Sciencemadness Discussion Board


Slimz - 19-9-2007 at 09:25

anyone got any books of organic chemistry labs.. I'd like to get my hands dirty as i learn...

I see a bunch online but im looking for 3rd party perspective here..

JohnWW - 19-9-2007 at 09:59

Yes, I have a lot of organic chemistry books, including on practical organic chemistry, which on someone's request I will be uploading to shortly, with the links to be posted in the References section. If you do not have the password for that section, I could send you the links privately.

Slimz - 19-9-2007 at 11:29

i do not have access so, please do send me the link...


Sauron - 19-9-2007 at 16:46

Have you already availed yourself of the public and freely downloadable resources in the forum library as I pointed you to days ago?

Because in there you will find numerous works on practical organic and inorganic lab technique, which will take you a long time to download much less read and absorb!

Vogel, Gattermann, Brauer just for starters. THOUSANDS of pages.

Those are in addition to the specific volumes on what you want: plant alkaloids. That's two books.

By the way you might want to start studying German with emphasis on reading skills.

Slimz - 20-9-2007 at 04:27

German... realy...

I skimmed the alkaloyd book, its not really what im looking for.. its all practical application, not realy lab method...

JohnWW please PM me the link when you do have it uploaded... Thank you.

[Edited on 20-9-2007 by Slimz]

Maya - 20-9-2007 at 08:16

<<< German... realy...

I skimmed the alkaloyd book, its not really what im looking for.. its all practical application, not realy lab method...>>>

Dude, most all the pioneering hardcore O chem was done in German, can you spell Beilstien's?

Seriously, if U find a good Tek please share it, swim needs some help after pulling the goodies from polar to fall out of the dish.


JohnWW - 24-9-2007 at 17:47

Here is one, from another thread, for a start. There is supposed to be a 6th edition, but I have yet to find it:

Organic Chemistry , L.G. Wade 5th edition 2003

JohnWW - 25-9-2007 at 05:51 (GEK Branch, 1949 - old, but still good)

The_Davster - 25-9-2007 at 19:44

You need to stop posting many threads looking for spoonfed answers. There is at least one introductory organic synthesis book(and many higher level) in the library. I know, I scanned it(Polverone OCRd it after the fact) because of its awesomeness.
It is aimed at the beginner to organic synthesis. It is in our library.