Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Homemade Hydrogen Balloons!

ElchScience - 9-10-2016 at 13:20

Hello guys!

Today I have a new video on how to make flying hydrogen balloons fairly easily at home.

I would love to hear some feedback! Especially if anybody has any suggestions on how to improve this! :-)

Dwarvensilver - 9-10-2016 at 13:43

Hi ElchScience
I like your method with the water trap, it tends to scrub off some of the NaOH mist in the H2 stream. Nice simple project.
Further in your video I notice you reverted to my old method of collector on bottle top. :)
However, call me a wimp but I would hesitate to inhale any home made gas and Hydrogen is very reactive as compared to Helium, I can just imagine some doing this at a party when someone walks up and lights a cigarette when you are squeaking :o
Keep up the good work


RocksInHead - 9-10-2016 at 18:21

Great video, exploding H2 baloons has been on my "to do" list for a while.

aga - 10-10-2016 at 11:14

Thats a nice video and a fun experiment !

Fidelmios - 12-10-2016 at 14:22

I tried this the other day using HCl and Aluminum foil. Unfortunately I tried to be a cheapskate and use a plastic pop bottle, the heat from reaction warped the cap and created a leak. The leak meant that my wash bottle was fornot, and my balloons were mostly filled with HCl vapors, very sad.