Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Sodium Acetate decomposition

jiexiang88 - 15-2-2015 at 00:34

What is the products of the thermal decomposition of sodium acetate? I googled but can't seem to find any answers?!?! Help pls thank you lol.

[Edited on 15-2-2015 by jiexiang88]

CHRIS25 - 15-2-2015 at 06:58

Thermal decomposition of this product produces irritating vapors and toxic gases (e.g.
carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and oxides of sodium....from here.....

When heated you might get methane, though I am not sure. logic suggests that NaOH might well be one by-product when acetate is heated because you can't isolate Na metal it has to become an oxide or hydroxide, hence a bit of methane might be possible because you can make methane from NaOH and sodium acetate.

Metacelsus - 15-2-2015 at 07:25

You might get some acetone out of it.

jiexiang88 - 15-2-2015 at 14:41

Thanks for the replies :).