Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Mad Science with Titanium Dioxide

Xenoid - 4-12-2007 at 21:58

Whilst doing a search for titanium(II) oxide (TiO) recently, I came across a couple of items involving titanium(IV) oxide (TiO2, titanium dioxide). I haven't had a real good look at these yet, but a quick perusal suggested both were "do-able" by the home amateur, especially with TiO2 readily available and cheap from pottery suppliers!

The first is a TiO2 solar cell, using rasberry colour as an activator;

The second is more interesting in my opinion and offers good scope for experimentation, it deals with splitting water using simply modified TiO2;

Regards, Xenoid

Tacho - 5-12-2007 at 03:25

Thank you Xenoid. Really interesting. The first link is even step-by-step DIY with pictures.

Has anyone here performed this water decomposition using TiO2? Looks simple, too simple to be true, really. Just mix water with pigment and expose to a UV lamp. humm...

12AX7 - 5-12-2007 at 03:54

I've also heard of TiO2 thermite, forming TiO and Al2O3.


YT2095 - 5-12-2007 at 04:39

Thanks Xenoid, this is just the sort of thing I enjoy doing and experimenting with :)

jokull - 5-12-2007 at 09:08

Dear Tacho

the answer is "yes". I have performed this kind of reaction in the search of hydrogen generation, however it is quite unefficient.

The first experimental report is that of A. Fujishima and K. Honda, (Nature, 1972,238,37), if would be great if someone provide us with it (I lost my copy).

Nowadays TiO2 is used as a photocatalyst in lots of chemical synthesis as well as pollutant degradations.

Darkblade48 - 5-12-2007 at 09:31

Hi jokull,

I hope this helps

Attachment: Fujishima Nature 1972(238).pdf (208kB)
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