Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Nitration of sulfodiamides

BASF - 19-3-2005 at 06:29


Anikin, O. V.; Gareeva, L. G.; Chlenov, I. E.; Tartakovskii, V. A.; Struchkov, Yu. T.; Kuz'min, V. S.; Burtsev, Yu. N. Inst. Org. Khim. im. Zelinskogo, Moscow, USSR. Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Khimicheskaya (1989), (8), 1812-15. CODEN: IASKA6 ISSN: 0002-3353. Journal written in Russian. CAN 112:157610 AN 1990:157610 CAPLUS


Sulfodiamides RNHSO2NHR1 (R = R1 = Me, Et; R = Me, R1 = Et) were converted to RN(NO2)SO2N(NO2)R1 by HNO3 or NO2BF4. The reaction of MeNR1SO2NR1Me (I, R1 = Me3C) and thiadiazolidine dioxide II (R1 = Me3C) with HNO3 gave I (R1 = NO2) and II (R1 = NO2), resp. II (R1 = NO2) was also obtained by reaction of the Na salt of O2NNHCH2CH2NHNO2 with SO2Cl2. Nitramine salts reacted with MeSO2Cl to give N-nitrosulfonamides. X-ray analyses of MeN(NO2)SO2N(NO2)Et and II (R1 = NO2) were carried out.

I think derivates of this kind, containing the sulfone-function could eventually lead to various super-dense (D quite near or above 2g/ccm) and highly stable energetic compounds.

Any comments?

Formatik - 5-10-2008 at 22:35

There are some compounds mentioned in DE 499403 for castable compositions, dinitrodimethyl sulfamide, SO2(N.NO2CH3)2 has a high lead block result of 395 ccm, where TNT was 290 ccm, and another compound dinitrodimethyl oxamide is 335 ccm.