Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Dinitrophenol Standard Purity

tempmale - 20-4-2004 at 13:01


I have researched the sale of 2,4-dinitrophenol for research. I have found numerous suppliers that will provide DNP with a min. 99% assay (none less that 97% min.). Though that 1% is minimal, I do not know what to expect as far as what chemical make-up that 1% of impurity has. I also don't want to order 150 Kg of the stuff.

I found another site that allows me to order DNP in 500 g increments, but the stat sheet on the chemical states that it has a min. assay of 90%. I went ahead and ordered it because it was the easiest and quickest route to getting the substance to my house.

I have read that the impurities may be made up of sulfuric ash...the same stuff that is left in an engine after the oil burns off...but I can't find a source to second that notion.

Does anyone know what the chemical make-up of the potential 10% of impurities of 2,4-dinitrophenol might be?

Either way, might anyone know how I go about purifying the 2,4-dinitrophenol to be as close to 100% assay as possible?

[Edited on 20-4-2004 by tempmale]

vulture - 20-4-2004 at 13:21

Let me guess, you're going to sell this stuff to bodybuilders?

Oh please!!!

Wolfram - 22-4-2004 at 12:44

Oh please!!!
IF anyone should use shit oraly it should at least be refined to medical purity and I dont think anyone here could do this at home.
I think you would be a much less risk to peoples health if you were selling heroine to them instead of DNP.