Sciencemadness Discussion Board

black Holes

trinitrotoluene - 11-12-2002 at 13:52
heres some link that talks about creating black holes in a labatory. I call that strange.But that are quite mysterous.


Syanide - 12-12-2002 at 20:18

I read the article about otones, it seems pretty interesting but it didn't say anytihing about making a black hole in a lab... (maybe it is the wrong link).

Is that a legitimate scientific site or is it a form of propaganda, becuase the word pravda in the url means truth.

even so it seems interesting

Ramiel - 12-12-2002 at 23:19

Not only that, but pravda was the name of the Bolshevik's newspaper for the workers, if I am not mistaken. I guess that it is still in the hands of some dedicated leninists.

raistlin - 13-12-2002 at 19:00

I saw an article on this in a popular science article a few months ago. If anyone is interested I will see if I can dig it up...

However, I dont know if they were talking about how it if but done, but rather IF it could be done...

BASF - 14-12-2002 at 05:30

The same link as above, better working.

I notice that the "report" starts quite "harmless".
But then further, it changes completely into some sort of "i-want-to-believe-gaga", with emphazis on spontaneous ignition of human beings, UFOs and any mysterious shit, all based on the otone-theory.


What issue?

Syanide - 14-12-2002 at 21:03

What issue of Popular science was this in? ( I am interested if you could dig it up Raistlin)

I noticed the transition too. Still, the otone-theory sounds like it may be of some use to humanity in the future. The part about harnessing them for energy didn't seem to far off. Might be worthwhile to look into