typical pulse widths are in the 10us range, IIRC. That would be better generated with a clock and programmable counter, or programmable one-shot timer (the timer uses fewer components, semantically speaking).

RF hardware is a given, completely and utterly regardless of any scheme you persue, whether abusing DSP or taking the subtle approach.

The RF circuitry necessarily locks the frequency range into bands. There is nothing in radio that says you can have a single range measured in decades AND high sensitivity. That's preposterous.

The cheapest, simplest and most ameteur-friendly method is pluggable coils. Adjust the tuning components for the desired band, then plug in another set when you want a different band. This technique goes back about a century and should come as no inconvienience to anyone who is sufficiently familiar with RF to actually build one of these things.

Or adjust the magnetic field to fit your band.

It comes down to what you want the NMR for. If you know more of less what the sample is and just are after impurity detection or level of some structure, it's much easier than if you are out for a research grade unit for structure determination of unknowns. Ditto for IR and mass spec.

It should be quite feasible to build an NMR capable of measuring adjecent-proton splitting, such as the methyl and methylene groups in ethanol. That's typical of ~60MHz FT NMR, good enough for simple structural determination.


arsphenamine - 21-9-2010 at 20:53

Quote: Originally posted by un0me2  

But I'm interested in how the SoundCard (and DirectSound) are going to deal with the output from the device, when the filters and inherent limitations of the SoundCard/DirectSound stop so much of the signal...
tags: downconversion, quadrature detector, double balanced mixer (DBM)
search string: "NMR double balanced mixer"

Basics of NMR online tutorial at RIT:

See chapter 7: NMR hardware; quadrature detector

Cute but utterly unambiguous animation of double balanced mixer action:

You extract the difference signal using a double balanced mixer (AKA downconverter)
which takes as input the excitation frequency (60MHz) and the preamplified FID signal.
At 60MHz, the FID spectral bandwidth of interest is 15ppm or 900Hz.
At 0.8T, 15ppm shift is only 525 Hz.

The problem is that very low proton shifts (as has tetramethyl silane) will
appear as DC or nearly so, which is blocked by PC sound cards because
ALL their inputs are capacitively coupled.

An ADC of 12-bits at 20k samples/sec that handles DC to 3.3 or 5 volts is
vastly preferable to a 96kHz 16-24 bit sound card that rolls off below 60Hz.

Practically speaking,for adequate phase resolution, the ADC sample
rate should be 10x the maximum frequency of interest, although you
might pre-filter to remove unwanted high frequencies first.

un0me2 - 22-9-2010 at 05:13

I'm watching and reading, meanwhile I am working on the magnets...


Yes, I did read the posts, I honestly didn't see the point you raised, sorry.*


Yeah, it is essentially an audio notch filter, you filter out the radiation you put in & what is left is noise+response (or that is my take). Hang on, why are we at 60MHz? I'm struggling with what frequency I need, do I or don't I need to put in a specific frequency, based upon the field strength (0.8T as you pointed out earlier is well below that (IIRC 44MHz/T?), or I've missed something basic, not unusual)?

That said, a digital input via the soundcard/DirectSound would be promising, that enables access without the vagaries of Windows OS prioritization getting in the way. A fast ADC is going to be needed, but I'm interested in seeing more about how to generate the signal in the first place.

* Why is generating the pulse from a PC so out of the question? Timers, like fan-type speed controllers, are on every board I can remember seeing, surely they can be reached programmatically? The pulse doesn't do anything but open the gates for the generated frequency to go through does it? The clock on the SoundCard, which is already going to be wired into one side of the unit, runs at how many hertz?

PS This ain't a College/University, more is learned by arguing points than most will ever acknowledge.:) Argument isn't bad per se.

arsphenamine - 22-9-2010 at 08:55

Filtering a downconverted FID:
I had in mind a low-pass filter since you want to see the near-
zero chemical shifts
. Don't want to miss that cyclopropyl radical, do you?
If the spectral bandwidth is Fs, set a filter at 2*Fs but sample at 10*Fs
for adequate phase information up to Fs.

UWisc Chem's online NMR-IR database has a good explanatory gif of well-
known NMR shifts here:{00...

Sample Data Volume
Assume 15ppm @60MHz, scale linearly for your particular magnet.
900Hz, 10x oversampled = 9000 samples/sec.
Worst case 4 sec FID period = 36k samples =>~72kBytes unpacked.
The nominal T2 period for liquid solutions is 1-2 seconds.
In other words, the entire FID signal will often fit in a 64kB segment.

You don't need a fast ADC, merely 12bits, DC response, 10kHz minimum
sample rate, ideally with on-board buffering for DMA block xfer.

Why 60MHz:
A huge lot 60MHz data already exists for comparison, so I use it with the
assumption that people can confirm it, perhaps call me out if I'm wrong.

Soundcards and USB:
If you up-convert by enough Hz to get out of the way of a soundcard's AC
input coupling, then remove the upconversion digitally, a consumer grade
soundcard can be plausibly used. PS, they tend not to be linear in the
pass band.

Windows latencies
Windows, if lightly loaded(no videos, no compilations, minimal network
traffic, no DVD burning), usually allows timely DMA transfer from a drive
controller or sound card. These occur either interleaved with or instead
of CPU bus traffic.

USB 2.0 traffic contains a large amount of polled mode CPU intervention
and DOES cause undesirable latencies. Bring up the task manager CPU
load graph, plug in a USB drive, and determine for yourself what level of
load/latency is acceptable.

Pulse generation
Pulse widths from box fans and parallel ports under CPU control are
insufficiently reproducible when you need something accurate
in small parts per million.

It would be cheap+easy+highly reproducible to program an Arduino or
PIC board as a pulse generator (AKA retriggerable one-shot multivibrator).
Install a better clock crystal on the board or use a suitable external clock.

For a practical understanding of most of these issues, I strongly
recommend the Exstrom book on an earth-field NMR, despite their brute
force handling of the excitation coil quenching.

This is as close as you'll ever get to a DIY NMR book!
Outside of an NMR manufacturor's engineering lab, none exist.

not_important - 22-9-2010 at 10:31

Uh, Tim, did you notice the text about the sound card I commented on came from un0me2 , and it said "why can't it be used to synthesize (or alternatively simply play) a prerecorded pulsed signal" Ditto regards the programmable oscillator, and RF front end comments. By the time you add in the outboarded PLL and other stuff, you might as well go with a DDS chip.

Ah, thanks arsphenamine, I forgot to mention the low end rolloff of soundcards; they're designed to work with the human ear rather than research type stuff.

And, yes, PCs running Windows tend to be iffy about timing, even when using the PC hardware. Note that much of it isn't directly accessible as an I/O device, being dedicated to PC functions. One place I worked got a lot of push from MS to use their OSes, both standard Windows and WinCE (badly if apply named). When asked about determinacy of timing, and got the reply "well, just use a faster and faster processor until it works."

NMR process control thots

arsphenamine - 22-9-2010 at 12:58

As an unregenerate embedded systems geek, I've given the controller some thought.

A 10 bit ADC gets you 60dB, enough for proof of concept with .8T magnet = 34MHz Larmor frequency.
For 15ppm, you need 5400 samples/sec = 10.8kb/sec.

It can't be buffered much on a microcontroller but may be sent in 254 byte
blocks asynchronously by a network chip.

An Arduino with a WizNet 100base/T shield is a likely tool since the network
chip can buffer 8kb.

If you don't mind programming in C++ as if it is C, using free/open source
tools, plus a HUGE volume of pedagogical material, plus online source code
projects+libraries+community, plus a plethora of daughterboards, then
the Arduino might appeal to you.

It certainly did to me.

Ironically, my first Arduino project was a modest gaussmeter.

Net daughterboard:
$80, please.

A few digital IO lines handle the excitation pulse width and coil quenching.
There remain sufficient IO lines (need 3) to set up the
DDS-60, a 60MHz DDS siggen board which uses the AD9851.

The DDS-60 is available assembled and tested.

Another $80, please.

IOW, the control hardware and software libraries are all nearly done for us.

What remains are the RF power and detection, downconverter design, and coil designs.

un0me2 - 22-9-2010 at 13:40

Hmmm, I wasn't suggesting above sending an analog signal to the Soundcard, but sending the filtered & digitized signal to the SoundCard. DirectSound is the Direct X controller for Soundcards, which can take digital input and deal with it programmatically.

I'm almost certain there will be well documented examples somewhere of taking a signal, filtering the piss out of it, then digitizing it directly to WAV format.

Coil design will be either a basic birdcage/double saddle design to begin with.

The RF power amplification is certainly available, the 16-Bit ADC's are easy enough to find.

IrC - 22-9-2010 at 17:51

Why deal with a sound card? Could you not take a serial data output from a fast ADC and feed it in the RS-232 serial port with a little program written in C or Visual Basic or something similar?

Edit to add: or for that matter the USB port?

[Edited on 9-23-2010 by IrC]

un0me2 - 22-9-2010 at 18:48

Well that is what I thought originally, then the whole cluster-fuck that is Windows OS and its way of dealing with non-Windows programs in terms of timing made everyone a little nervous... I'll have to have a look, I assume DirectSound can be manipulated to access a USB port as the address for digitized audio input (otherwise it would be impossible to use MP3/whatever else via USB).

Ok - we'll need an RF receiver, yes?

How about the MAX2014 (50MHz to 1000MHz, 75dB Logarithmic Detector/Controller), with the MAX1421 (12-Bit, 40Msps, 3.3V, Low-Power ADC with Internal Reference) high-speed DAC? The MAX2014 would appear to be the top of the line from that vendor, is it suited or not? Obviously there are no dedicated filters on the board yet, they will be needed obviously.

I'm also considering MAX2650 DC-to-Microwave, +5V Low-Noise Amplifier for both ends of the RF signal (pre-transmission & pre-processing).

Any decision on the preferences? The Analog Devices/Maxim route? I'm quite confident that AD have the same/similar IC's for each suggested one above.

Ideas, discussion?

not_important, how strong does the pulse have to be? I'm struggling to find anything useful, obviously everyone says as strong as possible, great, informative as fuck. What would be the bottom, top and middle ground you'd suggest in either dB/W...

[Edited on 23-9-2010 by un0me2]

12AX7 - 22-9-2010 at 21:51

My guess is somewhere between 1 and 50W for drive. Maybe more for big samples? The actual absorbed power should be extremely small, which suggests high VSWR. Ugly. Still, not hard to do at a single frequency, with a single load, with a reasonable RF transistor and some other junk (oscillator, driver, pulse gate).

An MCU is marginal but sufficient for pulse generation (~microsecond timing). An analog timer (set by DAC) would have a much finer range, and perhaps less repeatability, but a well designed one could easily have even less jitter than the MCU pins.

A small MCU isn't a good idea for DSP, not one that isn't intended for DSP anyway. Just for bandwidth purposes, I would suggest a DSP-something, or something ARM level (AVR32, DSPic, ARM, etc.). Something with enough RAM to buffer things, while writing data to external buffers as needed (you could easily tack on a 1M SRAM and not care about RAM anymore, downside is you can only access it through routines, since you have to drive the bus interface from I/O pins).

Quote: Originally posted by not_important  
Uh, Tim, did you notice the text about the sound card I commented on came from un0me2 , and it said "why can't it be used to synthesize (or alternatively simply play) a prerecorded pulsed signal" Ditto regards the programmable oscillator, and RF front end comments. By the time you add in the outboarded PLL and other stuff, you might as well go with a DDS chip.

Yes, if you demand an adjustable local oscillator, you might as well DDS it. Otherwise, it can be straight through with a fixed ratio.

As for the sound card, notice the maximum sample rate is 44kHz (maybe 48 or 96 on the fancy ones). A 1us pulse requires a 1MHz sample rate, so that's obviously out of the question. Besides, the step response of a sound card is particularly awful, most of them anyway, due to the Nyquist filter. (How this is implemented may be tantalizing, but good luck hacking the soundcard to use oversampling directly and avoiding the filter.)

Quote: Originally posted by arsphenamine  

Soundcards and USB:
If you up-convert by enough Hz to get out of the way of a soundcard's AC
input coupling, then remove the upconversion digitally, a consumer grade
soundcard can be plausibly used.


So you downconvert it to 1kHz (not 0) and FFT that. Ignore all the bins under 1k and over 1.5k or whatever (give or take any strange ppm's you're looking for). You need a relatively large number of samples, because of all those bins you don't care about. You need enough to give sufficient resolution in the band of interest. Offhand, 0.1ppm at 40MHz is 4Hz, or at least 250 bins / 1kHz. At 11.025kHz sampling and 2 seconds, you get 22,050 samples and what, 0.5 Hz/bin? So a window of 32768 (FFTs work best in powers of 2) would work the best.


un0me2 - 22-9-2010 at 22:01

Just reading, this note caught my eye.

The biggest difficulty I am having is the amount of processing power that is being required off-board the PC/Laptop is increasing drastically as the designs progress. As this echoes the advent of the netbooks built on the same processors (once you go beyond ARM, etc. you get into the CAP end of the scale), all that will end up happening is that these will end up a mini-stand alone systems, with a display and keyboard & the magnet carefully tucked away inside the design.

Interesting thought process in fact, that leads to the thought that then the device (+ Li ion battery of course) would be truly mobile (whereas before it was going to be a USB device, not a standalone system). The yardstick keep shifting. FGPA's are dying a lonely death if they don't have a mini-CPU built onto the board to control them, so we are progressing into the prohibitively expensive end of the spectrum (pun intended).

Fuck, we were still reading about MOSFET based designs one or two pages ago.:o

As to the soundcard, why bother up & down converting into the Soundcard when you could more easily send a digital input stream in via ethernet/usb & deal with that using DirectSound (MS OS - so it will not be pushed aside easily).


How about 128K of memory and 16K of RAM? Shitloads of options, in a single chip in terms of control (its a USB 2.0 compatible microcontroller)? Nice. Then there is this, A signal processor IC with two amplifiers, two 12-bit ADC's, etc. all in one chip as well. That's what, $11 so far?:o With more timing signals, pulse width modulators & unused PLL's then you could poke 10 sticks at...

[Edited on 23-9-2010 by un0me2]

arsphenamine - 23-9-2010 at 08:38

Quote: Originally posted by un0me2  
The biggest difficulty I am having is the amount of processing power that is being required off-board the PC/Laptop is increasing drastically as the designs progress.
The yardstick keep shifting. FGPA's are dying a lonely death if they don't have a mini-CPU built onto the board to control them, so we are progressing into the prohibitively expensive end of the spectrum (pun intended).

A risk of cheap computing is that one tends to throw it at a problem
whether it's a good fit or not.

Two, as we examine the problem, our understanding of it will change
unless we are ideologically blinkered fools -- Tea Party members are
unlikely scientists. IOW, the FPGA may not have been the best fit either.

I opine that a reasonable mix of stupid microcontroller and bone-head
power RF can manage the control and data acquisition without hideous


Fuck, we were still reading about MOSFET based designs one or two pages ago.:o
They didn't go away; the excitation coil needs them absolutely.

As to the soundcard, why bother up & down converting into the Soundcard when you could more easily send a digital input stream in via ethernet/usb & deal with that using DirectSound (MS OS - so it will not be pushed aside easily).

That obligates a faster bigger-word controller for formatting
raw ADC output as SP/DIF or similar.

How about 128K of memory and 16K of RAM? Shitloads of options, in a single chip in terms of control (its a USB 2.0 compatible microcontroller)? Nice. Then there is this, A signal processor IC with two amplifiers, two 12-bit ADC's, etc. all in one chip as well. That's what, $11 so far?:o With more timing signals, pulse width modulators & unused PLL's then you could poke 10 sticks at...

It isn't the chip cost so much as the implementation+development costs.

The 56F8006 eval board is only $50; with the debugger tap: $100.
Software IDE and libraries appear adequate, but the off-board USB
debugger hardware is $500.

If you've done professional embedded work WITHOUT a debugger,
then you know you need+want one badly. Finally, I see very little open
source support for this chip, so technical support will need to be paid for
if you need it.

There are equivalent Atmel XMEGA+USB 2.0 full development systems for
much less. Ditto for a Microchip PIC dev kit.

The DDS chip, say an AD9851, may cost $20 ... but a useful DDS
implementation seems to run $80.

A project must have finite length.

I don't like reinventing the wheel or reaching for the unknown with both
hands. OTC hardware is good, but it's even better when it comes with a
metric buttload of development software. I prefer to pursue a goal more
directly while minimizing the unavoidable groveling over minutia.

At this point, the prospect of running a pulsed 100 watt RF amplifier in a
manner that doesn't send the FCC into colonic spasms should get a little
more pixel space.

12AX7 - 23-9-2010 at 12:13

Quote: Originally posted by arsphenamine  

At this point, the prospect of running a pulsed 100 watt RF amplifier in a manner that doesn't send the FCC into colonic spasms should get a little more pixel space.

Can't be too bad. The FCC would shit themselves if they had been checking out GSM cellphones while a clock radio played in the same room. Damn GSM gets into everything.


arsphenamine - 23-9-2010 at 13:13

Quote: Originally posted by 12AX7  
Can't be too bad. The FCC would shit themselves if they had been checking out GSM cellphones while a clock radio played in the same room. Damn GSM gets into everything.

The FCC <s>extorted</s> received big money from Cell providers for that spectrum block,
so I guess that makes it okay.<br>
OTOH, a bunch of DIY NMR enthusiasts crapping up a frequency band
forbidden for public or corporate use ...

Trifluoroacetic - 23-9-2010 at 15:19

Just in case anyone is interested I am currently working on a large water cooled magnet with two 8.5 inch diameter pole faces. I am planning on generating a 1.2 tesla field in a 2.5 inch air gap.

IM002316.JPG - 104kB

not_important - 23-9-2010 at 17:05

You should crunch the numbers on the amount of data in the digitized signal (audio) vs the amount in the useful part of the FFT generated. Remember that you need to oversample generously if you plan to be doing quality filtering plus good FFT work. Also beware of digital-audio formats that use compression to get the bit rate down; your ear gets by with the stronger signals in the mix but a spectrum analysis might suffer from the loss of data.

Stability and repeatability of events is important if you want decent performance. Frequency drift and variations in sample acquisition timing lead to line broadening and artifacts; field homogeneity and stability is critical as well. Remember your dealing with a fraction of to maybe 25 ppm in the raw signal, doesn't take much to mess it up.

The MC56F family is a nice DSP-MCU; I've used it in an interface to multiple phone lines, and in a controller for the TECs in a solid state UV laser where the PWM were handy. Haven't had to do with them, the cases where they were suggested turned out to need more horsepower than that family provided and we went with the PPC8xx line. The ADuC7060 is another useful A/D/A/DSP system on a chip. 24 bit ADCs with MUXs, ARM7DTMI core, 14 bit DAC, handful of timers, decent amount of Flash and some RAM. Intended for instrumentation with signals in the DC-audio range; not as powerful and feature rich but a nice fit for some applications.

un0me2 - 24-9-2010 at 07:29

Ok, well for the home-hobbyist, we really don't want to get too sidetracked onto electronics do we? How about starting from something like the CUI32 PIC32MX Development Stick which has it's very own open-source Stick-OS with a forum and a Google-code repository address. I mean, it is directly programmable from the USB 2.0 port, has the PIC32MX460F512L Microprocessor built in and is what, $40?:o Kicks the living shit out of Arduino doesn't it?

I'm thinking that the DDS/Programmable Oscillator with that (or have a good close look at the capabilities of that mini-CPU & see what it can do) then amplify the piss out of the signal to get it to where we want it, collect it, filter out the transmission, then convert the noise+resonance to digital and store them onboard for processing.

arsphenamine - 24-9-2010 at 10:58

Quote: Originally posted by un0me2  
Ok, well for the home-hobbyist, we really don't want to get too sidetracked onto electronics do we?

Not unless I need to, and particularly not if the inexpensive OTC stuff is sufficient.

How about starting from something like the CUI32 PIC32MX Development Stick

That PIC's ADC is only 10-bits.
What happened to your 16-bit criterion?

It's not about "kicking CPU x's ass", but about getting adequate results
before the sun cools. Since it's a prototype project, the trinity need only
be good enough, soon enough, and inexpensive enough.

If you'd draft your project specs first, you wouldn't need to wade through the abundance of choice.

Practical Matter:
A much-glossed design figure is that your basic saddle coil has
only microvolts output. Johnson noise is a particular problem in the
saddle coil if the wire is too fine=resistive. One can't simply gen up
1000 winds of #42 and expect it to be quiet at zero field.
You may be lucky to get 50 winds of #32.

I leave the calculation of Johnson noise at 35 MHZ to you, but it looks
like noise will be an unsurmountable problem unless the saddle
coil is part of an RLC resonant circuit.

Given that you want this to be noticed by
a 1 volt input sensitivity, a net gain of 100dB between coil and
audio card is your target, to be divvied between RF preamp,
downconverter and assorted buffer stages.

If the preamp were tuned to the essential spectrum of interest,
the chore is reasonable. Fortunately, there is ample reference
info for that should a shrink-wrapped solution be unavailable.

12AX7 - 24-9-2010 at 15:21

The noise of a 50 turn #32 coil at 30MHz will be very low indeed. Why? Because the parasitic capacitance will all but filter it out.

At 30MHz, you're looking at coils closer to 5 or 10 turns. 18AWG will be suitable. The inductances and capacitances are on the small side. For example, at a Q of 10 and a transmission line of 50 ohms, a parallel resonant tank has an impedance of +/-j5 ohms for the L and C respectively, or only 26.5nH and 106pF, respectively. Actually, 26.5nH will be even fewer turns; around a test tube, it might be a single turn (copper foil could be used for improving Q).

In series resonance, the impedances are 500 ohms, or 2.65uH and 10pF (most easily attainable as a helical resonator).

Assuming 50 ohm transmission line, at a bandwidth of 500Hz, at room temperature, the johnson noise is only 20nV RMS. LT's Jim Williams has trouble measuring 200nV, so it's safe to say this is quiet as all fuck.


un0me2 - 24-9-2010 at 16:59

The "actual" frequency will be either ~44MHz (1T) / ~53MHz (1.25T), so the calculations will have to be based around that. The use of the PIC32 design allows for Fast Fourier Transforms, etc. and advanced Digital Signal Processing.

As to the job at hand, what details do you need?

Personally I'd like a USB 2.0 port for communication/programming, a controller with the grunt to do what is necessary (overkill doesn't bother me provided it is cheap enough). I'd prefer 16-Bit sampling, trouble is I cannot find anything directly suited that is available. But in terms of the project design - the magnets I'm taking care of - the electronic side of it should be as bullet proof as possible, while allowing for expansion/other tasks.

I'm sure if enough people ask SparkFun nicely they could implement the same design using thedsPIC33FJ256GP710A DSP which increases the utility of the design in this application (given it is a dedicated digital signal processor built on the PIC architecture). The OEM software available includes dedicated noise-suppression and echo cancellation (amongst others), plus multiple 16-bit PWM channels. The chip has the same footprint available, perhaps sparkfun could be asked to supply a board populated with everything but the 100 pin chip (but with the pad).

That would allow for high-capacity signal processing, ADC, FFT and pulsed on-off for the signal generator (there is a paper where they use exactly the same concept as the pulse programmer, completely on, completely off). That leaves the signal generation and reception and from the looks of it, another look at coil design.

PS On the back end, how about one of these? The MAX2306 (CDMA IF VGAs and I/Q Demodulators with VCO and Synthesizer), which would appear to be the closest thing I've seen to a complete back end system (well, with the outputs going to the PIC32) yet for the 40MHz-300MHz range. Single chip (although it is a *#@# QFN/TQFN package).

[Edited on 25-9-2010 by un0me2]

12AX7 - 24-9-2010 at 23:51

These things look quite fancy. I'm surprised they have such high fT yet manage to fit in an SOIC. I'd think they might be unstable in something that large. A lot pricier than the old MC1496 though. Man, I'm amazed they even have any in stock.

Being a classic balanced mixer, you feed in your local oscillator (which comes from an OCXO + DDS, optionally with some filtering to make a nice sine) and RF, and out drops the IF. With a very close frequency setting possible, a single stage can be used, bringing IF down to 1kHz or so. Remaining RF is filtered with some chokes and caps. Finer filtering can be supplied by familiar op-amp circuits, or ignored since frequency response is the only thing we're ultimately interested in anyway.

I have not seen a microcontroller with more than 12 bits ADC, or maybe 14. I haven't seen a single one with specified accuracy better than 2 LSB, either. Internal ADCs SUCK. Get a standalone ADC, or use the sound card.

There is still no need for a high power microcontroller. USB interface can be bit-banged from an ATmega, or provided by an FTDI chip, or comes integral with many higher level processors, like ARM. The processor is only required to generate pulse timing, program the DDS, and maybe turn the lights on and off. A PC can handle the heavy lifting of ADC, and FFT, and graphical interface, and chemical identification, and printing, delegating only the pulse generation to the microcontroller. If I2C devices are used, an ATtiny will suffice for handling the USB interface.

If you require that a complete device fit inside one box, without using an ITX motherboard, then you're on your own programming the DSP and LCD.


watson.fawkes - 25-9-2010 at 05:30

Dedicated A/D conversion is a lot easier to prototype by non-experts in electronics than it used to be because of the relatively recent chip-to-chip networking protocols. All the communications timing etc. is taken care of for you. The common such bus that's useful for data acquisition is SPI, a synchronous 4-wire interface. The ATmega on the Arduino has it. Many A/D chips have it. Picking a convenient representative, there's the AD7765; it's a 24-bit, 156 kSPS, 112 db dynamic range &Sigma;-&Delta; converter. It has an SPI interface. It's about $15 in single-unit quantities. It's specifically designed to go down to DC. Hook up the four wires, do a little configuration in software, and you're digitizing.

arsphenamine - 25-9-2010 at 10:22

I agree that the johnson noise for a 500Hz window is quite low,
but neither the initial preamplification nor the saddle coil
will be that notchy -- the preamp will necessarily see a
weak signal at the Larmor frequency. The net amplification required
before the FID signal is downconverted may be enough to
make noise a factor.

The Exstrom earth field NMR (admittedly, an orange in this apple basket)
uses a total gain of ~4,000,000 for their sensor coils and addresses the
ambient+johnson noise issue directly.

re: internal ADC suck-osity, oversampling mitigates that 2 LSB error
if you are willing to wait for it, although 16x oversampling is
admittedly (cough!) suboptimal.

re: bit banging any protocol
Get serious.
It's a WOMBAT.
If your MCU can't handle USB, find one that DOES.
Drool-proofed $20 OTC implementations abound.

A 24 bit ADC obligates a 32 bit SPI frame. Translation to a USB
stream would make things easier and inexpensive solutions exist.
There are inexpensive MCU that do both protocols in hardware, but
throughput varies widely. With the AD7765 Sampling at 48kS/s, you
need a ~1.5MHz SPI bus clock so must select the MCU accordingly.
A few chips even run I2C and SPI off the same clock: 400 kHz or
~12kS/s for a 32 bit SPI frame, an obvious non-starter. My
<s>heuristic</s> rule-of-thumb is to select bandwidth for a 40% use factor.

There are abundant implementations of FFT code for x86 processors
and it would be good to take advantage of them, FFTW is one fine example.
Unless you like endlessly adjusting an embedded FFT implementation for the
application, it is simpler to use proven code as a pro-active hedge against
the "Shit Happens" Law. Using proven implementations means you have
more time for unexpected problems.

Once you've acquired the spectrum of interest, there
are methods for examining subsets of it in greater detail.

Exstrom has source code and theory for the Goertzal FFT method.

re: magnet strength
When did it become 1T, up from the original 0.8T?

[Edited on 25-9-2010 by arsphenamine]

watson.fawkes - 25-9-2010 at 10:47

Quote: Originally posted by arsphenamine  
There are inexpensive MCU that do both protocols in hardware, but
throughput varies widely. With the AD7765 Sampling at 48kS/s, you
need a ~1.5MHz SPI bus clock so must select the MCU accordingly.
Standard Arduino will do SPI at either 2 MHz or 4 MHz. Collect data at 2 MHz from SPI and ship data out the USB. Serial operations on each side have hardware control, so there's only a few instructions per byte transferred overhead. I'd guess that over half the CPU time is still available, plenty enough for other control tasks.

arsphenamine - 25-9-2010 at 11:38

Quote: Originally posted by watson.fawkes  
Standard Arduino will do SPI at either 2 MHz or 4 MHz. Collect data at 2 MHz from SPI and ship data out the USB. Serial operations on each side have hardware control, so there's only a few instructions per byte transferred overhead. I'd guess that over half the CPU time is still available, plenty enough for other control tasks.

Standard Arduino also has a 1ms Time-of-day interrupt to contend with
the hoped-for repeatability, and an FTDI serial-to-USB chip that I'm not
entirely happy with above 19.2 kBaud.

AtMega SPI I/O is a little idiosyncratic, too, as you must write a byte to the
slave for every byte you wish to receive. (grumble)

Did I mention the "Shit Happens" Law?

There are, fortunately, Arduino work-alikes with built-in USB 2.0 that can
spew as fast as they are fed, and the time-of-day ticker interrupt can be
shut off while you run the process in insomniac mode (no sleep()).
If only it had DMA.

The XMEGA cpu series is more capable, has a few DMA channels
to handle the data acquision chores, is available as an
aftermarket development board .

[Edited on 25-9-2010 by arsphenamine]

watson.fawkes - 25-9-2010 at 12:15

Quote: Originally posted by arsphenamine  

Standard Arduino also has a 1ms Time-of-day interrupt to contend with
the hoped-for repeatability, and an FTDI serial-to-USB chip that I'm not
entirely happy with above 19.2 kBaud.
The AD7765 uses a sync pin to start the data collection and SPI to gather the results. Jitter in the SPI doesn't affect time of digitization. Sync generation, though, should probably done with a divider off the system clock. I believe one of the AVR timers can be configured to do this completely asynchronously; in the worst case, an external divider could be used.

And although it's not fully fair, the new Arduino UNO came out yesterday, replacing the old FTDI chip with another AVR chip with built-in USB.

not_important - 25-9-2010 at 13:05


I have not seen a microcontroller with more than 12 bits ADC, or maybe 14. I haven't seen a single one with specified accuracy better than 2 LSB, either. ...

The ADuC7060 is another useful A/D/A/DSP system on a chip. 24 bit ADCs with MUXs, ARM7DTMI core,...

Too slow for this application, though; more aimed at scales, pH and high resolution temperature measurement, and so on. True on the LSB accuracy, although a surprising number of stand-alone ADC chips have similar performance issues.

un0me2 - I wonder if that dspPIC has the needed oomph for this task, there's a fair amount of DSP work needed. The 12 bit ADC is borderline as well.

The MAX2306 might be useful, though you'll still be outboarding at least a TCO if not OCXO as even simple xtal oscillators aren't going to cut it.

For this application stand-alone ADCs plus real a DSP likely is the best combination. While I favour higher integration designs than Tim does, the real drive behind the system-on-chip parts is the reduction in manufacturing costs - inventory control and parts count on the PCB - is often major driving forces behind the highly integrated parts. Those factors aren't important to one-off home projects, although small size may be.

arsphenamine - 25-9-2010 at 13:08

And although it's not fully fair, the new Arduino UNO came out yesterday, replacing the old FTDI chip with another AVR chip with built-in USB.
Thanks for that one.

Massimo sez he named it UNO because so many non-Italians had trouble with Duemillenove.

I notice that the USB is handled by the suggestively named ATmega8U2.

arsphenamine - 25-9-2010 at 16:07

Pay Dirt!

The MIT junior level physics experiments include a benchtop 10MHz NMR
spin relaxation experiment rev. 1 and the final revision.

rev 1, although truncated, contains interesting figures of merit while the
final rev shows has an annotated photo of the apparatus.

Mordant quote from rev. 1:
The NMR signal is expected to be of the order of -100 dBm,
so it needs to be amplified considerably before it can be observed
on an oscilloscope.

They used a commercial rf preamp having 55dB gain @ 1.2dB noise figure.
The phase detector was an OTC classical diode bridge between two
transformers. Gilbert cells may be a tad more sensitive.

Pulsing was initially achieved with a handful of 555 timers with a max pulse
width of ~100 us. The final pulse controller was a PIC basic stamp.

The sensor coil was blanked from the pulse by having its lead wire length
at 1/4 wave and clamping by a pair of crossed diodes.

These lab expts are also valuable for books they cite on
experimental techniques.

un0me2 - 25-9-2010 at 16:17

@ Arsphenamine

It got up to ~1T several posts ago, it doesn't appear to have been noticed (actually 0.989 +/- 0.001T based upon a hexagonal section through the sample area according to FEMM, the inhomogeneity is in the center of the design (east-west given the top & bottom are North & South)).


I hope the dsPIC does have the oomph to do the job, it is perhaps the most promising of the easily purchased designs in that regard. I would prefer, given the uncertainty as to transfer rates to (a) keep the data onboard & accessible as required and (b) if at all possible, perform the mathematical computations on the board prior to transferring the information to the main PC/Laptop. Given the amount of computing power involved and the speed of the sampling rate, I don't see why 10/12 bit sampling is sup-optimal. There is a HELL of a lot of information in a 10/12 bit digital record, particularly when the sample rate is as fast as is promised by the dsPIC chip. That MAXIM chip requires an external ADC, which would of course be provided by the dsPIC/PIC32 (it has shitloads of 'em to spare, plus then the digitized data is where we want it). The oscillator for the chip would also be ported from the dsPIC/PIC32 which has several of them spare.

On-chip signal conversion would enable there to be very few none-IC components on the board, the digital synthesizer then the on-chip conversion of the received signal takes care of most of it. The amount of binary data that can be stored in 32K of memory is HUGE (that is half the size of my first PC).

Blockmodel.graph.png - 11kB

arsphenamine - 25-9-2010 at 17:37

The amount of binary data that can be stored in 32K of memory is HUGE

10 or 12 bit entities store as 16 bit words, only 16kword in this case.
Sampling 645 Hz bandwidth at 10x leaves 2.5 seconds of FID at best.
This doesn't leave much room for the FFT application's automatic data.
Issues like this are why it's easier to ship the data acquisition stream off
to a desktop workstation.

un0me2 - 25-9-2010 at 18:32

12-bit data entities are 12-bit data binary entities given that this is a Digital Signal Processor which is going to be storing the smallest addressable storage entity as a byte, whether that is a 16-bit or 12-bit unit. If the results are stored as 16-bit (presumably address & time stamp are added), then that would be the basic unit, in the 16-bit architecture it is normally stored as 2-bytes so 32KB is going to go quite a long way, if not working out the internals of the multi-GB USB external drives and adding a few GB of addressable memory directly to the board shouldn't be that difficult.

I don't understand where the 645Hz is coming from as a bandwidth.

The speed of the onboard processor/data capture is expressed in Hz (which is starting to pose problems), that is the speed of the sampling (as near as I can tell), the number of samples (closed loop) per second. Each of which is captured as a 1.5 octal width expression, then the 0.5 octal width of address/time stamp are added. I would suggest that the number of samples per second should make up for the smaller sample size. Using 10 channels means that you would collect 10 comparable samples per period (or at least that is how it looks to me). A half-second long FID period would have 10 separate complete samples, comparison would give a representative average FID signal for the period. That average could then be shuffled off to onboard memory, ready for further processing, while the rest of the ready access memory was overwritten by a further 10 samples. That at least is my understanding of the process.

The averaged FID samples, would then be processed further by noise-reduction and echo-reduction algorithms, then compared to one another in order to come up with an averaged FID signal across the various periods. That is what the FFT/FT would be run on, to give a single representative FT-FID signal for the entire process.

The fact is I suspect more memory might be necessary given the sheer bulk of the signals being processed. Several GB of memory could be put on the board fairly easily presumably. Trying to send that volume of signals up a congested pipeline in real time would become problematic fairly rapidly. Addressing them using the onboard processor and then having the result-set accessible over the USB would be a better plan. There is obviously a reason why the manifold groups involved in this are looking to utilize onboard processors, the advent of multiple sampling channels + the speed of sampling, makes the real time transfer difficult.

arsphenamine - 25-9-2010 at 19:06

A byte is still a byte irrespective of the processor's word granularity.

645Hz is the 15ppm chemical shift at 43Mhz/1.0 T Larmor frequency.
The 5x Nyquist sample rate is desirable for phase information
at the max bandwidth frequency.

un0me2 - 25-9-2010 at 19:59

Ok, thanks for that, the frequency of the shift is something I've no real knowledge of, that is something I'll have to learn later. If you had access to the relevant thread, there are several papers where people have utilized either FGPA's or Microprocessors and FGPA's (I don't know why they used both, essentially the frequency synthesizer is turned on & off periodically, the microprocessor should be able to do that without needing an FGPA). Quite frankly some of the larger leaps taken in this thread have been taken with knowledge of what has been successfully utilized by others.

16-bit processors utilize 2-bytes of information, each record is 2-bytes (ie. the address, time information is added to each). As each 2-byte signal is a binary-register of the voltage at that time (including the difference caused by the echo, the noise and the resonance), the speed of the sampling rate is what makes the difference. With 10 ADC sample channels, that is 20-bytes per sample period, what would be a standard FID-duration? I'd like to try and work out the number of samples that would be taken in that period. At least one group has reported successfully utilizing a Microprocessor with a 0.3T field. Several other groups have used <1T fields.

A.Prof Takeda is currently working with a 1T magnet (with poor homogeneity reportedly, requiring X,Y,Z coils, or so I've been told) in order to try and work out a portable, home built system. If we start from a break out board for the PIC32, then we have the microprocessor & USB 2.0 port on one board, which puts us in front of where anyone in the attached papers has started from.

Attachment: Liang.Weimin.A.RF.Frequency.Source.Using.Direct.Digital.Synthesis.and.FGPA.for.NMR.pdf (375kB)
This file has been downloaded 2031 times

Attachment: Liu.Li.A.Microprocessor.Based.NMR.Spectrometer.pdf (119kB)
This file has been downloaded 907 times

Attachment: (1.7MB)
This file has been downloaded 2580 times

Also, according to the PIC32 programming manual, a bit on that board is an 8 character data code, which, if I'm reading it right, would make the byte on that board (which IIRC is 4-bits) a 32-character unit (if that allows for octal/hex digits it is HUGE).

[Edited on 26-9-2010 by un0me2]

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