Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Tour of My Home Lab!

SulfurApothecary - 26-6-2012 at 19:46

Hey guys, I wanted to post a short tour of my home lab! Please tell me what you think, I spent all of my money, and a lot of my time there.

Ummm, thanks, I have a cough so please try to tolerate :)

Please tell me if you have any tips, or suggestions.

Link: Tour Of My Home Lab

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[Edited on 27-6-2012 by SulfurApothecary]

Organicus - 27-6-2012 at 01:57

really nice =)
but do you sleep in you lab or is the lab your room?
anyway thats a no go! one could get really bad allergic reactions for a lifetime this way....

best regards

Pyro - 27-6-2012 at 02:32

I am completely behind him, why not do them in the garage? that way you have immediate access to all your chemicals as well.
but you have a nice collection of glass. a quick question:why all the different sizes of ground glass?

Fossil - 27-6-2012 at 08:56

On your bio it says you're 13, yet go to "collage" for chemistry. If this were true you would know not to put your lab in your house, let alone the room in which you sleep. My suggestion to you is to do something like build a shed for your lab if the garage is unnavailable/unsuitable. Regardless, good work putting together a lab.

smaerd - 27-6-2012 at 12:01

I see nothing wrong with a basement lab if ventilation is available, the ground is concrete as are the walls. I'm sure mom and dad wouldn't be happy about an acetone spill eating up the carpet, let alone a more serious accident. I'm kind of worried for the fish as well.

Either way cool lab, wish I started as early as you. Be mindful of safety. :)

[Edited on 27-6-2012 by smaerd]

SulfurApothecary - 27-6-2012 at 12:26

Yes, I agree it is not good to have a lab in the room in which I sleep, but let me say a few things:

I store the chemicals in the garage
Anything that produces toxic gasses is done outside
Acids are worked with in the garage
The fish are well taken care of
But, I do not have room in the garage to store the lab glass

I really do go to collage for chem, and I do know the dangers, thats why I'm explaining this. I decided that the stock room should be kept away from me, because of the hazards, I will be posting a video of the stock room sometime tomorrow. Yes I sleep there but there are no hazards, as I dont do anything stupid. Besides, most of my experiments are micro to macro scale, the ones that are big, are pretty good in terms of safety. I have two hazmat suits, and a certified gas mask.

Thanks for the complements on the lab. I will be posting some experiments.

Hexavalent - 27-6-2012 at 12:33

What about spills and drips on the carpet?
And fine powders making an aerosol as you work, and you inhaling them as you sleep?

What readability does your balance have, and what do you mean 'I really do go to college for chem' you do an adult course or what? At 13?

Also, why did you start a new thread on this topic when there are several existing already?

[Edited on 27-6-2012 by Hexavalent]

SulfurApothecary - 27-6-2012 at 12:41

Oh there are? Ummm, sorry. So yes there is the fact that it might drip, but I haven't had it happen... Just waiting it out... Yes there is that problem with aerosols, I agree, but I have to work with the hazards anyway. The balance regrettably only reads to .1 grams, sorry about that. The part before said that he did not really think I went to collage chem, I do, I'm enrolled, I do the class, I help work in a bio chem lab and a stock room.

Hexavalent - 27-6-2012 at 12:44


How did you get a job there at 13? I'd love to do that - even if I'm just cleaning glassware - but insurance probably won't let me do so anywhere here in the UK at 13.

SulfurApothecary - 27-6-2012 at 12:47

Yes I am very lucky, I got to know a professor, he set me to work, and it went from there, he decided I knew what I was doing so, he let me stay. I also help teach some of the class in the morning.

Hexavalent - 27-6-2012 at 12:48

Wow. What level class do you help teach? What topics?

I admire you, my fellow chemist.

SulfurApothecary - 27-6-2012 at 12:50

I help teach gen chem, basically stuff they should already know, and expanding on it. I do admire your work too, I believe we have probably the same knowledge, but different opportunitys.

Hexavalent - 27-6-2012 at 12:53

That's probably quite true - in your (brilliant) amateur setting, what kind of chemistry do you enjoy the most?

Personally, I love studying transition metal complexes and synthetic organic chemistry:)

SulfurApothecary - 27-6-2012 at 12:57

I love ochem, extractions and synthesis. Some inorganic synthesis. By the way, thanks for the complement, do you think I should post some experiments? What does your lab look like? I think I will post some experiments...

Hexavalent - 27-6-2012 at 13:02

Same here.

I really think you should post experiments - you will be highly valued for your contributions and who knows - you could even stumble across a new discovery!

My lab looks like this;

although several things have changed since this was filmed; I have more chemicals, a much better shelving unit and storage areas for chemicals, the fumehood is now permanently on top of a sturdy table and affixed to the wall and I have acquired more glassware, mainly special stuff like ST pieces and accessories, better Buchners and more.

The electronics area is now packed up, I gave up on that a while ago:)

[Edited on 27-6-2012 by Hexavalent]

SulfurApothecary - 27-6-2012 at 13:05

I wish I had a fume hood... Though I do have tons of lab glass and chemicals.... Its a fair trade off for me. I love your lab, post an updated video of it please!

Hexavalent - 27-6-2012 at 13:09

I will do this weekend....exclusively for SM:)

My camera is awful, though, so I can't narrate unless I use an external microphone on my it'll take a while to do, but I'll get there eventually:)

Do you have a hotplate stirrer? They are an invaluable addition to any lab and extremely handy.

SulfurApothecary - 27-6-2012 at 13:14

No, just hot plate, but it is fine for now... I would really recommend a micro distillation apparatus. I cant wait to see the updated lab! Im going to subscribe to you on youtube. I cant wait for you to post some more experiments.

Hexavalent - 27-6-2012 at 13:15

Thanks for the kind words - I've just ordered some more toluene, and may make a video soon on the sulfonation of alkylbenzenes.

SulfurApothecary - 27-6-2012 at 13:18

I dont have alot of organic solvents so I cant do that kind of stuff... I do how ever have some so i try.

Hexavalent - 27-6-2012 at 13:24

My idea is from the book 'Organic Experiments' - Second Edition - by Louis F Fieser - Chapter 32 - "Sulfonation".

If you want, I can copy the procedure it gives for you to try yourself.

Fossil - 27-6-2012 at 13:25

Honestly, I have a lot of trouble believing your claims of teaching chemistry classes, let alone at a college level when you are still in grade 8. Which college is this all happening at and did you complete grade 11&12 chemistry? Are your other classes college classes, and if not, how do you do to teach chemistry and still attend your regular grade 8 classes?

SulfurApothecary - 27-6-2012 at 13:28

Yes I would love the procedure!

Fossil: I am doing this at BSU, I help teach with Dale Russel, I work in Dr.Cornell's lab, I dont go to science or math or music at my regular school, I completed high school chem with the highest grade in the class. I am taking another math class at BSU too, I am only helping teach it for the summer because I will have too much to do in the fall.

Hexavalent - 27-6-2012 at 13:32

I'll copy it out and U2U it to you tomorrow; it's late here now in the UK and I'm bound to make mistakes.

I have been accelarated to do high school qualifications in chemistry early like you, and, not to boast, get some of the best grades in my class also.

SulfurApothecary - 27-6-2012 at 13:34

Very cool! I hope you get the highest grade in the class, I really like seeing someone like me, in terms of the love of chemistry. And thanks I will look forward to the procedure.

Hexavalent - 27-6-2012 at 13:36

Hehe, I'll write it out tomorrow for you when I get back from school.

Chemistry is not my hobby, my favourite subject or even like my pet; chemistry is my life.

SulfurApothecary - 27-6-2012 at 13:37

Yes chemistry is my life too! I sold my soul to it. :)