Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Pretty Pictures (2)

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bfesser - 26-9-2013 at 12:21

<strong><a href="viewthread.php?tid=14644">Pretty Pictures (1)</a></strong> has been one of the most popular and certainly one of the prettiest topics on the forum. After <em>40 pages</em>, however, it's time to start a new thread. [Certain forum features start to become unwieldy.]

<hr width="80%" />
To start things off, here are a couple photos from Wikimedia that are just too pretty not to share:

<table><tr><td><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="crystalline gold" /></a> <img src="../scipics/_wiki.png" valign="top" /></td><td><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="crystalline silver" /></a> <img src="../scipics/_wiki.png" valign="top" /></td></tr><tr><td align="center"><a href="" target="_blank">Gold</a> <img src="../scipics/_wiki.png" /></td><td align="center"><a href="" target="_blank">Silver</a> <img src="../scipics/_wiki.png" /></td></tr></table>

kristofvagyok - 26-9-2013 at 15:27

I know that these pictures have been posted, but for silver, I should reply with silver!

Something else: floating sodium balls in dioxane:

Oscilllator - 27-9-2013 at 22:00

Here are a couple of my own:
Copper acetate, a copper salycilic acid complex (posted somewhere else aswell), a copper tetraamine complex and a steel bar I left in my forge a little to long

I shall also take this opportunity to once again complain about the image size limits :mad:

IMG_20130915_150203.jpg - 188kBIMG_20130918_143512.jpg - 142kBIMG_20130926_123416.jpg - 235kBIMG_20130926_151245.jpg - 90kB

Potassium ferrioxalate

Hegi - 27-9-2013 at 22:22

I´m new a newcomer here, so hope that I will not screw up anything with adding this post. Few weeks ago I was trying to make my own iron complex. This is the final product - potassium ferrioxalate. The size of the crystals is about 3-4 mm. :cool:

sm.jpg - 142kB

Oscilllator - 27-9-2013 at 22:36

Very nice Hegi! How did you make your ferrioxalate?

Welcome to science madness!

Hegi - 27-9-2013 at 23:06

Quote: Originally posted by Oscilllator  
Very nice Hegi! How did you make your ferrioxalate?

Welcome to science madness!

Hi, I used iron(III) chloride hexahydrate and potassium hydroxide to make iron(III) hydroxide, then i dissolved it in oxalic acid - this was solution A of ferric oxalate. Then I separately prepared solution B of potassium oxalate. I mixed it together, heated it up, partly evaporated the solvent (water) and let it crystallize overnight ;)

Oscilllator - 27-9-2013 at 23:41

Nice, you didn't use any hydrogen peroxide? lots of methods on the net use this to ensure the iron remains iron(III) and not iron(II).

Hegi - 27-9-2013 at 23:48

Quote: Originally posted by Oscilllator  
Nice, you didn't use any hydrogen peroxide? lots of methods on the net use this to ensure the iron remains iron(III) and not iron(II).

I forgot to mention it, I added few drops of 33% H2O2 :)

Maybe you´ll like this one too. 5 months growing copper(II) sulfate.

cuso42.jpg - 105kB

kristofvagyok - 29-9-2013 at 13:57

A really easy, but awesome looking experiment: dissolving some fluorescein isothiocyanate in water under UV light.

[Edited on 29-9-2013 by kristofvagyok]

Hegi - 30-9-2013 at 09:46

Quote: Originally posted by kristofvagyok  
A really easy, but awesome looking experiment: dissolving some fluorescein isothiocyanate in water under UV light.

[Edited on 29-9-2013 by kristofvagyok]

nice one man, what about exposure settings and used equipment?

Btw. This weekend I tried to make a crystal of ammonium iron(III) sulfate and it turned out to be beautifully and almost perfectly shaped.

[Edited on 30-9-2013 by Hegi]

ammonium-ironIII-sulfate-dodecahydrate-3.jpg - 316kB

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[Edited on 30.9.13 by bfesser]

Bezaleel - 3-10-2013 at 01:38

Ammonium Iron(III) sulphate is one of the substances that formes large and well-shaped cystals very easily, as you have proved yourself. It is sensitive to dry air though. Be careful, or some yellow powder will form on the cystal.

Is the crystal really that brownish, or is that just due to lighting conditions? The one I once made was much like light coloured amethyst.

Hegi - 3-10-2013 at 10:37

Quote: Originally posted by Bezaleel  
Ammonium Iron(III) sulphate is one of the substances that formes large and well-shaped cystals very easily, as you have proved yourself. It is sensitive to dry air though. Be careful, or some yellow powder will form on the cystal.

Is the crystal really that brownish, or is that just due to lighting conditions? The one I once made was much like light coloured amethyst.

It´s just due to lighiting yes, it was captured few minutes after the sunrise.. I haven´t known about yellow powder forming on the crystal so now it´s completely yellow -,- what is that yellow powder and how should I get the rid of it or ensure the crystal against forming it on its surface? .. o.O

bfesser - 3-10-2013 at 10:38

Keep it in a sealed container to prevent loss of water (<a href="" target="_blank">efflorescence</a> <img src="../scipics/_wiki.png" />;) or lacquer the surface, as some mineral collectors do. What you have is a crystal of <a href="" target="_blank">ammonium iron(II) sulfate hexahydrate</a> <img src="../scipics/_wiki.png" />, the powder he mentions would be the anhydrous salt.

[Edited on 3.10.13 by bfesser]

Mailinmypocket - 3-10-2013 at 11:14

Vanillylidenacetone, from a micro synthesis, m.p. was ~123c, not bad! Pretty color :)

Edit: Crap... how do we re-size images? This is way too big.

[Edited on 3-10-2013 by Mailinmypocket]

bismuthate - 3-10-2013 at 11:33
awesome osmium picture (sorry i can't paste the picture on the forum with my kindle)

Wizzard - 3-10-2013 at 13:45

Bismuthate - That crystal was made by my friend Ivan Timohkin, from . I have some high-res of that, if his site doesn't.

bismuthate - 3-10-2013 at 14:03

thats awesome! does he have an SM account?

bfesser - 4-10-2013 at 04:22

Quote: Originally posted by Mailinmypocket  
Vanillylidenacetone, from a micro synthesis, m.p. was ~123c, not bad! Pretty color :)
. . .
Edit: Crap... how do we re-size images? This is way too big.
<strong>Mailinmypocket</strong>, that's a beautiful product! Very nice job sealing the ampoule (Pasteur pipette?); any chance you could post a tutorial&mdash;or a video&mdash;on how you do that? I use pre-made ampoules when necessary, but I'm terrible at sealing them. Every attempt I've ever made at glassblowing has been an utter failure. I'm a master at pulling TLC capillaries from melting point tubes, but anything beyond that is beyond me...

P.S. The image size is acceptable (doesn't stretch the page horizontally), but I can thumbnail it for you if necessary. It's best to upload images as attachments.

[edit] P.P.S. I'll try again to ship the mpt. tubes out later today or tomorrow.

[Edited on 4.10.13 by bfesser]

Mailinmypocket - 4-10-2013 at 07:00

Thanks! I tried to scale-up the reaction to have enough vanillylidenacetone to allow me to do a hydrogenation reaction to zingerone. Unfortunately something went awry with the condensation, it didn't work and I haven't tried again.

The ampoule is actually just made of a segment of slightly larger than usual glass tubing (7mm). I have nothing to really do today so I would be happy to post a step by step photo guide on making these. I find it easier to make nice solid ampoules with tubing rather than with Pasteur pipettes actually.

Mini Photo Guide

[Edited on 4-10-2013 by Mailinmypocket]

Mailinmypocket - 5-10-2013 at 11:56

Antimony, so shiny!

PeeWee2000 - 5-10-2013 at 19:10

Some big old DMSO crystals :O!

DSCN0383.jpg - 57kB

mr.crow - 5-10-2013 at 20:05

Quote: Originally posted by Mailinmypocket  
Antimony, so shiny!

Ohhh beautiful! Wish I had that for my element collection :)

Hegi - 6-10-2013 at 01:25

froot - 7-10-2013 at 00:51


Ohhh beautiful! Wish I had that for my element collection :)

I got this piece from a local solder manufacturer and it was cheap. These guys also do pewter alloys and use it for that, a good chance that solder companies in your area will have some for you. They might also have samples of Pb, Zn, Bi, Cd and Sn to offer you and their purity is good.

photo.JPG - 130kB

Gooferking Science - 11-10-2013 at 08:43

IMG_2412.jpg - 100kB
Half neutralized bromine water solution gives this beautiful color gradation effect.

[Edited on 11-10-2013 by Gooferking Science]

Waffles SS - 11-10-2013 at 11:24

Haloform reaction

Iodoform.jpg - 58kB

bfesser - 11-10-2013 at 11:50

That's a heckuva lot of <a href="" target="_blank">iodoform</a> <img src="../scipics/_wiki.png" />! You must have a use in mind; care to share the details?

Mailinmypocket - 11-10-2013 at 16:40

Sublimated phthalimide in a large test tube, thought it was neat :)

***edit*** Looking at it now, it reminds me of a dark animal eye. Weird.

[Edited on 12-10-2013 by Mailinmypocket]

Waffles SS - 11-10-2013 at 20:30

Quote: Originally posted by bfesser  
That's a heckuva lot of <a href="" target="_blank">iodoform</a> <img src="../scipics/_wiki.png" />! You must have a use in mind; care to share the details?

That is 50gr of Iodoform.
I sell it to my friend (dentist) and he use it as disinfectant

kristofvagyok - 12-10-2013 at 12:52

We just ran out of deuterated solvents for NMR, so we had to make some. Here is a "few" ampules of mixed deuterochloroform/deuteromethanol with a little added tetramethylsilane for NMR spectroscopy.

palico - 13-10-2013 at 12:50

Simply sodium chloride crystal grown on a stone.

bismuthate - 13-10-2013 at 12:56

The iodoform is really cool looking. It reminds me of lead iodide which I just made. I have so many beautiful compounds and elements. I wish I had a camera.:(

I Like Dots - 18-10-2013 at 10:18

Some nickel/copper acetate I made

Wizzard - 18-10-2013 at 10:57

Very nice! Careful handling those nickel compounds, though! :)

DJF90 - 18-10-2013 at 12:38

Just another day at the office...

2013-08-07 16.07.23.jpg - 114kB

[Edited on 18-10-2013 by DJF90]

2013-08-06 10.39.55.jpg - 106kB

bfesser - 18-10-2013 at 16:15

I'm salivating over that large-scale setup. Can't quite make out the labels. What'cha got cookin'?

Pyro - 18-10-2013 at 16:34

aah bfesser, you too?
the one one the right looks like triethylamine

Mailinmypocket - 18-10-2013 at 16:39

I *think* that on the left is triethylamine, then sulfur trioxide (something..) complex and dimethyl sulfoxide. Might be wrong but I wanted to take a guess lol. I wish my job was like that :(

(Edit: is the one in the middle sulfur trioxide-pyridine complex?)

[Edited on 19-10-2013 by Mailinmypocket]

DJF90 - 18-10-2013 at 23:26

Yep, mailinmypocket got it. I was doing a Parikh-Doering oxidation (non-cryogenic version of Swern, ideal for scale up). Input material was 1.4kg alcohol substrate in each flask (the upper picture shows the workup of the reaction, which took 3 days in total). These pics were taken a few months back, but that was 2 batches of 12 required for the custom manufacture campaign. Unfortunately the smell ofdimethyl sulfide byproduct progresses throughout the next three manufacturing steps.

They're 20L rbfs btw ;p Also note how we don't shake the sep funnels at that scale. They remain stationary... The phases are mixed in the reaction pot, transferred to the funnel by vacuum line and separated. Organic gets sucked/poured back into the pot and washed with the next solution.

Just another picture to keep people happy... Again in a 20L pot, equipped with a 2L addition funnel full of acid chloride solution. It feels quite funny looking at these pictures now because I'm currently working on microscale reactions.

Schotten baumann.jpg - 335kB

[Edited on 19-10-2013 by DJF90]

copper acetylsalicylate

Hegi - 21-10-2013 at 11:23

<img src="" width="600" />

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[Edited on 21.10.13 by bfesser]

bfesser - 21-10-2013 at 12:16

Beautiful. Nice work, <strong>Hegi</strong>.

kristofvagyok - 21-10-2013 at 13:56

Some nice crystals which formed at the bottom a flask.

It was a polymethoxy furane deriative what formed as a side product of a reaction, but it will be really useful for me in the future.

Hegi - 23-10-2013 at 21:03

Quote: Originally posted by bfesser  
Beautiful. Nice work, <strong>Hegi</strong>.

thanks, I will also post a picture of bis(oxalato)cuprate(II) tetrahydrate ;)

Mailinmypocket - 26-10-2013 at 18:31

I love my tritium keychain! Maybe not "pretty" but really neat to always see the thing glowing after almost 8 years :)


<img src="" width="600" />

[Edited on 27-10-2013 by Mailinmypocket]

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[Edited on 27.10.13 by bfesser]

Pyro - 29-10-2013 at 16:58

To satisfy large demands from the Vatican I decided to make isopropyl nitrite :D

Isopropyl nitrite.jpg - 63kB
the bottom layer is really cool it looks alive and rippling
Shortly after this my stirring failed due to the Na2SO4 slush

I am really preparing this in preparation to distilling HCN as an antidote, just in case...

[Edited on 30-10-2013 by Pyro]

BromicAcid - 29-10-2013 at 17:48

Talking large scale? Talking hundred liters :D

IMG_0570.JPG - 226kB

Edit: Sorry it's not very pretty.

[Edited on 10/30/2013 by BromicAcid]

UnintentionalChaos - 29-10-2013 at 19:57

Quote: Originally posted by Pyro  
To satisfy large demands from the Vatican I decided to make isopropyl nitrite :D

the bottom layer is really cool it looks alive and rippling
Shortly after this my stirring failed due to the Na2SO4 slush

I am really preparing this in preparation to distilling HCN as an antidote, just in case...

[Edited on 30-10-2013 by Pyro]

Yeah...I did the exact same reaction like a week ago. Modified orgsyn prep? Mine also failed when my stirring choked on sulfate. They are not kidding about mechanical stirring. I had 3/5 of the sulfuric/alcohol in at that point too. I still scraped 1/2 of the supposed yield of ester though so it wasnt a total wash.

I'm gonna nitrosate some cyclohexanone with it.

[Edited on 10-30-13 by UnintentionalChaos]

kristofvagyok - 30-10-2013 at 11:55

It was not my reaction, but: something crystallized from the mother liquor of an aromatic alkyl imidate and it looked great, just like on the pictures. Organic crystals are awesome!

Have You seen my portfolio? It’s over here:

DJF90 - 30-10-2013 at 14:43

Nice setup Bromic! Thats a thick stirrer shaft on there... Thats what, 20-25mm dia?

Good to see all the secondary containment too!

DraconicAcid - 30-10-2013 at 14:59

This was an attempt to grow crystals of copper(II) anthranilate by allowing methyl anthranilate to hydrolyse slowly in a solution of copper(II) acetate in 50% aqueous acetic acid. They look more like copper(II) acetate to me, and seem to be somewhat soluble (which copper(II) anthranilate isn't). So I'll chalk that up as a failure, along with the attempt to hook the microscope up to the computer so that I could get a picture without resorting to an iPhone.

CuAcetate.JPG - 146kB

Ozone - 30-10-2013 at 15:18

A nice shot of a crystal of naphthalene growing on the end of a thermometer.



Crystal_small_102813.jpg - 191kB

Pyro - 30-10-2013 at 17:51

sodium sulfate crystals, sadly they started showing white spots after a few hours

Na2SO4.jpg - 90kBWP_20131030_007.jpg - 109kB

Copper(II) acetate

Hegi - 5-11-2013 at 11:11

6 weeks growing crystal

mnick12 - 6-11-2013 at 22:25

Pumping down an air sensitive ligand:

PDI ligand 1.jpg - 58kB

A few mg of the the same ligand coordinating iron (II) ready to go for NMR, it is hard to tell from the picture but it is very very purple.

Iron PDI 1.jpg - 56kB

thebean - 7-11-2013 at 11:57

<del>Sorry about the link</del>
Erythritol recrystallization from Truvia sweetener, the black and red chunks are from an oven mitt I was wearing when dissolving the Truvia, they pose no threat to the erythritol or ETN synthesis because they're totally insoluble. Largest crystal looked to be a little over an inch, I'll weigh them when they're dry. Shot on an iPhone 4S but I can get better photos later.

CI7ssbn.jpg - 101kB

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[Edited on 12.11.13 by bfesser]

fluorescence - 11-11-2013 at 13:24

Some Potassium dichromate I made from Chromium(III)oxide and Potassium nitrate. That is the unfiltered product with some unreacted oxide on the bottom.

f2r5k5j56d4t.jpg - 156kB

<!-- bfesser_edit_tag -->[<a href="u2u.php?action=send&username=bfesser">bfesser</a>: attached image from questionable website]

[Edited on 12.11.13 by bfesser]

Wizzard - 12-11-2013 at 06:22

Two images from my fun times with my buddy's DSLR:

Giant images - Enjoy this link :),x3ACKvM#0

First is a 30-second exposure of Am241 modules under a silver-activated screen. Screen is about 1.5" across. 1-second light painting to pick up the rest of the image.

Second image is a 10 second exposure of a Tritium glass vial, with the phosphor coating. Resting material is white cotton, length about 6".

kristofvagyok - 12-11-2013 at 14:31

The tritium looks cool, I always wanted to photograph something like that(:

BobD1001 - 12-11-2013 at 17:24

In keeping with the spirit of the Tritium pictures here is my small sample, used on my periodic table display, since it is my favorite isotope of Hydrogen.

And here is a recent element addition that's quite beautiful, a very large sample of Zirconium metal.

fluorescence - 13-11-2013 at 01:39

That Zirconium looks nice :D Would love to have that in my collection.

Some Chromium(II)chloride that has absorbed so much water that it's nearly impossible to cruch the chuncks. I think it's time for a new bottle :(
But still a beautiful green when you look inside the bottle.

Some Dimethylglyoxime with [Ni(NH3)4]2+
The upper layer is the Ni-DADO and the purple layer below the Ammonia-Complex. ( For some reason the image is flipped, I don't know why )

That orange stuff is a Cobalt(III) solution. Unfortunately I forgot how I made it. ( Image flipped,too )

Last picture is some Bromohexane...well it was supposed to be that. I made it by reacting Bromine with Hexane. Some weeks later these black dots appeared and formed a dark layer. It also started to smell quite stange. Must be some side product or contamination.

I will upload more colored coordination compounds soon. And sorry for the image flipping. I will try to correct it.

[Edited on 13-11-2013 by fluorescence]

Terbium piece

Brain&Force - 13-11-2013 at 18:05

I got 5.7 grams of terbium for a science project. I took this with my phone which has a really good macro setting.
The sample is graphite-gray and darker than I expected. Probably some oxide contamination.
Grid size is ¼" per square.

fluorescence: That chromium chloride looks appetizing...

20131101_132817-small.jpg - 75kB

fluorescence - 14-11-2013 at 00:36

@Brain&Force: Thanks, I don't plan to taste it soon xD. I bought that a chemistry store quite cheap. The kept it in a hughe bottle and gave me the rests of it. I could have bought a waterfree chloride but that would have costed too much. But perhaps it's time to buy a new one.

That Terbium looks oxidized. If you need it for a project why didn't you store it under inert gas oder oil ?
How much did it cost you ?


Brain&Force - 14-11-2013 at 15:05

Fluorescence, terbium is not very reactive towards dry air and doesn't seem to corrode, especially not in my location's dry air. See Dave Hamric's lanthanide corrosion test. It's mostly the rare earths from lanthanum to europium that corrode quickly. Also the terbium looks dark because I couldn't get good lighting. But it's not as bright as seen in some pictures. Terbium(III,IV) oxide is black like manganese dioxide and a little oxide makes it turn very dark.

Terbium costs $32/5g where I got it. This is the only reasonable place to buy terbium, even for laboratories. At Sigma and other suppliers it costs about $500/1g.:o

And to keep with the thread, here is dopachrome formed by the addition of tyrosinase (sourced from mushrooms) to levodopa.

dopachrome.jpg - 357kB

Eddygp - 18-11-2013 at 12:02

I want that zirconium! It's wonderful! But, seriously though, rhenium, tantalum and molybdenum are so much better hahaha :D

EDIT: Back to the real world, I do not own Re, Ta nor Mo... :(

[Edited on 18-11-2013 by Eddygp]

UnintentionalChaos - 18-11-2013 at 18:02

Quote: Originally posted by Eddygp  
I want that zirconium! It's wonderful! But, seriously though, rhenium, tantalum and molybdenum are so much better hahaha :D

EDIT: Back to the real world, I do not own Re, Ta nor Mo... :(

I might have some scrap Ta and Mo...not saying it's pretty, though.

zenosx - 19-11-2013 at 18:50

A few new ones from me:

Filter PPT
Funnel Precip.jpg - 283kB
Freshly Filtered
Freshly Filtered.jpg - 150kB
Funnel Layers
Funnel Layers.jpg - 228kB
Just Mixing
Just Mixing.jpg - 163kB
Unknown Crystals (Need Column to purify I think.... :(
Unknown Crystals.jpg - 233kB
Sublimed Iodine
Sublimed Iodine.jpg - 168kB
Schrodinger's Cat Results
Dead Cat.jpg - 337kB
Cl2 in Flask
IMG_0901.JPG - 158kB
Cl2 Apparatus
IMG_0900.JPG - 102kB

[Edited on 20-11-2013 by zenosx]

I Like Dots - 20-11-2013 at 17:06

Just got a position in a lab at my university. I grow cells... Zombie cells! >:D
They are cancerous brain cells from a man.
This is Zoomed in, taken at 10x

This is a full shot of my favorite image. Well its just a thumbnail of a 2.4gb image.

zenosx - 20-11-2013 at 18:21

Wasn't sure If I had posted my rats, so here are some rats in a jar

Rats 1.jpg - 288kB Rats 2.jpg - 218kB Rats 3.jpg - 330kB

bfesser - 20-11-2013 at 18:30

Two four week old males, are presumed +/-? Ore preserved +/-? Please explain the last bit.

<strong><a href="viewthread.php?tid=25808#pid296733">Well...</a></strong>

[Edited on 21.11.13 by bfesser]

Sublimatus - 26-11-2013 at 20:41

Formation of Elemental Sodium by Electrolysis Into an Incandescent Lightbulb

Not exactly original, but it's one of the most showy and blinding preparations I've seen in my time at the bench.

1.jpg - 390kB 2.jpg - 270kB 3.jpg - 322kB

UnintentionalChaos - 27-11-2013 at 21:55

Some vacuum distilled phenol crystals in a 50ml RBF. These were prepared by decarboxylating salicylic acid. I am working on trying to boost the yield. It currently stands at 57%

phenol_small.jpg - 124kB

BromicAcid - 28-11-2013 at 08:14

@Sublimatus - Absolutely gorgeous!

Sublimatus - 28-11-2013 at 08:48

Thank you. :)

The lights were actually on in the room, but of course the camera tries to balance the image against the brightest source in the shot. When that's an incandescing filament, everything else is dark. I rather liked the eery effect though, so I didn't do anything to try to fix it.

mr.crow - 1-12-2013 at 15:33

Quote: Originally posted by UnintentionalChaos  
Some vacuum distilled phenol crystals in a 50ml RBF. These were prepared by decarboxylating salicylic acid. I am working on trying to boost the yield. It currently stands at 57%

Will you be making a video of this? I would really like to see it :)

kristofvagyok - 1-12-2013 at 15:53

From right to left: the hydrogen comes in, bubbles through the flask and the reaction mixture, the reagent is added slowly to the mixture from the top placed addition funnel and the hydrogen what didn’t reacts exits at the left side through a bubbler.

Sadly it overreacted even with these mild conditions and I didn’t get the product what I needed):

UnintentionalChaos - 1-12-2013 at 16:47

Quote: Originally posted by mr.crow  
Quote: Originally posted by UnintentionalChaos  
Some vacuum distilled phenol crystals in a 50ml RBF. These were prepared by decarboxylating salicylic acid. I am working on trying to boost the yield. It currently stands at 57%

Will you be making a video of this? I would really like to see it :)

Unfortunately, I wasn't planning on doing any additional videos unless I get a new camera. The sound is shot and I can't use an external mic with it. I get so much more done without constantly editing and recording, too...

I did do a writeup with some pictures in prepub though, which I suggest you have a look at.

kristofvagyok - 1-12-2013 at 16:53

Making some water free KOH by melting and boiling it out in a silver pot. It is ready when it stops boiling.

Care should be taken while working with it, especially when it's molten ;)

Brain&Force - 1-12-2013 at 16:54

Kristof, your pictures are amazing. What were you trying to make?

I'll try to compete with my more modest photos:

1. Terbium, after a real beating. It's a lot shinier on the inside. Wikipedia says it's soft, but doesn't say it's ridiculously durable.
2. Bismuth stairs.

terbium after breaking.png - 1.4MB bismuth.png - 1.1MB

Edit: Kristof, I was referring to your post with the hydrogen apparatus.

[Edited on 2-12-2013 by Brain&Force]

kristofvagyok - 1-12-2013 at 17:16

Quote: Originally posted by Brain&Force  
Kristof, your pictures are amazing. What were you trying to make?

For the hydrogenation we tried to make a 1,1 disubstitued hydrazine from a nitroso coumpound (both quite toxic...). Sadly the N-N bond broke and I got back the disubstitued amine and some ammonia.

For the molten KOH, we needed something to distill from ethylamine, since we opened a few cylinders of it, what were stored for a few years. It was great to distill 2-5 liters of this gas, everything smelled like fish, even since it was under a fume hood :D

Bezaleel - 2-12-2013 at 08:05

A very all day compound: K2SO4

The individual crystals making up this cluster are about 1 cm long.

Hegi - 2-12-2013 at 10:39

Quote: Originally posted by kristofvagyok  

Making some water free KOH by melting and boiling it out in a silver pot. It is ready when it stops boiling.

Care should be taken while working with it, especially when it's molten ;)

definitely would be scared to do this thing... but anyway, very interesting ;)

Zephyr - 6-12-2013 at 22:19

some beautiful uranophane crystals posted by kristofvagyok in the uranium thead.

Pyro - 7-12-2013 at 16:32


WP_20131207_045.jpg - 88kB WP_20131207_042.jpg - 144kB

smells a bit like almonds, but more like marzipan. in the spirit of Christmas

kristofvagyok - 8-12-2013 at 16:06

A biphasic highly fluorescent oil under UV light, containing some substitued coumarine what I made a few day ago.

Sublimatus - 8-12-2013 at 18:25

One of your best photos, kristof. :)

mr.crow - 8-12-2013 at 21:06

New element sample :) Probably only a few mg

2013-12-08 16.05.26.png - 914kB

Mailinmypocket - 11-12-2013 at 05:54

Tried the oxidation of paracetamol to p-benzoquinone with aqua regia. The appearance looks good but this afternoons melting point will give a better idea of how the reaction turned out, looks nice though :)
image.jpg - 78kB

Brain&Force - 12-12-2013 at 20:30

Not chemistry related, but pretty nonetheless. The panorama feature on my camera is useful for capturing such phenomena.

rainbow-small.jpg - 139kB

I wish I could upload the monster 2800x1440 full size photo.

Bonus: Is it a solar halo, or a street lamp at 1.21 gigawatts?

halo-small.jpg - 362kB

HeYBrO - 14-12-2013 at 02:04

Hydrolysis of ASA to yield SA gave some nice crystals: ( 95% yield too :P)

ASA to SA.png - 681kB
Some ethyl acetate from non-acetone nail polish remover.
ethyl acetate.png - 417kB

[Edited on 14-12-2013 by HeYBrO]

DJF90 - 14-12-2013 at 04:44

@Mailinmypocket: Looks really good. It appears as if you sublimed it? I've noticed that no mater how clean you make it, it eventually gets a green tinge and it can only get worse from there. Use it as soon as possible! Maybe storing under argon would help...

Mailinmypocket - 14-12-2013 at 06:41

@DJF90 - Thanks, not sublimed though. These crystals were produced by 2x recrystallization from boiling 90% 2-propanol. I plan on sublimating them before taking a mp though. After the initial reaction with aqua regia, quenching with water, and filtration I noticed small black bits in the filter cake.

When dissolved in boiling alcohol the first time it yielded an extremely deep red (almost black) solution. I think there may have been some over oxidation or likely a bit of chlorination happening during the reaction, despite being kept in ice, which yielded side products. Anyhow, left to cool slowly with insulation long orangey-yellow needle like crystals formed from the wine red liquor which were again, recrystallized from boiling 2-propanol. That is what produced the crystals seen above. I took your suggestion and flushed the bottle with argon in the meantime until a sublimation and mp can be done though.

Tdep - 14-12-2013 at 16:02

Bismuth trioxide thermite, a series of explosions that happened in a short amount of time

icon1.PNG - 503kBicon2.PNG - 419kBicon3.PNG - 578kBicon4.PNG - 260kB

DutchChemistryBox - 19-12-2013 at 08:43

I don't have the best camera. I was inspired by other photo's, so I thought let's try it myself.
<img class="decoded" src="" alt=""></img>

DSC02409 - kopie.JPG - 153kB

[Edited on 19-12-2013 by DutchChemistryBox]

MrHomeScientist - 19-12-2013 at 12:06

Very pretty. What is it?

Best to include a description of your experiment along with the photos, as others have done!

GFP expressing E. coli

Tsjerk - 19-12-2013 at 12:51

Not the best quality picture ever, but showing clear fluorescence though.

This is a 50 ml tube with a pellet of E. coli expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) above a UV lamp. The picture is taken through a filter, filtering the UV/blue light, but not the green light.

gfp 2.png - 178kB

Some pretty pictures

SM2 - 19-12-2013 at 14:15

They are all empty, LOOOOOOONG ago.

Attachment: Vintage Pharmaceuticals.rar (2MB)
This file has been downloaded 1145 times

thebean - 19-12-2013 at 14:55

Quote: Originally posted by Mailinmypocket  
Tried the oxidation of paracetamol to p-benzoquinone with aqua regia. The appearance looks good but this afternoons melting point will give a better idea of how the reaction turned out, looks nice though :)

Would you care to right your procedure up? I'd like to try it.

Mailinmypocket - 19-12-2013 at 17:42

Sure! I used the procedure posted by our own benzylchloride1 in this thread:

I still have the stuff stored under argon waiting for a chance to take a melting point, when time permits... Damned holidays

HeYBrO - 19-12-2013 at 19:31

Here is an old photo I found when I stained a nematode with methylene blue (which stains acid regions like proteins and nucleic acids)
Notice the flagella which help nematodes move.

Screen Shot 2013-12-20 at 2.25.15 pm.png - 263kB

kristofvagyok - 21-12-2013 at 17:36

Some trimethylsilyl acetylene’s silver salt just when it was ignited.

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