Sciencemadness Discussion Board


StJohn - 20-2-2012 at 21:06

Why would one add NaOH to a solution of NaBH4?

UnintentionalChaos - 20-2-2012 at 21:12


Hexavalent - 22-2-2012 at 12:19

Can anyone suggest a non-specialist source for this chemical?

mnick12 - 22-2-2012 at 15:00

I know of few places, but it depends where you live.

Hohenheim - 22-2-2012 at 18:50

There is Grainger, if you have the resources to spend a few extra bucks over normal price. Grainger accounts can be had pretty easily; 25g. increments can be purchased under the $100 dollar mandatory reporting limit. You don't want some inquisitive DEA agents hassling you, right? (I say this because NaBH4 is a common reducing agent used in drug manufacture; you wouldn't, so no worries, eh?)

To be honest, though, they don't have a vested interest in anyone so small-time. 25 grams? Buy away!

If this shouldn't be mentioned, I apologize... Just helping out a fellow chemist.

AirCowPeaCock - 23-2-2012 at 07:01

Aqueous NaOH and NaBH4. If I'm not wrong, the NaOH prevents the NaBH4 from reacting with the water--that's all.

mr.crow - 23-2-2012 at 08:00

That's a spam account (ShareeLane). Reported

NaBH4 has 4 hydrides and a low molecular weight so a little goes a long way.