Sciencemadness Discussion Board

signatures & politics

blogfast25 - 27-8-2011 at 06:35

Personally I believe that political discourse on a science forum should be completely banished: there are plenty of internet forums, blogs and such like where I hang out and where the feistiest political debate is welcome and encouraged. This forum should not be one of them.

It’s for that reason I was astonished when I clicked on AndersHoveland’s signature, the first link being to Going by the title I thought it might be a pro-Zionist site (which also, like opposing views to that one, shouldn’t have a place here), instead it turned out to be a virulently anti-Black and anti-Semitic site. Just a few gems:

”Of course, the Jews and liberals tell us that we are "mean, hateful racists" when we decide that we don't want to live in a "diverse" neighborhood.”

O-kay… ”Da Joooooos…”

”The Jewish "Big Lie" Tactic and "Useful Psychos"”

”The Jews: Their First Priority Is Always Money”

”Jews Undermine our Freedom”

It’s often said that copies of ‘The Protocol of the Elders of Zion’s still sell well in the Arab/Muslim world. Obviously not only there…

From one of its other pages:

If this offends you, you may want to skip this page.”

You’ve to admire them for their candour, if nothing else!

From Polverone, here:

”There are good technical contributors here from polar opposites of the political spectrum. However, many are afflicted with a reverse Midas touch (all their words turning to straw and plaster) when it comes to discussing ideological issues. For the sake of this forum's utility as a place to discuss scientific and technical issues, I'm going to be cracking down on heated discussions. I encourage the other mods to do the same.”

But by allowing the blatantly racist and highly politically charged signature of AndersHoveland it really is a bit like wanting your cake and eating it too. What exactly would Polverone expect to happen when a Jewish or Black forum member stumbled on Hoveland’s excrements? To take it lying down? To respect Hoveland’s crapola in the name of ‘free speech’?

Hoveland has the right to his rancid views and racism per se isn’t illegal but putting them on display here is asking for trouble and for others to perhaps put their extremist left views on display. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

I’m now fully expecting a barrage of verbal diarrhoea, involving talk of ‘commies’, ‘cultural Marxists’, ‘censorship’, and ‘liberal tyranny’.

Knock yourselves out.

[Edited on 27-8-2011 by blogfast25]

Mixell - 27-8-2011 at 07:05

Yea, I've seen that too.
All I can tell that Andres is a member of a very large and diverse group of people,the general name for this group is "idiots".
SM is not a place for political discussion and expression of extreme political and social views, there are plenty of forums that its their sole purpose.

Also I would like to point out that this society, which is full of hatred, ignorance and blunt idiocy is the one that gave birth to the opinions and actions of a certain person named Andres Behring Breivik...

And most amusing of all, he put a swastika sign in his signature, how typical :)

blogfast25 - 27-8-2011 at 07:32


Anders Hoveland and Anders Behring Breivik have a few things in common:

* a first name
* extremist views
* extreme racism
* extreme Islamophobia
* extreme stupidity
* a love of explosive things

Should I get worried?

If I was the foum owner I would be. Just think of the trouble Keten Chemicals got into for bona fida and perfectly legally supplying Anders Dickhead with some stuff!

hissingnoise - 27-8-2011 at 08:11

Not all people of low intelligence are racist - but all racists are people of low intelligence . . .

m1tanker78 - 27-8-2011 at 08:31

Quote: Originally posted by hissingnoise  
Not all people of low intelligence are racist - but all racists are people of low intelligence . . .

Get over yourself! I dare you to walk some of the other streets. Let's see how long your 'non-racist' highness can stay on his soapbox. :o

On to the hypocrisy of 'non-haters' hating on the haters...

Knock yourselves out.

Please, DO! But take it to whimsy. :P

Mixell - 27-8-2011 at 08:51

Quote: Originally posted by m1tanker78  
Quote: Originally posted by hissingnoise  
Not all people of low intelligence are racist - but all racists are people of low intelligence . . .

Get over yourself! I dare you to walk some of the other streets. Let's see how long your 'non-racist' highness can stay on his soapbox. :o

On to the hypocrisy of 'non-haters' hating on the haters...

Knock yourselves out.

Please, DO! But take it to whimsy. :P

Your seriously defending racism?
Of-course there are nationalities with a higher than average idiot percentage, but you can't put the rational and peaceful group together with the extremists.
For instance I do acknowledge that there are quite a lot of "bad people" (terrorists, extremists, and what ever) among the Arabic people, but I never say "Arabic people are this and that". Don't confuse Arabs/Muslims with Muslim extremists. Judge a person by his attitude/interests/behavior and such, and not by his faith/sexual-orientation/gender/nationality or race.

[Edited on 27-8-2011 by Mixell]

hissingnoise - 27-8-2011 at 09:06

I dare you to walk some of the other streets.

Other streets?
WTF are you on about?

m1tanker78 - 27-8-2011 at 09:13

Quote: Originally posted by Mixell  

Judge a person by his attitude/interests/behavior and such, and not by his faith/sexual-orientation/gender/nationality or race.

I'm not defending racism. I'm flaming the hypocrisy of people who claim to be non-racists. I see and hear it all the time and it gets just as repetitive and lame as the racism, itself.

For example, I have a few friends who'd say, "I'm not racist! I have a buddy that's [your choice of non-white]." I also know people who preach against racism who won't go to certain supermarkets because there are too many of x there.

People need to respect themselves before anyone else will - no matter what race, gender or skin color! Sometimes it's hard to draw the line between the so-called rational ones and the extremists.. :(


blogfast25 - 27-8-2011 at 10:11

Way to go, Tank! Go and deflect from Anders Hoveland's filth with a bout of what's known as 'whataboutery'!

A round condemnation of cliches about Jews that belong in the Nazi playbook (now available also from your beloved scienceforum, with extra Swedish flavour!), now that would be dignified. Not that Anders' views on African Americans or Muslims are really any better...

"People need to respect themselves before anyone else will - no matter what race [...]" : in case you hadn't noticed: racism nearly always flows from the majority to the minority, that makes the latter so vulnerable. Perhaps you think European Jewry pre-Holocaust should also 'have respected themselves before anyone else'?

Real cute...

[Edited on 27-8-2011 by blogfast25]

Sedit - 27-8-2011 at 10:43

Quote: Originally posted by hissingnoise  
I dare you to walk some of the other streets.

Other streets?
WTF are you on about?

You have never been to the getto?

Does any of this matter? Why isn't this topic locked already? Its goal is complete, it has run its course now you are all using it as a means to bitch. Geez people if you all so against hate( that goes for those hating the hateful) shut up and leave it at that. I could fill an entire forum with the hate I got inside of me but you don't see me trying to derail every thread I can. Hate the culture not the person because race is nothing when it comes to the genetic makeup of a person, only a very small fraction. What matters is the culture they are raised in.

Polverone - 27-8-2011 at 10:55

I clicked that link a couple of days ago in Anders' signature. When I realized what he was linking to I sent him a U2U message instructing him to clear that material from his signature. He has not logged in since then, and it seems that others have now noticed, so I will do the cleanup myself.

Rosco Bodine - 27-8-2011 at 11:00

Let me waxe philosophical. There is an inescapable correlation between Love, Beauty, Truth, and Morality that is knit together as Honor and Virtue but bringing a clue to the clueless about that is like trying to tell a deaf person about music or tell a blind person about an image ....there is a communication barrier there for the want of the senses to comprehend..... and so is the matter of faith and religion likewise correlated to an awareness, not a delusion. Every atheist misses the point of what they lack and by displacement assigns a deficiency of reason to where it does not exist, with the same ease they redefine reality about anything beyond what their five senses and their power of reasoning may tell them.

There are men and women of every race and color who have virtuous qualities just as there are those of every race and color who are lacking. Pedigree may cause the curve to differ from lineage to lineage ....but no one tribe or clan has
any sole claim to excellence nor to decadence and depravity. None of the races have ascended into a state of perfection ....all of them fall short of the mark,
so any racists ought to be very careful of generalizations. A man of any race can be a gentleman and a scholar or a lowlife devil.

Whatever color a man may be, he is poorer rather than richer for it, if he cannot call upon and believe in anything divine and beyond himself and the world, to ask for understanding and guidance and to live a life which would give a good accounting of himself as a moral human being and a good man, so far as it is possible for a human to be good.

A person who doesn't understand that will never have even the beginning of what is wisdom, will never even glimpse what it's all about, why we are here
in this world, what it is to be experienced, to know, to learn. Alfie - Dionne Warwick

Mixell - 27-8-2011 at 11:21

I'm an atheist, and I don't attribute my disbelief in any deity or god to a "quality that I lack". I simply see religion and the world for what it is, of-course if a god or anything similar that wants the best for mankind would exist, it would be probably a better world. But modern science has disproved the very basic statements of most religions. I can't say for sure that there is no "higher power" but there is no evidence for its existence, so most probably- it does not exist. Exactly as Russell teapot. I can even claim that there is a green dragon and manifests itself in my closet when ever it wants, you can disprove that, but I can't prove that too, so logically- it does not exist as far as you know. Claims and statements needs to be proven correct in order to be regarded as true, and not be proven as wrong in order to be regarded false.

Mixell - 27-8-2011 at 11:32

Believing things that were not proven as real, to be real, is a delusion. Just like a schizophrenic persons thinks there is a boogie-man in his closet or under the bed. Or that god speaks to him in his mind...
Everything in the works works fine and is logical without a belief in a god. Some may be mistaken that religion or "god" answer difficult questions such as the origin of the universe or the origin of life, but in turn they create more questions of greater magnitude.

[Edited on 27-8-2011 by Mixell]

blogfast25 - 27-8-2011 at 11:33

Quote: Originally posted by Polverone  
I clicked that link a couple of days ago in Anders' signature. When I realized what he was linking to I sent him a U2U message instructing him to clear that material from his signature. He has not logged in since then, and it seems that others have now noticed, so I will do the cleanup myself.

Thank you.

I sincerely believe the line of what is decent and justifiable was crossed with those links and that a forum should not be used as a propaganda platform for views like those. These links contained no information worth reading, had no relevance to the topic of this forum and would have been needlessly offensive to any decent person, of whatever tribe.

I would have tirelessly campaigned to have them removed. It appears that is now no longer necessary.

Thanks also to Rosco. I'm an agnostic, yet agree with almost everything you write there. And what was said about holmes/dawson...

[Edited on 27-8-2011 by blogfast25]

Rosco Bodine - 27-8-2011 at 11:52

With regards to philosophy that has merit, you can follow the trail of truth to get to the heart of the matter, just like with economics you can follow the money.
I never saw an atheist attempt to explain or account for by atheist logic and language not make a futher reach and over reaching actually involving "faith" in the infallibility of the human that is the foundation of humanism, which doesn't surpass the "confidence" of a believer. It is a further leap of faith to discount
the existence of the nobler and higher unseen "hand" of a "man behind the curtain" of such a remarkable universe .....when scientific explanation falls
abysmally short. From my perspective atheism is a supreme arrogance .....
but the agnostic view is more understandable, as the open mind of one
yet a student .....for in truth, aren't we all.

blogfast25 - 27-8-2011 at 12:23

Certainly positivist atheism is a nonsense but no more a leap of faith than an unquestioning faith in a creator.

You're talking in very general terms though. When it comes down to it, only a detailed discussion of belief systems can lead to understanding of what it is exactly that you understand by faith, agnosticism or atheism.

To understand what you mean by faith I'd at least have to know whether you're referring to Theism or Deism, to begin with. It's on Deism that I'm agnostic, admitting freely that the question of 'First Cause' cannot be satisfactorily answered by either deists or atheists. The difference between a universe created by an eternal deity (with no point of his creation) and a universe ('stuff' if you prefer) without a beginning (and thus at least onesidedly eternal and without creator) seems to me to be one without a distiction.

Mixell - 27-8-2011 at 13:05

Well, me and other atheist I know do not strictly say that it is proven that there is no god, of course there is a possibility. I do not believe things until they are proven true, I do not deny their existence completely, but if they are not proven true, I tend to regard those things as false, but I do not deny that some evidence could surface that will prove them. So I guess I'm agnostic-atheist or something among those lines. But I do love the term "naturalist" because it encompasses not only agnosticism toward a deity, but also towards other "supernatural" beings, such as ghost or demons.
And about the origin of the universe, I find it more logical and consistent with the structure of the universe, that a mass of quite simple particles appeared at some point or always existed than a being so complex and powerful as a "god" always existed or appeared at some point.

m1tanker78 - 27-8-2011 at 13:22

Quote: Originally posted by blogfast25  
Way to go, Tank! Go and deflect from Anders Hoveland's filth with a bout of what's known as 'whataboutery'!

A round condemnation of cliches about Jews that belong in the Nazi playbook (now available also from your beloved scienceforum, with extra Swedish flavour!), now that would be dignified. Not that Anders' views on African Americans or Muslims are really any better...

"People need to respect themselves before anyone else will - no matter what race [...]" : in case you hadn't noticed: racism mearly always flows from the majority to the minority, that makes the latter so vulnerable. Perhaps you think European Jewry pre-Holocaust should also 'have respected themselves before anyone else'?

Real cute...

May I ask why you give these people your time and internet traffic? A google search (my ignorance) for Anders Hoveland brought me right back here to a year-old thread where someone asks, "why was anders hoveland banned?" This thread also details how 'holmes1880' got banned...

You can offer insight (if you choose) without comparing people to Nazis.

@Rosco Bodine: Nice words and even better timing (going to see a friend today that's been very down). I'm going to pass that on.


watson.fawkes - 27-8-2011 at 13:32

Quote: Originally posted by blogfast25  
It’s for that reason I was astonished when I clicked on AndersHoveland’s signature
Well, well, I've missed the boat. Just yesterday I was preparing a message much like yours about the AndersHoveland signature. The signature text had been shorter, it had kept growing, and I was growing more angry about it. So I waited, because I prefer my anger crystallized when writing rather than in plasma form.

There was more than even you describe. The other link was to another discussion form, a thread started by a user named, guess!, "AndersHoveland". With politics as with chemistry, he enjoys referring to himself. The first post there was a long list of anti-Muslim videos, complete with the hysterical commentary about how immigration will be the downfall of Europe.

What was most disturbing, though, was the motto in the signature:
För Sverige, den kära fosterjorden.
Jag byter Dig ej, mot allt i en värld. Nej, jag vill leva jag vill dö i Norden!
Google's translation from the Swedish:
For Sweden, the beloved native soil.
I change you not, against everything in the world. No, I want to live I want to die in the Nordic countries!
This is nothing other than a modern day Blood and Soil ideology, less some of the pastoralism found in the German origin of that phrase. While phrase arose in Germany, the sentiment is hardly unique to Germany, but it has always been associated with nativist totalitarian movements. For a more recent example, consider nativist Serbian claims on Kosovo, or the various forms of ethnic cleansing in the Balkans in the 1990's. I actually shuddered a little when I first read that translation, because while I can easily dismiss posturing racism as Internet Tough Guy Syndrome, I cannot dismiss the basically overt threat of violent action associated with the espousal of Blood and Soil. It's a pretext for action, a pretext for mass murder in the name of the land, in the name of something that's not me, a distancing mechanism that pushes people farther along the path to atrocity.

watson.fawkes - 27-8-2011 at 13:33

Quote: Originally posted by m1tanker78  
You can offer insight (if you choose) without comparing people to Nazis.
It's difficult to avoid Nazis when AndersHoveland himself is using Nazi iconography (the swastika) and espousing Nazi ideology (blood and soil).

blogfast25 - 28-8-2011 at 12:04

Quote: Originally posted by m1tanker78  
May I ask why you give these people your time and internet traffic? A google search (my ignorance) for Anders Hoveland brought me right back here to a year-old thread where someone asks, "why was anders hoveland banned?" This thread also details how 'holmes1880' got banned...

You can offer insight (if you choose) without comparing people to Nazis.


Had you read my post you would know the answer to your first question. I found Hoveland's signature in another of SM's threads, a bit difficult to avoid actually. He'd only recently started using that kind of signature.

As regards comparing people to Nazis, again that is not what I did. READ.

'1/10 for reading' on this occasion, Tank.

As regards what Watson wrote, I cannot disagree with a syllable there. I’m glad there are still some people that can get worked up about things that are worth getting worked up about. I never even saw the swastika, go figure... But I did see the link to a Muslim baiting site and Anders' standard trope on the downfall of Europe by Muslim hands.

Anders Hoveland is Anders Breivik but perhaps w/o the massacring component. Unfortunately that latter component may only be a matter of time before it develops.

[Edited on 28-8-2011 by blogfast25]

woelen - 29-8-2011 at 02:31

I just now stumble upon this thread (I was offline during the weekend, so I missed the stir-up about Anders' signature, but I received a U2U from someone about this).

I think that this forum should allow some freedom in the field of politics, social views and religion. I despise the 'political correctness' of the last few decades where problems may not be called problems anymore. If there is a problem, be it caused by extreme "Muslims", by Nazi-like people or by some overzealous "Christian" sect, then it must be called a problem and we should not shy away for pointing in the right direction. I used the "" on purpose, because I believe that true Muslims, true Christians and true < any religion > do not want to spread fear, terror and murder.

What I observe is that whatever is the main political and social view, there ALWAYS is intolerance towards minority groups or smaller groups. Just an example: 30 years ago, homesexual marriage was impossible. Nowadays we have homosexual marriage (where I live). 30 years ago there was a lot of violence against homosexuals which is a very bad thing. Nowadays the homosexual way of life is much more accepted (although sadly still there is some violence against homosexuals where I live). So, nowadays we have much more acceptance of homosexuals in our society and I think that is a good thing. But what makes me sad now is the inquisition towards any person who does not agree with homosexual marriage or homesexual life style in general. In every city in the Netherlands it should be possible to marry homosexuals. But if there is a large city with 20 persons authorized to do marriages, and one of them feels reluctant to do homosexual marriages (most of these reluctant people are Muslim or conservative Christian), is it really necessary to spoil life of this single person?? Practically all cities are actively pursuing such people and seek all possibilities to fire them and get rid of them, even if they are working in a large team of people and even if they are doing their work well. If there are 20 people and one of them feels reluctant, then I think that the homosexual couple should be so wise to select one of the other 19 people who are willing to do the marriage. Even in public the Majors of large cities yell about how progressive their city is. The city where I live (200.000 inhabitants, 10+ people who are authorized to do marriages) will be free of reluctant people by 2014, all of them then either will be fired or will have retired as claimed by our Major in newspapers and so on.

I just write the above as an example of the result of excess 'political correctness'. There only is tolerance towards the "tolerant". I hope that on sciencemadness people are wiser. Accept some deviation from the middle line and only pursue the extremes.

[Edited on 29-8-11 by woelen]

blogfast25 - 29-8-2011 at 03:56

Quote: Originally posted by woelen  
But what makes me sad now is the inquisition towards any person who does not agree with homosexual marriage or homesexual life style in general. In every city in the Netherlands it should be possible to marry homosexuals. But if there is a large city with 20 persons authorized to do marriages, and one of them feels reluctant to do homosexual marriages (most of these reluctant people are Muslim or conservative Christian), is it really necessary to spoil life of this single person?? [Edited on 29-8-11 by woelen]

For the record, it was me who contacted woelen about Anders Hoveland’s signature because I came across it in a thread in the general chemistry section (woelen's 'jurisdiction', so to speak). That was before I came across it here in this thread.

As regards the point you raised, I happen to disagree. We either live in a secular society or we don’t. In secular societies, the office of Registrar is a civil servant’s job and these are there to uphold the law of secular, civil societies. There can be no exceptions. If you can’t reconcile religious sensitivities with upholding the Law, don’t become a civil servant.

The same holds true of some of the adherents to Islam: we’ve had cases in the UK of Muslims who got hired by supermarkets and then refuse to ‘serve’ alcohol. Well, that’s plain wrong: if your religious sensitivity is in conflict with a given type of job, don’t apply for that job.

Simples, really…

Mixell - 29-8-2011 at 05:01

Woelen, I'm also against the absurd use of political correctness, and I do support a variety of political opinions and world views. But when someone calls for a whole ethnic group to be imprisoned/departed/murdered, It is just plain wrong. Moreover, if they use Nazi icons (like the swastika, which appeared in Andres signature) and ideology, That is no longer a "deviation from average political view". That is plain,blind and ignorant hatred. What can you expect from a person glorifying the ideology of one of the most sophisticated mass murderers of all times. Even without counting the holocaust, the sole act of declaring war (and maintaining that war) has caused dozens of millions of casualties.

woelen - 29-8-2011 at 06:25

@Mixell: I fully agree with you. It was not my intent at all to say that e.g. the use of Nazi icons or calling for murder/deportation of whole ethnic groups should be allowed. Those things simply are hatred and should be avoided on sciencemadness (and everywehere else ;-) ).

@Blogfast: Well, in that case we disagree. I understand your case of the supermarket, but it is not a good comparison with the issue I raised. If I fill my shopping cart and have beers in it, then I expect that I can pay and exit the supermarket with my beer, regardless of which queue I select. With marriage, however (at least in NL), the couple to be married has contact with the servant who does the marriage and things can be discussed beforehand. Only for small cities with only one or two servants, authorized to do marriages, I agree, but common sense tells me that in a large city with 10+ servants it should be possible to arrange things without problems. So in theory I might agree with you, but in practice, what irks me is the strict black and white formal thinking. This kind of black and white thinking certainly exists in churches, but the same mistake made by some churches in the past now more and more is made by the "secular church". I even believe that it is this political correctness which leads to extreme thoughts more and more in our society. Whole groups of people who are not extremists but are standing for something which is not mainstream secular thought are pursued more and more and then some of those groups may react in a more extreme way. Just think of ourselves as home chemists. We are not the mainstream people, but more and more we are demonized, simply because we are not mainstream (last weekend again there was a case in Belgium, a 52 year old person who had arsenic, KCN and some other toxic chemicals, who is put in jail for the time being while his motivations for having such chemicals are researched: comments on forums and newssites are REALLY harsh).

The new social paradigm is that we only should be tolerant to the "tolerant". In practice this means that only the average Joe with average beliefs and average hobbies is accepted and all those "tolerant" people scream and yell as soon as someone in public shows other beliefs or has other hobbies. This goes very far. It is about one's religion, about one's style of living, about one's hobbies and in the future I am afraid even about one's idea of how to raise children.

blogfast25 - 29-8-2011 at 09:21

Quote: Originally posted by woelen  
If I fill my shopping cart and have beers in it, then I expect that I can pay and exit the supermarket with my beer, regardless of which queue I select.

Homosexual couples who expect to enter into a civil union (not the same as marriage in the UK) expect to show up at the registry and be served by a loyal servant of the state, who does what he/she is paid to do. If a gay couple has those entirely normal expectations and they are thwarted, then what about their sensitivities?

BTW, while gay people can now get ‘married’ at a civil registry, try and get officiated as a gay religious couple in ANY church: bar a few notable exceptions that simple never happens. Think about that…

No, I’m firmly on the side the secular state on this. What you seem to advocate is a society where laws that have been democratically voted in should be applied bearing in mind each individual’s ‘sensitivities’, which in itself is a recipe for people battling out every little grudge they may bear by means of political positions and through the courts.

Muslims that feel they can’t ‘serve’ beer or pork, Jews that can’t bear to sell things that aren’t kosher and registrars that can’t bring themselves to officiate at gay civil unions should not be applying for such jobs.

Your beer analogy makes me laugh: you seem to attach more importance to having easy access to beer than a couple’s right to be married without a fuss!

My wife, who manages a nursing home, recently had a conflict with a Christian employee who refused to serve residents with… tobacco products, on the basis of his religious beliefs. Never mind the fact that Christian tenets say little, if anything about tobacco, but he was willing to go to court over this. Eventually he left. Otherwise we’d have seen him in court and won comfortably.

Another case involved a British Hindu family who wanted to ritually cremate granddad in the back garden. Well, that kind of cremation is prohibited by Law in this country for obvious reasons. Why on Earth should we make an exception for this? Where does it end?

In the case of the Belgian who was found in possession of toxic chemicals, was that the ONLY reason or was there probable cause of actual wrong doing? People get arrested all the time and get released w/o charge or trial very often. What happened in this particular case?

Lukasz from Keten Chemicals got raided for selling chems to Breivik. Computers and records seized. Not funny at all. But he was quickly released and is now a material witness in the case. It was inevitable that police wanted to investigate the connection between Keten and Breivik. They found none.

Going back to gay civil unions, the logic of registrars refusing to officiate these is also clearly flawed: a civil union (gay or straight) is not a religious ceremony. You can’t help but think that those who refuse simply want to demonstrate their disapproval of homosexuality. Well, that’s not their job and none of their business…

[Edited on 29-8-2011 by blogfast25]

Attention, please

Polverone - 29-8-2011 at 09:48

I have split this thread from the holmes1880 thread because it is conceptually distinct, though similar in tone. 5 years ago I decided that political discussion could not co-exist with technical discussion on this site. It drove too many people away and was a constant chore to moderate. Since this thread has been surprisingly civil so far, I am going to prove that I have forgotten what I learned before and leave it open for a while. Do not drag politics into other threads.

Rosco Bodine - 29-8-2011 at 10:27

@woelen What the bible has to say about homosexuality is that it is confusion and the bible has some other things to say about homosexuality also. Any Christian who believes what the bible says about homosexuality is not a "fundamentalist Christian" set apart as some sort of extremist....they are simply an ordinary Christian.

A Christian should not be seeking guidance about anything from people who are confused, and I don't count it for being tolerant and wise to seek the counsel of persons who are confused, nor would I seek the counsel of others who would try to effectively nullify the significance of what the bible teaches about homosexuality. Even if the bible had nothing to say about homosexuality, reasonable persons would likely arrive at the same conclusions, apart from any religious influence having bearing upon the perspective. An inherent aspect of marriage relates to the foundation of family which by nature requires a viable pairing of opposite sexes as a biological reality that is a part of the larger reality that is nature and the natural scheme of things. With regards to human sexuality nature itself is "gender biased" with respect to fertility and the required "orientation" for matings to have reproductive viability.

Just because some people may deceive themselves and try to redefine reality for their own convenience and comfort doesn't make it the "enlightened" view to indulge and buy into such nonsense, and call that dishonesty "tolerance".
Persons having the traditional and reality based view of things about what is and what is not marriage are not "bigots" guilty somehow of any extremist view or
prejudice which has any moral equivalency with racism.

The problem with indulging political correctness is that there will never be any end to the indulgences required of "tolerance and diversity" to placate what some "oppressed minority" chooses to be acceptable. So where will the decadence ever end once the turn down that road has begun. There is nothing inherently bad about the answer "No" to things which ought to be rejected.
The answer "no" is every bit as valid an answer as the answer "yes" and things ought to accepted or rejected by some sort of intelligent standard. The issue
I see here is there exists a confusion which cannot make distinction between what is reason and what is rationalizing masquerading as "agreeability" and
"tolerance". People are afraid to say "No" to things which should be rejected, because they don't want to offend anybody having a different view. There is a difference between right and wrong , and pretending the distinction doesn't exist doesn't make the reality disappear. But having values requires that distinctions be made. Trying to reconcile having solid values with tolerance where anything goes, is quite impossible. Some things are acceptable and some things are unacceptable. That is the absolute reality. And probably it is the absolutism about politically sensitive issues which is disturbing to some people who are much happier straddling the fence, choosing not to choose.

blogfast25 - 29-8-2011 at 12:18

Sheez, Rosco. Where previously I agreed with you, here there’s hardly a syllable of common ground. Where to start?

”A Christian should not be seeking guidance about anything from people who are confused, and I don't count it for being tolerant and wise to seek the counsel of persons who are confused, nor would I seek the counsel of others who would try to effectively nullify the significance of what the bible teaches about homosexuality.”

You have of course the right to be deeply offensive but calling me and others ‘confused’ is precisely that: you might as well call them ‘clinically insane’ and be done with. Off to the gulag with you, confused people!

”An inherent aspect of marriage relates to the foundation of family which by nature requires a viable pairing of opposite sexes as a biological reality that is a part of the larger reality that is nature and the natural scheme of things”

Kvetch. We don’t live natural lives. We live cultured lives. You wouldn’t survive five minutes in the jungle w/o technological gizmos. Your whole stance here smacks of cultural influence by the right wing body politic of a certain large country, the laughing stock in many circles because of it.

”Just because some people may deceive themselves and try to redefine reality for their own convenience and comfort doesn't make it the "enlightened" view to indulge and buy into such nonsense, and call that dishonesty "tolerance".”

Confused AND dishonest, eh? True criminals, indeed!

”Persons having the traditional and reality based view of things about what is and what is not marriage are not "bigots" guilty somehow of any extremist view or prejudice which has any moral equivalency with racism.”

Even reality seems relative now: Paleoconservatives like you seem to want to place themselves outside of reality. Or at least outside of my reality.

”There is nothing inherently bad about the answer "No" to things which ought to be rejected.”

And you’re the Absolute Arbiter of this?

”People are afraid to say "No" to things which should be rejected, because they don't want to offend anybody having a different view.”

Get it through your thick skull, Rosco: the vast majority of people that consider themselves tolerant do so because they’ve arrived at that position through reason and experience. Throw in with that a good dollop of historical experience. I’ll make exception for a small subclass of ‘sheople’ that exists also on your side.

”And probably it is the absolutism about politically sensitive issues which is disturbing to some people who are much happier straddling the fence, choosing not to choose.”

What’s disturbing about your ‘absolutist’ (not far away from totalitarian views at all) view of homosexuality is that isn’t based on anything rational at all. Instead it’s based on the same arch-Conservative stinky views on sexuality in general and homosexuality in particular that manifest itself in the West mainly in the rightwing political underbelly of the United States. And in Iran or the Taleban. But they’re not part of the West…

”The problem with indulging political correctness is that there will never be any end to the indulgences required of "tolerance and diversity" to placate what some "oppressed minority" chooses to be acceptable.”

Goddammit, those pesky minorities, eh? Always asking for the same rights as the ‘majority’ and appealing to the ‘confused’ to get their underhand ways and ‘unnatural’ sexual deviances…

Analytical? My *rse…

watson.fawkes - 29-8-2011 at 13:08

Quote: Originally posted by Polverone  
5 years ago I decided that political discussion could not co-exist with technical discussion on this site.
The case of the AndersHoveland signature underlines this decision. The proper reason to remove the signature is not, in the end, that its message is noxious. Instead, the reason to remove it is because it is a form of political discussion. A signature block of this kind is a political statement, put out there, begging to be rebutted or approved. Simply because the form of the statement is in a signature doesn't mean that it's not a kind of rudimentary political discussion, even if it's similar to a crazy guy on a milk crate shouting slogans at the crowd. Nevertheless, if the policy is that no political discussion is permitted, then that should entail that no political statements in signatures are permitted.

This is good policy because while it's rare for all to agree where to draw a line, any line, about the content of political assertions, it's correspondingly easy for all to agree what is and what is not a political statement. There's much less room for bickering about where the line political vs. non-political lies.

It's always said that bad facts make bad laws, and the present AndersHoveland case is one in point. I doubt there's much disagreement that his signature is worthy of disrespect, regardless of where that disrespect is grounded. On the other hand, this is an egregious case. The member here who quoted Baldur von Schirach is, to my mind, also making a political statement, although I must admit that that case is far more nuanced. Thankfully, there's not much propensity here to grandstand in signature blocks.

bbartlog - 29-8-2011 at 13:13

Quote: Originally posted by hissingnoise  
Not all people of low intelligence are racist - but all racists are people of low intelligence . . .

Stupid claim. Were *all* Southern slaveholders stupid? How about the Nazi high command? Rhodesia's elite, South Africa's (during apartheid), that of Ancient Rome? Founding Fathers of America? Abraham Lincoln? These people were, overall, racist or very racist, at least by modern standards.
Maybe you mean, though, that by *now* every intelligent person on earth has gotten the memo and realizes that you can't tell anything about someone from their race. I think that setting modern political correctness (a phenomenon of the past forty years) against the previously established opinions of humanity in these matters is quite faddish. It would be one thing if there were sound science to back the blank-slate position that people are genetically much the same (in ways that matter), and environment alone determines the important differences between, say, a Somali and a Finn. But on looking for such a scientific foundation I instead find an unbroken record of misrepresentation and distortion, in service of an ideology that already knows what it wants the answer to the question to be.
You can, of course, find plenty of stupid racists, if confirmation bias is your thing. Most people are stupid, most racists are stupid, and it may well be that racists are more likely to be stupid than others (at least in the West... but in China and Japan racism never really went out of fashion...).

Rosco Bodine - 29-8-2011 at 15:08

Quote: Originally posted by blogfast25  
You have of course the right to be deeply offensive but calling me and others ‘confused’ is precisely that: you might as well call them ‘clinically insane’ and be done with. Off to the gulag with you, confused people!

If you would like to escalate the delusion that a homosexual union is a marriage to being a psychosis instead of confusion, there would not be any protest from bona fide married couples who are actually male and female married couples, instead of those who would pretend reality is something other than what it is.


”An inherent aspect of marriage relates to the foundation of family which by nature requires a viable pairing of opposite sexes as a biological reality that is a part of the larger reality that is nature and the natural scheme of things”

Kvetch. We don’t live natural lives. We live cultured lives. You wouldn’t survive five minutes in the jungle w/o technological gizmos. Your whole stance here smacks of cultural influence by the right wing body politic of a certain large country, the laughing stock in many circles because of it.

No human homosexual "mating" in known history ever created a child by means of natural procreation and reproduction. The biological plumbing and nature has defined things in a unique way where a distinction is operative for what is possible and what is not possible. That may not be a kind reality for some to accept, but lame rationalizations about what it means don't get too much mileage with folks who are sane, or are otherwise not confused by a simple fact of life. People confused about a simple fact of life also tend to be confused about a lot of other things, huge surprise there huh. It isn't "intolerance" or "bigotry" to not buy into nor patronize another human being's neuroses or psychoses, but in an age of enforced political correctness where distinction between right and wrong gets blurred, it just isn't stylish.

”Just because some people may deceive themselves and try to redefine reality for their own convenience and comfort doesn't make it the "enlightened" view to indulge and buy into such nonsense, and call that dishonesty "tolerance".”

Confused AND dishonest, eh? True criminals, indeed!

Criminal is a whole 'nother matter. For the consummation of homosexual unions what manner of sodomy is considered to be most appropriate by the state?

Where there is a Mr. & Mrs. as husband and wife there can be a marriage ....all the alternatives is a state sponsored fraud and a redefining of reality by fiat as much as calling paper currency "real money". Look closely now for old fashioned truth, and when you recognize it .....then it is easier to recognize also what is shuck and jive propaganda.


”Persons having the traditional and reality based view of things about what is and what is not marriage are not "bigots" guilty somehow of any extremist view or prejudice which has any moral equivalency with racism.”

Even reality seems relative now: Paleoconservatives like you seem to want to place themselves outside of reality. Or at least outside of my reality.

Your "reality" is not reality is a speculative and rationalized construct, a world you see as suits your comfort instead of believing your eyes. You tell it like you want it to be instead of telling it like it is.


”There is nothing inherently bad about the answer "No" to things which ought to be rejected.”

And you’re the Absolute Arbiter of this?

No I am not the absolute arbiter. I believe God is.
And unlike a lot of other people, I don't believe I am
smarter than God.

”People are afraid to say "No" to things which should be rejected, because they don't want to offend anybody having a different view.”

Get it through your thick skull, Rosco: the vast majority of people that consider themselves tolerant do so because they’ve arrived at that position through reason and experience. Throw in with that a good dollop of historical experience. I’ll make exception for a small subclass of ‘sheople’ that exists also on your side.

A. There's no "thick skull" a problem here other than yours.
B. When I want the opinion of an expert on the world and reality it won't be you I ask about anything.

”And probably it is the absolutism about politically sensitive issues which is disturbing to some people who are much happier straddling the fence, choosing not to choose.”

What’s disturbing about your ‘absolutist’ (not far away from totalitarian views at all) view of homosexuality is that isn’t based on anything rational at all. Instead it’s based on the same arch-Conservative stinky views on sexuality in general and homosexuality in particular that manifest itself in the West mainly in the rightwing political underbelly of the United States. And in Iran or the Taleban. But they’re not part of the West…

It is not the political underbelly of the United States which
said that homosexuality is an abomination before God,
it was the apostle Paul and others. Maybe you read a different bible, subscribe to a different idea of right and wrong. That would make things more convenient for arguments based on not knowing the difference, such as this one.

”The problem with indulging political correctness is that there will never be any end to the indulgences required of "tolerance and diversity" to placate what some "oppressed minority" chooses to be acceptable.”

Goddammit, those pesky minorities, eh? Always asking for the same rights as the ‘majority’ and appealing to the ‘confused’ to get their underhand ways and ‘unnatural’ sexual deviances…

Analytical? My *rse…

C. Taking the name of the Lord in vain won't put any stars in your crown in heaven. Maybe you should work on that.

The straight and narrow is something you don't get.
A problem with the alternative path is the destination.
You might be headed for way too warm weather if you don't change course.

But hey're the expert.

Rogeryermaw - 29-8-2011 at 16:50

religion is the worst thing that ever happened to mankind. because of religion, we have entire civilizations of people who refuse to associate with each another. some of these "associations" that will never occur could hold the keys to the scientific progression of the human race.

second, be it racist, politically radical, anti-intolerance(i love that! the self-contradictory nature of this phrase is like the decadent frosting on a cake!) left wing, right wing, chicken wing, cock ring what the hell ever, the real problem is not the broad spectrum of conflicting views, even the far out and insane, the problem is not the views or the people who have them. the problem<b>S</b> are the retraction of freedom of speech for the sake of political correctness, the extreme over sensitivity that is causing this retraction and when the wild extreme views turn violent.

honestly, why should anyone care who hates who as long as people do their jobs, avoid violence and practice a little self control. it's not that hard. if you let the fact that there is hatred in our imperfect world affect your life that much then the hater wins. you just gave them the power.

bbartlog - 29-8-2011 at 17:59

why should anyone care who hates who as long as people do their jobs, avoid violence and practice a little self control.

Well, if people avoided violence, then the world would be a much different place. Since, instead, we live in a world forged by and controlled through violence, I would say that your advice is irrelevant. I unfortunately *do* have to care on some level who hates whom, and why, and what they're planning to do about it; to say nothing of the fact that much violence is not committed for reasons of hatred anyway.

Mixell - 29-8-2011 at 19:06

Quote: Originally posted by Rosco Bodine  
Quote: Originally posted by blogfast25  
You have of course the right to be deeply offensive but calling me and others ‘confused’ is precisely that: you might as well call them ‘clinically insane’ and be done with. Off to the gulag with you, confused people!

If you would like to escalate the delusion that a homosexual union is a marriage to being a psychosis instead of confusion, there would not be any protest from bona fide married couples who are actually male and female married couples, instead of those who would pretend reality is something other than what it is.


”An inherent aspect of marriage relates to the foundation of family which by nature requires a viable pairing of opposite sexes as a biological reality that is a part of the larger reality that is nature and the natural scheme of things”

Kvetch. We don’t live natural lives. We live cultured lives. You wouldn’t survive five minutes in the jungle w/o technological gizmos. Your whole stance here smacks of cultural influence by the right wing body politic of a certain large country, the laughing stock in many circles because of it.

No human homosexual "mating" in known history ever created a child by means of natural procreation and reproduction. The biological plumbing and nature has defined things in a unique way where a distinction is operative for what is possible and what is not possible. That may not be a kind reality for some to accept, but lame rationalizations about what it means don't get too much mileage with folks who are sane, or are otherwise not confused by a simple fact of life. People confused about a simple fact of life also tend to be confused about a lot of other things, huge surprise there huh. It isn't "intolerance" or "bigotry" to not buy into nor patronize another human being's neuroses or psychoses, but in an age of enforced political correctness where distinction between right and wrong gets blurred, it just isn't stylish.

”Just because some people may deceive themselves and try to redefine reality for their own convenience and comfort doesn't make it the "enlightened" view to indulge and buy into such nonsense, and call that dishonesty "tolerance".”

Confused AND dishonest, eh? True criminals, indeed!

Criminal is a whole 'nother matter. For the consummation of homosexual unions what manner of sodomy is considered to be most appropriate by the state?

Where there is a Mr. & Mrs. as husband and wife there can be a marriage ....all the alternatives is a state sponsored fraud and a redefining of reality by fiat as much as calling paper currency "real money". Look closely now for old fashioned truth, and when you recognize it .....then it is easier to recognize also what is shuck and jive propaganda.


”Persons having the traditional and reality based view of things about what is and what is not marriage are not "bigots" guilty somehow of any extremist view or prejudice which has any moral equivalency with racism.”

Even reality seems relative now: Paleoconservatives like you seem to want to place themselves outside of reality. Or at least outside of my reality.

Your "reality" is not reality is a speculative and rationalized construct, a world you see as suits your comfort instead of believing your eyes. You tell it like you want it to be instead of telling it like it is.


”There is nothing inherently bad about the answer "No" to things which ought to be rejected.”

And you’re the Absolute Arbiter of this?

No I am not the absolute arbiter. I believe God is.
And unlike a lot of other people, I don't believe I am
smarter than God.

”People are afraid to say "No" to things which should be rejected, because they don't want to offend anybody having a different view.”

Get it through your thick skull, Rosco: the vast majority of people that consider themselves tolerant do so because they’ve arrived at that position through reason and experience. Throw in with that a good dollop of historical experience. I’ll make exception for a small subclass of ‘sheople’ that exists also on your side.

A. There's no "thick skull" a problem here other than yours.
B. When I want the opinion of an expert on the world and reality it won't be you I ask about anything.

”And probably it is the absolutism about politically sensitive issues which is disturbing to some people who are much happier straddling the fence, choosing not to choose.”

What’s disturbing about your ‘absolutist’ (not far away from totalitarian views at all) view of homosexuality is that isn’t based on anything rational at all. Instead it’s based on the same arch-Conservative stinky views on sexuality in general and homosexuality in particular that manifest itself in the West mainly in the rightwing political underbelly of the United States. And in Iran or the Taleban. But they’re not part of the West…

It is not the political underbelly of the United States which
said that homosexuality is an abomination before God,
it was the apostle Paul and others. Maybe you read a different bible, subscribe to a different idea of right and wrong. That would make things more convenient for arguments based on not knowing the difference, such as this one.

”The problem with indulging political correctness is that there will never be any end to the indulgences required of "tolerance and diversity" to placate what some "oppressed minority" chooses to be acceptable.”

Goddammit, those pesky minorities, eh? Always asking for the same rights as the ‘majority’ and appealing to the ‘confused’ to get their underhand ways and ‘unnatural’ sexual deviances…

Analytical? My *rse…

C. Taking the name of the Lord in vain won't put any stars in your crown in heaven. Maybe you should work on that.

The straight and narrow is something you don't get.
A problem with the alternative path is the destination.
You might be headed for way too warm weather if you don't change course.

But hey're the expert.

People have the right to do what they please, as long as it does not directly harms another person. Tell me, how exactly same sex marriage harms you? Or it just doesn't settle with your religious beliefs? If the answer to the last question is yes, then though luck, its your problem, not theirs. And about the nature of homosexuality, did you know that a lot of animals practice same gender intercourse?

Of-course you have the freedom belief what you want (even fairy tails, for example little red hoodie, although I don't really see the difference between this and...umm... religion). But you don't have the right to dictate to other people how they should live their life. Oh, and threatening people that they will go to hell, how typical...
And about the "A problem with the alternative path is the destination." I'm pretty sure there is no destination, more precisely: I did not encounter any evidence that support its existence, and the source of this idea is not the most reliable around (between reliability and it, there is a huge gap filled with modern scientific discoveries and just plain logic). So I could say a thing with a similar note to it: If the destination is out of the equation (and probably is) then only the path matters.

And to another topic: The problem with hatred it is not the existence of the hatred itself, but the actions that some people take in the name of hatred. If everybody could just hate other people deep inside and that will be all, it would be a lot better world. But unfortunately, people tend to try and offend/hurt/kill (sometimes even using extreme violence) other people/groups because of their hatred towards them. And that it why we need to minimize the spread of hatred, or at least keep it behind closed doors.

Rosco Bodine - 29-8-2011 at 21:25

Quote: Originally posted by Mixell  
People have the right to do what they please, as long as it does not directly harms another person. Tell me, how exactly same sex marriage harms you? Or it just doesn't settle with your religious beliefs? If the answer to the last question is yes, then though luck, its your problem, not theirs. And about the nature of homosexuality, did you know that a lot of animals practice same gender intercourse?

Of-course you have the freedom belief what you want (even fairy tails, for example little red hoodie, although I don't really see the difference between this and...umm... religion). But you don't have the right to dictate to other people how they should live their life. Oh, and threatening people that they will go to hell, how typical...
And about the "A problem with the alternative path is the destination." I'm pretty sure there is no destination, more precisely: I did not encounter any evidence that support its existence, and the source of this idea is not the most reliable around (between reliability and it, there is a huge gap filled with modern scientific discoveries and just plain logic). So I could say a thing with a similar note to it: If the destination is out of the equation (and probably is) then only the path matters.

And to another topic: The problem with hatred it is not the existence of the hatred itself, but the actions that some people take in the name of hatred. If everybody could just hate other people deep inside and that will be all, it would be a lot better world. But unfortunately, people tend to try and offend/hurt/kill (sometimes even using extreme violence) other people/groups because of their hatred towards them. And that it why we need to minimize the spread of hatred, or at least keep it behind closed doors.

I am a husband to a wife and a father to children. I know what a marriage is, as a respectable and legitimate status and an honorable and unique relationship which for millenia has been by definition the formal committed relationship between a man and a woman, a husband and a wife .....
no others need apply or pretend it is otherwise. Activist judges with their heretical lie and counterfeit can burn in hell with their proponents.

So a hundred million homosexuals and their partners can't be wrong huh to redefine their "committed relationships" as being marriage? It is a preposterous joke in poor taste which seeks to devalue something legitimately unique and honorable to equate it with something that is definitely not marriage. It is a counterfeiting and subverting the word marriage and the exclusive generally correctly accepted and established idea and reality of what it means. Homosexual marriage is an oxymoron and a lie.

This is more evidence of the "confusion" about which I have spoken already which is a credential of persons for which there is nothing sacred, including more probably than not the very definition of the status of the parents whose marriage was the reason for their birth. Enter the fruit loop activists who are seeking legitimacy for what isn't legitimate.

No, people do not "have the right" (fill in the blank) to do as they damn well please (not in any qualified nor unqualified sense) whatsoever.....
not just because they say so nor because any government on earth says so.
You confuse a "right" with what is a privilege, an entitlement defined and guaranteed by the state. Rights are an endowment from God not a dispensation from the state or society.

Neither the state nor society invented the sacrament of marriage, or the natural families that resulted from marriages of men and women.

Holy Matrimony, or sacramerntal marriage has for millenia been synonymous with "marriage" in the common use of language.

As for redefining the reality of what is marriage, that is simply another subversive activist agenda to subvert what is good to what is evil and blur any distinction by deception and rationalizations which are not valid. And atheists think they are so clever at dismissal of anything having religious origin by their ridicule and fearlessness of the "supernatural" ....
Yes, don't they all have their rap down pat, complete with
all the literature and philosophies which embolden them to live sinful lives fearing no accountability of course, since they don't really believe any judgement awaits them. Of course they are their own judge of everything whatever,
and necessarily according to their belief nothing is sacred so there will be no consequences for error. Having no real code for values or morality, no real basis for any distinction between what is right and wrong, they then live their lives accordingly. It's tough to correct those who in their own minds can do no wrong. No conscience, no values, no ethics, ....
no shame or guilt ....
Now there's quite a plan for worldly bliss. But it isn't any path to heaven. There's only one way there.

Definitely it's time for Johnny Cash Personal Jesus When The Man Comes Around When The Man Comes Around

[Edited on 30-8-2011 by Rosco Bodine]

AndersHoveland - 29-8-2011 at 23:50

Quote: Originally posted by Rosco Bodine  

I know what a marriage is, as a respectable and legitimate status and an honorable and unique relationship which for millenia has been by definition the formal committed relationship between a man and a woman, a husband and a wife .... no others need apply or pretend it is otherwise. Activist judges with their heretical lie and counterfeit can burn in hell with their proponents.

Homosexual marriage is a preposterous joke in poor taste which seeks to devalue something legitimately unique and honorable to equate it with something that is definitely not marriage. It is a counterfeiting and subverting the word marriage and the exclusive generally correctly accepted and established idea and reality of what it means. Homosexual marriage is an oxymoron and a lie.

This is more evidence of the "confusion" about which I have spoken already which is a credential of persons for which there is nothing sacred. Enter the fruit loop activists who are seeking legitimacy for what isn't legitimate.

No, people do not "have the right" (fill in the blank) to do as they damn well please (not in any qualified nor unqualified sense) whatsoever... not just because they say so nor because any government on earth says so.
You confuse a "right" with what is a privilege, an entitlement defined and guaranteed by the state. Rights are an endowment from God not a dispensation from the state or society.

Neither the state nor society invented the sacrament of marriage, or the natural families that resulted from marriages of men and women.

Holy Matrimony, or sacramerntal marriage has for millenia been synonymous with "marriage" in the common use of language.

As for redefining the reality of what is marriage, that is simply another subversive activist agenda to subvert what is good to what is evil and blur any distinction by deception and rationalizations which are not valid. Athiests all have their rap down pat, complete with
all the literature and philosophies which embolden them to live sinful lives fearing no accountability of course, since they don't really believe any judgement awaits them. No conscience, no values, no ethics, no shame or guilt ....

It sounds as though Rosco Bodine seeks to impose his religious doctrine on everyone else.

Not all societies have historically practiced committed relationships analogous to Rosco Bodine's "god-sanctioned" notions of marriage. One has only to look to the scriptures to see that this is so. Men traditionally had more than one wife.

Matthew 8:5-13 and Luke 7:1-10 describe a roman centurion who came to Jesus to plead for the healing of his boy. The boy is referred to in the original greek scriptures by the word pais, which by itself means that the boy was either the centurion's son or boy servant. Luke wrote that the boy was the centurion’s entimos doulos [verse 9], which meant the boy was an "honored slave".
The centurion refers to his boy as pais, while using the word doulos to refer to his other slaves in Matthew verse 9.

5 When Jesus had entered Capernaum, a centurion came to him, asking for help.
6 “Lord,” he said, “my [boy] servant lies at home paralyzed, suffering terribly.”
7 Jesus said to him, “Shall I come and heal him?”
8 The centurion replied, “Lord, I do not deserve to have you come under my roof. But just say the word, and my servant will be healed.
9 For I myself am a man under authority, with soldiers under me. I tell this one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and that one, ‘Come,’ and he comes. I say to my [slave] servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.”
10 When Jesus heard this, he was amazed and said to those following him, “Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith.
11 I say to you that many will come from the east and the west, and will take their places at the feast with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven.
12 But the subjects of the kingdom will be thrown outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”
13 Then Jesus said to the centurion, “Go! Let it be done just as you believed it would.” And his servant was healed at that moment.

1 When Jesus had finished saying all this to the people who were listening, he entered Capernaum. 2 There a centurion’s servant, whom his master valued highly, was sick and about to die. 3 The centurion heard of Jesus and sent some elders of the Jews to him, asking him to come and heal his servant.
4 When they came to Jesus, they pleaded earnestly with him, “This man deserves to have you do this, 5 because he loves our nation and has built our synagogue.” 6 So Jesus went with them. He was not far from the house when the centurion sent friends to say to him: “Lord, don’t trouble yourself, for I do not deserve to have you come under my roof. 7 That is why I did not even consider myself worthy to come to you. But say the word, and my servant will be healed. 8 For I myself am a man under authority, with soldiers under me. I tell this one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and that one, ‘Come,’ and he comes. I say to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.”
9 When Jesus heard this, he was amazed at him, and turning to the crowd following him, he said, “I tell you, I have not found such great faith even in Israel.” 10 Then the men who had been sent returned to the house and found the servant well.

It would have been highly unusual for a Roman centurion to humble himself and plead with a Jewish rabbi to heal his menial slave, for several reasons. A roman centurion was a proud high-ranking official administering a conquered land, where the people were viewed as inferior to the romans. Slaves were generally treated as sub-human, expendable, in many respects like animals. Children also had low status within roman society. Free roman citizens could sell their children into slavery, and creditors could claim the children of insolvent debtors as slaves. Roman girls could be married off at the age of twelve and boys at fourteen. By the age of sixteen boys generally donned the adult toga.

The greek word pais also had another possible meaning to the romans. At that time it was not uncommon for a man to purchase a young slave boy to be his lover. In ancient times, commercial transactions were the predominant means of forming relationships. Under the law, for example, the wife was viewed as the property of the husband, with a status just above that of a slave. The ancient romans did not have any qualms about same-sex relationships, nor were there prohibitions on older adults having relationships with 12 year old children. Pederastry was an accepted part of roman society. Indeed, it was seen as somewhat of an embarrassment if two older men were lovers. The word doulos only meant "slave" or "servant", and was never used to refer to a son or other family member, even adopted children.

Nowhere in the scriptures can be found any clear and direct sanctions against gay marriage. The verses typically quoted by the religious right are all very ambiguous. Yes, Leviticus describes punishment for two men laying with eachother "as a man lies with a woman", but this is part of "the law of moses", which Paul later preached was not a requirement for Christians.

Before this faith came, we were held prisoners by the law, locked up until faith should be revealed. So the law was put in charge to lead us to Christ that we might be justified by faith. Now that faith has come, we are no longer under the supervision of the law.
Galatians 3:23-25

Leviticus also instructs that baby boys should have part of their penis (foreskin) cut off. Paul made it clear that Christians do not need to be circumcised.

In the Babylonian Talmud, "lyings of a man" is contrasted with other forms of sexual activity between men, indicating that the meaning did not encompass all forms of sexual activity. As "the lyings of a man" is restricted in meaning, "the lyings of a woman" may also have had a similar specific sexual meaning. Scholars generally believe it referred only to anal sex, an activity that was not necessarily considered a feature of male-male sexual relationships in ancient times. Journal of the history of Sexuality, Volume 5 pp 179-206

[Edited on 30-8-2011 by AndersHoveland]

Rosco Bodine - 30-8-2011 at 01:16

There simply does not exist any biblical authority whatsoever for regarding homosexuality as anything else but wickedness, and in fact it is in many places explicitly stated to be unnatural and wickedness, not at all ever described as being any "valid alternative lifestyle", which is an erroneous idea and entirely deceptive invention of human convenience. Homosexual activism seeks to sanctify and make socially acceptable what is soundly prohibited and condemned
as unacceptable by the bible. It is very plainly, unequivocally a delusional and subversive agenda. Plenty of references are available if you want to start citing scripture chapter and verse.

I do not seek to impose any religious doctrine on anyone.
What I resist is the unbridled and brazen lunacy and immorality and deception of others masqueraded as reason or law that must be accepted or imposed upon me. The bottom line there is I simply won't have it, won't humor it, won't patronize it, not for one second, because I know better. That snake oil doesn't sell here. I have been immunized against it.

[Edited on 30-8-2011 by Rosco Bodine]

AndersHoveland - 30-8-2011 at 01:53

Quote: Originally posted by Rosco Bodine  
Plenty of references are available if you want to start citing scripture chapter and verse.


Perhaps you would like to consider Jonathan and David:

“When David had finished speaking to Saul, the soul of Jonathan was bound to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul. Saul took him that day and would not let him return to his father’s house. Then Jonathan made a covenant with David, because he loved him as his own soul. Jonathan stripped himself of the robe that he was wearing, and gave it to David, and his armor, and even his sword and his bow and his belt.”
1 Samuel 18:1-4

And Jonathan had David reaffirm his oath out of love for him, because he loved him as he loved himself.
1 Samuel 20:17

Jonathan's father, Saul, was not very happy about the relationship. Saul told Jonathan:

“You son of a perverse, rebellious woman! Do I not know that you have chosen [David] the son of Jesse to your own shame and to the shame of your mother’s nakedness? For as long as the son of Jesse lives upon the earth, neither you nor your kingdom shall be established.” 1 Samuel 20:30

“Why should he be put to death? What has he done?” Jonathan asked his father. But Saul hurled his spear at him to kill him. Then Jonathan knew that his father intended to kill David. Jonathan got up from the table in fierce anger; on that second day of the month he did not eat, because he was grieved at his father’s shameful treatment of David.
1 Samuel 20:32-34

“David rose from beside the stone heap and prostrated himself with his face to the ground. He bowed three times and they kissed each other and wept with each other; David wept the more. Then Jonathan said to David, ‘Go in peace, since both of us have sworn in the name of the Lord, saying, “The Lord shall be between me and you, and between my descendants and your descendants, forever.” ’ He got up and left; and Jonathan went into the city.” (1 Samuel 20:41-42)

After Jonathan and Saul died in battle, David wrote a song:

“Saul and Jonathan, beloved and lovely!
In life and in death they were not divided;
they were swifter than eagles,
they were stronger than lions.
How the mighty have fallen in the midst of battle!
Jonathan lies slain upon your high places.
I am distressed for you my brother Jonathan;
Greatly beloved were you to me;
your love to me was wonderful, greater than the love of women.”
2 Samuel 1:23, 26-27

Some scholars have suggested that David was just an opportunistic soldier rapidly rising up through the ranks and gaining popularity. When Saul's son Jonathan, who would have been the future king, showed favor in him, David may have been quick to take advantage of the opportunity, to use the relationship to gain influence. The scriptures later tell how David sent Bathsheba's husband off to the front lines of a battle to get get rid of him. Similarly, it may also have been possible that David informed the enemy when he learned that Saul would be leading a battle, so that Saul could be ambushed. If the enemy knew that the king himself would be fighting, there would likely have been many more soldiers lying in wait. David had used his influence with Jonathan to secure a high position for himself, and had gained much popularity (so much so that Saul had become very suspicious), so David knew he would be the favored candidate for the throne if Saul and Jonathan were killed. David may or may not have known that Jonathan would accompany his father into battle.

hissingnoise - 30-8-2011 at 01:58

Maybe you mean, though, that by *now* every intelligent person on earth has gotten the memo and realizes that you can't tell anything about someone from their race.

Got it in one!
Don't we all know by now that the word 'xenophobia' is fairly self-explanatory . . .

hissingnoise - 30-8-2011 at 02:07

Taking the name of the Lord in vain won't put any stars in your crown in heaven.

Just checking, Rosco - that remark wasn't intended to be taken seriously?

Rosco Bodine - 30-8-2011 at 02:23

Quote: Originally posted by AndersHoveland  
Quote: Originally posted by Rosco Bodine  
Plenty of references are available if you want to start citing scripture chapter and verse.


Start with the law of Moses and then the reference to it made by Jesus during the sermon on the mount, that will put Leviticus in perspective. There is more about this subject in Jude and Romans and Corinthians.

Leviticus 18:4-5 and 22
4You must obey all my regulations and be careful to obey my decrees, for I am the Lord your God. 5If you obey my decrees and my regulations, you will find life through them. I am the Lord.

22“Do not practice homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman. It is a detestable sin.

Matthew 5:17-19
17“Don’t misunderstand why I have come. I did not come to abolish the law of Moses or the writings of the prophets. No, I came to accomplish their purpose. 18I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not even the smallest detail of God’s law will disappear until its purpose is achieved. 19So if you ignore the least commandment and teach others to do the same, you will be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven. But anyone who obeys God’s laws and teaches them will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Romans 1:18-32 God’s Anger at Sin

18But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who suppress the truth by their wickedness. 19They know the truth about God because he has made it obvious to them. 20For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.

21Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn’t worship him as God or even give him thanks. And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. As a result, their minds became dark and confused. 22Claiming to be wise, they instead became utter fools. 23And instead of worshiping the glorious, ever-living God, they worshiped idols made to look like mere people and birds and animals and reptiles.

24So God abandoned them to do whatever shameful things their hearts desired. As a result, they did vile and degrading things with each other’s bodies. 25They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen. 26That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. 27And the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved.

28Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let them do things that should never be done. 29Their lives became full of every kind of wickedness, sin, greed, hate, envy, murder, quarreling, deception, malicious behavior, and gossip. 30They are backstabbers, haters of God, insolent, proud, and boastful. They invent new ways of sinning, and they disobey their parents. 31They refuse to understand, break their promises, are heartless, and have no mercy. 32They know God’s justice requires that those who do these things deserve to die, yet they do them anyway. Worse yet, they encourage others to do them, too.

If you are looking for some sort of Da Vinci code hidden validation of the homosexual "alternative lifestyle" you won't find it in the bible. What you will find is just the opposite. So where all of this is going on that track is nowhere.

[Edited on 30-8-2011 by Rosco Bodine]

AndersHoveland - 30-8-2011 at 02:28

In ecology, the competitive exclusion principle states that two species competing for the same resources cannot coexist. This principle also applies to sexually isolated subspecies. When one species has even the slightest advantage or edge over another, then the one with the advantage will dominate in the long term. One of the two competitors will always overcome the other, leading to either the extinction of this competitor or an evolutionary or behavioral shift towards a different ecological niche.

True coexistence is very rare, and such instances are only possible through a combination of non-limiting food and habitat resources and high rates of predation and parasitism.

These ecological phenomena may have implications in human society. If human subspecies actually exist, then in the long term they will either completely mix, or they will be unable to coexist in the same region while occupying identical places within the economic structure. The different subspecies would either have to speciate into different occupational niches, or go extinct.

Five different subspecies of warblers inhabit the same spruce tree, but differ in what part of a spruce tree they frequent, and whether they capture insects on needles, under bark, or flying in the air. The subspecies are reproductively isolated from eachother by differences in feather coloration and mating calls. In the wild the different subspecies generally do not interbreed, but the different subspecies can be induced to mate in the lab, to produce hybrid offspring. Even superficially similar subspecies actually have important differences, upon close inspection.

hissingnoise - 30-8-2011 at 02:42

Do not practice homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman. It is a detestable sin.

'Reminds me of an old BBC joke . . . an American couple in London when asked by a journalist if they, like most people, had a 'favourite place' for making love responded in unison; Yeah sure, in the butt!

AndersHoveland - 30-8-2011 at 02:58

Quote: Originally posted by Rosco Bodine  

Leviticus 18:4-5 and 22
4You must obey all my regulations and be careful to obey my decrees, for I am the Lord your God. 5If you obey my decrees and my regulations, you will find life through them. I am the Lord.

22“Do not practice homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman. It is a detestable sin.

Matthew 5:17-19
17“Don’t misunderstand why I have come. I did not come to abolish the law of Moses or the writings of the prophets. No, I came to accomplish their purpose. 18I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not even the smallest detail of God’s law will disappear until its purpose is achieved. 19So if you ignore the least commandment and teach others to do the same, you will be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven. But anyone who obeys God’s laws and teaches them will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven.

If that is what your believe, then Christians should also not eat pork, ham, or bacon:

And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be clovenfooted, yet he cheweth not the cud; he [is] unclean to you. Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their carcase shall ye not touch; they [are] unclean to you.
Leviticus 11:7-8

And the swine, because it divideth the hoof, yet cheweth not the cud, it is unclean unto you: ye shall not eat of their flesh, nor touch their dead carcase.
Deuteronomy 14:8

“Do not practice homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman. It is a detestable sin."

You do realise that this is just mistranslation of the original hebrew, later perpetrated to support baseless doctrine? A more accurate translation is:

Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman. It is a sinful thing.

Indeed, the literal translation from Hebrew is actually:

And with a male thou shalt not lie down in beds of a woman, it is an abomination.
V’et-zachar lo tishkav mishk’vei ishah to’evah hu.

mishk’vei actually means "bed", as it is the noun form of mishkav, which means "to lie down". ishah means "women". to’evah is best translated as "abomination", although a direct and accurate translation into english is problematic.

The actual meaning of the verse simply forbids two males to lie down in a woman’s bed.

[Edited on 30-8-2011 by AndersHoveland]

blogfast25 - 30-8-2011 at 03:12

Quote: Originally posted by Rosco Bodine  
But hey're the expert.

And you're the nutcase. The Taleban of SM...

One question to you and I’m done here. Just how far would you take this ‘no to homosexuality’ in that putrid worldview of yours? In Ole’ Blighty homosexual acts were imprisonable offences by Law up to 1967 (off the top of my head). What should have been a national hero and definitely was a mathematical genius, Alan Turing, committed suicide because of how his sexuality was viewed in his country. Is that what you want to return to? In the name of God?

Rosco, you’re the manifestation of a dying, dinosaur part of the US but in it’s dying throes the animal still makes a lot of noise. A way of life that’s basically gone with just a few diehards left, grasping at straws… How on Earth you reconcile your paleoviews with an interest in science is truly beyond me.

This thread proves that allowing religion and politics into this forum can't lead to anything productive.

[Edited on 30-8-2011 by blogfast25]

Rosco Bodine - 30-8-2011 at 03:50

Quote: Originally posted by AndersHoveland  
Quote: Originally posted by Rosco Bodine  

Leviticus 18:4-5 and 22
4You must obey all my regulations and be careful to obey my decrees, for I am the Lord your God. 5If you obey my decrees and my regulations, you will find life through them. I am the Lord.

22“Do not practice homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman. It is a detestable sin.

Matthew 5:17-19
17“Don’t misunderstand why I have come. I did not come to abolish the law of Moses or the writings of the prophets. No, I came to accomplish their purpose. 18I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not even the smallest detail of God’s law will disappear until its purpose is achieved. 19So if you ignore the least commandment and teach others to do the same, you will be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven. But anyone who obeys God’s laws and teaches them will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven.

If that is what your believe, then Christians should also not eat pork, ham, or bacon:

And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be clovenfooted, yet he cheweth not the cud; he [is] unclean to you. Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their carcase shall ye not touch; they [are] unclean to you.
Leviticus 11:7-8

And the swine, because it divideth the hoof, yet cheweth not the cud, it is unclean unto you: ye shall not eat of their flesh, nor touch their dead carcase.
Deuteronomy 14:8

“Do not practice homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman. It is a detestable sin."

You do realise that this is just mistranslation of the original hebrew, later perpetrated to support baseless doctrine? A more accurate translation is:

Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman. It is a sinful thing.

Indeed, the literal translation from Hebrew is actually:

And with a male thou shalt not lie down in beds of a woman, it is an abomination.
V’et-zachar lo tishkav mishk’vei ishah to’evah hu.

mishk’vei actually means "bed", as it is the noun form of mishkav, which means "to lie down". ishah means "women". to’evah is best translated as "abomination", although a direct and accurate translation into english is problematic.

The actual meaning of the verse simply forbids two males to lie down in a woman’s bed.

[Edited on 30-8-2011 by AndersHoveland]

Your arguments are not substantive but are semantics. Many translations don't give you many different meanings, unless you are equivocating deliberately.

Mark 7:14-23 Jesus abolishes food restrictions

14Then Jesus called to the crowd to come and hear. “All of you listen,” he said, “and try to understand. 15It’s not what goes into your body that defiles you; you are defiled by what comes from your heart.”

17Then Jesus went into a house to get away from the crowd, and his disciples asked him what he meant by the parable he had just used. 18“Don’t you understand either?” he asked. “Can’t you see that the food you put into your body cannot defile you? 19Food doesn’t go into your heart, but only passes through the stomach and then goes into the sewer.” (By saying this, he declared that every kind of food is acceptable in God’s eyes.)

20And then he added, “It is what comes from inside that defiles you. 21For from within, out of a person’s heart, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, 22adultery, greed, wickedness, deceit, lustful desires, envy, slander, pride, and foolishness. 23All these vile things come from within; they are what defile you.”

One may safely presume that any previous Mosaic law that was not specifically amended and/or perfected stands, and given the sort of argument being made, it is clear that you are identifying a conflict of law which does not exist. Many
things were changed by Jesus directly, but not other things.

Rosco Bodine - 30-8-2011 at 03:59

Quote: Originally posted by blogfast25  
Quote: Originally posted by Rosco Bodine  
But hey're the expert.

And you're the nutcase. The Taleban of SM...

One question to you and I’m done here. Just how far would you take this ‘no to homosexuality’ in that putrid worldview of yours? In Ole’ Blighty homosexual acts were imprisonable offences by Law up to 1967 (off the top of my head). What should have been a national hero and definitely was a mathematical genius, Alan Turing, committed suicide because of how his sexuality was viewed in his country. Is that what you want to return to? In the name of God?

Rosco, you’re the manifestation of a dying, dinosaur part of the US but in it’s dying throes the animal still makes a lot of noise. A way of life that’s basically gone with just a few diehards left, grasping at straws… How on Earth you reconcile your paleoviews with an interest in science is truly beyond me.

This thread proves that allowing religion and politics into this forum can't lead to anything productive.

[Edited on 30-8-2011 by blogfast25]

When honest medical science does not defer to political correctness but tells it like it is once again, as it did acknowledge for many years before political correctness, then the DSM-IV code for homosexuality as a bona fide mental disorder will be reinstated. That would be done on the basis of scientific objectivity not religion.

So much for science.

Marriage is not a "special olympics" category event for mental defectives.

And to be clear about the matter of military service, it would also be my view there should be zero tolerance there as well, a 100% disqualification is what should be in effect, not any half measures.

[Edited on 30-8-2011 by Rosco Bodine]

AndersHoveland - 30-8-2011 at 04:27

Quote: Originally posted by Rosco Bodine  

15It’s not what goes into your body that defiles you; you are defiled by what comes from your heart.”

17 “Can’t you see that the food you put into your body cannot defile you? 19Food doesn’t go into your heart, but only passes through the stomach and then goes into the sewer.”

20And then he added, “It is what comes from inside that defiles you. 21For from within, out of a person’s heart, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, 22adultery, greed, wickedness, deceit, lustful desires, envy, slander, pride, and foolishness. 23All these vile things come from within; they are what defile you.”

One may safely presume that any previous Mosaic law that was not specifically amended and/or perfected stands, and given the sort of argument being made, it is clear that you are identifying a conflict of law which does not exist. Many
things were changed by Jesus directly, but not other things.

"It’s not what goes into your body that defiles you; you are defiled by what comes from your heart.”
Then presumably a penis going into another man does not defile the man.

"Food doesn’t go into your heart, but only passes through the stomach and then goes into the sewer.”
Semen also does not go into the heart; it only passes into the rectum. :P

"sexual immorality, lustful desires... vile things come from within; they are what defile you.”
Sexual immorality and lustful desires are not necessarily specific to same-sex relationships.

"Mosaic law... Many things were changed by Jesus directly, but not other things."

It is interesting how lightly evangelicals have taken other proscriptions found in the same Old Testament Code, for example: rules against the eating of rabbit (Lev 11:26), oysters, clams, shrimp, and lobster (Lev 11:10ff), and rare steaks (Lev 17:10). Evangelicals do not picket or try to close down seafood restaurants nor they keep kosher kitchens. They do not always order steaks “well-done.” They eat pork and ham. The wearing of clothes made from interwoven linen and wool (Deut 22:11) does not seem to bother them at all. They do not ”cut off” from among the people, as is demanded by this same Code, those who have intercourse with women during menstruation (Lev 20:18) and those who marry women who have been divorced (Lev 21:14).

Christ is the end of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes.
Romans 10:4

For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving,
1 Timothy 4:4

[Edited on 30-8-2011 by AndersHoveland]

blogfast25 - 30-8-2011 at 04:27

The view of homosexuality as a 'mental disorder' exists almost exclusively in Paleomeircancon circles. It's not science, it's about as scientific as Nazi 'race hygiene'.

See Rosco, you’ve got a bit of a problem here: I know your ilk all too well from multiple (too many) sorties, armpit high wellies, goggles and washing peg (on the nose) donned, into your part of the open sewers of the blogosphere.

Views held on homosexuality in the ‘God, Gays ‘n Guns’ part of the Interwebs are nothing but a large conspiracy theory, at the level of Roswell or worse. Everything and the kitchen sink gets dragged into it, resulting in a highly self-contradictory body of pseudo-science and histrionic DIY ‘psychology’, with lashings of ill-digested ‘patriotism’ to make it all even more risible and unpalatable.

Still, you haven’t answered my question. Come on, big boy: what’s to become of the ‘mentally ill’? Sectioning? Psychotherapy? Forced conversion to your pubescent form of Godology? What’s it to be in the land of the free?

[Edited on 30-8-2011 by blogfast25]

Rosco Bodine - 30-8-2011 at 04:44

Confusion .....foolish thinking....equivocation

I rest my case.

As for what to do with all those who have Downs syndrome ...or a hundred variants of other disorders,
it would of course depend on the level the persons are challenged. But pretending they aren't challenged is
denying the reality of what is there....they don't "get it".

And there's probably no therapy to fix that.

How do you fix color blindness or pretend that any of them will be the next Rembrandt just so as not to hurt their feelings or be discriminatory?

I am not advocating leper colonies for homosexuals, what I am saying is that society has no obligation to bend over forwards or backwards to be adaptive to their special needs,
or special demands, particularly where those demands are destructively devaluing of traditional social institutions like marriage and family. It is correct to somewhere draw the line, and those two things are definitely there.

[Edited on 30-8-2011 by Rosco Bodine]

woelen - 30-8-2011 at 05:03

I just stepped back from this thread after it became more and more agressive.

I just want to say that the main sin of mankind is being incapable of accepting other's different beliefs or worldviews.

I consider myself a christian, but what I do believe is that there must be room for people to believe what they want and to live how they want. And I am very very happy that I do not have to judge, my task is just to be here and try to live a life such as God likes it. What other people are doing with their life is their responsibility and I am quite sure that God is more graceful than many christians believe He is.

But on the other hand, I more and more get the feeling that the 'secular church' is getting more and more oppressive and wants to give less and less freedom to people who believe otherwise. In Germany parents are put in jail for a few days, simply because they do not have their children attend a governmental program about sex with a certain very liberal point of view, which is not their point of view. In the Netherlands new-coming muslim people are forced to view an "introduction to the Netherlands"' complete with top-less girls playing on the Dutch beaches, homosexuals meeting in parks in Amsterdam doing their things and so the list goes on. I accept freedom of live, but I do not want to be forced to swallow the crap of these so-called progressive enlightened people. They think that they are superior and all other people, who believe otherwise are retarded idiots still living in the middle ages or something like that.

@Blogfast25: I want to come back on that case of the 52-year old man in Belgium. This man had a little fire in his house, not related to the chemicals. He called the fire department to help him. These people came and helped him quickly finishing the fire. The damage was limited and no adhering rooms or houses were affected. These people then inspected the rest of the house, checking for risk of fire in other places (this is standard procedure in many cities, also in the Netherlands) and while doing so they found the chemicals. The rest of the story has become one big nightmare for this guy. Appr. 2 square meters space, filled with bottles and so on was taken away from his house for safe destruction, a few other supposedly very toxic chemicals were taken away for further inspection in a special laboratory.

blogfast25 - 30-8-2011 at 05:08

Why, what do you have in mind for Downs [sic] syndrome sufferers?

Your refusal to answer the question speaks volumes. Is what you have in mind for those 'mentally ill' perhaps a little too unspeakable to write down in a public space?

Your need to drag pseudo-sciece into this, instead of sticking to 'theological' arguments, is also most telling.

For all your bluster on not being a bigot, your views on this particular minority are in essence no different from those views held on other minorities, whether they be Jews, American/European Muslisms, Hispanics etc etc. A blind man can see that but a person blinded by religion may not...

A million years (or so) of evolution and the 'the Greatest Nation on Earth' still sports a sizeable portion of the population that holds views that would have been applauded by the Nazis.

The mind truly boggles...

I might dedicate a blog post to this exchange. 'Fun with a Paleoconservative' should attract a few readers.

blogfast25 - 30-8-2011 at 05:23


I’m not an expert on Belgian Law but as far as I know possessing the chemicals you mentioned is not illegal in that country. If I’m right about that then the Belgian authorities may have acted illegally. Unfortunately that happens. But do you really think the case is representative or just a fluke? I don’t hear much at all about Belgians being arrested for possession of chemicals (but I don’t have much to do with Belgium nowadays).

As regards the other abominations you mention, I commiserate. Again though we need to ask the question: ‘how often does this happen?’ Also Lex Dura Sed Lex: if given laws are voted in legally by a majority of representatives of the People then they have to be enforced. Those opposed to these laws should campaign to have them rescinded or resort to Civil Disobedience.

”They think that they are superior and all other people, who believe otherwise are retarded idiots still living in the middle ages or something like that.”

Horrid views on ‘liberals’ also flow from the more conservative parts of populations to said liberals. A bit pot and kettle, that one…

Rosco Bodine - 30-8-2011 at 05:31

Conservatives are such party animals, it is enough to make a sailor blush.
Just keep them away from the children :D

blogfast25 - 30-8-2011 at 05:33

As regards Rosco’s:

”And to be clear about the matter of military service, it would also be my view there should be zero tolerance there as well, a 100% disqualification is what should be in effect, not any half measures.”

A Jackie Mason joke springs to mind:

‘What’s the worst that could happen if he [a homosexual serviceman] wants to make love to you [a straight serviceman]?

Tell him you’re busy. Or do as your wife does: tell him you’ve got a head ache!’

Mixell - 30-8-2011 at 05:48

Quote: Originally posted by Rosco Bodine  
Quote: Originally posted by Mixell  
People have the right to do what they please, as long as it does not directly harms another person. Tell me, how exactly same sex marriage harms you? Or it just doesn't settle with your religious beliefs? If the answer to the last question is yes, then though luck, its your problem, not theirs. And about the nature of homosexuality, did you know that a lot of animals practice same gender intercourse?

Of-course you have the freedom belief what you want (even fairy tails, for example little red hoodie, although I don't really see the difference between this and...umm... religion). But you don't have the right to dictate to other people how they should live their life. Oh, and threatening people that they will go to hell, how typical...
And about the "A problem with the alternative path is the destination." I'm pretty sure there is no destination, more precisely: I did not encounter any evidence that support its existence, and the source of this idea is not the most reliable around (between reliability and it, there is a huge gap filled with modern scientific discoveries and just plain logic). So I could say a thing with a similar note to it: If the destination is out of the equation (and probably is) then only the path matters.

And to another topic: The problem with hatred it is not the existence of the hatred itself, but the actions that some people take in the name of hatred. If everybody could just hate other people deep inside and that will be all, it would be a lot better world. But unfortunately, people tend to try and offend/hurt/kill (sometimes even using extreme violence) other people/groups because of their hatred towards them. And that it why we need to minimize the spread of hatred, or at least keep it behind closed doors.

I am a husband to a wife and a father to children. I know what a marriage is, as a respectable and legitimate status and an honorable and unique relationship which for millenia has been by definition the formal committed relationship between a man and a woman, a husband and a wife .....
no others need apply or pretend it is otherwise. Activist judges with their heretical lie and counterfeit can burn in hell with their proponents.

So a hundred million homosexuals and their partners can't be wrong huh to redefine their "committed relationships" as being marriage? It is a preposterous joke in poor taste which seeks to devalue something legitimately unique and honorable to equate it with something that is definitely not marriage. It is a counterfeiting and subverting the word marriage and the exclusive generally correctly accepted and established idea and reality of what it means. Homosexual marriage is an oxymoron and a lie.

This is more evidence of the "confusion" about which I have spoken already which is a credential of persons for which there is nothing sacred, including more probably than not the very definition of the status of the parents whose marriage was the reason for their birth. Enter the fruit loop activists who are seeking legitimacy for what isn't legitimate.

No, people do not "have the right" (fill in the blank) to do as they damn well please (not in any qualified nor unqualified sense) whatsoever.....
not just because they say so nor because any government on earth says so.
You confuse a "right" with what is a privilege, an entitlement defined and guaranteed by the state. Rights are an endowment from God not a dispensation from the state or society.

Neither the state nor society invented the sacrament of marriage, or the natural families that resulted from marriages of men and women.

Holy Matrimony, or sacramerntal marriage has for millenia been synonymous with "marriage" in the common use of language.

As for redefining the reality of what is marriage, that is simply another subversive activist agenda to subvert what is good to what is evil and blur any distinction by deception and rationalizations which are not valid. And atheists think they are so clever at dismissal of anything having religious origin by their ridicule and fearlessness of the "supernatural" ....
Yes, don't they all have their rap down pat, complete with
all the literature and philosophies which embolden them to live sinful lives fearing no accountability of course, since they don't really believe any judgement awaits them. Of course they are their own judge of everything whatever,
and necessarily according to their belief nothing is sacred so there will be no consequences for error. Having no real code for values or morality, no real basis for any distinction between what is right and wrong, they then live their lives accordingly. It's tough to correct those who in their own minds can do no wrong. No conscience, no values, no ethics, ....
no shame or guilt ....
Now there's quite a plan for worldly bliss. But it isn't any path to heaven. There's only one way there.

Definitely it's time for Johnny Cash Personal Jesus When The Man Comes Around When The Man Comes Around

[Edited on 30-8-2011 by Rosco Bodine]

So you basically want your religion to have a monopoly on marriage? And the justification for this is "my god says so"?
Why are you so upset with other people trying to achieve what you have (the title "marriage")? If you don't like it this much, can't you just ignore them?
And about the "for centuries it was this and that" argument", for centuries mankind believed that the world is flat, for centuries they believed in the existence of sea monsters, should I continue? You live in the 21 century (or at least your body is),you can't justify things by saying that they existed for centuries, and that makes them indisputable. Using that lime of thought you can say "I don't need vaccines, mankind had lived without them for dozens of thousands of years.

And here we continue to morality, you claim that you need some book to tell you what is wrong and is not? Can't you figure this out yourself? I do not know about you, but I am a moral person and I do got values and similar things, you know why? Because it is partly in my genetic code and partly implanted in me by the society. People had lived in social groups for dozens or hundreds of thousands of years. Those who were more social and more contributing to the group survived better, and those genetic traits were carried and improved by the generations that followed them.

And seriously, how can you claim to be a moral persons while threatening and telling people that they will suffer unimaginable pain and torture for infinity, just because they don't believe in the same absurd things that you believe in?

[Edited on 30-8-2011 by Mixell]

AndersHoveland - 30-8-2011 at 05:48

Quote: Originally posted by woelen  

In the Netherlands new-coming muslim people are forced to view an "introduction to the Netherlands"' complete with top-less girls playing on the Dutch beaches, homosexuals meeting in parks in Amsterdam doing their things and so the list goes on.

That's nothing.
In Sweden they brainwash the intolerance out of the muslim children. The idealistic extreme socialist government/school system attempts to fully familiarise young muslim children with homosexuality so they will be fully "tolerant" later in life. One (government funded) preschool in Stockholm has attempted to eliminate gender specific pronouns, instead referring to the children as "friends" rather than "boys" or "girls." Fairy tales that "further gender stereotypes" have been replaced with tales of "multicultural" families featuring gay and lesbian couples.

In Denmark the school children are shown "Du Er Ikke Alene", which is basically mild child porn, with stils of two naked young boys humping eachother, and plenty more little penises showing throughout the film :o
The main adult actor in the film was actually later arrested on child pornography charges, and this was during the late 1970's. One had to do something seriously wrong to be arrested for sexual misconduct at that national time of "care free sexual exploration".

Obviously the muslim parents are not exactly thrilled about this.

What the Bible really says about rape:
If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her.
Deuteronomy 22:28-29

But perhaps we can steer the topic back to how the competitive exclusion principle may apply to different human subspecies?

Quote: Originally posted by AndersHoveland  
In ecology, the competitive exclusion principle states that two species competing for the same resources cannot coexist.
(click on the green aarow to be taken back to the previous post in this thread)

[Edited on 30-8-2011 by AndersHoveland]

blogfast25 - 30-8-2011 at 06:41


I’m convinced that Rosco’s views really are a manifestation of what they call the ‘Culture Wars’. Deeply conservative (and often devout religious) American feel their worldview is being passed over by younger generations who aren’t so impressed with their fire and brimstone views. So they try to claw their way back into the limelight, generating far more heat than light. It’s not really working though: whatever the Roscos of the Bible Belt have in mind for the ‘mentally ill’ (gays) it wouldn’t get more than 10 % of the vote in a poll, less in an actual voting booth.

In less than a generation, a homosexual President stands a good chance of becoming reality (there already is an independent gay candidate for this race, I believe). Let them blow a gasket at the thought… The rest of us in reality-based communities will watch with bemusement.

Quote: Originally posted by Mixell  
And here we continue to morality, you claim that you need some book to tell you what is wrong and is not? Can't you figure this out yourself?

Oh, com'on now. Everybody knows that w/o their good book they'd all be murderers and rapists! ;)

Funny though how in the Old Testament these things seem to sanctioned in so many places! Murder, genocide, rape... what have you: it's all there in their Little Book of Horrors.:o Charming fellow that G-d before they had to reinvent him, huh?

Bill Hicks on dinosaur fossils: when he asked a Creationist about these fossils, came the laconic reply; ‘God put them there to test our faith!’

[Edited on 30-8-2011 by blogfast25]

Rosco Bodine - 30-8-2011 at 07:02

Quote: Originally posted by Mixell  
Quote: Originally posted by Rosco Bodine  
Quote: Originally posted by Mixell  
People have the right to do what they please, as long as it does not directly harms another person. Tell me, how exactly same sex marriage harms you? Or it just doesn't settle with your religious beliefs? If the answer to the last question is yes, then though luck, its your problem, not theirs. And about the nature of homosexuality, did you know that a lot of animals practice same gender intercourse?

Of-course you have the freedom belief what you want (even fairy tails, for example little red hoodie, although I don't really see the difference between this and...umm... religion). But you don't have the right to dictate to other people how they should live their life. Oh, and threatening people that they will go to hell, how typical...
And about the "A problem with the alternative path is the destination." I'm pretty sure there is no destination, more precisely: I did not encounter any evidence that support its existence, and the source of this idea is not the most reliable around (between reliability and it, there is a huge gap filled with modern scientific discoveries and just plain logic). So I could say a thing with a similar note to it: If the destination is out of the equation (and probably is) then only the path matters.

And to another topic: The problem with hatred it is not the existence of the hatred itself, but the actions that some people take in the name of hatred. If everybody could just hate other people deep inside and that will be all, it would be a lot better world. But unfortunately, people tend to try and offend/hurt/kill (sometimes even using extreme violence) other people/groups because of their hatred towards them. And that it why we need to minimize the spread of hatred, or at least keep it behind closed doors.

I am a husband to a wife and a father to children. I know what a marriage is, as a respectable and legitimate status and an honorable and unique relationship which for millenia has been by definition the formal committed relationship between a man and a woman, a husband and a wife .....
no others need apply or pretend it is otherwise. Activist judges with their heretical lie and counterfeit can burn in hell with their proponents.

So a hundred million homosexuals and their partners can't be wrong huh to redefine their "committed relationships" as being marriage? It is a preposterous joke in poor taste which seeks to devalue something legitimately unique and honorable to equate it with something that is definitely not marriage. It is a counterfeiting and subverting the word marriage and the exclusive generally correctly accepted and established idea and reality of what it means. Homosexual marriage is an oxymoron and a lie.

This is more evidence of the "confusion" about which I have spoken already which is a credential of persons for which there is nothing sacred, including more probably than not the very definition of the status of the parents whose marriage was the reason for their birth. Enter the fruit loop activists who are seeking legitimacy for what isn't legitimate.

No, people do not "have the right" (fill in the blank) to do as they damn well please (not in any qualified nor unqualified sense) whatsoever.....
not just because they say so nor because any government on earth says so.
You confuse a "right" with what is a privilege, an entitlement defined and guaranteed by the state. Rights are an endowment from God not a dispensation from the state or society.

Neither the state nor society invented the sacrament of marriage, or the natural families that resulted from marriages of men and women.

Holy Matrimony, or sacramerntal marriage has for millenia been synonymous with "marriage" in the common use of language.

As for redefining the reality of what is marriage, that is simply another subversive activist agenda to subvert what is good to what is evil and blur any distinction by deception and rationalizations which are not valid. And atheists think they are so clever at dismissal of anything having religious origin by their ridicule and fearlessness of the "supernatural" ....
Yes, don't they all have their rap down pat, complete with
all the literature and philosophies which embolden them to live sinful lives fearing no accountability of course, since they don't really believe any judgement awaits them. Of course they are their own judge of everything whatever,
and necessarily according to their belief nothing is sacred so there will be no consequences for error. Having no real code for values or morality, no real basis for any distinction between what is right and wrong, they then live their lives accordingly. It's tough to correct those who in their own minds can do no wrong. No conscience, no values, no ethics, ....
no shame or guilt ....
Now there's quite a plan for worldly bliss. But it isn't any path to heaven. There's only one way there.

Definitely it's time for Johnny Cash Personal Jesus When The Man Comes Around When The Man Comes Around

[Edited on 30-8-2011 by Rosco Bodine]

So you basically want your religion to have a monopoly on marriage? And the justification for this is "my god says so"?
Why are you so upset with other people trying to achieve what you have (the title "marriage")? If you don't like it this much, can't you just ignore them?

The justification that God says so is quite good enough for this subject. No I won't ignore subversives when an established valued institution called marriage which normal people regard as an absolute, is being devalued to mean a "partnership" consummated by sodomy as the only physically possible kind of sexual union for homosexuals. This is offensive to the point of being quite totally insane and is simply unacceptable. Next beastiality couplings will be accorded status as marriage also.....why not? If a person wants to have a committed relationship with their dog, sheep, or horse, then who is "right" to deny them the status of marriage?

And about the "for centuries it was this and that" argument", for centuries mankind believed that the world is flat, for centuries they believed in the existence of sea monsters, should I continue? You live in the 21 century (or at least your body is),you can't justify things by saying that they existed for centuries, and that makes them indisputable. Using that lime of thought you can say "I don't need vaccines, mankind had lived without them for dozens of thousands of years.

Such empty rationalizations fall absolutely flat. That stuff is nonsense. A debate is manufactured about a matter where there actually never was any bona fide debate, and then a redefining of reality was imposed by subversives and activists as the answer, which creates a larger problem.

And here we continue to morality, you claim that you need some book to tell you what is wrong and is not?

"some book" is not exactly an accurate characterization of what is the Holy Bible.

Can't you figure this out yourself?
No you can't figure it out for yourself.
I do not know about you, but I am a moral person and I do got values and similar things, you know why?
If you think homosexual unions are equivalent to marriage, then your morality and values are in serious doubt.

Because it is partly in my genetic code and partly implanted in me by the society. People had lived in social groups for dozens or hundreds of thousands of years. Those who were more social and more contributing to the group survived better, and those genetic traits were carried and improved by the generations that followed them.
A herd or pack mentality is not the basis of human morality.

And seriously, how can you claim to be a moral persons while threatening and telling people that they will suffer unimaginable pain and torture for infinity, just because they don't believe in the same absurd things that you believe in?
[Edited on 30-8-2011 by Mixell]

How about because it is duty to declare the truth. That is something in which all your rationalizations is deficient. All the "child of the universe" crap is denial of whose children are humankind. There is no secular morality, no code, no ethic, no soul or conscience about it. Anything genuine in those regards comes from something nobler and higher, namely God. Without that then you are an orphan spirit lost in a lost world where you plod along trying to figure out knowledge that has been known for millenia and is yours free for the asking. But you are too proud to ask and too arrogant, overconfident in your own wisdom to be accepting of something just that simple. What is the knowledge of fifty generations of ancients compared to what any smartass may imagine in a few brief years experience in a "modern" world ......the very idea of having intelligent ancestors who availed themselves of their own parents and elders wisdom
about "facts of life" should not be difficult to accept. If the ancient wisdom was not urgently important, then why would so much effort be invested in its recording and preservation as the inheritance of those yet to be born ? The answer is simple ....because the ancestors wished for their children and their children's children's children to survive. Rejecting that wisdom that is your birthright out of hand is basically squandering your birthright for nothing, giving you nothing worthwhile to pass on. Your loss and possibly the end of your own lineage is also part of the bargain as the reward of "natural selection".

bbartlog - 30-8-2011 at 07:07

Quote: Originally posted by hissingnoise  
Maybe you mean, though, that by *now* every intelligent person on earth has gotten the memo and realizes that you can't tell anything about someone from their race.

Got it in one!
Don't we all know by now that the word 'xenophobia' is fairly self-explanatory . . .

But in that case you are simply wrong. I suppose you could rescue your thesis by using a circular definition of stupidity and racism (anyone who is racist is by definition stupid, according to you). Or you could claim a very narrow definition of racism, i.e. someone is not racist unless they make very definite assumptions about a specific person of another race without any evidence. But the first is obviously a logical fallacy. As for the second, it is certainly politically convenient that racism is in practice defined rather elastically. Sometimes (as when someone brings some logic to bear) it might be that racism is defined in terms so restrictive that indeed, only the irrationally prejudiced qualify. At other times, in more informal discussion, it instead is used to describe any position that ascribes any differences whatever to different racial groups. Or, still less consistently, whether a statement is racist depends on the author's intent in making the statement (for example, the statement 'black children do poorly on math tests compared to white children' might be racist coming from one person, but OK if someone is trying to get increased funding for Head Start).
Interestingly the debate in the past twenty years or so has moved somewhat, at least in the US. Circa 1990, prior to the wide availability of various sorts of data on crime, school performance, etc., on the internet, people would consider it racist (and false) if I claimed that black people in the USA committed violent crimes at higher per-capita rates than whites. That was media stereotyping, or a result of prejudice in the criminal justice system, or else a result of police racism in pursuing crime. Now that we have instant access to the FBI's uniform crime reporting data, along with the national crime victimization survey (NCVS) data, such denial is much less frequently encountered. Instead, the point is (usually) conceded and the question of racism revolves around the beliefs for the reason for this state of affairs. Broadly there are three causes usually discussed, which I would categorize as oppression/environment, culture, and genetics. To the left, only the first is really acceptable as an explanation for differences in outcome and behavior. Thus much is made of the difficulties of being black in a white culture, of things like stereotype threat, or higher levels of lead poisoning among blacks, or simple poverty and lack of access to various beneficial resources. On the mainstream right (and thus in mainstream American discourse) it is also acceptable to describe shortcomings of certain cultures, e.g. to bemoan a lack of emphasis or interest on academic achievement.
Beyond the pale however is to ascribe any part of these differences to genetic differences between different racial groups. And yet, the academic evidence for such differences continues to mount.
In my own experience, then, 'racism' means a belief that there are systematic differences between races, and that these are partly due to genetic inheritance. Not just in things like skin color, nose shape, and other such attributes (which only a fool would argue with); but in temperament and in intelligence, indeed in most any human attribute of interest. By this definition, I am a racist. I don't get any kick out of holding beliefs that are outrageously unpopular: and yet it moves.

AndersHoveland - 30-8-2011 at 07:14

Quote: Originally posted by Rosco Bodine  

when an established valued institution called marriage which normal people regard as an absolute, is being devalued to mean a "partnership" consummated by sodomy as the only physically possible kind of sexual union for homosexuals.

"Normal" people?

"sodomy" is certainly not the only physically possible kind of sexual union for homosexuals. Gays tend to be a highly creative bunch: penis licking, thigh thrusting, "handjobs", dildos, and of course "rimming" [shudder]:o

At any rate, it will not be long before your children are forcefully instructed in the details of these alternate forms of sexuality. The USA will be increasingly dominated by the extreme left in the future, and will head the way of sweden.

Do not try to use the Bible to back up your "traditional" views of marriage. The plain truth is that the Bible simply does not have anything in it against gay marriage. But no one ever bothers to actually read the scriptures, not even Christian fundamentalists. And please, do not try to rewrite the original Bible to suit your particular beliefs. You do realise that homosexuality is not specifically mentioned as one of sins of Sodom and Gomorrah? But this apparently does not deter certain Christians from using the word "sodomy".

[Edited on 30-8-2011 by AndersHoveland]

Rosco Bodine - 30-8-2011 at 07:26

Yes there actually is such a thing as normal. That doesn't include perverts in the gay pride and gay activism "in your face" subversive agendas of various sorts that are headed for a reckoning. It will be interesting to see who comes out on the losing side of that clash.

Anders there is a solemn warning in the bible about not making false representation concerning its contents like you are doing here. Not an intelligent choice, but then much of what you have to say isn't representative of intelligence or truth anyway, so no real surprise there.

[Edited on 30-8-2011 by Rosco Bodine]

woelen - 30-8-2011 at 07:35

@AndersHoveland: I know of that Stockholm preschool which wants to wipe out differences in gender. A few weeks ago, in the Netherlands big news paper articles appeared about this and reactions ranged from mildly enthusiast to very critical. There IS a difference between boys and girls, not only their bodies, but also in behavior, needs, way of playing, way of thinking, etc. I have 2 daughters and one son and even as little 3 year old children there are big differences! That kind of political correctness is disgusting in my eyes, I have no other words for it.
I don't know of that Danish film. Given my mediocre Danish, I would translate it like "Jij bent niet de enige/alleen" ("You are not the only one" or "You are not alone"). Frequently Scandinavian movies also make it into the Netherlands as the prototype of so-called progressive material, but this one apparently went by unnoticed (at least by me).


The best evidence for God's existence is the type of reaction of Blogfast25 ;) God's word never lets someone untouched, either one becomes very cold or one becomes very heated.

But please, let's get serious again, this thread IS derailing at a high rate again. Are we really so childish that we cannot have a decent discussion on topics like politics and religion without harsh words and mockery? This is what makes me really sad :(

What I said above applies to ALL of us (including myself, when I point fingers to others, even more fingers point to myself).

I hope the tone will change, otherwise we have another proof of not being competent enough to have a good, challenging and mind-opening discussion which can be read with pleasure, also by people not being members of sciencemadness.

hissingnoise - 30-8-2011 at 07:55

Quote: Originally posted by AndersHoveland  
Gays tend to be a highly creative bunch: penis licking, thigh thrusting, "handjobs", dildos, and of course "rimming" [shudder]:o

That's sooo terrible --- these gays doing stuff that's normally reserved for 'straights'; whatever next?
And do you really think your woman wouldn't enjoy some postillionage, or

Mixell - 30-8-2011 at 08:11

Quote: Originally posted by Rosco Bodine  
Quote: Originally posted by Mixell  
Quote: Originally posted by Rosco Bodine  
Quote: Originally posted by Mixell  
People have the right to do what they please, as long as it does not directly harms another person. Tell me, how exactly same sex marriage harms you? Or it just doesn't settle with your religious beliefs? If the answer to the last question is yes, then though luck, its your problem, not theirs. And about the nature of homosexuality, did you know that a lot of animals practice same gender intercourse?

Of-course you have the freedom belief what you want (even fairy tails, for example little red hoodie, although I don't really see the difference between this and...umm... religion). But you don't have the right to dictate to other people how they should live their life. Oh, and threatening people that they will go to hell, how typical...
And about the "A problem with the alternative path is the destination." I'm pretty sure there is no destination, more precisely: I did not encounter any evidence that support its existence, and the source of this idea is not the most reliable around (between reliability and it, there is a huge gap filled with modern scientific discoveries and just plain logic). So I could say a thing with a similar note to it: If the destination is out of the equation (and probably is) then only the path matters.

And to another topic: The problem with hatred it is not the existence of the hatred itself, but the actions that some people take in the name of hatred. If everybody could just hate other people deep inside and that will be all, it would be a lot better world. But unfortunately, people tend to try and offend/hurt/kill (sometimes even using extreme violence) other people/groups because of their hatred towards them. And that it why we need to minimize the spread of hatred, or at least keep it behind closed doors.

I am a husband to a wife and a father to children. I know what a marriage is, as a respectable and legitimate status and an honorable and unique relationship which for millenia has been by definition the formal committed relationship between a man and a woman, a husband and a wife .....
no others need apply or pretend it is otherwise. Activist judges with their heretical lie and counterfeit can burn in hell with their proponents.

So a hundred million homosexuals and their partners can't be wrong huh to redefine their "committed relationships" as being marriage? It is a preposterous joke in poor taste which seeks to devalue something legitimately unique and honorable to equate it with something that is definitely not marriage. It is a counterfeiting and subverting the word marriage and the exclusive generally correctly accepted and established idea and reality of what it means. Homosexual marriage is an oxymoron and a lie.

This is more evidence of the "confusion" about which I have spoken already which is a credential of persons for which there is nothing sacred, including more probably than not the very definition of the status of the parents whose marriage was the reason for their birth. Enter the fruit loop activists who are seeking legitimacy for what isn't legitimate.

No, people do not "have the right" (fill in the blank) to do as they damn well please (not in any qualified nor unqualified sense) whatsoever.....
not just because they say so nor because any government on earth says so.
You confuse a "right" with what is a privilege, an entitlement defined and guaranteed by the state. Rights are an endowment from God not a dispensation from the state or society.

Neither the state nor society invented the sacrament of marriage, or the natural families that resulted from marriages of men and women.

Holy Matrimony, or sacramerntal marriage has for millenia been synonymous with "marriage" in the common use of language.

As for redefining the reality of what is marriage, that is simply another subversive activist agenda to subvert what is good to what is evil and blur any distinction by deception and rationalizations which are not valid. And atheists think they are so clever at dismissal of anything having religious origin by their ridicule and fearlessness of the "supernatural" ....
Yes, don't they all have their rap down pat, complete with
all the literature and philosophies which embolden them to live sinful lives fearing no accountability of course, since they don't really believe any judgement awaits them. Of course they are their own judge of everything whatever,
and necessarily according to their belief nothing is sacred so there will be no consequences for error. Having no real code for values or morality, no real basis for any distinction between what is right and wrong, they then live their lives accordingly. It's tough to correct those who in their own minds can do no wrong. No conscience, no values, no ethics, ....
no shame or guilt ....
Now there's quite a plan for worldly bliss. But it isn't any path to heaven. There's only one way there.

Definitely it's time for Johnny Cash Personal Jesus When The Man Comes Around When The Man Comes Around

[Edited on 30-8-2011 by Rosco Bodine]

So you basically want your religion to have a monopoly on marriage? And the justification for this is "my god says so"?
Why are you so upset with other people trying to achieve what you have (the title "marriage")? If you don't like it this much, can't you just ignore them?

The justification that God says so is quite good enough for this subject. No I won't ignore subversives when an established valued institution called marriage which normal people regard as an absolute, is being devalued to mean a "partnership" consummated by sodomy as the only physically possible kind of sexual union for homosexuals. This is offensive to the point of being quite totally insane and is simply unacceptable. Next beastiality couplings will be accorded status as marriage also.....why not? If a person wants to have a committed relationship with their dog, sheep, or horse, then who is "right" to deny them the status of marriage?

And about the "for centuries it was this and that" argument", for centuries mankind believed that the world is flat, for centuries they believed in the existence of sea monsters, should I continue? You live in the 21 century (or at least your body is),you can't justify things by saying that they existed for centuries, and that makes them indisputable. Using that lime of thought you can say "I don't need vaccines, mankind had lived without them for dozens of thousands of years.

Such empty rationalizations fall absolutely flat. That stuff is nonsense. A debate is manufactured about a matter where there actually never was any bona fide debate, and then a redefining of reality was imposed by subversives and activists as the answer, which creates a larger problem.

And here we continue to morality, you claim that you need some book to tell you what is wrong and is not?

"some book" is not exactly an accurate characterization of what is the Holy Bible.

Can't you figure this out yourself?
No you can't figure it out for yourself.
I do not know about you, but I am a moral person and I do got values and similar things, you know why?
If you think homosexual unions are equivalent to marriage, then your morality and values are in serious doubt.

Because it is partly in my genetic code and partly implanted in me by the society. People had lived in social groups for dozens or hundreds of thousands of years. Those who were more social and more contributing to the group survived better, and those genetic traits were carried and improved by the generations that followed them.
A herd or pack mentality is not the basis of human morality.

And seriously, how can you claim to be a moral persons while threatening and telling people that they will suffer unimaginable pain and torture for infinity, just because they don't believe in the same absurd things that you believe in?
[Edited on 30-8-2011 by Mixell]

How about because it is duty to declare the truth. That is something in which all your rationalizations is deficient. All the "child of the universe" crap is denial of whose children are humankind. There is no secular morality, no code, no ethic, no soul or conscience about it. Anything genuine in those regards comes from something nobler and higher, namely God. Without that then you are an orphan spirit lost in a lost world where you plod along trying to figure out knowledge that has been known for millenia and is yours free for the asking. But you are too proud to ask and too arrogant, overconfident in your own wisdom to be accepting of something just that simple. What is the knowledge of fifty generations of ancients compared to what any smartass may imagine in a few brief years experience in a "modern" world ......the very idea of having intelligent ancestors who availed themselves of their own parents and elders wisdom
about "facts of life" should not be difficult to accept. If the ancient wisdom was not urgently important, then why would so much effort be invested in its recording and preservation as the inheritance of those yet to be born ? The answer is simple ....because the ancestors wished for their children and their children's children's children to survive. Rejecting that wisdom that is your birthright out of hand is basically squandering your birthright for nothing, giving you nothing worthwhile to pass on. Your loss and possibly the end of your own lineage is also part of the bargain as the reward of "natural selection".

Well, may be "some book" isn't a good characterization of any book. The bible for me is an "assembly of world views, opinions, rules, and fairy tales of some folks that lived a few centuries/thousands of years ago", that is a pretty accurate description I think.

Rosco, its not up to you to judge the morality and values of other people when you hate a whole group just because some religious belief tells you to.

I too always strive to declare the truth, but sometimes we have yet to discover the truth, so instead I strive to declare what is false.
Oh, and your "ancient wisdom" argument... what ancient wisdom? Of the guys that thought that the earth revolves around the sun? Or that it is the center of the universe? Or may be the wisdom of the guys that thought that flies evolve from rotten meat?

Also, the fact that there was a lot of effort invested in recording those stuff doesn't mean that they are true or even slightly accurate. People invented religion and perfected it as a system that got all of the answers (none of which are open to discussion) and it attracted people, the thought that someone is looking after them, that they got some type of "safety net", that they will go to a better place when they die. And so the institutions that their sole purpose is to preserve and spread the "word of god" came to be.
You know, a lot of fairy tales are dated centuries or even millenias ago, or the ancient Sumerian creation tale- the Enuma Elish, or the Quran.... By your logic, all of those books and tales are "ancient wisdom" and are true.

@Woelen: I think that blogfast reaction wasn't due to the mentioning of "god", but due to bullshit (excuse me for my French). I would have had a similar reaction, nevermind if it was talk about god, homeopathy or various "lucky charms" , spells and everything in between. I hold true only things that have been proven. And when someone talks about things that don't have proof or have been proven false, and regards them as true (the next step is him forcibly trying to convince me that they are true) I start arguing and disproving his claims, sometimes more politely, sometimes less.

Imagine if someone tries to convince you that heavy metals are healthy in small doses, and that he enjoys the occasion ingestion of some mercuric chloride or lead/cadmium salts and advices you to do the same (and tries to convince other people too). How will you react?

[Edited on 30-8-2011 by Mixell]

[Edited on 30-8-2011 by Mixell]

AndersHoveland - 30-8-2011 at 08:11

Quote: Originally posted by woelen  
@AndersHoveland: I know of that Stockholm preschool which wants to wipe out differences in gender. A few weeks ago, in the Netherlands big news paper articles appeared about this and reactions ranged from mildly enthusiast to very critical. There IS a difference between boys and girls, not only their bodies, but also in behavior, needs, way of playing, way of thinking, etc. I have 2 daughters and one son and even as little 3 year old children there are big differences! That kind of political correctness is disgusting in my eyes, I have no other words for it.
I don't know of that Danish film. Given my mediocre Danish, I would translate it like "Jij bent niet de enige/alleen" ("You are not the only one" or "You are not alone"). Frequently Scandinavian movies also make it into the Netherlands as the prototype of so-called progressive material, but this one apparently went by unnoticed (at least by me).

Yes, there certainly are important differences between boys and girls, as you said, not only their bodies, but also in behavior, needs, way of playing, way of thinking, etc.
The differences are not all merely superficial, as so many idealists would have us believe. It should be obvious that different people are different, and such group differences are not merely confined to gender...

Yes, "You are not alone" is an accurate translation.

Here is a stil from that film:
WARNING TO AMERICANS: you may likely find the picture in the link shocking or "offensive"- do not click on the link if you are going to come back and complain!

< < link removed on request of Anders, this _may_ lead to legal trouble in some countries > >
do not have any qualms about showing it, because the rest of the world should know exactly what schoolchildren are being shown in danmark and sweden. And consider that there is much much worse, that AndersHoveland does not feel like taking the liberty of sharing, as it would no doubt offend notoriously prudent american sensibilities.

[Edited on 31-8-11 by woelen]

blogfast25 - 30-8-2011 at 08:55


"Next beastiality couplings will be accorded status as marriage also.....why not? If a person wants to have a committed relationship with their dog, sheep, or horse, then who is "right" to deny them the status of marriage?"

Listen, you prick: animals can't consent, that's why beastiality is illegal and should stay so. What else are you going to compare gays to, huh?

And will you please now tell us what you have in mind with those 'mentally ill' people, you s*ck, cowardly F*CKW*T!!!

Woelen: Mixell is right: Rosco's views on gay's are abhorrent and cause me to heat up. I don't believe in a Theist god. You should do well to distance yourself from Rosco's abhorrent views.

Yes there are differences between boys and girls and society and culture do everything they can to exaggerate them, mainly for banal commercial gain. By and large male and female aren't very different.

[Edited on 30-8-2011 by blogfast25]

well done

Polverone - 30-8-2011 at 10:17

Thank you to everyone who has used this thread to vividly remind me why I disallowed political discussion in the first place.