Sciencemadness Discussion Board

The Ancient Bimini Road is not all natural

Kilik - 1-10-2006 at 23:10

The Ancient Bimini Road is not all natural

Here is an article on how Skeptics perpetrated a hoax to claim the Bimini Road was only natural formations. Deliberately ignoring evidence and being dishonest about the actual arrangement of the blocks-


The way the blocks are stacked on top of short pillar stones at the corners isn't really natural, and the evidence does indeed indicate it was arranged by humans thousands of years ago for either a road, a harbor, and probably as a way to stop incoming waves-

above water, nearby

background info-
Since 1968, with the discovery of the so-called "Bimini Road," a heated controversy has ensued. Several skeptical geologists have, over the years, insisted that it was a natural underwater formation of stones. Located about a mile offshore of the small island of Bimini, in the Bahamas, the "Bimini Road" is a 1600 foot long formation of stone blocks. Soon after its discovery various researchers and followers of the famous "Sleeping Prophet" Edgar Cayce noted that in a 1940 reading Mr. Cayce had in fact predicted that a portion of Atlantis would be found near Bimini in 1968 and 1969.

The geologists skeptical claims soon became accepted as fact by the academic community, and initially Dr. Greg Little, the producer of this documentary, accepted those claims as fact himself. That is, until 2003 and 2004, when Greg and his wife Lora noticed when diving and photographing this formation of underwater stones that some things weren't adding up as the geologists had reported.

And so, in May 2005, Greg, Lora, their friend and colleague Doris Van Auken, all three working on behalf of the Association for Research and Enlightenment, joined up with archaeologist William Donato to try and resolve this matter once and for all. In just five full days at Bimini Road, diving and collecting samples, taking just under 1000 photographs and producing over 20 hours of video, this team of investigators had reached some startling conclusions. They had found at least eight ancient stone anchors, rectangular slabs of cut stone used for leveling large stone blocks, stones with mortise cuts on them, and many stone circles. Why and how the geologists had missed these things often became a topic of discussion among these investigators.

Dr. Little notes in his narration that despite the team's exhausting efforts and hard work to observe and document as much of the site as possible, they had probably been able to closely examine and inspect less than ten percent of the stone blocks. Skeptic Eugene Shinn had described in his writings that he had made a thorough study of the site in only two weekends, which this team viewed as not possible. Shinn's published findings in Nature and The Skeptical Inquirer were found to be riddled with many errors and blunders. He attempted to put down anyone who disagreed with him as a part of the lunatic fringe. He even wrote that "true believers say it is a prehistorical archaeological site build by extraterrestrials from the Pleiades." Though described by fellow skeptics as an eminent and highly respected geologist, Shinn turns out only to have a bachelor's degree in biology. Geologist John Gifford, of the University of Miami, had written that there was not a single example of a stone block laid on top of other stone blocks at this site, but the ARE team and Donato found that there were many! When Dr. Little initially contacted Dr. Gifford, he stated that he was "open" to new findings, but when Dr. Little informed him of their findings and offered to pay his way to the site to reinspect it for himself, despite repeated attempts, communications from Dr. Gifford ceased.

Dr. Little concludes that as the skeptics have long insisted, a hoax was indeed perpetrated at Bimini. However, instead of being wild eyed believers in unfounded absurdies, as the skeptics had claimed, it turned out to be the skeptical geologists themselves who had held the truth hostage and kept real scientific progress at bay. With emotional zeal, under the guise of science, skeptics denounced evidence on the possibility of the "Bimini Road" being anything other than a natural formation of stones. They seemed overzealous to suppress and lay to rest the questions and controversy over the site's discovery in connection with Atlantis and a psychic named Edgar Cayce.

Thus, as a result, the academic community overlooked significant and anomalous evidence, even from those with sound credentials and reputations, like marine engineer Dr. Dimitri Rebikoff, said to be a brilliant oceanographer, who had stated back in 1969 that the Bimini Road formation was identical to numerous ancient man-made harbors discovered throughout the Mediterranean. Rebikoff also disagreed with the skeptics when they claimed that there were no prop or leveling stones underneath the large stone blocks at Bimini.

The ARE team and Donato came to agree with Dr. Rebikoff's assertions. In fact, on this incredible video you will see for yourself comparisons with the anchors, stone circle formations, the stone harbor formations, and other artifacts at Bimini and Mediterranean sites like Cosa, Italy, Dor and Akko, Israel, and Samos, Greece, among many other places. In addition, you will see how remarkably the Bimini anchors compare with ancient Greek, Roman and Phoenician anchors. You will also be taken to Isla Cerritos, a small island off the coast of the Yucatan, which was a Mayan port back around 400 B.C., with remains of an enclosed man-made harbor there.

S.C. Wack - 1-10-2006 at 23:59

Ask Polverone for the whimsy password. I'm sure everyone would love to have this there.

Credibility is not possible with the words "Edgar Cayce".