Sciencemadness Discussion Board

A Cautionary Tale

MadHatter - 5-5-2012 at 17:19

Recently, I had to evict my drunken, trouble making room mate. He likes to get drunk
and insult me and everybody else. I was trying to get some sleep before going
into work and he constantly pounded on my bedroom door, cussed me out and slammed
the door nearly breaking it. Enough was enough so I called the police and he was
cussing at them. They told him not to come back but this didn't deter him. Several
hours later I hear pounding on my front door and it was the room mate and the police.
They asked if I had called them back. I said no. Still drunk and cussing he told the
police I had a shed full of explosives. The joke's on him. The only thing in my shed is
ice melter. I even offered the police to examine my shed but they declined. Now I
don't have any chemicals except for those used in household maintenance such as
drain cleaner, ice melter, toilet bowl cleaner, etc.

The lesson here is if you have room mates, be careful. Those seeking vengeance
will do so out of spite. BTW, the police told him to NEVER set foot in my home
again. Doing so gets him locked up. They weren't too thrilled about his bogus call

hissingnoise - 6-5-2012 at 02:00

"Hell is other people"

Vogelzang - 6-5-2012 at 07:18

You mean to tell me you just figured that out? The masses are asses. There are plenty of people out there ready to exploit and black mail you, so don't keep your mouth shut. I found showing them a loaded pistol helps a lot, but I don't recommend that.

A related problem is I've had plenty of idiots come up to me and insult me because of something they think I did 30 or 40 years ago. That's one problem with inheriting your house from your parents and living in the same neighborhood most of your life. Strangely enough, when my brother and me went back to a house our family lived in before 1961, one man remembered who we were, but I was only 3 years old at the time so I wasn't involved in too much back them, other than running through other people's yards.

[Edited on 6-5-2012 by Vogelzang]

[Edited on 6-5-2012 by Vogelzang]

hissingnoise - 6-5-2012 at 07:51

I just remembered it! Sartre's been dead for 32 years . . .

Vogelzang - 6-5-2012 at 15:50

I remember one imbecile used to bring up my past sins whenever he saw me. I was delighted to find a picture of him smoking marijauna with a friend of his in one of my brother's photo albums. I made plenty of xerox copies and tacked them to telephone poles around the neighborhood and left a couple in his yard.

hissingnoise - 7-5-2012 at 01:02

You should'a put one up saying "Guess what? This fucking asshole has never smoked weed"!
That'd really freak him out!