Sciencemadness Discussion Board

An easy electricity source for all those who electrolyse

Theoretic - 17-4-2005 at 11:35

An easy source of energy for electrolysis could be an electrochemical cell with an iron anode and a carbon cathode, and an electrolyte of an ammonium salt. As the iron dissolves away, Fe++ cations pass into the solution, and at the cathode the ammonium inos receive electrons and turn into hydrogen and ammonia. The ammonia dissolves and creates an alkaline solution which facilitates dissolution of the iron anode as Fe++ cations are sequestered and precipitated, so the equilibrium is further coerced to the right. The cell potential is 0.44 V, not high, but you could connect a few in a series. Plus, you get hydrogen you can collect! A condom can hold 25 litres of air, that's how they're tested before being packaged, so it's the best way to store nonreactive gases in general. Collect 22.4 litres of hydrogen in one of them from dissolution of just 56 grams of iron!