Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Re-use of old explosives

R-Salt - 14-6-2003 at 09:08

TNT---As the old workhorse military explosive there must be tons and tons that could be recycled when decommisioning old munitions. An obvious and cheap way to uprate it would be to turn the methyl group into azidomethyl:- halogenation (Br) followed by sodium azide in DMF or DMSO. Yields would be very high and estimated VOD woud go from 6.66/TNT to 7.67/AZMTNT. Has anyone here seen any data on this compound?.

vulture - 15-6-2003 at 08:26

I don't think that there are much people here who would be able to keep decommissioned TNT for themselves.

Furthermore, DMF and DMSO are almost impossible to get.