Sciencemadness Discussion Board

A blog

reactofurnace - 17-5-2020 at 21:58

So I started a blog.. been contemplating this for a while cause I know blogs are not as popular as they once were. I love chemistry so I made my youtube channel quite sometime back when I was like 12 years and I'm still active today.. although school business really affects my upload schedule. I'm also interested in physics which I know is probably not popular on this forum lol. I really want to share knowledge with people as I learn. Didn't think another youtube channel was the best bet given that managing the chemistry channel is hard enough so I created a blog.. a physics blog... specifically a quantum mechanics blog. I hope to post every Monday 4:00 a.m UTC. If you're interested or just don't mind learning new stuff:
Consider subscribing as well. (I know the site is free for now so has some bloaty icons but I may consider purchasing it depending on how many person are interested)
If you're interested or work directly in such fields (whether its teaching or research) shot me a message or email. I'd like to hear your suggestions!

Ubya - 17-5-2020 at 22:26

what a timing, i'm also working on a wordpress blog lol
i'll surely subscribe to yours, quantum mechanics is also the basis for chemistry, even though we mostly focus on the lab practical part. i must be honest, i'm really bad with thermodynamics and quantum mechanics, so i hope to learn a bit more from your posts than from reading my university books

Syn the Sizer - 18-5-2020 at 03:41

I too have a wordpress blog, I have been considering converting to a chem blog. Honestly, whether blogs are as popular now as they were, chemistry is a written science, regardless of the Nilered's, Nurdrage's,Tom's and Poormen of the world putting stuff on the net, (don't get me wrong I love you all, specially Poorman, he is the shit). But blogs are a digital lab-book where others can have input in the form of comments.

reactofurnace - 18-5-2020 at 10:32

Thanks ubya.. Yes syn the sizer I agree completely, I will definitely be interested in such a blog.

SWIM - 18-5-2020 at 15:23

I hope there isn't a view counter on your blog, because I'd hate to alter it just by observing it.

But good luck.

(Yeah, I know the tittle is wrong, but it isn't mine.)

[Edited on 18-5-2020 by SWIM]