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DDNP & related compounds: The über thread!

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nitro-genes - 18-5-2015 at 16:03

Thanks for the patent, the dinitro acetaminophenol/H2SO4 solution was almost brown/black/red in colour and was put in the fridge, nothing has crystallized out yet. I'll check it tomorrow, about to hit the sack. :)

[Edit] suddenly remebered that picramic acid is soluble in h2s04, after caustic soda (main part) and sodium bicarbonate neutralization a rustbrown powder was obtained, it is more brownish red as opposed to picramic acid which is more red than brown, with sodium hydroxide the colour is an amazing deep red, with hint of violet. Will do the diazotisation tomorrow, as its drying now. Also will make some pictures :-)

[Edited on 19-5-2015 by nitro-genes]

Rosco Bodine - 18-5-2015 at 18:11

Yes pictures are good and keep careful notes.

Here's some insight into the chemistry involved.

There are some subtleties involved about the color transitions involving the behavior as a dye indicator for pH observed for picramic acid or isopicramic acid. These amino acids like glycine, (aminoacetic acid) can function both as cation with a stronger acid to form a salt like glycine nitrate, or can function as an acid anion with a more basic cation to form a salt like sodium aminoacetate. That's amphoterism. The aminoacid can form a salt going or coming, can be the locomotive or the caboose. :D Or it can stand alone neat as the free aminoacid.

So there are 3 distinct forms in which we can see the aminoacid appear. Depending on the conditions, all of the aminoacid may be present as one distinct form, or as more than one form in mixture. The color changes and conditions can identify which of the 3 forms is present at the time when only one form should exist, defined by the conditions.

The dye indicator property usually applies to the picramate or isopicramate salt when a base is the cation and the picramate or isopicramate is the anion, for example sodium picramate or sodium isopicramate. To the limit of their solubility such salts function as powerful intensely colored dyes, more intensely colored in the more basic range and fading to the more pale color of the free aminoacid when the base cation is displaced by a stronger mineral acid, when that base migrates and associates with that stronger acid, leaving the lower solubility and less intensely colored picramic or isopicramic acid as the free aminoacid in the solution, probably in part precipitating as a solid residue, due to low solubility in the solution which is becoming increasingly acidic with the mineral acid.

However as the mineral acidity increases further, the free aminoacid being amphoteric can also function as a cation in association with a stronger acid than itself, and begins to dissolve and probably exhibit a different order color change as
for example occurs with formation of isopicramic sulfate, which will remain in solution even after being diluted, and will not return to free isopicramic acid and precipitate, until acted upon by a base to associate with the stronger acid and displace it.

How the color change occurs in this second scheme where the amphoteric isopicramic sulfate forms increasingly soluble and concentrated solution is something I do not know. So you will have to "ball park" guess what are your neutralization equivalents based on how much of what strong acid/s you are using and undershoot the bulk neutralization and titrate manually to produce the color changes and precipitations which should be logical when you observe.

The attached (again) article from Chemical World describes the de-benzoylation procedure which is possibly applicable also to the de-acetylation. It describes a spot test used to monitor the progress of the reaction by solubility on dilution of a sample and this may be a useful test also for the deacetylation.
Because of the volatility of acetic acid the de-acetylation will likely proceed more easily than the de-benzoylation.

A vacuum and/or passing through a bubbler inert gas, or riskier ordinary air might help strip away the volatile acetic acid and speed up the de-acetylation.

Earlier I speculated that this compound may be an example of "lost art" that has been gathering dust for a hundred years and has become an academic obscurity, and I think that's right. But I also think this iso-DDNP could be an oldie but a goodie.

The iso-DDNP may prove superior in significant ways to the usual DDNP in both explosive properties and storage stability. For example in thermal stability tests at just above the BP of H2O, 110C, the iso-DDNP has 6 times the stability of the usual DDNP. At lower temperatures more consistent with natural environmental storage temperature ranges, the iso-DDNP could easily be dozens or more times storage stable than the usual DDNP. If the initiating properties are also better as expected for the iso-DDNP, then it can be appreciated how the iso-DDNP would be the superior initiator.

Also speculated earlier about the potential for a mixed isomer cocrystallization with the better known DDNP, and am still intrigued what may occur there as a potential for better crystalline form and density, and potential improved properties if such a mixed isomer crystal does form.

AFAIK there is nothing in the literature about this, and very little about the iso-DDNP either.

So this is follow up experimental "re" search with some new aspects as a bonus and it also involves a green energetic.

Attachment: Pages from The_Chemical_world pg327.pdf (247kB)
This file has been downloaded 587 times

[Edited on 19-5-2015 by Rosco Bodine]

nitro-genes - 19-5-2015 at 05:29

Yes, I wonder whether the dinitroacetaminophenol formed may also be amphoteric, maybe one of the reasons why neutralization of the entire nitration mix is performed according to several papers and patents, although it does seem to precipitate out when crashed in water as an yellow/orange solid. Another thing that may be beneficial in neutralizing is that when the nitration mix is crashed on ice, some NO2 is formed, maybe due to decomposition of nitrosylsulfuric acid formed during nitration analogous to the syynthesis of picric acid, which may oxidize part of the product. After crashing in ice it may be beneficial to leave the nitration/ide mix for some time with vigorous stirring to get rid of it ASAP. Acetaminophen itself is incredibly sensitive to NOx oxidation, the formed NO2 after crashing in crushed ice oxidized small remaining acetaminophen from the weighing container it was in, which was 30 cm's away, forming a deep red colouration.

The deacetylation when performed in sulfuric acid has another benefit, most of the remaining stuff extracted from the paracetamol tablets seems insoluble in the deacetylation mix and can easily be filtered out.

If p-DDNP is superior to o-DDNP in almost every aspect, I do wonder why this is not used on larger scale, DDNP is almost exclusively used and researched in China for example, the existence of p-DDNP and it's properties must be known and studied, can there be a catch or is large scale production of p-DDNP less feasible?

[Edited on 19-5-2015 by nitro-genes]

Rosco Bodine - 19-5-2015 at 06:13

The acetylated isopicramic acid obtained directly from nitration of the paracetamol could very possibly be amphoteric also. Good point. Given your observation that the acetylated isopicramic acid precipitates from the diluted nitration mixture which is very strongly acidic for its unreacted sulfuric acid content, it is indicated however that any amphoterism would be very much lower for the acetylated isopicramic acid, than has been reported as a distinct property of the deacetylated isopicramic acid which readily forms a soluble sulfate.

You will learn by observation during the reactions and manipulations what are the visual "markers" that may be indicators of progress of the reactions. Temperatures are included markers usually for where things are going and when effective endpoints have arrived.

There are Chinese followers of this forum so I would expect they are looking at this iso-DDNP now if they haven't already done the research. The cost for the iso-DDNP production may be a little more, but the quality may offset the cost.
It could come down to simple economics where only costs alone are governing.

During the past years when many manufactured items available in the world are coming from China as a result of the massive industrialization there, it has been for me a mixture of admiration for the technology and quality for some things, and a displeasure for other things where slight changes could greatly improve the durability and serviceability for equipment that has been deliberately made "disposable" and difficult or impossible to maintain or service or repair, so that disposal and replacement has been made necessary. That is my "pet gripe" about the "progress" represented by some designs for more expensive manufactured goods from China. In fairness however it seems to be a global trend, and is definitely not an ecologically sound "design strategy" but is a greed motivated kind of "engineering". This should never be a design strategy applied to appliances or vehicles, to make difficult their maintenance or repair, but it has sadly become the routine to encounter such design and engineering being deliberately implemented by various product manufacturers. It may serve company profits to implement such designs but it is detrimental to the consumers and to the environment. There, I've said my piece. Engineers have a kind of ethical credo, just like medical doctors. First do no harm. :)

The few reported properties of the iso-DDNP definitely look promising. If it does simply detonate from heat instead of requiring a larger mass to undergo a DDT like is the case for the usual DDNP, that would tend to make it much more efficient as an initiator. The improved stability could also make it useful as a component in ammunition primers, depending upon the sensitivity and crystalline form. The economics involve more than just the difference in costs for the two isomers purely on a weight basis.

[Edited on 19-5-2015 by Rosco Bodine]

nitro-genes - 19-5-2015 at 11:35

Redid the synthesis today, only double the amounts and without neutralization

Photo 1: 20 grams of ethanol extracted acetaminophen was added to 120g 98% H2SO4 and heated to 70 degrees for 15 minutes to dissolve and sulfonate yielding a golden caramel brown solution

Photo 2: 24 grams of AN was dissolved in 60 grams of H2SO4, cooled to below 0 deg C and slowly added to the SA/Acetaminophen while keeping temperature between 5-10 deg C. Halfway through the nitration a deep yellow/red, almost black solution was obtained

Photo 3: After all of the AN/SA was added, the nitration mix returned to an orange/brown colour

Photo 4: The nitration mix was crashed in ice/water and fut in the fridge. After settling the dinitro acetaminophen settled to the bottom of the beaker as yellow/orange solid

Photo 5: After filtering and washing three times with cold water, the product was transfered to a beaker containing 50 ml 98% H2SO4 and 50 ml of water

Photo 6: The beaker was put on the hotplate while stirring and heated to a temperature just below the boiling temperature of the water/SA solution (120 deg. C)

Photo 7: Deactelyation after 45 minutes, very pronounced acetic acid smell, solotion turned a very deep orange/brown

Next, After cooling the solution was neutrailized using cooled NaOH solution and bicarbonate, precipitating a large amount of rust brown powder (forget to take picture, srry :)) The colour during neutralization changes very suddenly and dramatically when the pH comes below a certain point. The difference really is a few drops of bicarbonate solution, amazing to see :-)

Photo 8: final yield after drying, 20.3 grams of putative isopicramic acid.

The staining power of this compound appears even stronger than that of o-picramic acid. Producing a deep red with blueish tone in basic solution. Less than 1 mg under basic conditions produces a very strong colour in a glass full of water. When strongly diluted, the colour almost becomes in between purple and pink.

The isopicramic acid was diazotized according to COPAE method and is drying now :-)
1. Acetaminiohen after sulfonation.jpg - 170kB 5. Dinitro acetaminiohenol in 50 percent H2SO4.jpg - 198kB 4. Acetaminiohen nitration ice mixture after settling.jpg - 246kB 3. Acetaminiohen completion nitration.jpg - 179kB 8. Iso picramic acid yield.jpg - 258kB 2. Acetaminiohen halfway nitration.jpg - 194kB 6. Dinitro acetaminiohenol deacetylation 5 minutes.jpg - 173kB 7. Dinitro acetaminiohenol deacetylation 45 minutes.jpg - 162kB

[Edited on 19-5-2015 by nitro-genes]

Hennig Brand - 19-5-2015 at 12:21

Very nice, I would be really interested in seeing the results from some explosive tests if you do them.

nitro-genes - 19-5-2015 at 12:30

Well, the p-DDNP is dry, I dried it over a hot waterbath. It flashed pretty fast, but not as fast as the o-DDNP I made and leaves more residue. Because of this I suspected that the isolated isopicramic acid was made up of multiple compounds, and Irecrysallized the isopicramic acid from ethanol. It crystallized very peculiar, like small spherical goblets attached to each other, which may be another indication that some other impurity is present, as can also be seen from the picture (yellow and red stuff). There are several probabilities, 1 is that simply deacetylation was incomplete, the colour of the impurity resembles that of dinitro acetaminophenol, although reheating part of it with SA produced no smell of acetic acid. Whatever it is, unforntunately it co-crystallizes with the isopicramic acid, also seems so with the second crop of crystals although much less. Other possibillitites are that the nitration produced a mix of mono and dinitro compunds, partly oxidized stuff resulted from the nitration, the deacetylation may have been to rigourous resulting in decomposition or some stuff from the tablets is still present. (Although the latter is unlikely IMO) Anyway, close, but no cigar. :D

isopicramic csystals from ethanol 1st crop.jpg - 211kB

[Edited on 19-5-2015 by nitro-genes]

[Edited on 19-5-2015 by nitro-genes]

nitro-genes - 19-5-2015 at 13:46

The second crop looked better, I've again did the diazotisation (this time using sulfuric acid since it is stronger and partly solubilizes the isopicramic acid, this DDNP is faster than with COPAE method for isopicramic acid. It could also be that p-DDNP needs more strong diazotisation conditions than o-DDNP. Anyway, this stuff does indeed seem faster than o-DDNP! When 1/8 of a match head is heated it makes a fast pop rather than flashing like o-DDNP does in minute quantities, also the flame colour of the p-DDNP seams more bright so to speak. I'll make a comparison video of the p- and o-DDNP when dropped on a heated hotplate and ignited and also see the difference in ignition temperature. The larger batches need to dry first. I'll keep somewhat in sunlight to see light sensitivity and in contact with some metals and maybe weight loss at different temperatures in the oven, impact, friction tests etc... Also indeed a brisance test in 10-500 mg amounts like Henning brand suggested would be nice to do, although the first (but more boring) thing to do would be to optimize all the steps of the synthesis. The yield could definitely be improved for this synthesis, I wish I had dried and weighed the dinitroacetaminophenol intstead of directly going for the decetylation, it could shed some light on where there may be improvements in the synthesis. Cool stuff! :-)

[Edited on 19-5-2015 by nitro-genes]

nitro-genes - 19-5-2015 at 16:10

Bad quality o-DDNP from some experimental crystallization techniques, I didn't want to do the synthesis again. Still... p-DDNP is much faster! Both are 50 mg amounts the left is o-DDNP ignition, the right the p-DDNP. By the sound of the flash I would say that the p-DDNP wouldn't need much more unconfined to make DDT. Wow, nice! :D

Attachment: o-DDNP and p-DDNP.avi (3.2MB)
This file has been downloaded 877 times

[Edited on 20-5-2015 by nitro-genes]

Rosco Bodine - 19-5-2015 at 16:30

Hmmm.....this is looking promising. The iso-DDNP seems to have more pop. Probably has a lower critical mass for going high order.

Interesting. I think the process might be refined.

20.3 grams is a 77% yield which should be over 90% so something is off.
Your mole weights are as follows: paracetamol 151.16 acetylisopicramic acid 241.16 and isopicramic acid 199.12

One thing I suggest changing is the initial step of heating to sulfonate the paracetamol. There could be a couple of issues possible for doing that. Deacetylation early could occur and if the acetyl group is protective of the amino during nitration, losses could occur. Also the displacement of a sulfonate may not occur during mild nitration conditions. I suspect the paracetamol may be vulnerable to oxidation losses during nitration similarly as is resorcinol.

I didn't check to see if you adjusted the H2SO4 amount to account for part of the H2SO4 getting expended to make the HNO3 content in situ. The patent used azeotropic or about 60% HNO3 so there is some H2O content included there also, but what effect or benefit it may have is an unknown. A little extra H2SO4 even beyond that being expended for the HNO3 should be used to better accomplish the same effect of the mixed acids and keep closer the solids content of the reaction mixture.

Your first synthesis reported in the other thread is more keeping with the process of GB24409 and US3641154

Try to copy the patent conditions and see if it cleans up the end product, by possibly improving the intermediates.

The diazotization conditions controlled in the same way of producing the more dense and coarse variant of DDNP may also benefit the iso-DDNP.

[Edited on 20-5-2015 by Rosco Bodine]

nitro-genes - 19-5-2015 at 16:42

Yes I was aware of the other reported syntheses where no sulfonation step is performed, however, several of the patents I found actually start with the sulfonic acid derivative of acetaminophen, this most likely rules out the possibility that the sulfonic acid group is not displaced during nitration. Deacetylation due to the sulfonation step is not happening, I took whiffs of smell during the sulfonation step and did not smell any acetic acid at all (smelling is bad practice I know, but very informative sometimes). I noticed that without some heat applied, very little acetaminophen will actually dissolve in the SA, or maybe I should have just been more patient. If you look at the pictures, the solution above the dinitro acetaminophen after crashing in ice and settling, is really orange. I suspect that this is the main culprit of the lower yield, but does not explain the other compound that is present. In fact, when the nitrating mix was neutralized yesterday, very near neutralization the solution went almost clear, I think part of the dinitro acetaminophenol is just soluble in the nitration/water mix maybe due to its amphoteric character, even when cooled below 0 deg C.

[Edited on 20-5-2015 by nitro-genes]

[Edited on 20-5-2015 by nitro-genes]

Rosco Bodine - 19-5-2015 at 16:56

Please share the patents you are seeing report this.

It may be the holding time was too short for the nitration. Slow is how these nitration can go at lower temperatures. And it can help to have a brief time at a warmer temperature to finish the nitration, but it also may introduce an additional nitro group.

EDIT: I should correct my earlier speculation about the introduction of a third nitro group being possible with a warmer or stronger nitration mixture when paracetamol is being nitrated. Meldola reportedly performed experiments to produce a trinitro variant and found it was NOT possible to further nitrate the acetyl derivative of isopicramic acid beyond the dinitro compound.

Therefore there is no advantage and could be disadvantage for nitration schemes that would more aggressively nitrate paracetamol at the risk of producing oxidation byproducts, probably resinous and troublesome unwanted materials, as an impurity.

[Edited on 20-5-2015 by Rosco Bodine]

Hennig Brand - 19-5-2015 at 17:02

The p-DDNP did seem to have more pop, however, I don't think either of those samples of DDNP in the video burned very cleanly. The o-DDNP I tested burned very cleanly leaving only a thin grey smoky coating on paper. It deflagrated in much the same way as mercury fulminate does making a loud whomp type sound. It is a little hard to tell from the video, but it looks like both samples are fairly impure.

[Edited on 20-5-2015 by Hennig Brand]

nitro-genes - 19-5-2015 at 17:21

It is known that DDNP does not make DDT unconfined unless more than a few grams or so are ignited. Impure or not, I'm positive that 100-150 mg of the p-DDNP would have made DDT.

Maybe you could make a video of 50 mg of your DDNP on white paper, just curious how much faster DDNP is when completely clean, would be a nice comparison. :) Maybe I should recrystallize the DDNP like you did to get rid of the sublimated sulfur contamination from the S/vaselin heating, maybe that would clean things up

[Edited on 20-5-2015 by nitro-genes]

Rosco Bodine - 19-5-2015 at 17:55

The ammonium salt of the acetylisopicramic acid has low solubility in cold water and good solubility in hot water and can be used for initial purification by recrystallization.

acetylated isopicramic acid from acetaminophen.bmp - 801kB

From this information it may be known that sulfonation is not required, nor is sulfuric acid. Paracetamol may be dissolved in the minimum amount of glacial acetic acid and nitrated in the cold maintained by an ice bath, gradually adding a nitrating mixture containing twice the amount of theory of d 1.5 HNO3 diluted with twice its volume of glacial acetic acid. The nitration completes in the cold in a few hours.

[Edited on 20-5-2015 by Rosco Bodine]

nitro-genes - 19-5-2015 at 23:56

yes, acetaminophen is very soluble in glacial acetic acid as opposed to cold SA, I've found no listings of incompatibilities for acetaminophen with concentrated sulfuric acid nor did I have any indication for this during the synthesis. Acetylation of salicylic acid is generally performed using acetic anhydride with H2SO4 catalyst at 100 degrees, although this is more dilute though. I'm pretty sure that the decreased yield is either from the nitration or from only partial precipitation after crashing in ice. Next time I will save the filtrate and neutralize this to see how much is left in here. Maybe using only -20 cold ice to crash the mixture in will also precipitate more. I added substantially more water/ice than anticipited to keep the mixture below 10 deg C upon dilution, which is also a probable cause of yield loss. The ammonium salt may be a good alternative for recrystallization from water as opposed to ethanol, thanks! :)

Hennig Brand - 20-5-2015 at 04:51

I never noticed that much sublimed sulfur made it past the first bit of the steel delivery tube at the generator end. Notice that I happened to be running the H2S generator outside in winter as well and IIRC the ambient temperature and consequently the delivery tube temperature were normally around -10C. I don't have any DDNP made at the moment, but I do have 20g or so of sodium picramate in storage so I could make some easily. You are doing some interesting work and I wasn't trying to take it from you, but there looked to be some pretty heavy particulate combustion residue in the video, however it was a bit hard to tell for sure.

You are right, it may just take a little more mass for the p-DDNP to make DDT.

Rosco Bodine - 20-5-2015 at 05:44

Quote: Originally posted by Hennig Brand  

You are right, it may just take a little more mass for the p-DDNP to make DDT.

You mean less mass for the p-DDNP to DDT? (as compared with o-DDNP?) See edit below regarding this

The o-DDNP is the more commonly known DDNP isomer from picramic acid, the 2-amino 4,6 dinitrophenol.

The 2 position amino or later diazo is ortho to the 1 position phenol hydroxyl, therefore the "ortho" designation for o-DDNP which is the usual DINOL or common DDNP

The p-DDNP is the more stable and sassier isomer from isopicramic acid, the 4-amino 2,6 dinitrophenol

The 4 position amino or later diazo is para to the 1 position phenol hydroxyl, therefore the "para" designation for p-DDNP which is the iso-DDNP

EDIT: I now undersatnd what you mean as not comparative of the ortho and para compounds but just referring to the one sample weight for the p-DDNP which was tested for ignition effect at 50mg .....saying that three times the amount would likely high order.....meaning a "little more" weight for the sample would likely DDT.

I will leave my description for the structure anyway for others who may also need the clarification.

[Edited on 20-5-2015 by Rosco Bodine]

Hennig Brand - 20-5-2015 at 05:57

Well he said above, in the description with the video, that he felt the p-DDNP was close to making DDT and that a little larger charge mass may have made it so it would have. I see that what I wrote could be a bit ambiguous if the earlier comment was not noticed.

Rosco Bodine - 20-5-2015 at 06:48

I understand. My earlier post was edited, but I am leaving the description for the isomers for possible usefulness to others. There is actually at least one more isomer of DDNP reported, but we can save that one for later and not derail this more interesting discussion for what is probably the best of 3 known isomers.

From what I have gleaned from the literature, this p-DDNP should prove superior to the o-DDNP. If nothing else it is an alternative initiator at least as good as o-DDNP and is possible to synthesize from a commonly available precursor which is paracetamol. No reduction of a nitro compound is required to produce the amino acid precursor for diazotization, which simplifies things in that regard.

The synthesis from paracetamol should not present any unsolvable difficulty. But there are probably details and refinements for the manipulations which may be worked out to optimize the procedure. It is already known that the end product purity has great bearing on the performance of the material, so it can be expected that fine tuning of the synthesis should lead to a better performance for the highly pure end product, and that crystalline form and density may be important also.

The reactions which are known for DDNP to produce azide and tetrazeno type derivatives could also be investigated to see if the p-DDNP analogues have better performance.

A eutectic low mp mixture forms for picric acid and o-DDNP and may likewise occur for p-DDNP. What may be the effect with styphnic acid is not known, but such mixtures could result in a more sensitive, more powerful mixture for a base charge in compound detonators.

A possible candidate solvent, other than acetone, for purification of DDNP is nitromethane, to which might be dropwise added methanol or toluene or xylene or naphtha as a solubility decreaser to cause gradual slow crystallization forming larger crystals instead of a crash precipitation of small crystals as a low bulk density material, as would be obtained from a diazotization where crystal growth does not occur unless the diazotization is optimized for crystal development.

On a lighter note. It occurred to me that the nanny state regulators of hobby chemistry experimenters are presented with a kind of double whammy migraine for the proposition of p-DDNP from over the counter acetaminophen. As if ordinary aspirin isn't already a concern as a "strategic raw material" here comes tylenol as another "headache remedy" :P

The reaction of extra special agent Gumby charged with the official duty of tracking unauthorized off label use from diversion of benign OTC materials is probably something like this :D

mr-bill.jpg - 25kB

[Edited on 20-5-2015 by Rosco Bodine]

nitro-genes - 20-5-2015 at 08:31

NP, I was not after a whose ding-dong is bigger discussion, is was genuine interest because I've never seen videos of DDNP ignited on white paper, which is very revealing and the exact reason I did it this way :D. I don't know how very pure DDNP flashes, so this would be really interesting to see. The DDNP I produced flashes very similar to other DDNP videos I've seen though. :)

I'm not doing anything with larger charges anymore, so I never really got a good reason to make my DDNP very pure by recrystallization for example. Moreover, this is tough because any residual sulfur forms an incredibly fine precipitate which is almost impossible to filter IMO. If you could make a movie of a 50 mg amount flashing on white paper that would be really appreciated, seriously. I thought about doing the sulfur/vaselin heating, but was afraid of the sulfur sublimate contaminating the NaOH solution, which would result in a bright orange solution instead of pale yellow for normal Na2S solutions.

I'll make a new movie clip since I produced both o-DDNP and p-DDNP exactly the same way for a better comparison, the colour from the p-DDNP is almost the same, although is has a slightly more purple/pink tint to it. Also planning to make some dextrinated pellets, like Rosco suggested earlier, to see whether the compressed p-DDNP is able to make DDT. Regarding the synthesis from acetaminophen, the optimization of the synthesis from AN/SA really requires a lot of effort since there a several steps involved and the starting material is a complex mix of all kinds of stuff. For all I know it may be that a certain brand of paracetamol tablets produces less impurities from ethanol extraction, although it may be that the nitration using AN requires different conditions and reaction times indeed, or maybe deacteylation of the dinitro acetaminophenol requires a different protocol. If more people could perform the synthesis and share their experiences that would be great! :)

This has so much potential and possible follow up experiments that it is impossible for one person to do anyway.

[Edited on 20-5-2015 by nitro-genes]

Rosco Bodine - 20-5-2015 at 08:50

There are alternatives to H2S generation which do not involve thermal cracking of hydrocarbons. Simply treating with H2SO4 a "lime sulfur" or sodium polysulfide produced from NaOH and sulfur will evolve H2S which can be bubbled into an NaOH solution, tracking the neutralization by weight gain for the vessel containing the solution being neutralized. The free sulfur byproduct stays in the H2S gas generator and does not sublime at ordinary temperature. I think there were several schemes described earlier for producing the sulfide reducing agent.
And there are alternative schemes for reduction that involve no sulfur at all.

@nito-genes I am predicting that Hennig is going to require a new witness plate. :D

A random musing kind of thought is that either isomer DDNP might make an interesting third component in AP putty.

[Edited on 20-5-2015 by Rosco Bodine]

nitro-genes - 20-5-2015 at 09:35

The "standard" so to say to generate H2S gas on a lab scale is to use FeS, it can possibly be very simply produced from heating sulfur and steelwool, or maybe ground up steelwool. No other gasses would be produced upon dripping in acid to produce free H2S, wanted to try this sometime, only in more oxygen-free environment to prevent formation of iron sulfate by oxidation from the air. :-)

[Edited on 20-5-2015 by nitro-genes]

Rosco Bodine - 20-5-2015 at 10:19

Amalgamated aluminum dropped into a xylene solution of sulfur might produce Aluminum Sulfide which need only be treated with H2O to produce H2S. I just pulled that experimental synthesis off the top of my head from thin air, so don't ask for references.

This might not work because of the tug of war between the aluminum and the mercury for the sulfur, which could deactivate the amalgam by forming mercury sulfide. I'm not sure but it is possible the mercury would combine and deactivate the amalgam.

[Edited on 20-5-2015 by Rosco Bodine]

PHILOU Zrealone - 20-5-2015 at 10:55

2 Al +3 S -flame-> Al2S3 + heat
Al2S3 + 3 H2O --> Al2O3 + 3 H2S
Al2S3 + 6 H2O --> 2 Al(OH)3 + 3 H2S

Fe + S -flame-> FeS + heat
FeS + 2HCl --> FeCl2 + H2S

PHILOU Zrealone - 20-5-2015 at 12:21

I wonder if 3-diazonium-2,4,6-trinitrophenol does exist...thus a DDNP variant with the diazo in meta of the phenol and with 3 nitros... thus based on meta-amino-phenol.

I also have good synthetic ideas about 3,5-diazido-2,4,6-trinitrophenol.

Depending on the stability of iodoxy group vs phenol, nitro and diazonium may also invesigate 3,5-diiodoxy-DDNP and 3,5-diiodoxy-TNP.

[Edited on 21-5-2015 by PHILOU Zrealone]

Hennig Brand - 20-5-2015 at 13:43

Nitro-genes, Rosco, no big deal, from the other side of the computer screen it can sometimes be hard to tell if I have insulted someone or not. :)
I will see about digging out some sodium picramate tomorrow. I should read up a little more and give this new isomer a try soon too.

Rosco Bodine - 20-5-2015 at 14:10

Your old witness plate looks like a typical witness protection program success story :D You can stop shooting it any more, it looks like you got it :D Maybe retire it as a wind chime. We are taking up a collection to get you a new one.

Cycling the acetylisopicramic acid through a recrystallization of the ammonium salt for isolation and purification could be a benefit. And this might work for the isopicramic acid following the deacetylation as well. Some other salt like the potassium or sodium could work as well for aqueous recrystallization and purification.

Hennig Brand - 20-5-2015 at 15:19

That witness plate brings back good memories. It really is time for a new one though, 'tis true. The funny thing is I have at least two or three more of that same type, without holes, but it is always old holey that surfaces first some how or other. :D Even though I have admitted to having other witness plates, please everyone feel free to send me money and toys, don't hesitate. :D

nitro-genes - 21-5-2015 at 01:53

You should keep it, like I also do with most of my witness plates, one day you'll be old and grey and you open a dusty box at the attic and remember the fun you had while doing this kind of stuff. Some things, like explosive imprints of leaves and other organic stuff would be almost art in a way. :)

Anyway, p-DDNP really offers a nice OTC synthesis of a potentially world class primary, even the nitrite can be prepared easily from lead and KNO3 or NaNO3 (quoting myself :D) -->

Potassium nitrite synthesis

Outside and wearing gloves, 250 grams of lead (20% excess) was melted in a stainless steel vessel after which 100 grams of KNO3 was added at once. The mixture was stirred until all the KNO3 had melted and formed a clear layer floating on top of the molten lead. Some yellow/brown PbO started immediately to form, however, upon prolonged heating there was little to no further formation of PbO.
I decided to heat the mixture stronger and within about 10 minutes a strong exothermic reaction became evident. In a beautifully controlled manner and without any gas formation, the entire mixture became red hot. The mixture was well stirrable and this was done so for another couple of minutes to ensure reaction of all the KNO3 present. (The lead has a tendancy to sink immidiately to the bottom again)
It is important to keep stirring to the point of solidification, since it makes extracting the KNO2 much easier! The mixture was ground together with several additions of water, until all the PbO was present as a fine powder at the bottom and filtered to remove any PbO. The light yellow filtrate was then boiled to dryness (takes long time, due to hygroscopicity) and yielded about 65-70 grams of KNO2, minor plumbate contamination can be removed by bubling through CO2 for some time."

[Edited on 21-5-2015 by nitro-genes]

nitro-genes - 21-5-2015 at 02:02

@Philou: 3-diazonium, 2,4,6 trinitrophenol must exist, since it is used as an intermediate in the synthesis of KDNBF, mentioned earlier. I've only seen it used to prepare the azido compund and uses very strong diazotising conditions at low temperatures, I reckon it would't be very stable.

What was your idea about the synthesis of 3,5-diazido-2,4,6-trinitrophenol, sounds interesting :)

Hennig Brand - 21-5-2015 at 10:35

I found this article a while back somewhere in this forum. I have never used this method, since I already have over 50lbs of sodium nitrite, but it looks like a decent method to me. Always planned to give it a try just for fun.

Attachment: Sodium Nitrite Synthesis1899.pdf (180kB)
This file has been downloaded 601 times

PHILOU Zrealone - 21-5-2015 at 11:05

Quote: Originally posted by nitro-genes  
@Philou: 3-diazonium, 2,4,6 trinitrophenol must exist, since it is used as an intermediate in the synthesis of KDNBF, mentioned earlier. I've only seen it used to prepare the azido compund and uses very strong diazotising conditions at low temperatures, I reckon it would't be very stable.

What was your idea about the synthesis of 3,5-diazido-2,4,6-trinitrophenol, sounds interesting :)

I'm working on a good reply for this tread...reading a good book from Gringard about diazo, azo, hydrazo, hydrazine, hydroxylamine, oximes,...

What synthesis of KDNBF? I have found one from meta-azido-nitrobenzene and one from benzofuroxane nitratation and reaction with alcaline carbonate...

[Edited on 21-5-2015 by PHILOU Zrealone]

nitro-genes - 21-5-2015 at 12:30

Sorry had some syntheses mixed up I think...Done to much over the last few weeks, and my reading is not up to date :)

Can't get the p-DDNP flashing without carbon deposits, so I started over from scratch and not skipping any steps. Tried crystallizing acetaminophen from ethanol, but it has the nasty habbit of forming very stubborn supersaturated solutions form ethanol and ethanol water mixtures..

The cleanest and still fast method with the brand of tablets I used is to extract 25g of acetaminophen (weight of tablet junk not included) with 125 ml of boiling methylated spirits. After stirring for about 5 minutes the solution is filtered hot and then added to another beaker. Then I boil it down with stirring to about 50 ml at which point slight clouding of the solution can be observed. Then I added 50 ml of water and keep boiling. When nearly all the ethanol is evaporated (takes about 15 minutes with hotplate on highest setting), there is a sharp induction point for crystallization to commence, within about 10 minutes nearly all of the acetaminophen precipitates as a reasonably course sand like precipitate, it is left ot cool and then filtered and washed generously with cold water. The filtrate is a really slightly yellow (p-aminophenol from hydrolisis?) and milky, I suspect that the stearic acid and other junk may have formed some emulsion which can be washed away. It is most likely an emsulsion of the waxes/stearic acid etc since it doesn't settle on standing a long time. The crystals looked very clean and glassy under a binocular, I will try to make a picture of it, which is kind of impossible with a full frame DSLR.

This method may result in hydrolysation of some of the product, but it doesn't smell acidic, is snow white, free flowing and looks really clean under the binoc. Picture attached :)

Acetaminophen ethano extraction-2.jpg - 295kB

[Edited on 21-5-2015 by nitro-genes]

Rosco Bodine - 21-5-2015 at 19:09

This reference would provide a good strategy for purification.

From the summary I would think the following:

Something that might work fine is to disrupt the tablets with a mist of distilled water to just dampen uncoated tablets, and mash them up as they soften and crumble and then spread out the material to air dry.

Then dissolve the material in hot methanol like in a jar with a threaded lid sitting in a pan of hot water. When the paracetamol component dissolves, simply allow the solution kept warm to sit undisturbed and the insoluble material will settle out and the relatively clean solution can be decanted hot. I wouldn't even try to filter this material.

Pour the hot methanol solution into an evaporation tray and let the paracetamol crystallize from evaporation. Or, in the alternative if it is desired to crystallize the paracetamol from the methanol solution and filter, it could be precipitated by adding toluene to reduce the solubility. Kept warm the more volatile methanol would escape, gradually increasing the proportion of toluene in the solvent and further decreasing the solubility of the paracetamol in the mixed solvent becoming richer in toluene as more methanol evaporates. Harvest the crystals before all of the solvent has evaporated by simply dumping onto a blotter, and discard the blotter with whatever it caught, and air dry the crystals.

nitro-genes - 22-5-2015 at 02:34

It were most likely impurities from the tablets, I redid the whole procedure with the newly isolated acetaminophen and there is a huge difference in the intermediate product appearances. The dinitroacetaminophen is a really orange colour instead of yellow/orange and no sticky residues are present after crashing in water, the deacetylation mix becomes a deep red instead of brownish red and upon neutralization a brick red powder separates quantitatively as a fine crystalline glistening product. :)

The problem with evaporation is that stearic acic, wax, plegmatized starch and povidone are all to some extent soluble in methanol/ethanol/water which would contaminate the product upon evaporation. Crystallization of acetaminophen using OTC solvents is problematic sine it is one of the most stubborn supersaturation compounds I've seen. The procedure outlined above works, I tried 3 times in a row, producing the same clean product every time. It probably works because the impurities form a milky emulsion that can be washed away, although this procedure may work not with all tablet brands. I bought several packages and weighed 10 pils to see which contained the least amount of rubbish. Surprisingly, after extraction with boiling ethanol, the insolubles filter really easy, yielding a completely clear solution. :)

The article about the solubility of paracetamol can be found halfway true this thread -->

I'll make a detailed writeup soon, going true all the steps.

[Edited on 22-5-2015 by nitro-genes]

Rosco Bodine - 22-5-2015 at 03:53

I am not one to criticize success. What works for you works for me.

Sorry I missed that before and see you have already been there, done that. The same issue can be encountered for aspirin being cleaned up for nitration. The mystery impurities after nitration can appear in picric acid gotten from aspirin also. Red goo is better avoided and more easily avoided at the beginning than is it easy to get out the mystery goo impurity later.

With aspirin the binders seem low solubility in the nearly saturated warm solution of the aspirin in denatured alcohol, and simply settle out as a dust fine sediment in the warm solvent. If a tall cylindrical jar is used and the jar of hot solvent is tilted, the sediment collects on one side of the bottom of the jar and nearly all the solvent can be decanted in one clean pouring away almost down to the last 20 ml or so of liquid.

I look forward to the writeup sorting out the finer details. This is very interesting what may turn out to be an "improved" performance and improved stability variant isomer of DDNP.

The topic of p-DDNP came up over 10 years ago but was never really given a good look. It has been like an itch that needed to be scratched for a decade now receiving attention :D

Another one of my old "itches" is guanidine perchlorate as a base charge initiated by triaminoguanidine perchlorate used as a primary. I like the obvious chemical compatibility and simplicity for that pair of materials which should have very good energy output also and would seem difficult to go wrong.

One thought I wanted to reiterate is concerning the water content for the nitration mixture which would be present with the described by patent and literature described nitrations where sulfuric acid was present as a component of the nitration mixture. Water content and warm temperature work against the formation of nitrosyl sulfuric acid, which is a diazotization agent, and the nitration product in this case is vulnerable to diazotization. The issue that could arise in a sulfuric acid containing nitration mixture is that a partial diazotization of the nitration product could occur while it is still in the nitration mixture, which could cause losses since the conditions are also favorable for decomposition of that diazo product as soon as it is formed. So water content to a certain extent that does not hinder the dinitration but does hinder the formation of nitrosylsulfuric acid, could actually result in a higher yield for the dinitration product, compared with what may be produced by a more aggressive and lower water content nitration mixture. There is a tradeoff about the nitration mixture which probably has a "sweet spot" kind of optimum water content which leads to maximum yields for the dinitration product, avoiding the nitrosyl sulfuric formation which would probably attack the newly formed acetylisopicramic acid and decrease the ultimate yield.

In the alternative nitration using glacial acetic acid and fuming nitric acid, where no sulfuric acid is present, the complication presented by nitrosyl sulfuric acid is eliminated so that alternative method of nitration would likely produce a more pure product.

[Edited on 22-5-2015 by Rosco Bodine]

nitro-genes - 22-5-2015 at 05:16

Water content is very good point that you bring up, there is considerable foaming of the nitration mix after crashing in water, and only 70-80% yields are obtained.I reasoned that since water is likely one of the reactants involved in oxidation that it should best be avoided, but there may be on optimum of water content that allows smooth nitration without oxidation, while preventing the formation of nitrosylsulfuric acid. Maybe it is just a solubility issue of the NOx, similar in this respect seems that 95% RFNA releases all dissolved NOx when dilutet to the mono hydrate. :-)

[Edited on 22-5-2015 by nitro-genes]

Rosco Bodine - 22-5-2015 at 05:29

Yeah but just because d 1.5 HNO3 is specified doesn't mean it wasn't white that they used :D RFNA is actually not all HNO3 even though it may be d 1.5 or more.
All you need to convert WFNA to RFNA is a little sunshine.

Good to remember light sensitivity for HNO3 that when nitrations are done outdoors, or when HNO3 is being distilled. Ain't no sunshine when she's gone (colorless)

File this under "the safelight imperative" regarding the predictable decomposition of HNO3 favoring formation of the nitrosyl sulfuric acid or "nitrous fumes", which is STRONGLY favored by direct sunlight, and even distinctly present but to a lower extent in shaded indirect daylight. Outdoors is good but keep it in the shade like the deep dark woods as much as possible.

<iframe sandbox width="640" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Aqua Fortis Latin "strong water"

Chemistry has its roots in mysticism and alchemy

The most ancient priests and oracles of science are not modern cosmologists and physicists

We are the ancients of ages past, present, and yet to be

<iframe sandbox width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

[Edited on 22-5-2015 by Rosco Bodine]

Hennig Brand - 22-5-2015 at 06:38

I have noticed the same thing, sunshine can rapidly decompose nitric acid turning clear acid to yellow quickly. I have found it a bit strange that it was not discussed much, from what I have seen, since many amateur chemists are performing nitrations and distillations involving HNO3 outside presumably.

Not sure if this has already been posted here.

Attachment: Paracetamol Solubility in Various Solvents.pdf (91kB)
This file has been downloaded 6115 times

Rosco Bodine - 22-5-2015 at 06:54

Yeah the "low actinic" glassware and the brown or amber glass have been around for a long time for a reason. A few things are very light sensitive and highly concentrated HNO3 is notorious. I have some apothecary ground glass in the red glass that looks older than the journal literature, maybe older than the printing press. It gets used occasionally with a bit of halocarbon grease on the grindings. Fuming HNO3 is a proven performer for freezing up ground joints and seems to be a great penetrating solvent that will wash off any grease eventually, so PTFE sleeves and tape are good and so are solid PTFE seals and stoppers.

nitro-genes - 22-5-2015 at 10:49

Well, regret to say...but maybe it's is not the holy grail after all, I thought it would DDT in about 100-150 mg amounts, but lighting 500 mg is a big Oempf, but no detonation. :) P-DDNP may actually be very similar to o-DDNP in properties, although how it reacts under confinement and different recrystallization techniques remains interesting. Anyway, photo of isopicramic acid attached, weird thing is that it looks much more yellow when strong light hits it, I'll take daylight picture tommorow. The video of the ignition of 500 mg is also shown.

iso-picramic acid.jpg - 313kB

Attachment: 500 mg p-DDNP_Trimmed.avi (1.7MB)
This file has been downloaded 983 times

[Edited on 22-5-2015 by nitro-genes]

Rosco Bodine - 22-5-2015 at 12:19

I am not convinced there is not some yet to be revealed difference based on the earlier side by side comparison of the o-DDNP and the p-DDNP. However that could be a misleading comparison in the same way as the result for the potassium tetrazeno derivative of the o-DDNP, with o-DDNP which is still puzzling.

Will confinement kick the p-DDNP beyond what confinement does for o-DDNP ?? Or will the snakebit gremlin appear as occurred for the potassium tetrazeno derivative of o-DDNP?? :D

Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get, says the mother of Forest Gump!

It seems the lower critical mass to DDT unconfined would have translated to higher performance confined. And we observed it is mysterious what happens, not only there in that test but for the reported higher performance of basically the same compound with only an added hydroxyl. It could be the confinement related performance differs for the o-DDNP and the p-DDNP. Or the only advantage for p-DDNP may be the greater thermal stability. I am still puzzled by the reported detonation at 190C with "extreme violence". Similarly vague descriptions exist for other materials without any sample quantity or conditions being specified which is not helpful to really understanding what is the actual performance, like weight tests for an initiator where the actual story becomes more clear.

[Edited on 22-5-2015 by Rosco Bodine]

nitro-genes - 22-5-2015 at 13:23

250 mg ignition (has some cool frames)

100 mg semi confined (aluminium bowl)

2-5 mg confined in aluminium foil (didn't want to make too much noise)

A video of some clean o-DDNP would be really welcome :)

Attachment: 250 mg p-DDNP_Trimmed.avi (1.2MB)
This file has been downloaded 893 times

Attachment: 100 mg p-DDNP semi confined_Trimmed.avi (1.4MB)
This file has been downloaded 881 times

Attachment: About 5 mg confined aluminium foil_Trimmed.avi (1.8MB)
This file has been downloaded 914 times

nitro-genes - 22-5-2015 at 13:40

Oh, almost forgot, and an side by side comparison of o-DDNP (left) and p-DDNP (right). :) Both were made using exactly the same diazotising conditions.

Attachment: 250 mg o-DDNP (left) and 250 mg p-DDNP (right)_Trimmed.avi (2.9MB)
This file has been downloaded 916 times

[Edited on 22-5-2015 by nitro-genes]

Hennig Brand - 22-5-2015 at 13:47

I was hoping for p-DDNP to be an unequivocal primary explosive like lead azide, but at the same time I wasn't overly optimistic either.

Here is a video I took of about 10mg of o-DDNP deflagrating. Sorry for the video being out of focus. This particular batch did leave some pretty heavy carbon residue, maybe I remembered wrong and the earlier batches did as well. Yield of DDNP based on sodium picramate monohydrate(?) was only about 86%, which I believe is because I wasn't careful enough to keep the temperature low enough during the diazotization reaction. I used the method from "DDNP a Detonating Explosive" outlined here:

Sodium Picramate.jpg - 503kB DDNP.jpg - 245kB

Attachment: DDNP Deflagration.avi (3.8MB)
This file has been downloaded 828 times

Post Deflageration Residue.jpg - 191kB

[Edited on 23-5-2015 by Hennig Brand]

nitro-genes - 22-5-2015 at 15:36

Thanks for uploading the video! :) Really nice to see other peoples results. The first comparison video I uploaded was a really bad experimental batch. It seems p-DDNP does not significantly accelerate faster as loose powder, maybe confined there may be a difference. Little dissapointed, standing there with ear and eye protection, expecting a bang. Was a lot of fun though and both the dinitroacetaminophenol (sort of grapefruit colour, very strong dye) and isopicramic acid and it's salts are amazingly colourfull dyes.

Saw the mention of p-DDNP exploding with extreme violence at 190 deg C, but conditions and quantities were not mentioned. Almost all primaries accerate faster when strongly heated, their already not to strong bonds trembling from excitement, only the slightest push suffices. :D In the article, maybe they slowly heated the stuff, had it confined or used a really large quantity, back in the old days these things were used as intermediates for dyes and I seem to remember reading that it's explosive nature was discovered much later after it was first synthesized. Could be they made 100 grams of the stuff and just had no idea...:D

[Edited on 23-5-2015 by nitro-genes]

Rosco Bodine - 22-5-2015 at 16:56

Confinement has benefit and the snap of 5 mg sample shows that. But it appears the literature report about the thermally induced detonation with "extreme violence" at 190C is a misleading exaggeration.

What are the initiating properties for p-DDNP in comparison with o-DDNP is where the real story will be told.

p-DDNP could be better than o-DDNP under confinement. But even if it is only as good as or not much worse than the o-DDNP, then better stability for the p-DDNP would still make it useful, and more useful than the o-DDNP for some applications where the better heat tolerance and longer storage life would be required.

Possible mixed crystal form for the two different isomers combined could have a desirable property and there are the derivatives of p-DDNP also which may be the same or better compared with the derivatives for o-DDNP.

Hennig Brand - 22-5-2015 at 16:59

No problem, and thanks to you for doing the tests you did as well. It is hard to know exactly what was done in some of those early tests described in old articles or if the reporting was even completely accurate and truthful, though I think most times it was reasonably truthful. There are indeed a lot of very interesting colors with these reactions. In my opinion the results could be very different with confinement.

Rosco Bodine - 22-5-2015 at 17:41

There were concerns about the stability of the o-DDNP when mixed or in contact with azide or other unequivocal primary explosives where it might be useful as a synergistic mixture or as sensitive coupling charge and in tandem with an azide to give the DDNP a hot start and skip the DDT mode which is the kindling phase for the DDNP to reach high order and show its efficiency as a powerful initiator.

The better stability of p-DDNP could make it more useful in such schemes and possibly in a "green detonator" it could be used in tandem with DBX-1 for example. Silver azide is another possibility.

Hennig Brand - 22-5-2015 at 18:58

Some stability testing of mixtures of DDNP and lead azide would be interesting. I really question how incompatible o-DDNP and lead azide really are. One thing was obvious from earlier testing, even relatively tiny amounts of lead azide used to initiate DDNP could make DDNP perform at least as well or better as a similar weight of lead azide. In fact when used to initiate picric acid I would say DDNP is more efficient than lead azide, when initiated by lead azide. :D

Rosco Bodine - 22-5-2015 at 19:12

Yes there would seem to be a composite similar to ASA which uses p-DDNP as the bulk component instead of lead styphnate as functions in ASA. With the stability improvement of p-DDNP, if the initiating power of the p-DDNP is comparable to the o-DDNP, then tandem charges or synergistic mixtures could similarly be very useful and should have no long term storage deficiency.

Using pharmaceutical grade acetaminophen neat and unmixed with any adulterants would eliminate the purification step that complicates a small scale synthesis so that on a commercial manufacturing scale p-DDNP would be very economical and simple to manufacture.

The international market price for paracetamol is very low since so much of it is made by so many manufacturers for a large market. So obviously the p-DDNP would be cheap to manufacture, maybe cheaper to manufacture than the o-DDNP that is more predominately used now. And if it proves to be as good as or better than the o-DDNP then what is up with that?

Is the p-DDNP something that has been overlooked?

I should patent p-DDNP for use as an explosive if nobody else will :D Somebody should make a buck or two on this, it only seems fair :D I could say I didn't really invent p-DDNP, but maybe I stayed at a Holiday Inn last night, so there.

[Edited on 23-5-2015 by Rosco Bodine]

PHILOU Zrealone - 23-5-2015 at 03:38

It is logical that DDNP produces carbon traces owing to its bad OB...just like many other nitroaromatics.

If p-DDNP is more thermally stable than o-DDNP, there is a chance it perfoms less good as an initiating explosive by heating...
For most explosives, there is an evident correlation between heat sensitivity and impact sensitivity.
It seems logical that between two primaries the more thermal sensitive one will D2D in lower quantities since the activation energy is less thus each decomposed molecule will generate energy that will trigger more molecules arround it; the propagation of the energy wave and acceleration of it will be higher.

But maybe that upon shock and in sufficient quantities/confinement the explosive power is higher or equal.

The best way to test those is to make sand crushing test and minimal quantity for initiation of TNT/TNP tests (also based on kind of sand crushing by the way).

[Edited on 23-5-2015 by PHILOU Zrealone]

Rosco Bodine - 23-5-2015 at 04:00

There is still another third isomer of DDNP that is less stable than o-DDNP. so it could be that o-DDNP occupies a middle ground sort of peculiar niche in terms of median chemical stability related to initiating ability as a kind of tradeoff, where it has the right combination of chemical and thermal instability that gives it a little better initiating power, but the liability inherent to that initiating ability is won at the cost of necessarily having a chemical stability that is not optimal.

Maybe o-DDNP became popular and accepted because the o-DDNP was the first diazo compound to be discovered, and though it was the first isomer to be known, it may not necessarily be the best of the several isomers later known.
The o-DDNP coincidentally could be the best of the known isomers, or it may not be the best, but is simply the isomer that was popularized by being first to be known.

What is the incremental difference in initiating ability for p-DDNP as compared with o-DDNP will tell the tale about what exactly is the reason why p-DDNP was evidently not adopted for use as an initiator. The literature found so far has not been helpful explaining what may be any deficiency about the p-DDNP.

Urbanski was certainly aware of the p-DDNP but gave no commentary to help understand why the p-DDNP would not be the better initiator.

It would seem we have a handloaders riddle to solve more than any conundrum.

It is a good mystery, what's up with p-DDNP ???? :P

Who comes up with this stuff ? Hehehe :D

Checking the market for paracetamol the stuff is very cheap.
The tableted form USP grade can be gotten for less than 20 dollars per kilogram including shipping.

If the p-DDNP is highly soluble in nitromethane, then it might make an interesting explosive fuel and sensitizer for soaking into NH4NO3 or NH4ClO4 as a binary composition guaranteed to have high energy.

So do you think such a binary composition would surpass kinepak or rack-a-rock? You betcha! By a mile!

p-DDNP might also form an interesting plastique with nitroglycerin, or a third component in a triple base with nitrocellulose. An extremely fast burning gunpowder useful for small caliber rimfire and pistol use could result where the powder charge approaches near to detonation.

I can be optimistic about p-DDNP being useful as an explosive fuel and sensitizer useful in high density, high velocity emulsion explosives which could be cap sensitive and permissible in mining applications. Given the cheap precursor substrate and simple manufacture, even if the performance of p-DDNP as an initiator by itself turns out to be deficient, there are certainly other applications where p-DDNP could function as a sensitive explosive fuel in mixture with oxidizing explosives.

<iframe sandbox width="640" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Attachment: Diazo initiators from Urbanski 3.pdf (232kB)
This file has been downloaded 706 times

[Edited on 23-5-2015 by Rosco Bodine]

Hennig Brand - 23-5-2015 at 06:03

Quote: Originally posted by PHILOU Zrealone  
It is logical that DDNP produces carbon traces owing to its bad OB...just like many other nitroaromatics.

That is true, but what I didn't remember was the carbon residue condensing and joining together forming those fairly large clumps. The more I think of it, this effect is not just peculiar to DDNP because I have seen the larger carbon clumps left on snow after a TNP or TNT detonation as well.

Quote: Originally posted by PHILOU Zrealone  

If p-DDNP is more thermally stable than o-DDNP, there is a chance it perfoms less good as an initiating explosive by heating...
For most explosives, there is an evident correlation between heat sensitivity and impact sensitivity.
It seems logical that between two primaries the more thermal sensitive one will D2D in lower quantities since the activation energy is less thus each decomposed molecule will generate energy that will trigger more molecules arround it; the propagation of the energy wave and acceleration of it will be higher.

Ironically, maybe, what was found by testing and in the literature references was that DDNP is extremely sensitive to flame but is relatively insensitive to impact and friction as compared to most other common primaries.

[Edited on 23-5-2015 by Hennig Brand]

Rosco Bodine - 23-5-2015 at 06:12

You were experimenting with "hot powder loads" for .22 rimfire and this p-DDNP could be useful in a triple base powder as a "really fast burning gunpowder". It would require some fine tuning of the powder formula and at a point would likely detonate if the p-DDNP component was too high a percentage of the triple base powder.

Hennig Brand - 23-5-2015 at 06:30

Even I, who likes to take risks, am a little hesitant to try that in a propellant formulation. You are right though, maybe in small quantity as part of a triple base it could work. I don't think most people would think that using nitroglycerine in a gun was a good idea either, if they hadn't already heard of it being done, but in practise it works very well and in very high concentrations too.

Rosco Bodine - 23-5-2015 at 06:40

The smell of cordite is like perfume in the morning air, it almost gives me a hard on.

Hennig Brand - 23-5-2015 at 06:42

I get pretty enthusiastic about such things too, but I don't know if I would go quite that far. :D:D:D

Rosco Bodine - 23-5-2015 at 06:47

The lady comes into the armory asking what is that sweet smell like bananas, and I say it is the Hoppes #9 bore solvent, but she should keep thinking about bananas, cause it's nature's perfect food, and she might be gettin' hungry. :D

nitro-genes - 23-5-2015 at 10:11

Ok, here the complete overview of how to produce iso-picramic acid (rough version): :)

Synthesis of 4-amino-2,6-dinitrophenol (iso-picramic acid) from acetaminophen

Notes: Look for the cheapest brand of Tylenol/Paracetamol tablets, containing the highest amount of acetaminophen (usually 500-1000 mg). Weigh 10 tablets or so to determine the percentage of fillers present and compare different brands for the lowest percentage. Additionally, this extraction procedure may not work equally well with every brand of tablets and would depend on the composition of the binders/fillers. If the nitration produces some sticky residues there are likely remaining impurities present from the tablets. Alternatively, pure acetaminophen is also available commercially, which would eliminate the extraction procedure.

Extraction of acetaminophen from Tylenol or Paracetamol tablets

Collect a number of tablets, translating to a combined weight of 25 grams of pure acetaminophen, (so weight of fillers not included) and grind as fine as possible using a coffee grinder. Transfer the powder to a 250 ml beaker and add 125 ml of denatured spirits. Heat the mix under reflux to the boiling point on a hotplate or boiling water bath and let it stir for about 5 minutes with gentle boil to extract the acetaminophen. Filter the solution hot into a 250-500 ml beaker, which will remove most of the fillers.

Next, put the beaker on a hotplate and put it on the highest temperature setting and let the solution boil while stirring. The ethanol fumes are very flammable and potentially explosive so do this outside! When the solution has evaporated to about half of its original volume, add 50 ml of water while keeping at boil. When nearly all of the ethanol is evaporated (takes about 15 minutes) the acetaminophen will precipitate over the course of 10-15 minutes as a course sand like precipitate. Take the solution from the hotplate and leave it to cool to room temperature. Add another 50 ml of cold water and filter the suspension. Wash 3-4 times with cold water and filter to collect the acetaminophen. The filtrate will have a slight yellow tint and appears milky, this is normal. Let the acetaminophen dry at room temperature for 24 hours, to obtain pure crystalline acetaminophen as a free flowing powder. (21-22 grams)

Nitration to dinitro acetaminophenol

Prepare a large cooling bath containing crushed ice and water, containing at least 500 grams of crushed ice. Put a 100 ml beaker on a scale and poor in 73.5 grams (40 ml) of 96-98% sulfuric acid. Transfer to the ice bath and let it cool to 0-10 deg. C. Then add 24 grams of dry ammonium nitrate in small portions, keeping the temperature below 20 deg C. Swirl or stir for about 5 minutes to dissolve all the ammonium nitrate and keep on ice.

To a separate 500 ml beaker, add 128.5 grams (70 ml) of sulfuric acid and also transfer to the ice bath, let it cool to 0 deg. C. Add a stirrer bar and thermometer, and put the ice bath on a stirrer plate, set at 125-250 rpm. Weigh out 20 grams of the acetaminophen and add small portions to the sulfuric acid, while keeping temperature below 10 deg C. Let it stir for an additional 10 minutes after the last addition. (Not all of the acetaminophen will dissolve, but during the course of the nitration, the remaining lumps will dissolve eventually.)

After the acetaminophen/SA solution has reached 5 deg C, slowly start adding the ammonium nitrate/SA solution. It is best to keep the temperature between 5 and 10 deg C during the additions. The nitration responds very rapidly upon the additions, about 2-3 ml with each addition is about the maximum that can be added for the first additions, resulting in a jump from 5 to 10 deg C. Above 15 deg C, foaming starts to become evident, probably due to decomposition of the acetaminophen.

Depending on the efficiency of the cooling bath, the total addition will take about 30 minutes. Halfway the nitration, the solution will attain a dark brown color with each addition, which will fade to a more orange color again after some time. After the final addition is made, let the solution stir for another 1-2 hours while keeping on ice. Finally, ad 250 grams of finely crushed ice to the nitration mix. Some foaming will occur, let the solution stir for another 20 minutes while in the ice bath until the foam has mostly dissipated. The dinitro acetaminophenol will settle as an orange precipitate to the bottom of the beaker, is filtered and washed with ice cold water from the ice bath. Wear gloves while handling it, as it is a very strong dye! Under acidic conditions it gives a bright orange/grapefruit like color, while a deep red/violet is obtained when adding a base.

Note: Yield can be increased by neutralizing the filtrate with concentrated ammonia solution and leaving overnight in the fridge precipitating the residual dinitro acetminophenol as the ammonium salt.

Deacetylation to iso-picramic acid

After filtering, the dinitro acetaminophenol can be directly transferred to a 500 ml beaker. Set stirring to a low setting of about 100 rpm and add 50 ml water + 50 ml of concentrated sulfuric acid. (25 ml's of water and sulfuric acid might suffice) Set the hotplate to 150 deg C and heat to 120-125 deg C. for about 45 minutes. The solution will gradually go from orange to a deep red over time and the initial suspension will form a solution of the soluble iso-picramic acid sulfate. Continue heating until no more smell of acetic acid can be noticed. Take the beaker from the hot plate and allow to cool down. Add 100 ml water, filter, and transfer the filtrate into a 1000 ml beaker, and put it on the stirrer again. Set stirring to 500 rpm, and add small portions of household ammonia over the course of 15-30 minutes, until the solution is just slightly acidic. When too much ammonia is added the solution will turn a very deep red color and a little acid can be added to return a slightly acid pH. The iso-picramic acid will separate as 18-21 grams of a brick red glistening crystalline precipitate that filters very easily from gravity alone.

[Edited on 24-5-2015 by nitro-genes]

Hennig Brand - 23-5-2015 at 11:27

Very nice, thank you. It looks to be at least a little more of a complicated and labor intensive process than for o-DDNP, but then maybe it is just because I am unfamiliar with it. Then again, if counting the TNP synthesis, this method seems pretty straight forward and quick I guess.

nitro-genes - 23-5-2015 at 11:31

It is a little more complicated due to the very low temperatures needed during the nitration and the need to get really pure acetaminophen. From there however, the whole procedure can actually be done in a few hours, waiting steps not included. :)

[Edited on 24-5-2015 by nitro-genes]

Rosco Bodine - 23-5-2015 at 11:43

The pure acetaminophen is cheaply available commercially without any binders added for tableting. Obtaining the already pure precursor simplifies things for larger scale synthesis and this would definitely be easier than the o-DDNP to produce.

nitro-genes - 23-5-2015 at 11:49

It may be available in its pure form from drugstores, but where is the fun in getting something from the supermarket and turn it into a word class primary? :D

[Edited on 23-5-2015 by nitro-genes]

Rosco Bodine - 23-5-2015 at 12:11

If p-DDNP turns out to be a good initiator then it is worth the trouble extracting the tablets. On these kind of manipulations it is not much more work really to greatly increase the scale. A thousand half gram tablets is five bucks and change. So even doing the extra step of squeezing the juice out of one pint sized bottle of 1000 tablets isn't a big deal and provides plenty of raw material for experiments with p-DDNP for detonators.

However for larger scale synthesis where the p-DDNP might be destined for use in larger charges, you would want to get the bulk raw material as crystals and avoid the extra time and expense of separating out the inert materials.

nitro-genes - 23-5-2015 at 13:49

True, it really is an efficient and easy to scale up procedure, although the volume of the ice bath would also need to be really large. I've done the synthesis as outlined above multiple times to be sure it works, but the results are pretty much the same every time. :)

I'll try the diazotization protocol as outlined in Urbanski that you posted, which is very similar to the Chinese paper posted earlie, to increase density of the product. Also looking forward to making the tetrazeno derivatives again, though my hopes are not to high. :)

the ability of the diazogroup to couple with amines is interesting, any ideas for more energetic amino derivatives?

[Edited on 23-5-2015 by nitro-genes]

Rosco Bodine - 23-5-2015 at 15:24

There exist many other diazo compounds, but the problem is that they tend to be unstable to an unreasonable extent. There is sort of a fortunate exception for the o-DDNP and p-DDNP which have the right symmetry and balance to have acceptable stability sufficiently good for practical use.

Because there is so little good information in the literature about p-DDNP it should definitely IMO be flagged EXPERIMENTAL.

A great deal is known about the o-DDNP isomer, but there is very little, virtually nothing published, at least nothing extensive published I have found, about the p-DDNP isomer. It has received what is only brief mention and description so far as has been found. The thermal stability test data comparing p-DDNP and o-DDNP is the most extensive test data found. So p-DDNP does appear to be an academic curiosity which has remained in obscurity, not receiving good scrutiny for possible development.

[Edited on 24-5-2015 by Rosco Bodine]

nitro-genes - 24-5-2015 at 05:47

For you biochemist over here, one of these makes a really good adjustable dropper. Make the smallest hole possible in the conical bottom using a hot needle, adjust by screwing the endcap on less or more tight. :) Dripping rates can be determined and marked on the tube.

tube_sterile_centrifuger_recolte_semence.jpg - 14kB

[Edited on 24-5-2015 by nitro-genes]

Rosco Bodine - 24-5-2015 at 06:25

An idea for a possible variation on the diazotization of the isopicramic acid has occurred to me which might lead to a higher density more coarsely crystalline p-DDNP product.

The isopicramic acid sulfate is soluble but the free isopicramic acid is only very slightly soluble. My idea is to attempt to diazotize the soluble isopicramic acid sulfate in a very diluted solution like a 2% solution of the isopicramic acid sulfate using a likewise dilute 3% solution of NaNO2 and conduct the diazotization at a slightly warm temperature about 35C to see if a better crystal development and higher density precipitate of the p-DDNP occurs.

In preparation for this approach it would be necessary to not neutralize the deacetylation mixture to the point of disruption of the soluble isopicramic acid sulfate and corresponding not conveniently reversible precipitation of free isopicramic acid. Whatever excess of H2SO4 in the deacetylation mixture that is not bound as the soluble sulfate of the isopicramic acid may have to be simply left not neutralized, the excess acidity may do no harm in the greatly diluted solution which will be diazotized. I am not certain if attempts to neutralize the excess H2SO4 which is not bound as soluble sulfate of the isopicramic acid could be done without the "local reaction" in the region where the mixing is occurring when adding any base, would not be disruptive of the soluble sulfate of the isopicramic acid causing free isopicramic acid to precipitate and defeating the purpose of an intended partial neutralization which would be wanted to selectively neutralize only the excess H2SO4 not already bound to the isopicramic acid in the form of the soluble sulfate which is wanted to be left intact and remaining soluble. How selective would be the attempt at any partial neutralization so that it would work as desired is unknown.

It should cause no harm for there to be an excess of acid in the diluted reaction mixture to be subjected to diazotization, within the low concentration and diluted reaction mixtures contemplated. At the concentrations contemplated even a molar excess on the order of ten times the amount of theory for the acids and eleven times the amount of theory for the sodium nitrite should not result in any decomposition. It is not likely possible to "over diazotize" the isopicramic acid, since the diazotization product which is the p-DDNP has such incredibly low solubility and tends to rapidly precipitate as soon as it is formed.

Strategies for allowing a slower precipitation and providing a reaction system where all of the isopicramic acid is doubly certain to be diazotized by having an abundant excess of the diazotizing agent, the sodium nitrite, should result in yields for the p-DDNP that are virtually quantitative.

A strategy for recrystallization of the p-DDNP that may work would be to dissolve the p-DDNP in warm acetone and gradually add toluene to induce crystallization "seeding" and then allow evaporation of the more volatile acetone perhaps while continuing to gradually add more toluene to encourage crystal growth. Faster evaporation of the more volatile acetone would cause the solution to be gradually richer in toluene as evaporation proceeds until nearly all of the p-DDNP has crystallized out with a little toluene still remaining, probably 98% of the p-DDNP should have crystallized from the solvent.

[Edited on 24-5-2015 by Rosco Bodine]

nitro-genes - 24-5-2015 at 09:34

The idea of using the soluble sulfate salt occured also to me, I'm experimenting with this at the moment. Also tried the diazotization procedure as listed in Urbanski, but the higher temperatures utilized are not suitable for the production of p-DDNP. Up until now I had used the procedure from COPAE at 0 deg C, however, diazotization at higher temperatures produces a dark brown soluble filtrate and bad quality p-DDNP. Likely, iso-picramic acid is much more susceptible to oxidation by HNO2 than o-picramic acid. :)

Rosco Bodine - 24-5-2015 at 10:31

Another strategy that could work is to change the order and manner of addition for the diazotization. The diluted deacetylation mixture containing the isopicramic acid sulfate could be added in the cold as one of two concurrent streams being the reactants simultaneously added to a stirred beaker of plain H2O as the initial receiver for the reactants which should readily react in the quickly increasing concentration.

The initial receiving H2O might be 300ml in the bottom of a 4 liter beaker, which will receive for example two 1.5 liter streams which gradually add at equal rates to result in 3300 ml of completed reaction mixture.

The second addition stream would contain a mixed solution of NaNO2 and NaOH in proportional amounts that would create the same final reaction mixture desired as if the reactants had been mixed in the simpler conventional way. It is called a steady state reaction scheme, where the ratio of reactants is maintained relatively constant through the entire addition. The dilutions could be designed to provide a desired concentration for each stream having equal total volumes for each addition stream to be combined so that equal drip rates for the two streams of reactants would maintain a steady state reaction mixture for the diazotization process. Using such a steady state reaction scheme could accomplish the diazotization while exploiting the solubility of the sulfate of the isopicramic acid, while keeping the diazotization reaction mixture slightly acid but not too strongly acid.

This type of reaction scheme favors production of uniform sized crystals since the composition of the mixture from which the crystals form is kept constant over the course of the reaction.
It is a general method applicable to many different reactions and is exploited industrially where it is called "continuous process" because so long as the streams of reactants are maintained and replenished, and the end product removed and the effluent carried away, the process can be operated as a continuous reaction.

The scheme can be applied also to a limited run "batch".
If you have metering pumps it is possible to make rate adjustments and dial in the changes that can fine tune a process to a point it is optimized. But the same process concept can be done manually with two addition funnels having adjustment matched drip rates running into a beaker or flask. What works for a few liters reaction mixture, can scale up easily, so the lab scale experiment can be a scale model for the larger plant scale.

[Edited on 24-5-2015 by Rosco Bodine]

nitro-genes - 24-5-2015 at 13:43

Another thing convenient for larger batches, where the exotherm takes longer to calm down during nitration of the acetaminophen, is to freeze the nitration vessel containing the SA into a solid block of ice at -20. Almost as efficient as a salted ice bath. :)

Also, a first experiment was performed using diazotization using SA to produce the soluble picramic sulfate first. Never seen any references concerning SA mediated synthesis and crystallization of DDNP. Have this kind of studies ever been performed by your knowledge?

Anyway, 3 grams of iso-picramic acid were added to 40 ml of water, this was heated to 90 deg. C and conc. SA was added drop wise until all the picramic acid had gone into solution. Hard to estimate, though I think it needed about 3 ml in total to do so. Then at 0 deg C., a solution of 1.1 grams of sodium nitrite in 20 ml water was added drop wise over 30 minutes.

The p-DDNP produce this way is reasonably free flowing, higher density and is an more deep orange/brown in colour than the COPEA method. It flashes equally well compoared to earlier btaches, similar carbon deposits and no signs of degradation. It does cake somewhat and a look under the binoc suggests agglomerates of more tiny crystals, but to small to really see (only 4x mag). I think the Urbanski method at 0 deg C. may produce better results.

Rosco Bodine - 24-5-2015 at 14:49

Good to hear that it does work to diazotize the soluble sulfate.
This could possibly shortcut the process or lead to an improved form directly from the diazotization.

Also good to know is that conversion of the free isopicramic acid back to the soluble sulfate is done with ease.

The isopicramic acid may possibly dissolve likewise in other acids than H2SO4 by forming soluble salts of different acids, and those acid salts similarly may be able to be diazotized with the isopicramic acid salt in soluble form.

There is probably an optimum dilution and pH and temperature for getting the best crystals. Acetic acid added to the isopicramic acid sulfate solution before diazotizing could increase solubility and improve crystal growth for the p-DDNP. These methods may also be applicable for the o-DDNP.

Some diazotizations are performed by dissolving low solubility compounds like nitroanilines in sulfuric acid by forming the soluble sulfate and then diazotizing. In some cases where the water content and temperature is low there is formation of nitrosylsulfuric acid which accomplishes the diazotization.

I think Microtek has described a couple of these type diazotizations for nitroanilines.

IIRC m-dinitrobenzene diazonium perchlorate is made by that method.

Isopicramic acid and picramic acid are cousins to dinitroanilines having added a hydroxyl, so it is not surprising that a similar scheme for diazotizing could work.

[Edited on 25-5-2015 by Rosco Bodine]

Rosco Bodine - 25-5-2015 at 07:11

Quote: Originally posted by nitro-genes  

Also, a first experiment was performed using diazotization using SA to produce the soluble picramic sulfate first. Never seen any references concerning SA mediated synthesis and crystallization of DDNP. Have this kind of studies ever been performed by your knowledge?

No, to my knowledge anyway, (if that is any measure) :P we are doing something possibly "new and improved" so far as anything publicly shared about the synthetic details for p-DDNP as being done here. The broadly general and basic concept for p-DDNP has been published a hundred years ago, and further experiments suggested by reading between the lines in some of the published journal articles and patents. But I don't believe this particular methodology as a step by step process has been ever before described explicitly or published in extensive detail for o-DDNP and certainly not described for p-DDNP.

I think we are probably breaking new ground here so far as publishing anything that would turn up any Google search hits regarding p-DDNP, so it may be entirely novel what experiments you are doing. Actually it is difficult to find any references at all regarding p-DDNP much less to find detailed information. It is likely information that doesn't exist in any published form to be found. So this is an area of obscure research that has possibly been overlooked by the mainstream science of academia, now receiving long overdue attention by "fringe" science or "mad science". Geniuses are us.

Did formal research long ago recognize and study the potential value of p-DDNP as an easily and cheaply made green energetic material, but then just failed to publish the findings?

I think we missed it. :o

Well once again, it seems sometimes if you want something done right just got to do it yourself. :P

Not meaning to count unhatched chickens, but p-DDNP could be like a lucky lottery ticket.

[Edited on 25-5-2015 by Rosco Bodine]

nitro-genes - 31-5-2015 at 18:02

Nature certainly is full of wonders :D

Order of ignition, all made from recrystallized p-DDNP:

1. Acetone-evap recrystallized p-DDNP (orange/brown platelets)
2. Hydrazinium tetrazeno salt of p-DDNP
3. Potassium tetrazeno salt of p-DDNP

I just couldn't believe it, who would have thought! :o

Attachment: Recrystallized p-DDNP, hydraziunium tetrazeno, potassium tetrazeno.avi (4.9MB)
This file has been downloaded 909 times

Rosco Bodine - 1-6-2015 at 06:27

Deflagration tests of the hydrazine derivatives for the p-DDNP appear substantially less energetic than the analogous derivatives of the o-DDNP. Yet the two parent isomers seem about the same in deflagration behavior.

I have been reading the old literature and found some additional information that isopicramic acid is soluble in acids other than sulfuric such as hydrochloric and acetic, and can be diazotized in any of them with the same p-DDNP being the result.

There are descriptions for other similar compounds which describe a scenario where diazotization is performed in a strongly acid reaction system and a soluble diazonium salt is formed which does not precipitate but remains in solution, until the solution is greatly diluted, and then the diazonium salt disassociates and the diazo-oxide precipitates.

Within this scheme of diazotization of a soluble precursor, it can occur for some compounds that the diazonium salt is insoluble and precipitates as a diazonium salt rather than requiring dilution as would disassociate the diazonium salt and form and precipitate the diazo-oxide.

The energetic benzene diazonium perchlorates are of interest in this regard if any similar scheme may occur for the p-DDNP or for the o-DDNP. The diazotization seeking the diazonium salt as the perchlorate is described as being done with the amino compound dissolved in perchloric acid. Double decomposition might provide the low solubility diazonium perchlorate from a different soluble diazonium salt like a sulfate or hydrochloride.

I have found nothing described about any attempts or reports of experiments to see if a diazonium salt can occur for either o-DDNP or p-DDNP as a precursor, or transient intermediate, or as a distinctly separate compound possible to isolate.

There is nothing found either about any combined isomer crystal containing both the o-DDNP and p-DDNP combined 1:1 like a distinct dl-racemic crystalline form.

Changes in crystalline form can produce anomalies like density changes and different explosive properties. Whether that occurs for the o-DDNP and p-DDNP is unknown.

It is also possible and worth a look to see if the undiazotized precursor amino acids, which form soluble sulfates or other soluble acid salts, may form a low solubility perchlorate salt which would very probably be energetic.

[Edited on 1-6-2015 by Rosco Bodine]

Rosco Bodine - 2-6-2015 at 06:16

Earlier it was speculated that the p-DDNP (or some of the derivatives) could have usefulness as a component of a triple base gunpowder. Another idea is the possible usefulness as a propellant useful in small caliber caseless ammunition as a modernized variant of the Flobert Ammunition concept.

The idea is that a small caliber hollow base bullet generally following the concept of a miniature Minie ball, made something like a skirted shotgun slug would have within the hollow space formed a conical spindle centered on the axis so that it would be like a stalagtite hanging down from the center of the roof of the cavity with its lower tip almost but short of the length of the skirt.

The idea is if the the bullet was resting on its hollow bottom on a flat surface with the nose end vertical, the end of the "stalagtite" within the hollow base chamber would have a slight gap to not quite touch the surface. This gap formed into the hollow base axis is a deliberately formed "spark gap" which will be the ignition means, and will align with a "firing pin" that is a pointed electrode "needle" carried in the face of the bolt which closes the "chamber" and pierces the combustible nitrocellulose film covering the base of the bullet, to space proper distance for the spark gap to enable firing by piezoelectric or electronic ignition when the trigger is pulled to fire the round.

In the alternative, there could be anchored into the axis of the hollow chamber one end of a stiff but small gauge bridgewire whisker, which would extend through the nitrocellulose film seal, with the free end of that bridge wire making electrical contact with a conductive surface in the center of the face of the bolt, to be fired as a conventional electrical squib. An alloy could be chosen for the bridgewire that would be vaporized during firing so that no significant residues or fouling would result.

A caseless ammunition of small caliber, perhaps .20 cal or 5mm is contemplated. The propellant would be in part or in whole p-DDNP and the base of the caseless ammunition would be sealed off with a combustible nitrocellulose film. This sealing film would be punctured by the electrode "firing pin" when the bolt is closed or as a mechanical step of the electrical firing sequence itself. Depending upon the propellant loading weight and composition, and caliber of the design, the velocity and performance could be made whatever is desired, ranging from something tame like an air rifle to something more comparable to a conventional firearm.

[Edited on 2-6-2015 by Rosco Bodine]

Rosco Bodine - 12-6-2015 at 09:33

Thanks to solo for the attached reference.

Our friends in Munich have been looking at p-DDNP but have used a more difficult synthetic route than isopicramic acid which is the more direct route we have been discussing here.

The synthetic method involving direct nitration of paracetamol to form acetylisopicramic acid followed by deacetylation and diazotization is IMO a simpler and better route to p-DDNP.

Even so, there has been done some testing which shows decreased friction sensitivity and confirms increased temperature stability for p-DDNP compared with o-DDNP while impact sensitivity is about equal.

Density difference for p-DDNP and theoretical power calculations predict a 5% greater detonation pressure and velocity for p-DDNP compared with o-DDNP, so the theoretical analysis predicts better performance as an initiator, but actual testing is yet to be done.

It looks like we are very probably onto something new (novel invention) with these experiments involving p-DDNP :D

p-DDNP has definite potential usefulness as a green energetic.

Edit: I have reduced the file size for the attached article

Attachment: Synthesis & Energetic Properties of 4-Diazo-2,6-dinitrophenol and 6-Diazo-3-hydroxy-2,4-dinitrophenol.pdf (286kB)
This file has been downloaded 1237 times

In the article compound [4] is p-DDNP

In the article compound [5] is acetylated paracetamol corresponding with the diacetylaminophenol of Reverdin and Meldola

excerpt from the article:


Energetic properties of compounds 4 and 8 in comparison
to DDNP are displayed in Table 1. The impact sensitivity
of all three compounds is 1 J, typically for primary explosives.
Therefore handling of these compounds should be
carried out only with proper safety measures! Interestingly,
compounds 4 and 8 are also very sensitive toward friction but slightly less than DDNP, what makes them safer for
handling. In addition they are slightly better (ca. 10–12 °C)
in thermal stability. Due to the higher densities of 4 and 8 in
comparison to DDNP higher detonation parameters were
calculated by using the EXPLO5 V6.01 computer code. Statistically, detonation pressure and velocity of 4 and 8 are
ca. 5% higher than those of DDNP. An empirical confirmation
of these values has to be further researched in order
to determine the relevance, as well as the benefits of those
compounds. For selected applications like initiation of secondary
explosives, these advantages could surpass the detriment
of an increased number of synthetic steps to produce
4 and 8.

I would point out that the detriment being noted regarding an increased number of synthetic steps is a disadvantage only in consideration for the synthetic approach described as the method used by our friends in Munich to produce the sample of p-DDNP for their testing.

There is a much simpler synthetic pathway to p-DDNP via isopicramic acid. And the simple dinitration of paracetamol followed by deacetylation via simple hydrolysis, all done under mild conditions, is a synthetic pathway comparable in simplicity and economics with the analogous means of producing o-DDNP via picramic acid. For commercial manufacture, the pathway to p-DDNP may be simpler and more economical than the pathway to o-DDNP, based upon the costs of raw materials and synthetic steps likely to be employed for mass production.

For historical interest I should attach here the original article identifying isopicramic acid obtained from nitration of para benzoylaminophenol described by Dabney in December 1882.

Later it has been found that the acetyl derivative paracetamol is a more convenient precursor which also works very well for dinitration forming an intermediate dinitroacetaminophenol, the acetyl analogue of the benzoyl derivative described by Dabney, which similarly upon hydrolysis yields the same isopicramic acid. Diazotization produces p-DDNP.

Attachment: Pages from American_Chemical_Journal 1884 Volume 5 Dabney pg 20 to 38.pdf (458kB)
This file has been downloaded 695 times

[Edited on 6/12/2015 by Rosco Bodine]

nitro-genes - 12-6-2015 at 15:13

Jesus, this paper is from June this year, coincidence?!

Thanks for looking up that reference Rosco and Solo! Holy shit, I knew it, compound 6 exists and is reasonably stable, though obtained only in moderate yields. The possibilities in combination with the Japan paper...:o...headache...need more acetaminophen. Could be compounds 7 and 8 are actually impurities in the p-DDNP from paracetamol. Does make me wonder what would happen if 3 mole eqv of AN are used for the nitration.

And true, route from acetaminophen would be better to scale up, extra benefit seems that there are no high explosive intermediates in the synthesis of isopicramic, like for picramic from picric acid for o-DDNP. There is one thing I still want to look into. It occured strange to me that the p-DDNP tetrazeno derivatives are so much less energetic than it's o-DDNP cousins. There also seems more N2 gas produced when reacted with hydrazine. Since DDNP is destroyed very fast by OH-, and p-DDNP tetrazeno derivatives resemble the parent isopicramate salts, either the ortho position is nesseccary for the tetrazeno formation...or...p-DDNP is MUCH more sensitive to destruction by a base, which would mean potential problems with moisture at long term storage. Haven't seen any references in which that was tested.

[Edited on 12-6-2015 by nitro-genes]

Rosco Bodine - 12-6-2015 at 15:32

The use of the (monoacetyl) paracetamol for the nitration performed as we have discussed will not lead to any further nitration beyond the dinitro stage. Meldola has established this, by failed attempts to aggressively nitrate further the dinitroparacetamol. A different order of entering nitro groups by a different approach to nitration is required for a third entering nitro to be possible. So no worries about over nitration of the paracetamol. Only the dinitrate or oxidation products will be produced.

There is still a curiosity about the cocrystallization of the o-DDNP with p-DDNP which could form a mixed isomer having properties that may differ from either isomer alone. Likely any difference would be trivial, but that is not assured.

Plenty of room for experiments with p-DDNP since we seem to have resurrected a compound that is pretty much a ghost for its obscurity.

[Edited on 6/12/2015 by Rosco Bodine]

nitro-genes - 12-6-2015 at 15:46

Yeah, you're right, forgot... They probably obtained the trinitro derivative though NO from desructive oxidation of part of the product, similar to diazotization of picramic using HNO3,explaining reported moderate yields. Possibly, yield can be improved by performing nitrite nitration under neutral conditions via viscinal acetmino group (japan paper) and then nitration. Curious what the product of compound 7 would be after refluxing with hydrazine and then using 3 mole eqv of nitrite... Long shot maybe, but could this possibly produce the first benzene structure bearing both a nitro, triazole (N-oxide?) and diazo group in one?! :D

[Edited on 13-6-2015 by nitro-genes]

Rosco Bodine - 12-6-2015 at 15:53

The diacetyl derivative is the starting point for the trinitro derivative. But there are stability issues. You would have to further acetylate the phenol on the ring of paracetamol which is a monoacetyl (N-acetyl) and the nitration method differs.
You can't add the diacetyl to sulfuric acid which splits off the acetyl from the OH and reverts the substrate being nitrated right back to paracetamol.

See the articles attached here

I haven't compared the syntheses carefully yet but there could be a 2,3,5 trinitro compound there for [7] instead of the 2,3,6 as it is being identified.

See the early publication page for this work in progress

Edit: I just noticed that in the abstract for the article, compound [7] is identified as the 2,3,5 trinitro but in the article itself is identified as the 2,3,6 trinitro it evidently is a misprint, or typo, or else it is still being sorted out which case they have my sympathy :D May I recommend the ancient literature, for clarification :P

I really hate the convoluted IUPAC nomenclature convention usage and having to translate it back to what seems the more simple and eloquent nomenclature of the past. This is confusing enough to follow without the fashionable new names for phenol derivatives which dare to not assign ring position 1 for the hydroxyl of phenol derivatives if they can be called a hydroxylated alternative compound as semantics.

p-acetaminophenol or N-acetyl-4-amino-phenol became the IUPAC convention named N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)acetamide.
In my humble opinion such new naming is pure garbage semantics that is change for the sake of change, not clarity.

I don't like the inverted ring diagrams either that place ring position 1 of phenol at 6 o'clock instead of 12 o'clock. I understand it is conventional for the reaction scheme shown for the halogenated benzoic acid starting material and for the aniline derivative intermediate, but why use a long way around more difficult synthetic route for the p-DDNP is something not understood. It seems to be an overly complicated synthetic path that is just not necessary nor good economy. As our friend PHILOU Zrealone would likely say, to kill a fly you can use a fly swatter or a small amount of pyrethrin or a nuclear weapon, and all will kill the fly equally dead, but the lesser complex approach may serve better the intended purpose.

Last but not least, the computer predictions on energy for the experimental compounds are interesting theoretical analyses. However, I think there may occur test result evidences which may show those models may need revision. How good are the models remains to be seen. Certainly this provides a good opportunity to test the models and see their worth.

[Edited on 6/13/2015 by Rosco Bodine]

nitro-genes - 12-6-2015 at 16:48

The Dabney paper was a nice read, thanks. :) "subjecting the solution to a winters cold"...doesn't that sound much better than "the solution was shoved in a freezer". Have to remember this sentence for future papers. Also thought about a route from salicylic acid, TCCA may be used to chlorinate the salicylic acid in 5 position (relative to acid group, p relative to OH). Most likely, only one chloro group would be added and since the chlorination presumably goes via an intermediate TCCA-phenyl complex, it would only produce the para derivative, as opposed to chlorination using nascent chlorine. TCCA gives no chlorinated products with benzoic acid, but salicylic acid was not tested in the paper that was posted on SMDB. Also not sure how 5-chloro salicylic acid would behave under strong nitrating conditions.

Also interesting from the Dabney paper: It seems that iso picramic can be recrystallized from water very well, this is something I will try somewhere in the future. They also mention surface oxidation of the isopicramic acid, wondered about this as well and kept it in an airtight container. Wouldn't this be a major drawback for the synthesis of p-DDNP on a larger scale?

Rosco Bodine - 12-6-2015 at 17:02

I understand what you mean, the 5 position of salicylic acid becomes after decarboxylation to phenol the 4 position of phenol.

When derivatives of phenol are described using older "classical" conventional nomenclature with the hydroxyl of phenol being assigned ring position 1, the group para (to 1 of phenol) is always ring position 4, and meta would be 3 or 5, and ortho would be 2 or 6.

Position 1 is at 12 o'clock and the numbers increase clockwise by two hour intervals describing a hexagon on a clock face.

When I see later IUPAC naming it sometimes grates my nerves when it seems the long way around to avoid a trivial name. I suppose it helps avoid having 5 or 6 different names for the same compound unless of course the IUPAC name is already number 5 or 6 added to the existing list of AKA's.

Dabney provides some interesting description of decarboxylation of the nitrosalicylic acid as a split reaction during higher nitration that provides some insight into the discussion about production of picric acid where there was some disagreement about at what stage occurred the decarboxylation. It would seem likely that we were both right, and that half of the decarboxylation occurs early in the nitration and half subsequently, when the sulfonated derivative of aspirin is being nitrated to picric acid.
That would tend to make the decarboxylation indefinite as occurring at any particular step in the nitration, as it would be an ongoing process evolving CO2 over at least two stages of the nitration which overlap, likely also true for the nitrations of sulfonated aspirin that lead to picric acid.

I don't see any significant problem with superficial oxidation for isopicramic acid even if it is actual oxidation, which it may not be. Sometimes wet crystals are reflective but dried they are dull simply because of of surface roughness.

Quote: Originally posted by nitro-genes  
Jesus, this paper is from June this year, coincidence?!

Thanks for looking up that reference Rosco and Solo! Holy shit, I knew it, compound 6 exists and is reasonably stable, though obtained only in moderate yields. The possibilities in combination with the Japan paper...:o...headache...need more acetaminophen.

Actually we have been poking around about p-DDNP for a year now since June of last year, so the discussion was bound to get noticed sooner or later :cool:

That bottle of paracetamol quietly hides chemical history and mystery like a genie in a bottle awaiting a rub from Japanese or German chemist alike, to send them back to school and test their mettle and ask the question "What do you really know about organic chemistry?" :D

Rumor has it the only sure headache cure is more accordion music and more beer ;) It is like musical chairs around the benzene ring .......the music stops and there you are! ;)

It will require reviewing the literature but on preliminary reading it seems possible there could be structural identification issues in the early online version of the article. For [7} that is obvious as an issue, with contradiction in the abstract and maybe a typo, but [6] also definitely needs review, and I will look at [8] some more too. On first glance they seem worth a closer look to double check those structures. Frankly I am dubious about the instrumental analysis and would prefer old school proof of structure.

Klapotke may have to hire a psychic to channel the ghosts of Reverdin and Meldola ;) I didn't notice their names credited in the references and that is possibly an omission, unless they are included and superseded by some of the later references. There was some passing commentary in articles by Meldola not providing complete details for understanding variations on nitrations, which would possibly be covered in more detail in the book written by Meldola about his experiments.

[Edited on 6/13/2015 by Rosco Bodine]

Rosco Bodine - 13-6-2015 at 23:41

After referencing the literature and reviewing the reactions described in the Klapotke article I found that the Abstract description as the 2,3,5 trinitro for compound [7] is indeed a typo, and the article description identifying compound [7] as the 2,3,6 trinitro is correct. Melting point with decomposition at 119C also identifies the 2,3,6 trinitro as distinct from the 2,3,5 mp 145C.

Likewise the article descriptions for compound [6] appears correct.

Compound [8} is also correct and is interesting. It appears likely there is an unstable and soluble diazonium salt intermediate which decomposes on dilution to form the diazo phenol. Compound [8] may also form salts which could be interesting.

If I get a headache from looking too much at all these structures, I'll probably have to dig into my economy size bottle of acetaminophen. :D

There has occurred an overlap once again with the other thread, with regards to further usefulness of paracetamol as a precursor. See the following post for references, of interest.

For convenience I will attach the most pertinent reference here
The alternative approach to nitration of paracetamol to form 3-nitro-4-acetamidophenol provides a high yield of the precursor for nitration to produce the 2,3,5 trinitro derivatives, including a diazo-oxide which retains all 3 nitro groups, or may be easily converted by boiling in alcohol to a dinitrohydroxyquinone diazide which forms salts, and is isomeric with compound [8] of the Klapotke article.

Also made accessible by the 2,3-dinitro-4-acetamidophenol, after deacetylation is a second variant isomeric p-DDNP that is the 4-diazo-2,3-dinitrophenol which is distinct from the 4-diazo-2,6-dinitrophenol derived from the isopicramic acid of Dabney.

There exists both an Alpha p-DDNP as we have been discussing, but also there is a Beta p-DDNP possible.

So several energetic materials, at least 4 different diazo compounds are obtainable from paracetamol without requiring its higher acetylation to paracetamol acetate.

The p-DDNP from isopicramic acid is 1 of the 4 identified.

It is likely the safest and most stable of the 4.

This file has been downloaded 517 times

Attachment: article Meldola and Hay JCS Vol95 pg1378.pdf (1MB)
This file has been downloaded 613 times

Attachment: Pages from Journal_of_the_Chemical_Society pg1935.pdf (423kB)
This file has been downloaded 619 times

[Edited on 6/15/2015 by Rosco Bodine]

Rosco Bodine - 15-6-2015 at 06:05

The 1989 Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin article attached above for producing 3-nitro-4-acetamidophenol in 81% yield from paracetamol is most interesting because it makes possible the use of the more convenient N-monoacetyl compound that is paracetamol by way of conversion to 3-nitro-4-acetamidophenol, to avoid the requirement of the diacetyl compound, ( paracetamol acetate ) as a precursor which may be nitrated to the trinitro compounds.

It is already established that direct nitration of paracetamol by several different nitration schemes will lead only to the 2,6-dinitro compound which is acetyl-isopicramic acid.

However, if a different approach to an alternative nitrite nitration scheme is applied to paracetamol to produce 3-nitro-4-acetamidophenol, this makes possible further nitration to the trinitro derivatives and also makes accessible the 2,3-dinitro derivatives. It is clear that the 2,3,5 trinitro derivatives are accessible via the further nitration of 3-nitro-4-acetamidophenol.

Also interesting, is it seems likely that the 2,3,6 trinitro derivatives may be produced, based upon this interesting footnote in the Meldola and Reverdin article on journal page 1492. If I understand clearly this information, use of a sulfuric and nitric acid mixture for further nitration of 3-nitro-4-acetamidophenol leads to the 2,3,6-trinitro-4-acetylaminopehnol which is the compound [6] of the Klapotke article, by a different synthetic route requiring no acetic anhydride for producing a diacetyl precursor for nitration.

Note: The IUPAC nomenclature for compound [6] is N-(4-Hydroxy-3,5,6-trinitrophenyl)acetamide
This is synonymous with older nomenclature that is 4-acetamido-2,3,6-trinitrophenol or
2,3,6-trinitro-4-acetylaminophenol or

By using different nitration schemes, applied to 3-nitro-4-acetamidophenol produced easily in high yield from ordinary paracetamol, it appears sulfuric acid mixed with nitric acid will lead to the 2,3,6-trinitro derivatives, while in the alternative the 2,3,5-trinitro compounds will be produced by nitrations of
3-nitro-4-acetamidophenol using nitric acid or nitric acid mixed with acetic acid, in which sulfuric acid is not contained.

If my understanding of the footnote is correct, the presence or absence of sulfuric acid in the nitration mixture applied to 3-nitro-4-acetamidophenol will determine which isomer trinitro compound is produced. With sulfuric acid present in the nitration mixture the 2,3,6-trinitro-4-acetylaminophenol is the result. Absent sulfuric acid in the nitration mixture for 3-nitro-4-acetamidophenol, then 2,3,5-trinitro-4-acetylaminophenol is the result.

This would need to be confirmed by experiment, testing the melting points for the deacetylated products, the 2,3,6-trinitro-4-aminophenol mp 117-120C and for the 2,3,5-trinitro mp reported 145C with decomposition.

Thus far nothing found in the literature sheds further light on this possible selectivity for the trinitro isomer produced.

Aside from the diazo derivatives that are possible, of particular interest is the reported reactivity with hydrazine for the trinitro compounds, and what may be the results of subsequent derivatives possible for such hydrazides. An assortment of potential green energetics could be possible.

I, or we, welcome any commentary or feedback on any of this subject material from our readers in Munich. A penny for your thoughts :D These synthetic approaches using ordinary and cheap paracetamol provide more direct and economical paths to not only the compounds [4], [6], [7], [8], as described in the Klapotke article, but to a portfolio of similar related compounds which have potential usefulness as green energetics.

2,3,6-trinitro-4-acetylaminophenol related.bmp - 419kB

Thanks to solo for article attached providing helpful data for 2,3,5 trinitro compound further identification by salts

Attachment: Salts and Ethers of 2-3-5-trinitro-4-acetyl-aminophenol-Meldola 1910.pdf (840kB)
This file has been downloaded 588 times

[Edited on 6/15/2015 by Rosco Bodine]

nitro-genes - 15-6-2015 at 17:33

Nice overview of references Rosco. :) As for the possible mechanism for SA selectivity for the 2,6 trinitro; could a contributing factor be the steric hinderance of the sulfate group due to formation of the isopicramic sulfate? Water content, oxidation f product and reduction of NA to HNO2?

[Edited on 16-6-2015 by nitro-genes]

Rosco Bodine - 15-6-2015 at 18:17

Hold the phone on the distinction between the 2,3,5 and 2,3,6 compounds as have been showing in the literature. When I began this research about a year ago I expressed skepticism about some of the structural identifications and surmised some confusion and uncertainty about some of the writings and such skepticism has been borne out as justified.

Evidently some or all of the structures identified as 2,3,5 trinitro may actually be 2,3,6 trinitro.

Here is the link for the paper. It appears that Meldola and Reverdin went around in circles on this.

There was also what amounts to an errata declaration made by Meldola AND Reverdin in Proceedings (Royal Chemical Society) 1912 for which I have made a screenshot. So it looks like they were not in disagreement but were joined in error discovered later. And it does appear the other work apart from the structural confusion remains valid.

Proceedings Chemical Society 1912 errata declaration Meldola and Reverdin.JPG - 45kB

Some of my earlier analyses will need revision with regards to 2,3,5 trinitro structures which were misidentified probably by Meldola. I am still sorting this out. I think the reactions described and data are probably correct other than the early researchers confusion about structure.

I recall mentioning Federoff shared my skepticism and referred to the authors writings about what they called a trinitro 2,3,5 compound , yet Federoff called it a 2,3,6 trinitro in PATR essentially correcting the authors :D See PATR Vol. 2 pg B-60

Thanks to solo for the attached article

Attachment: Meldola and Hollely, JCS 1914, 105, 977 to 990.pdf (884kB)
This file has been downloaded 565 times

From what I can make of this discrepancy about structure, there is disagreement between Meldola and Reverdin and Meldola is "surrendering" to the views of Reverdin and
basically "leaving the matter in the capable hands of Reverdin" as an unfinished business.

I tend to believe the synthetic procedures and analyses and measurements and observations have validity, but for the theoretical aspects about structural identification of the differing isomers there was not a meeting of the minds for Meldola and Reverdin. The work at synthesis done aside from the ambiguity about structural identity still has validity and since there are only two possible isomers for the trinitro compounds of p-aminophenol it is like a coin toss and a guess if the sample compound is the 2,3,6 trinitro or the 2,3,5 trinitro. There could be mixed isomers of course. But these chemists were not novices and should know when they have isolated pure compounds, even if there was disagreement about that sample being one isomer or the other.

It could be sorted out on a case by case basis what is the result produced by a synthesis even if no definite general rules can be established for predicting exactly what isomer should be produced.

I would have to laugh if my speculation above about the presence or absence of sulfuric acid did turn out to be the variable which predicts the isomer that will result. It was a reasonable conclusion assuming the information being reported was accurate. Did I see something simple hiding before them in plain view which they somehow overlooked?
Hmmm now there's an idea.

It appears there was study of these compounds for 10 years without conclusive results about positively identifying the two isomers, if Meldola is understood. So if you make the trinitro compounds then it is probably the 2,3,6 but not certain.

Hopefully the observations not related to identifying the isomer correctly are still valid.

And hopefully some of the more modern references have provided clarification about the isomers and what determines which isomer or if a mixture is produced.

[Edited on 6/16/2015 by Rosco Bodine]

Iso-Picramic Acid Synthesis

Hennig Brand - 16-6-2015 at 14:41

Well I have what I hope is iso-picramic acid. It has been drying for the last day or so, so I will include a picture of the dry yield and attempt to make some iso-DDNP using it.

Extraction of Paracetamol (acetaminophen)

Forty extra strength 500mg Tylenol tablets were put into a Mason jar and an amount of methanol was added which was at least the height of the pills over and above the pills (very scientific measurement :)). An oval stir bar was added and the mixture was stirred using magnetic stirring at room temperature until dissolution and erosion caused the pills to break up. The stirring was ceased and the mixture allowed to settle for several hours before pipetting off the clear paracetamol in methanol upper layer. More methanol was added to the pill residue and it was again stirred up and left to settle before removing more solution. This could have been done at least once more, but it wasn't. The combined methanol solution was next heated, below the boil with stirring, until most of the methanol was gone before adding 30-40mL of cold water (the remaining methanol could have easily been evaporated, but the water may have served a function over and above reducing solubility, it may have dissolved some of the trace amounts of water soluble impurities from the pills which made it through the extraction.

Paracetamol.jpg - 218kB

Dinitration of Acetaminophenol

Nitro-Genes posts were used as a general guide. The following numbers were used which were suggested by Rosco:

[A] For each 1 gram of paracetamol to be dinitrated, dissolve in 4 ml H2SO4

[B] For each gram of paracetamol to be dinitrated, use 1.4 gram of NH4NO3 mixed with 1.5 ml H2SO4

Add gradually with stirring B to A maintaining about 5C

The quench / dilution mixture should have about 15 grams ice for each gram of paracetamol.

It would possibly benefit the nitration mixture to sit for a couple of hours in the ice bath with continued stirring before quenching."

I used the following method because I was lazy, busy and very low on ice. 14.4g of paracetamol was started with and 91% sulfuric acid was used throughout. The powdered paracetamol was added to the sulfuric acid in a Mason jar in about six increments with swirling and in between additions the solution was cooled down in the fridge. The ammonium nitrate (fertilizer grade recrystallized from water) was added to sulfuric acid in another Mason jar and left to dissolve over night in the dark at room temperature. The paracetamol in sulfuric acid was kept in the fridge while the nitration mixture was not, though they both probably could have been. A large oval stirrbar was added to the vessel holding the solution of paracetomol in sulfuric acid. When making an addition about 3-5mL of the nitration mixture was added with swirling before placing the mixture back into the fridge to cool. Starting the nitration in the morning I made additions randomly, about once an hour. By early afternoon the additions were complete. It wasn't until the next morning that the nitration mixture was removed from the fridge and quenched with crushed ice and filtered and rinsed with water.

Dinitration.jpg - 230kB Quench (1).jpg - 223kB Quench (2).jpg - 243kB Quench (3).jpg - 207kB Dinitro Acetominophenol.jpg - 247kB

De-acetylation to Iso-Picramic Acid

About 15mL of 91% sulfuric acid and 15mL of water were mixed and added to the still damp dinitro acetaminophenol in a beaker with stirrbar. The temperature was raised gradually and at about 70C the smell of acetic acid was very noticeable and by 80C the fumes were very strong, almost choking. After about 45 minutes and with the temperature at 100-105C no more smell of acetic acid could be detected. The color change from light to dark occurred mostly in the first 10 minutes or so of heating. About 80mL of water was then added. Filtration was attempted but was then aborted, as a test, but also because not everything was in solution (does it matter?). The amount of acid and water used was likely not ideal.

1.jpg - 217kB 2.jpg - 222kB 3.jpg - 237kB 4.jpg - 236kB 5.jpg - 240kB 6.jpg - 223kB

The solution was next allowed to cool and then household ammonia was pipetted in with stirring unit the color change to red became apparent and then a couple drops of 31.45% HCl was added to bring the pH back down slightly (I was going to use sulfuric acid, but the HCl was much closer to me at the time and it was just a couple of drops). The reddish brown iso-picramic acid was easily gravity filtered. The yield is now nearly dry. I will post a picture of the dry yield soon and will attempt diazotisation to iso-DDNP. There were many transfer losses, etc, so the yield may not be great.

Iso-Picramic Acid (1).jpg - 281kB Iso-Picramic Acid (2).jpg - 224kB

[Edited on 16-6-2015 by Hennig Brand]

Rosco Bodine - 16-6-2015 at 16:05

Quote: Originally posted by Hennig Brand  

De-acetylation to Iso-Picramic Acid

About 15mL of 91% sulfuric acid and 15mL of water were mixed and added to the still damp dinitro acetaminophenol in a beaker with stirrbar. The temperature was raised gradually and at about 70C the smell of acetic acid was very noticeable and by 80C the fumes were very strong, almost choking. After about 45 minutes and with the temperature at 100-105C no more smell of acetic acid could be detected. The color change from light to dark occurred mostly in the first 10 minutes or so of heating.

About 80mL of water was then added. Filtration was attempted but was then aborted, as a test, but also because not everything was in solution (does it matter?). The amount of acid and water used was likely not ideal.

Yes, it does matter that everything is not in solution.
Here at this stage the deacetylation of the acetylisopicramic acid using H2SO4 is going to produce the soluble sulfate of isopicramic acid, if sufficient liquid phase is present and whatever a filtering would trap would be impurities that are not the soluble isopicramic acid sulfate which should pass right through the filter. Your filtered liquid phase containing dissolved isopicramic acid sulfate is then neutralized of its mineral acid component to disrupt the soluble sulfate and precipitate the free isopicramic acid. Then filtering, the filter catches the nearly insoluble isopicramic acid.


The solution was next allowed to cool and then household ammonia was pipetted in with stirring unit the color change to red became apparent and then a couple drops of 31.45% HCl was added to bring the pH back down slightly (I was going to use sulfuric acid, but the HCl was much closer to me at the time and it was just a couple of drops). The reddish brown iso-picramic acid was easily gravity filtered. The yield is now nearly dry. I will post a picture of the dry yield soon and will attempt diazotisation to iso-DDNP. There were many transfer losses, etc, so the yield may not be great.

It looks good through the nitration, maybe an adjustment needed in the deacetylation to optimize that, but no big issues.
Looks like it would scale up nicely. You get a reduction of losses generally from scaling up since the amount that sticks to filters and utensils pretty much stays the same.

I like the overnight holding time in the refrigerator for the nitration mixture. That's a good idea. This would actually be a good synthesis for cold weather, a good winter activity.

[Edited on 6/17/2015 by Rosco Bodine]

Hennig Brand - 16-6-2015 at 16:37

It would easily scale up I would judge. It is actually more straightforward than I realized when I first looked at it. If you happen to not be in a big rush for product and you have other things on the go this more passive approach seems to work well too. I was using coffee filters and was quite sloppy, so losses were high. Larger batches and a bit more refinement in handling and losses would be greatly reduced.

nitro-genes - 16-6-2015 at 17:21

Nice to see others experimenting with p-DDNP as well, it's looking like you have isopicramic and indeed the procedure is not that complicated as it looks at first glance. :) Methanol seems to work well, surprised to see no supersaturation like for ethanol, where adding water doen't precipitate the acetaminophen at all. In methanol, acetaminophen is even more soluble than ethanol and most impurities probably less, so thats a good thing. How many pills were used for the extraction? Thought about using it, although methanol is harder to obtain. Did you see any clouding of the solution while evaporating to a lower volume? Was the filtrate milky? No sticky residues at the bottom of the beaker after nitration? Curious why you chose to increase the mol eqv of AN to about 2.4 instead of 2.1-2.2 as generally used. Interesting experiment, but I'm not sure if this is benefical, especially with the O/N incubation time used.

Also interesting what the increased amount of ice does to the precipiation of the DNAc after nitration. Never did any experimentation with that and used the ratio from the patent Rosco posted. On the one hand, extra dilution may dissociate any possible soluble salts formed, while on the other hand solubility of the free acid may increase. I usually add the ice directly from the -20, by which the diluted nitration mix actually goes to -5 Deg C, which precipitates more than using ice water. Still, I noticed that upon ammonia neutralization of the filtrate, there is a substantial amount of the red ammonia salt precipitating when subjected to a O/N winters cold.

Btw, you were right not do the filtration after the deacetylation, like you said, the water acid ratio was too high, causing dissociation of some of the isopicramic sulfate to the free acid. Further depends on the temperature, but adding about an equal volume of dH2O to the 50% H2SO4 after deacetylation is about the maximum that can be added without causing precipiation of the free acid.

Would be nice to see a video of the p-DDNP after diazotization! :)

[Edited on 17-6-2015 by nitro-genes]

Rosco Bodine - 16-6-2015 at 17:29

There shouldn't be any issue with disassociation of the isopicramic acid sulfate upon dilution, IIRC the description from one of the early articles, it stays intact on dilution, unless it is deliberately titrated with a base to disrupt the soluble salt.
It was that information on which I was basing the 2-3% solution strength dilutions suggested for direct diazotization of the isopicramic acid sulfate believing it would remain in solution diluted once it had formed in a more concentrated acid solution. I even had a passing thought that instead of diluting the isopicramic acid sulfate with distilled water, to use 4% acetic acid, white vinegar and diazotize that to see if better crystals would result.

The nitration ratios I suggested in a U2U after crunching the numbers from the patents and your own described process, making a guess what might improve the yield with some slight changes to see which direction up or down it took things based on yield.

If the nitration was pretty benign and well behaved then you could easily scale up 300% in the same reaction vessels. Was there any foaming or other issues whatever? Also if the nitration yield still comes in at about 70% then another nitrate or use of HNO3 should raise the yield into the 90% range. Every substrate to be nitrated seems to have a preference for a special nitration mixture that works best. So the NH4NO3 and sulfuric could be one of the combinations that is not necessarily best, even though it does work to the extent it does, it may be yield limiting by nature.

That virgin witness plate is pining away for attention. Need to break her in right :D

[Edited on 6/17/2015 by Rosco Bodine]

nitro-genes - 16-6-2015 at 18:14

Absolutely, every nitration is different. ETN using KNO3 leads to far lower yields than using AN, prob increaed hotspot formation, NOx and oxidation. KNO3 and NaNO3 are far less soluble in cold SA than AN, although may still be worth an experiment. 60-68% HNO3 may give better yields, although the acetaminophen is so activated and the nitration responds so quickly alltheway to the end, it's hard to imagine that incomplete nitration is the cause of suboptimal yields. You can literally see by the lack of exotherm with the last drops of AN/SA, that you've probably nitrated all to the dinitro form. I've only done the nitration a couple of times, though I really question if the 2 hour stirring at 0 deg C is really a nessecity, as in the one test I did with 10 minutes stirring after the last addition and then immediately adding ice, a similar yield was obtained.

On the other hand, not untill someone determines the exact amount of remaining DNAc in the filtrate after nitration, it can be concluded that the nitration needs optimization.

[Edited on 17-6-2015 by nitro-genes]

Rosco Bodine - 16-6-2015 at 20:04

This thread has evolved into what is absolutely state of the art cutting edge Vanguard kind of beaker clinking stink up the backyard blue ribbon world class mad science :D IMO this thread ought to be stickified.

Hennig Brand - 17-6-2015 at 03:53

Thanks. Forty 500mg pills were used, from which I only obtained about 16g of paracetamol. I only used 14.4g for the nitration, leaving about 1.6g of more powdery material behind. The extraction efficiency could be improved. Even one or two more extractions may have helped. Also, I didn't grind the pills, how much that matters I don't know.

When the paracetamol solution in methanol, from the extraction, was heated driving off the methanol it stayed nearly completely clear basically until the water was added then a fine white powder was produced and the solution went a bit milky. The amount of methanol left was only ca. 5-10mL prior to adding the water. Prior to adding water the crystals of paracetamol were almost clear like glass, large and well formed. I wasn't sure if the water should be added or not and eventually decided I would. In the above picture under the bit of white powder coating the paracetamol is in large nearly clear crystals. The paracetamol was ground up prior to adding to the sulfuric acid. No sticky residue from what I saw! :) Methanol (99.9%) is cheap and easy to obtain here by the gallon jug, while ethanol can be a challenge to even locate and is usually much more expensive and usually adulterated heavily.

During the nitration there was no foaming at all, the only indication that anything was happening at all was an approximate few degrees Celsius rise in temperature with each addition. Yes, the last couple of 3-5mL nitration mixture additions caused almost no temperature rise. The extra nitration mixture may not be optimized for economy but it probably didn't hurt much either, at least I don't think so.

Rosco Bodine - 17-6-2015 at 06:59

The relatively mild conditions for synthesis under which the p-DDNP and its precursors dinitroparacetamol (acetylisopicramic acid) and isopicramic acid itself can be made from what are relatively mundane raw materials presents a very real temptation for complacency that is a safety concern. A person performing this synthesis needs to be aware and stay aware of the reality that while the danger is likely a lot lower for the synthesis of precursors via dinitration of paracetamol and deacetylation to the isopicramic acid, as compared with alternative syntheses of trinitro aromatic compounds encountered in other syntheses, to keep in mind that the ultimate p-DDNP product resulting from these milder condition preliminary steps in synthesis is a primary explosive very similar in properties to the well known DDNP. The explosive property of the diazo group is roughly comparable to a nitro group substituent, so for either isomer of DDNP what is being encountered is capable of explosive output of the same magnitude as a trinitro compound like picric acid or TNT, and because the diazodinitrophenol is a primary explosive, then it requires little provocation to detonate and that property is where the danger arises.

Even though the synthesis may seem trivial and done under mild conditions, the end product of these manipulations is a powerful primary explosive about which there is not much good data to be found in the literature. The p-DDNP is an energetic material that is not well documented and not well studied and is really a material that is a very big unknown. Preliminary computer models are predicting the explosive power of p-DDNP is about equal to o-DDNP and expected to be slightly more powerful to an extent of about 5%, so the nature of the p-DDNP and the unknowns and safety concerns should be kept in mind while doing any experiments with the p-DDNP. It is a diazo compound which will likely be light sensitive and have the usual general safety concerns as are operative for diazo compounds generally since to varying degree many of the diazo compounds are likewise sensitive explosives, and this particular example the p-DDNP is definitely experimental since not much is known about it. I already noted that p-DDNP should be flagged "experimental" until more is known about the obscure compound which has not received much attention before in the more than 100 years since its discovery, and having long been for a century just an obscure kind of laboratory curiosity rarely even mentioned. The greatest extent p-DDNP has ever been described and discussed is occurring right here in this science forum in this thread. So evidently this discussion thread is, novel, precedental and historical, going where no one has ever gone before.

And the icing on the cake is it is a green energetic material.

Bert - 17-6-2015 at 08:41


Are we there yet? Is it time?

Now is the time, Kato!

Rosco Bodine - 17-6-2015 at 09:11

Yippeeeeeeee! :D :D

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