Sciencemadness Discussion Board

The Bogus Science (BS)Of 'Explosive SuperThermite'

bio2 - 4-8-2007 at 20:32

Here is an interesting article for the pyromaniacs out there.
Any comments?

The Bogus Science (BS)
Of 'Explosive SuperThermite'
Versus The Facts Of A
'Deflagration Compound

12AX7 - 4-8-2007 at 22:01

What's it about, exactly? Is it suposed to be refuting some of Jones' WTC arguments, or is it about something related to thermite that I'm not abreast of?

Seems to me it was put together by a kook -- maybe half a one, given there are crappy references at least. It is certainly disorganized and disjointed.


bio2 - 5-8-2007 at 11:53

......"What's it about, exactly?"......

Good question!

Did Prof. Jones say that "super thermite" was explosive?

Here is an excerpt from the article.

........"Professor Jones does not stop there, however, his most important piece of evidence comes from samples of the molten steel from the twin towers. He works from a hypothesis that the bright yellow explosions and molten metal seen in video footage of the attacks on the WTC appear to be that of Thermite, which is widely used in controlled demolition.".......

Then he goes on to say.........

.........."(Note use of the term 'explosions' for what is clearly seen as 'burning' or 'deflagration'.) ".........

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