Sciencemadness Discussion Board

We need antibot system

XeonTheMGPony - 3-9-2016 at 10:25

the forum seems to be getting deluged with spam bots!

NitratedKittens - 19-12-2016 at 13:31

UTFSE, and also, the thread on spam is sticky, how did you miss that?

aga - 19-12-2016 at 14:11

Advertising Spam is a tiny and insignificant problem on this forum.

A Clear and Present Threat to the existence of is random untried posts from multiple supposedly-new users who are overwhelming the forum with pointless shit.

I as far as i understand, it is a Chemistry Forum. Maybe i got that wrong.

At this rate, i suspect the site will die within a year, as Actual Amateur Chemists will get more than tired of the behaviour which has been allowed to the point that All threads are contaminated.

Not even ancient and seriously good threads have been spared.

It is either one person doing this, or a small group, repeatedly registering new accounts and posting random crap to get a response.

This is more than obvious without any deeper analysis, such as an ID cookie, Browser ident recording against the login etc.

Personally i am liking this forum a Lot less these days.

A few years ago, a post by someone doing a thing would be met with 'I tried that, no good, use acetone instead'. I.E. a Real Amateur Chemist forum.

These days, Meh. Mostly Shamateur Chemists who do no Chemistry.

Just take a look at who ever actually Did anything. Anything at all.

However, it is not my forum, so how it develops is not my choice.

The future will be what it will be.

Appologies to the Mods whose toes i am stamping on here.

If it's Polverone doing the spamming, well, it's all fucked.

[Edited on 19-12-2016 by aga]