Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Email about hydroxynorketamine

Hexavalent - 9-6-2017 at 07:31

I received an email a few days ago from a Robert Cayne ( asking to buy hydroxynorketamine. I can only think that he has acquired my email from my Sciencemadness profile, which is strange considering that I have never had any involvement with this compound and certainly don't plan to.

Has anyone else received anything similar? Here is the message content;


I was wondering about the legality of buying hydroxynorketamine from your lab.

If legal, I would be interested. It's for my depression.


[Edited on 9-6-2017 by Hexavalent]

gdflp - 9-6-2017 at 08:14

He sent U2Us to quite a few members asking for the same thing back in December. Both of his accounts were banned from posting, but it sounds like he decided to circumvent that. I've alerted the admins, they'll most likely issue an IP ban.

Melgar - 21-8-2017 at 22:52

Oh, I got one too, that asked if it was legal to convert one compound (a scheduled prescription drug) into another unscheduled drug. I told him that if he was getting the precursor compound via a doctor's prescription, then it'd be illegal since it'd fall under prescription diversion laws. I forgot if hydroxynorketamine was the intended chemical or the precursor though.