Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Distilation Equipment

screamsofsilence - 14-3-2012 at 16:39

Does anyone know the best way to make a homemade distiller to distill water? I"ve heard pressure cookers and copper tubing can be used but I was hoping to be able to make it using something cheaper. Any ideas?

Bot0nist - 14-3-2012 at 17:45

<a href=" 20&bih=480
">Check here.</a>

vmelkon - 15-3-2012 at 08:38

The simplest I have seen was on youtube. They had a glass bottle painted black on the outside. You fill this one with water.

You connect a plastic tube, 10 cm long and 0.5 cm in diameter.
Notice that the tube is very short.

The tube leads to another glass bottle.

You just leave it under the sun.

Bot0nist - 15-3-2012 at 08:42

That would be so SLOW though. Just get some copper tubing and a steel pot. Just like the backwoods moonshiners did. If they could do it, you can. Not that hard to rig up.

Pulverulescent - 15-3-2012 at 12:35

You'll find that steam will heat a copper tubing fairly quickly, stopping the condensation!
So some form of water-cooling is necessary, otherwise a very long, coiled tube (air-cooled worm) is needed.
Bending the tube so that it dips deep into a tank of cold water will work until the tank-water heats up.
Having water constantly flowing into and out of the tank will solve that problem.

screamsofsilence - 15-3-2012 at 16:54

Thanks for the suggestions :)