Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Gas treatment chamber

Emlingur - 15-4-2016 at 02:03

I recently made acetic acid by bubbling ethenone through water, and now I want to do it again, but this time, I dont want to go a kilometer away from town to run the generator so no one gets dieded by breathing the ketene in. Therefor, I want to try to create a small treatment chamber for the leftover ketene. I was thinking of taking a large, plastic drum, then filling it with damp sponge for the ethenone to react with. I dont think that just bubbling the leftover ketene and methane through a drum would do the trick, because the gas would make big bubbles that would result in a minimum surface area of the surrounding water. Any ideas on if this will work, or maybe an alternate method?

hissingnoise - 15-4-2016 at 02:33

I dont want to go a kilometer away from town to run the generator so no one gets killed by breathing the ketene in.

How far outt'a town you go kinda depends on the connections on your ketene generator!

Emlingur - 15-4-2016 at 02:36

there is no leaking as far as I can tell, but when bubbling, unreacted ketene often escapes, so no matter what, I will have to get rid of some ketene.

hissingnoise - 15-4-2016 at 02:46

Just connect in another reaction flask, or two, or however many it takes in a train to react all the ketene . . . ?