Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Steam extraction of Melaleuca

argyrium - 20-4-2011 at 10:51

Hopefully a simple to answer question. Any input would be appreciated.

I would like to do a steam extraction on Melaleuca alternifolia and wondered whether performing this on the dried leaves rather than on wet/fresh ones would not yield a better/cleaner oil fraction. It would seem to me that volatilizing the fresh material would produce a more “off” product.

We have loads of it growing here in Hawai’i.

I have no plans on trying to refine the fraction beyond washing it.

Any suggestions?

Thank you

Bot0nist - 20-4-2011 at 11:45

From wikihow on essintial oil extraction/distillation @

"Dry the plant material. Drying reduces the amount of oil in each plant, but can greatly increase your yield per batch because you will be able to fit more material into each batch. Drying should be done slowly and NOT in direct sunlight. You can choose not to dry your plant material. Commercially grown plants such as lavender and peppermint may be allowed to dry in the field after cutting for a day or so. The ideal drying method varies from plant to plant, but in general you should not overheat the plants - drying in the shade or even in a dark room minimizes the oil lost - you should not overdry them, and you must not allow the plants to become wet again before distillation. Distill as soon as possible after drying."

argyrium - 20-4-2011 at 13:52

Thank you Bot0nist,

Have not seen the site before.. Will be interesting to see what sort of yields I get (when there is time).

Aloha from the islands.