Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Just had cops show up

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gardul - 30-10-2014 at 18:39

While a lot of people assume im paraniod, ive had 1 gun pointed at me ( ak-47) and a knife. that is just here in Arizona where I live now. In New york where i am from, Ive had multiple baseball bats and pipes swung in my general direction. in massachutes where I went to college I had a gun pointed at me. I am all for firearms and have a large collection myself. I do carry daily and carry at work. Guns don't just go off or grow legs. It's the people behind the gun that pull the trigger. I would also like to state that in no way shape or form would I go down the street carrying an AK into walmart or near a school. It is foolish and pointless. Even with all the training i have had in my life with a firearm, once the shots are fired, I don't care who the hell you are, if those bullets are aimed at you, your chances of returning fire and surving is slim. I am for open carry, just not for a long arm. carrying a long arm isn't safe ether. It is easier to not only take down a person that has a sling, but it makes it easier to retainer some one and beat the living snot out of them. and all it takes is the understanding of gravity and minimal training. i will stop this utterly useless and pointless rant now....

Chemosynthesis - 3-11-2014 at 03:05

How is opinion on firearm legislation related to amateur experimentalism or chemistry?

If you want to argue controversial topics, particularly about things that are objectively legal and without citing widely available and merely correlative (not casual) statistics, is it too much to ask you do it in Whimsy? I have my own views on such matters, can cite numerous correlative statistics to back them up, and yet don't bore the forum with them, and am happy to avoid them in the science sections in the forum as I honestly don't want to know yours.

hyfalcon - 3-11-2014 at 04:28

Yeah, this tread is starting to drift.
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